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Farmers Market customer looks over Fantome

Farm’s goat cheese products.

The Art of Creating a Goat

Cheese Business
A North Central Initiative Small Farm
Profitability Case Study

By Carol Doeden and Marilyn Schlake

Copyright 2004, UNL Center for Applied Rural Innovation
Contact Information
Fantome Farm Buckwheat Acres
6378 Rosy Lane 7253 Highway 45 North
Ridgeway, WI 53582 Three Lakes, WI 54562
Phone/Fax: 608.924.1266 Phone: 715.546.3735
Owners: Anne Topham and Judy Borree Owner: Sara Bredesen

About the North Central Initiative for Small Farm Profitability

The North Central Initiative for Small Farm Profitability is a four-state, multi-
institutional, farm-to-fork effort designed to improve the profitability and competitive-
ness of small and mid-size farms in Nebraska and the Midwest. This initiative brings
together a unique and powerful blend of farmers, food and social scientists, market-
ers, extension educators, economists and others who are attempting to identify, adapt
and apply practical, science-based, market-driven strategies that work.
Partners include the University of Nebraska’s Center for Applied Rural Innovation
(CARI) and Department of Food Science and Technology/Food Processing Center,
Iowa State University, University of Missouri, University of Wisconsin, the Center for
Rural Affairs in Nebraska, Practical Farmers of Iowa, and the Michael Fields Agricul-
tural Institute in Wisconsin. The initiative is funded by a three-year grant from the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
For more information, Joan Scheel, Lead Food Consultant, Food Processing Center,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 62 Filley Hall, Lincoln, NE, 68583, telephone:
402.472.8852 or e-mail:
About the Case Studies
More than 40 case studies will be developed in the four-state region, including 26 in
Nebraska. The case studies will focus on new generation cooperatives, networks for
marketing high value crops and livestock, production and cooperative arrangements
that increase the farmer’s share of food system profits, community support of small
and mid-size operations, successful capital transfer strategies that benefit both begin-
ning and senior farmers, on-farm diversification, and successful use of the Internet by
farmers and small rural businesses to market products.
About the Authors
Carol Lee Doeden is a freelance writer located in rural Nebraska. She has written for
several rural newspapers and presently freelances for diverse governmental and non-
profit organizations as well as writing and photographing part-time reporter for The
VOICE News, of Hickman, NE. Carol can be reached
Marilyn Schlake is the Associate Director for the NebraskaEDGE Program, located at
the Center for Applied Rural Innovation, University of Nebraska. She is co-author and
editor of the “Tilling the Soil of Opportunity: NxLeveLTM Guide for Agricultural En-
trepreneurs. Marilyn can be reached at, telephone: 402.472.4138.

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Table of Contents

Introduction 4
Fantome Farm: Pioneers in Goat Cheese 4
Production 4
Marketing 5
Goals/Philosophy 5
Buckwheat Acres: A Northwoods Goat Haven 5
Milking Parlor 6
Innovative Cheese House 7
Goals/Philosophy 7
Marketing 8
Products 9
Goat Herd Management 9
Organic Goats? 10
Licensing and Inspections 10
Business Roadblocks 11
Conclusion 11
Buckwheat Acres Profit & Loss 12
On-line Resources 14

