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Fortismere Photography Department

GCSE Photography Assessment Sheet

STUDENT: TEAC ER!S": T&T*E: Sonni Rossi #r o$%en +o'rse(or) DATE: UN&T: 06/01/14 Co'rse(or)

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Comments . Targets The pi+t'res that yo' ha/e ta)en in this tas) %o sho( some sense o0 %is+o/ery1 The +ity $an%s+ape shots are parti+'$ar$y strong 2't & (o'$% ha/e $i)e% to o0 seen a $ot more o0 them1 The e3hi2ition tas) has some has some e3+e$$ent ana$ysis an% yo' ha/e +$ear$y 2eg'n to $oo) at an% %es+ri2e the more +omp$e3 iss'es in/o$/e% in the +onstr'+tion o0 the image1 4o'r (or%ing is goo% an% the (ay in (hi+h the images ha/e +$ear$y inspire% yo' is great

For+es Stran% 1 5 For+e o0 nat're 6 !T5" This sho'$% +onsist o0 t(o respon+es one in s+hoo$ an% the other at home1 &t (o'$% 2e 2etter i0 yo' ha%s +onta+t sheets 2e0or yo'r en$argments1 Stran% 7 5 App$ie% For+e 6 !T" Some interesting images 2't again it (o'$% 2e goo% to see +onta+t sheets o0 yo'r images Stran% 8 5 For+e o0 trans0ormation 6 !T5" Some goo% images 2't yo' m'st ma)e s're that a$$ images are yo'rs an% not 9'st ta)en 0rom the internet :ENNERA* C;##ENTS Some goo% (or) Sonni yo' m'st ma)e s're that yo' ana$ysis the (or) o0 other photographers in 0'$$ to ma)e s're that the +onte3t'a$ si%e o0 the +o'rse is +o/ere%1 De/e$opment Ea+h o0 the 0o$$o(ing stran%s nee% to ha/e t(o sets o0 o2ser/ations +onsisting o0 +onta+t sheets an% +hosen en$argements 1" For+e o0 nat're 7" App$ie% 0or+e 8" For+e o0 trans0ormation De/e$op the i%ea %is9ointe% portraits yo' +o'$% try printing o't the images an% sti+)ing them on %i00erent si<e% pie+es o0 +ar% so they are on a re$ie01 4o' +o'$% $oo) at the portrait (or) o0 %a/i% o+)ney an% e3periment +reating +'2ist portraits1 This

+o'$% a$so 2e $in)e% to the i%ea o0 2rea)ing the 0a+es %o(n into %i00erent 2o3es

#o/ement P$ease p't a$$ (or) in one ta2 an% ma)e it r'n +on+ise$y C$ose 'p a2stra+tion T(o o2ser/ation sets one in +$ass an% then one at home1 4o' sho'$% then se$e+t a n'm2er o0 images that +an 2e p't a$ongsi%e 6 (or%s1 4o' sho'$% then %e/e$op one o0 these (or% stran%s (hi+h sho'$% then +'$minate in a 0ina$ pie+e1 *an%s+ape1 P$ease p't a$$ (or) in one ta2 an% ma)e it r'n +on+ise$y

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