Gcse Drama - Practice Paper 2 - Feedback

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Make a list of similarities.

1. How would the actor playing Linda use her voice in this section? You should give reasons for your answer. [4] 2. Describe a suitable costume for the actor playing Willy in this section? In your answer refer to the period, garments, colour and how costume choice, hair and make-up would emphasis elements of the character. [6] 3. As an actor how you would communicate the role of Willy to an audience, in this section? In your answer, you should refer to: character motivation; voice; movement and gesture; interaction with other characters. Give reasons for your answer. [10]

4. As a stage designer, explain your ideas for this section. A) Draw a basic labelled ground plan of your chosen stage showing only entrances, exits and audience position. [4]
B) Give a full written explanation of your design ideas referring to: Your chosen production style and how it is linked to your choice of stage; Your choice of set; How you would use colour to create atmosphere; Any other ideas you might like to include. [16]

Make a list of similarities.

1. How would the actor playing Linda use her voice in this section ? You should give reasons for your answer. [4] 2. Describe a suitable costume for the actor playing Willy in this section ? In your answer refer to the period, garments, colour and how costume choice, hair and make-up would emphasis elements of the character. [6] 3. As an actor how you would communicate the role of Willy to an audience, in this section ? In your answer, you should refer to: character motivation; voice; movement and gesture; interaction with other characters. Give reasons for your answer. [10]

4. As a stage designer, explain your ideas for this section. A) Draw a basic labelled ground plan of your chosen stage showing only entrances, exits and audience position. [4]
B) Give a full written explanation of your design ideas referring to: Your chosen production style and how it is linked to your choice of stage; Your choice of set; How you would use colour to create atmosphere; Any other ideas you might like to include. [16]

Q1: How would the actor playing Linda use her voice in this section? You should give reasons for your answer. [4]
Modulation Pitch Pace Pause Inflection The tone, pitch and volume of the voice The vocal note of speech The rate of speech A break in speech The bending or gliding of the voice


The prominence given to a word or phrase

Volume The degree of sound intensity Accent A mode of pronunciation or intonation characteristic of a particular group or locality

Q1: How would the actor playing Linda use her voice in this section? You should give reasons for your answer. [4]
Linda is very much a motherly figure throughout the play so this section is no different. To demonstrate this the actress should raise her pitch to sound considerate and loving and to have a slow and calm pace to show that she is in control of the situation. Her accent should be of New York origin to denote the 1950s setting and when she says Good-bye Biff dear she should almost tremble with a quivering lip to show her sorrow.

Q2: Describe a suitable costume for the actor playing Willy in this section? In your answer refer to the period, garments, colour and how costume choice, hair and make-up would emphasis elements of the character. [6]
Period Garments Colour

How do the following emphasis character: Costume choice Hair


Q2: Describe a suitable costume for the actor playing Willy in this section? In your answer refer to the period, garments, colour and how costume choice, hair and make-up would emphasis elements of the character. [6]

Period Garments Colour Costume choice Hair Make-up In this section Willys costume would be slightly more casual. I would like him to wear black trousers with a sort of texture on it. To be accurate to the 1950s and the colour because of his personality throughout the play . His shirt should be white with no patterns and made out of polyester as he couldnt afford expensive materials. His sleeves must be rolled up as this what he is supposed to do in this section. His hat should be black, nothing extravagant. I would like it to be a trilby hat to precise to the period.

Q2: Describe a suitable costume for the actor playing Willy in this section? In your answer refer to the period, garments, colour and how costume choice, hair and make-up would emphasis elements of the character. [6]

Period Garments Colour Costume choice Hair Make-up Willy is an old man who suffers from severe stress problems so his hair should be white / grey. He should be balding to show his age and its a sign of someone under stress. His make-up should be quite dark to show that he is unhappy, and a moody person. Also it means he would have a tan, and the rich were pale, so a contrast is shown between the rich and Willy.

Q3: As an actor how you would communicate the role of Willy to an audience, in this section? In your answer, you should refer to: character motivation; voice; movement and gesture; interaction with other characters. Give reasons for your answer. [10] Character motivation Movement and gesture Interaction with other characters Voice In this section as an actor playing Will you would have to communicate his delusional happiness. Underneath his smiling exterior he is depressed and slowly breaking down.

In this bit of the play Willy would be wanting to convince Linda that everything is fine and he feels better about life. However Willy is again over eager and already dreaming up another fat fetched plan of getting a place out in the country. When Linda tries to change the topic of conversation he doesnt want to stop as he has made his mind up.

Character motivation Movement and gesture Interaction with other characters Voice
He would use a strong voice for this section because he knows what he wants and he is confident about getting it. He would have a joyful tone to his voice as he is thinking of all the happy times that they could have in the future.

Because he is lost in this dream world he would be talking fast as he does not want to lose these happy and positive thoughts in his mind.
To begin with he may be static as he is sitting down to have breakfast. Although when he starts dreaming about his new life he would be come energised and he would be lost in the moment and oblivious to Linda. His gestures may be wide and open as he is faking happiness. His interaction with Linda would be the main thing on stage. Although he does ignore her sometimes but this is natural for the

Q4: As a stage designer, explain your ideas for this section. A) Draw a basic labelled ground plan of your chosen stage showing only entrances, exits and audience position. [4]
GROUND PLAN Type of Stage................

You must use a ruler and a sharp pencil!

Proscenium Arch

Entrance / Exit

Entrance / Exit


Proscenium Arch with Apron

Entrance / Exit

Entrance / Exit

Apron Audience


Theatre In The Round

Q4: As a stage designer, explain your ideas for this section.

B) Give a full written explanation of your design ideas referring to: Your chosen production style and how it is linked to your choice of stage; Your choice of set; How you would use colour to create atmosphere; Any other ideas you might like to include. [16]

Production Style
Naturalism Theatre that attempts to create a perfect illusion of reality through a range of dramatic and theatrical strategies: detailed, three-dimensional settings and a style of acting that attempts to recreate the impression of reality (often by seeking complete identification with the role, understood in terms of its 'given circumstances, as advocated by Stanislavski). Expressionism Its typical trait is to present the world in an utterly subjective perspective, radically distorting it for emotional effect, to evoke moods or ideas

Your choice of set

Remember it is for this section. You need to take into consideration where the scene is set but also how your choice of set would work logistically.

How you would use colour to create atmosphere

Red symbolises anger, passion, confidence, courage Pink symbolises love, beauty Brown symbolises earth, order, convention Gold symbolises wealth, prosperity, wisdom Yellow symbolises wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy Green symbolises life, nature, fertility, well being Blue symbolises youth, spirituality, truth, peace Purple symbolises royalty, magic, mystery

White symbolises purity, Cleanliness

Black symbolises death, earth, stability Gray symbolises sorrow, security, maturity

Any other ideas you might like to include

What could they be?

Practice Exam Paper Number 3 on Monday 28th February.

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