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Introduction their mothers are milked. the yard and above the house is a
When enough milk has been col- hand-built goat barn with milking
Raising goats and manufacturing lected for the fresh cheese, the parlor. A fenced pasture contains
goat cheese are viable ways to amount of time needed to make two or three horses and a couple
create a value-added product the cheese and still accomplish of elderly goats, “retirees,” who
from farming. Profitability from the daily chores of feeding and will live out their remaining time
the sale of farmstead goat cheese milking is greater than one per- on the farm, beloved animals of
can be limited by how the opera- son can do alone. Anne Topham and Judy Borree.
tion is equipped and staffed, and
what the current local or regional Two Wisconsin examples follow. In 1982, Anne and Judy pur-
market will bear. One is an odyssey of 21 years, chased the farm in southwestern
the other a Wisconsin and acquired their first
The reality of relatively dairy goats. Anne visited Laura
cheesemaking new venture Chanel of California, an Ameri-
is that, while in its sixth can pioneer in goat cheese pro-
the craft can be year. When duction, to learn the craft of
a great deal of it comes to manufacturing French cheese
fun, it must be selling a (chevre). The cheese house and
approached large volume goat barn were constructed and
like a business of cheese licensed. Ann and Judy became
or it will not wholesale certified cheesemakers, and did a
support the versus lot of experimenting and testing.
farm. Success smaller vol-
demands par- ume and “We didn’t sell the goat cheese
ticipation by selling direct until 1984,” Anne explained.
family mem- retail to cus- “We couldn’t test it or take it to
bers or planned tomer, retail stores until we were legal.”
staff. The appears to be
amount of Curious Kids at the Fantome Farm more profit- Production
time, energy able. These It takes three days for Anne to
and thought devoted to the cheese two stories and their related is- make fresh cheese. On the first
can be considerable. sues and goals, are representative day, the goat milk is pasteurized,
of the range of goat-raising and then blended with cheese culture
Working with goats can be very cheese-making efforts on a fam- and rennet, and allowed to sit for
demanding. Does must be milked ily farm. 16 to 20 hours, “depending on its
twice a day. The collected milk mood,” Anne said.
must be processed (pasteurized, Fantome Farm:
chilled, fed to pigs or other ani- Pioneers in Goat Cheese Day two, the curdling cheese is
mals, or discarded) immediately. dipped or hand ladled into drain-
All the farm animals must be fed Hilly, curving Rosy Lane in ing cloths and left to drain out the
and their stalls cleaned on a daily largely rural Ridgeway, Wiscon- whey.
basis. sin, winds through trees, beside
bright horse pastures, picturesque The third day, the cheese is ready
Goats often need help birthing houses and past flowing streams. to divide into several large rec-
their young. If they are dairy The valley below Fantome Farm tangular pans, have salt and other
goats they must be handled and the layered hills beyond assorted flavorings added. It is
“easily” as their kids are taken spread out for miles. then packaged and refrigerated
from their mothers immediately. until market the immediate Satur-
The kids are then fed -- every few The tiny, single-story house has day.
hours, day and night — while an attached cheese house. Across

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By itself, the goat’s milk cheese “Yes, the oil affects the flavor of cheese, at the volume she makes
is very light and mild, sweeter the cheese,” Anne said, “but it’s a it, supports one person living off
than cow’s milk cream cheese, happy combination, where the the farm income.
less tart than cow’s milk yogurt. sum is greater than the parts.”
Anne mixes her cheeses with “The bottom line, for me, is ex-
freshly chopped chives picked Marketing cellence,” Anne said. “My prod-
from her garden, with garlic, a Anne and Judy take the goat uct had to be as excellent as pos-
special pepper or with thyme. cheeses to the Madison Farmers sible. Now, I don’t know if it was
Others are treated on the outside Market on Saturday mornings. smart [financially] for me to
with a mixture of ash (activated By 6 a.m. they have set up the think that way. We essentially
charcoal) and salt. large green and white Fantome lost money for a long time while
Farm tent on the southwest cor- we were developing our market
“The ash and salt change the pH ner of the State Capitol building [and not charging enough money
level of the surface of the cheese. square. The Madison Farmers for the product]. Because of the
Any time you change one thing Market averaged 18,000 visitors
about the cheese, you get a differ- each week.
ent cheese,” Anne explained.
After a try at making cheeses for
One special way Anne prepares various stores and restaurants
cheese is to place a pair of the across the Midwest, Anne and
carefully shaped, six-ounce Judy decided to sell primarily at
rounds of cheese in a glass jar the Farmers Market. They found
filled with olive oil and a few they were not making any more
carefully chosen herbs. “Storing money, and the demands of the
Fresh, soft chevre with a touch
various companies were too
of dill is one of Fantome
stressful. Anne will occasionally
Farm’s best selling cheeses.
ship the cheese, or show her
cheese at a different event or
market. A neighbor may make a way we did it, [today] I really can
private purchase, but otherwise, charge for the cheese what it is
their cheese remains a well-kept worth. I milk 10 goats, focus ex-
secret. “We have no desire to be clusively on the Farmers Market,
the ‘Kraft Foods®’ of the goat and make more money than if I
cheese world,” Anne said. had a bigger customer base.”

