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Daily Assignment For PGDM- Date 24thAug 2013

1) BSS Activity: Guest lecture 2) FAQ to learn: Enlist the s!ills to ha"e #areer in an M$%& 'hy (ime Management is )m*ortant +or a Manager& 3) Essay ,in -ritten): De+ine .e/ger an/ its utility -ith 0 e1am*les&

%ase stu/y : )n/ian 2e+rigerator Mar!et )n/ia3s 2e+rigerator mar!et estimate/ at 2s4 2 00 %r4 is #atere/ mainly 5y 10 5ran/s4 (he annual #a*a#ity is estimate/ at aroun/ 4410 million units is running hea/ o+ /eman/ o+ 140 millions4 As there is a /eman/ an/ a sur*lus su**ly6 all the manu+a#turers are trying out +or ne- strategies in the mar!et4 (imes ha"e #hange/ an/ also the 5uying 5eha"iour o+ the #ustomer4 Earlier it -as #ash an/ #arry system4 $o- /ealers *lay an im*ortant role in selling7 no- the systems is e1#hange +or ol/ 85ring your ol/ re+rigerator an/ ta!e a ne- one -ith many gi+ts94 A ne- #om*any 5y name Ele#trolu1 has entere/ the mar!et -hi#h has a#:uire/ All-yn6 ;el"inator an/ <oltas 5ran/4 2esear#hers ha"e re"eale/ that ur5an an/ #ity sales are /e#lining an/ hen#e all manu+a#turers are trying to #on#entrate on rural mar!ets4 Ele#trolu1 strategy is #ustomisation o+ mar!et6 -ith s*e#ial attention to the $orthern an/ =outhern )n/ia mar!ets6 -hile Go/re> the main *layer thin!s that /ealer net-or! in rural mar!et +or sales an/ ser"i#e -ill 5e 5ene+i#ial an/ is trying to gi"e more em*hasis on /ealer net-or!6 -hereas 'hirl*ool has a/o*te/ the strategy o+ in#reasing the /ealer net-or! 5y 30?4 (he mar!et shares o+ the ma>or *layers are as +ollo-s: @ Go/re> 30? @ <i/eo#on 13?

@ ;el"inator 12? @ All-yn 10? @ <oltas 0? @ 'hirl*ool 2 ? @ Dae-oo 1? @ .4G 1? @ Athers 1? Questions 14 %oul/ the re+rigerator mar!et 5e segmente/ on geogra*hi#al 5ase *lanne/ 5y Ele#trolu1& 24 'hat -oul/ 5e the mar!eting mi1 +or rural mar!et& 34 'oul/ 120 . an/ 100 . mo/els 5e an i/eal #hoi#e to laun#h in rural mar!et&

- A#a/emi#s (eam Note: Assignment has to 5e su5mitte/ tomorro- to . B D Manager

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