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Small vs.

Large Debris Objects

 The problem with small objects
 Anytrackable object, and many now too small to track,
can cause unacceptable damage to most spacecraft
 Thereare more small objects, they are harder to track,
and drag causes larger & less predictable orbit changes
 Most current costs are driven by the small objects

 The problem with large objects

 Most future small objects are likely to come from a few
large/large collisions, like the Iridium/Cosmos impact
Debris Is Clustered!
 81-83o incl: 739 objects, 817 tons, >97% Russian
 69.9-74.1o: 644 objects, 480 tons, >95% Russian
 96-103o incl:316 objects, 322 tons:
US: 155 objects, 85 tons Best early
US allies: 80 objects, 85 tons targets
Russia: 42 objects, 93 tons
China: 39 objects, 59 tons Debris only:
Mass >25 kg
 Other incl: 389 objects, 282 tons: Alt <2000 km
2088 objects
US: 218 objects, 105 tons 1901 tons, vs
Russia: 126 objects, 159 tons ~6 tons <25kg
Other: 45 objects, 18 tons Feb 1, 2009
Propellantless Propulsion
Push & pull w/spinning tether,
to change all 6 orbit elements: Electr
on s

Altitude, Phase, & Eccentricity
etic Force
M ag n
(Orbital motion) field
Spin, misc.

(White arrows at left = available
thrust directions, normal to field.)
Mission Timelines
 Key performance constraints:
 Climbor plane change: power/weight; tape resist.
 Drag mode: tape resistance and plasma density

 Time per typical US target* (500 kg, 880 km):

Phase to next target: 0-14 hours (550 km ∆alt)
+ Climb 550 km avg. at 200 km/day: 66 hours
+ 1-3o ∆plane, during phasing+climb: add 0-24 hrs
+ Add 6 orbits to tip-toe in, make tries, & capture
+ <3 days to drag down, if total/RD3 mass ratio = 6
= >1 object/week, for 500 kg US sun-synch debris
* Excludes Delta R/B, since stainless tanksets survive reentry.

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