Goals/Philosophy Buckwheat Acres:

Anne & Judy’s goals for the busi- Northwoods Goat Haven
ness were modest. Originally,
they wanted the cheese to support Buckwheat Acres is named for
them so they could live on the the nineteenth-century, short-
farm. Rather than go into debt, lived village of Buckwheat, for-
Anne Topham prepares they substituted their labor for merly located on some of the
cheese rounds. capital. After about a decade, same land as Tom and Sara Bre-
Judy resumed full-time counsel- desen’s farm. Buckwheat, the
the cheese this way is traditional, ing work but still helps out on the town, fronted the same Wiscon-
from France,” Anne said. If re- farm when she can. A local li- sin State Route 45, now heading
frigerated, the cheese can last a censed cheesemaker is available north out of Three Lakes, Wis-
year. Over time, the oil penetrates to help make cheese in the consin. The house Tom and Sara
the cheese a little, adding to the cheeserie, and to do the milking live in is the surviving one of a
flavor. After the cheese is eaten, and clean-up, covering busy pair of houses built in the late
the oil makes a great vinaigrette. weekend days. Anne said the 1800s for the owners/managers

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of a lumber company that sprang cheese,” Sara said. ”I was very crete floor, washable walls, and
up briefly to harvest the trees in impressed that they could do it.” two waist-high ledges where the
the region. The Bredesens goats are fed and milked. To keep
bought the current 11-acre farm It was the Wisconsin Dairy Arti- her in place, each goat puts her
in 1985 and have since enlarged san Network (WDAN), of which head through a stanchion facing a
and renovated the old house. Anne Topham is president, that plastic pan filled with special
helped Sara get started on her feed. The milking system is
Buckwheat Acres is the only li- dream of a cheesemaking busi- called herringbone, with six goats
censed dairy of any type in ness. The WDAN has the goal of on one side and four on the other.
Oneida County. Sara Bredesen, trying to help small and medium Milking is done with a bucket
50, is the owner and licensed sized dairies not reinvent the system with three units.
cheesemaker, while Tom has wheel by providing starting and
non-stop duties with the school continuing education.
district, and his own summertime
sideline business, raising bees. Sara obtained a grant from the
Tom is not involved in Sara’s Wisconsin Department of Agri-
goat business. The pair joke cultural Trade and Consumer
about theirs being the land of Protection. Her ADD
(goat’s) milk and (bees’) honey. (Agriculture Development and
Diversity) grant of $32,000
helped Sara research potential
goat milk supplies and cheese
factories in Northern Wisconsin.
From her research, Sara discov-
ered the region had a potential for
64,000 lbs. of goat milk. Grant
funding also helped Sara develop
a prototype cheese plant, of
which plans are available for Sara Bredeson will bottle feed
research. a new born kid, every few
hours, day and night.
In Feb. 2001, Sara traveled to
France, sponsored by University
Extension Service, Country To- Sara uses her own special feed
day magazine and The Wisconsin mix of pellets that contain 40
Nubian goat ready for milking Department of Agriculture Center percent of the dairy ration, adds
at Buckwheat Acres for Dairy Research. She visited whole grains such as corn, oats,
dairies, and learned about value- black sunflower seeds, plus vita-
Sara raised and showed goats for added agriculture in France. She mins, minerals and molasses.
years. About 18 years ago, Sara continues her ongoing studies Sara milks 34 does. She hires
attended a Wisconsin Dairy As- about the latest in dairy goats occasional help two to four times
sociation field day at Fantome through the University of Wis- a week, during June through Oc-
Farm. She met Anne Topham, consin’s Center for Dairy Re- tober, her market season.
and was impressed with Anne search.
and Judy Borree’s work with Her milking equipment has
goats, as well as with their supe- Milking Parlor enough hoses to milk two or
rior goat cheese. Sara’s large barn is divided into three goats at a time. All the milk
several large pens, floored with goes into a big bulk tank unless it
“Anne is the person who gave me clean straw. On the south side is is diverted it into a special pail.
the inspiration to make my own a long, narrow room with a con- Goats that are still producing

