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Fortismere Photography Department

GCSE Photography Assessment Sheet

STUDENT: TEA!"E#$S%: T'T+E: Micha Miller Mr "ol&en co(rse)or* DATE: UN'T: 06/01/1 !o(rse)or*

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S(mmer ,or* ,here is this )or*

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Forces Stran& 1 - Force o. nat(re / $T-% This sho(l& consist o. t)o responses one in school an& the other at home0 't )o(l& 1e 1etter i. yo( ha&s contact sheets 1e.ore yo(r enlargements0 Stran& 2 - Applie& Force / $T% Again there sho(l& 1e t)o responses on in class an& then one at home0 !ontact sheets sho(l& 1e sho)n .or 1oth sets an& there sho(l& also 1e enlargements Stran& 3 - Force o. trans.ormation / $T-% Some goo& images 1(t yo( m(st ma*e s(re that all images are yo(rs an& not 4(st ta*en .rom the internet 5ENNE#A+ !6MMENTS Some goo& )or* Micha 1(t yo( m(st ma*e s(re that all stran&s are complete0 Also it )o(l& 1e goo& i. yo( co(l& sho) more in-&epth ho) yo( ha7e create& yo( manip(late& images0 De7elopment Each o. the .ollo)ing stran&s nee& to ha7e t)o sets o. o1ser7ations consisting o. contact sheets an& chosen enlargements 1% Force o. nat(re 2% Applie& .orce 3% Force o. trans.ormation De7elop the i&ea o. the 7acant portraits loo*ing speci.ically at the )or* o. "ayley ,arnham8 9E7erything is :ea(ti.(l0

Mo7ement Please p(t all )or* in one ta1 an& ma*e it r(n concisely0 Ma*e s(re that yo( annotate all yo(r )or* in .(ll thro(gho(t the pro4ect0 !lose (p a1straction ;o( sho(l& sho) &e7elopment 1ase& on one o. yo(r chosen )or& an& mo7e the pro4ect .or)ar& ta*ing images aro(n& this )or& .rame0 +an&scape0 Please p(t all )or* in one ta1 an& ma*e it r(n concisely

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