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colostrums, for instance, won’t and it was approved by the State The quick acceptance of her
have their milk go into the tank. of Wisconsin. cheeses has been encouraging.
Instead, it is collected in the pail, People stop her to tell her they
taken to the house for pasteuriza- Sara said, if you must buy new tried – and liked – one of her
tion and then fed to the baby cheesemaking equipment, pur- cheeses. A very upscale restau-
goat kids. Sara tests every vat of chasing from restaurant supply rant in the resort town of Eagle
milk for antibiotics before mak- houses is more economical than Lake asked if they could pur-
ing cheese, even though she dairy specialty businesses. All chase her cheese and mention it
doesn’t use any antibiotics. plastic needs to be food grade by name as an ingredient in their
plastic. Wisconsin has very spe- food.
The milking equipment is mostly cific rules about what equipment
for dairy cattle and came from is approved. Anyone wanting to Goals / Philosophy
area auctions. For less than begin this kind of business needs Sara has two goals, and both are
$200, Sara purchased a vacuum to get to know the inspector and equally important to her:
washer, which washes her equip- study the legal requirements. 1. Educate others about goat
ment by sloshing soapy water milk and goat products.
followed by rinse water back and 2. Make a livable income from
forth through the tubes. The al- her dairy goats doing what dairy
ternative, a “Clean in Place” goats do best: produce milk.
system, would have cost her
$2,000. Her philosophy is “As long as
any goats are here on this prop-
Sara designed a way to move the erty, they will get the best life
milk from her bulk tank via a 13- possible.”
ft., $350 sanitary hose to the
milk can, then to the pasteurizer. Although she does not share the
The system is gravity fed, which details of her business plan, its
is gentler on the milk. Her proc- results are obvious. The barn and
ess is easy on the milk, sanitary fenced-in paddock are filled with
and approved. The whey (liquid healthy-looking goats. Her
left over after the cheese solids cheese house is immaculate, light
come together) leaves the cheese and airy, with humming equip-
house through a new piping sys- ment and an air of purpose and
tem to a whey tank outside. Sara Bredesen pours goat organization. Everyone in her
From there she can move the milk into the bulk tanking, household, especially anyone
whey to the pigs or spread it on ready for processing. who participates in her operation
the garden. is cheerful, helpful and busy.

Innovative Cheese House To obtain her cheesemaking li- On the other hand, Sara has yet to
While designing and building cense, Sara traveled back and turn a profit in her absorbing goat
her prototype cheese house, Sara forth from the Antigo Cheese adventure. “We haven’t hit our
was struck by all the knowledge Company where she took her break-even point yet,” Sara said.
she needed that had nothing to apprenticeship – a 100-mile
do with milking goats. She round trip. In spite of being a One factor very much on her side
learned electronics and electrical self-confident person, when it is that her competition is else-
wiring, and how a vacuum pump came to the final weeks before where. Some are in the area gro-
works. She designed her own she was to make cheese, Sara cery stores, but most are just in
batch pasteurizer, an 800 lb. vat, panicked. Her prescription was to other parts of the state. She is the
out of special 3A stainless steel go home and start making cheese. only one for quite an area who
to just fit her height and reach, even makes goat cheese, much
less as good a cheese as she does.

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Another factor is the vacationers One of her programs is a cheese is really good goat cheese, Sara
who come up to the Eagle River evaluation for children from ages will say.
region. They, as well as the 6 -12. They are given samples of • “I just ate, don’t have any
townsfolk who live there year a number of kinds of cheeses and room.” She tells the customer to
round, are all informed buyers. use their five senses to evaluate go work up an appetite and re-
The visitors are often financially each cheese. turn; often, they do.
more “upscale” than the year- • “I just brushed my teeth.”
round residents, which basically She also has programs where she Come back in a little while, she
means they are willing to spend teaches basic cheesemaking to smiles, we’d be glad to see you.
the money to get the excellent seniors and children. • “It’s too expensive.” Sara
foods they appreciate, such as
Sara’s goat cheese.

Sara always offers tastes of new
or different chesses, and asks the
customer how he or she will use
the cheese. She has a handout of
recipes using her goat cheeses.

“I truly market my product,” she

said. “I do direct marketing with
an attractive label. I attract cus-
tomers with the look, taste and
smell of the cheese. I pay atten-
tion to my own appearance, my Goats ready for the milking process. Bredeson goats are milked
behavior to others, always pre- twice daily.
senting information, and I ask for
the sale.” One of Sara’s talents is being answers this common complaint
able to read people. Some think by agreeing with the person.
At the Farmers Market booth “Yuck, it’s goat.” At that point, “Yes, you can buy cheaper
(she goes to two different ones), she will offer another product or cheese, that’s true. However, this
Sara gives samples of the goat try to get a friend of the potential is better. It tastes better and you
cheese to the children and an- customer to try the cheese. Some- can come to our farm and see
other for them to give to their times she will joke, “Look where the cheese is from. You
parents. around! There are no carcasses. get more value for your dollar,”
People tried the cheese and Sara explains. She prices her
Public Radio is another market- lived!” cheese by what it costs to make it
ing venue for Sara. She sponsors and the quality the customer is
a day, usually in the second week Sara has an answer for common receiving.
in June. She co-hosts fundraisers protests people have:
and the radio station mentions the • “I am allergic to goat milk.” She will market an added sale by
availability of her Garden Gold She offers them a handout on saying things such as “You
free manure as a community ser- lactose intolerance, which is actu- wanted two, right?”
vice. ally rare. She explained that the
proteins in goat’s milk are Educating the consumer is one of
Sara also approaches children by smaller and digest more easily. Sara’s main goals, and she does
giving educational programs at • “I tried goat cheese once, this while marketing her product
schools. She invites home- and it’s nasty.” While some peo- at the same time. A nearby win-
schooled children out to the farm. ple have sensitive taste buds, this ery has her bring samples of her

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products for a wine and cheese a four-pound wheel of pressed sale deer farmer who pays $3.00
tasting party. Sara said that some- cheddar, and sells either the per gallon for pasteurized pet
times she would bring some of whole wheel or half-pound food to give to his trophy fawns.
her animals with her, so people wedges. She has Asiago-type
can know where their food comes cheese, aged about 6 weeks or One item she doesn’t sell, but
from. more, called Maple Lake Myst, needs to dispose somehow, is
and she sells it for $8.00 a pound. goat manure. What she does is
She is also the director for the advertise “Garden Gold,” free
Wisconsin Dairy Goats Producers The rest of her cheeses are varia- manure for anyone who will
organization. This means every tions of the chevre, a fresh, soft come and get it. If the person
year for the Wisconsin State Fair, goat cheese that originated in chooses to make a donation, the
Sara is in Madison, telling people France. The chevre in oil is a proceeds go to a youth group
about goats, goat milk and other consistent strong seller, at $20 a each summer. “Over the years, I
goat products. Although she en- pound. “The margin is great,” seem to be in the right place at
joys working at the State Fair, she said, “and it has a long shelf the right time, to be able to turn
she also loses 5 days of various life.” even bad stuff into good experi-
Farmers Markets' income. ences.”
She does not sell goat milk to
Products of Buckwheat people as that would require a Sara sells goats to cull the herd
Acres whole different set-up with addi- and to move excess bucks off the
Sara sells everything she can of tional equipment and training and farm. She has a buyer for much
the goats she loves, because she a special license. She does how- of her goat meat, someone who
knows her success depends on ever dispense plenty of goat milk wants goat kids for Easter and
the financial state of her business. advice to people, whether goat goat meat for other occasions.
owners or consumers of her goat She has no trouble selling milk-
First and foremost are her goat cheese. ing does. The bucks are sold for
cheeses. meat or stud to eliminate intra
“I tell them how to do pasteuriz- breeding.
An unexpected big seller is her ing, and generally promote good
cheddar curds. “I am the only food safety,” she said. Another product Sara is hoping to
person who sells goat milk ched- start this coming winter is mak-
dar curds,” she said. The whey from her goat cheese, ing goat milk soaps. All her ac-
and the excess goat milk, Sara tivities have to dovetail around
They can be eaten as a snack feeds to her small herd of pigs. the goats, she explained.
food, making them very popular She can sell her milk-fed pork at
in the bars and clubs of the tourist a premium to that same upscale Goat Herd Management
region in which she lives. She Eagle River restaurant. She also Goats are normally born two at a
also makes large cheddar rounds; sells excess goat milk to a whole- time. Most does become mothers
in their second year and produce
Buckwheat Acres Cheese—Pricing Structure kids weighing 8-10 lbs.

Product Cost Selling Price Anne said in the Fantome Farm

Cheddar curds $3.70/8 oz $6.50 herd, triplets are normal for about
Flavored Fr. St. Chevre $1.85/4 oz $3.00 half the mothers. A first year goat
Cheese in oil $2.45/4 oz $5.00 named Thornton gave birth to
Ash on Outside $3.70/8 oz $5.00 quads in 2002 and all four of
Ash in layers $3.70/8 oz $6.00 them lived. Anne crosses Alpine
Big Rounds (pressed cheese) $7.75/lb $6.50 goats with Nubians; she said
(4 lb wheel) these goats are bigger, stronger,
and healthier.

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Goats are seasonal animals, be- Acres, are crucial to the welfare “It is excruciatingly hard to cull
coming fertile only in the fall. of the herd. the herd,” Anne said. “But, we
Anne chooses to keep them that must sell the culled goats in order
way. The University of Wiscon- Side benefits of bottle-feeding for the herd to improve.”
sin at Madison veterinary school include getting the baby does
students come out to Fantome used to the sensation of being Organic Goats?
Farm to perform ultrasounds on handled by humans, even to the
the goats to verify pregnancy. point of bonding with humans.

Sara explained that kids are taken When a milking doe becomes
from their mothers and bottle-fed pregnant, she doesn’t produce
pasteurized colostrum and milk milk for several months. Once
primarily due to the disease, Ca- her kid or kids are born, the co-
prine Arthritis Encephalitis Vi- lostrum is gathered, heated to
rus, which can be passed to new- remove potential viruses and bot-
borns through their mother’s raw tle-fed to the kids.
A saanen goat enjoyed a meal
Sending the under-performing,
during milking time. Saanen
CAEV is a debilitating disease, misbehaving, elderly or excess
goats are valued for their high-
not always clinically apparent, goats to the meat market is one of
production rates.
and is similar to the virus that the most difficult aspects of farm-
causes AIDS in humans. Current stead goat cheese production. It is Neither Anne nor Sara claim to
research shows NO evidence of the only practical, financially be “organic.” They would have
CAE virus of having the potential sound way to handle this busi- to change a lot about their opera-
to transmit to human. ness, but most people who go tions, especially making sure the
into goat cheese production do so goats had the more expensive,
With all animal diseases, good out of their love of the animals certified organic feed. For Anne
care, testing and prevention prac- themselves. Anne said she has that kind of feed is too costly for
tices, such as those practiced at butchered chickens, pigs and her operation; for Sara, no one
Fantome Farm and Buckwheat even veal calves, but she could grows organic feed anywhere
never butcher a goat. near her.

“People who want to start their own business—especially a farm- What they do focus on is not giv-
ing the goats hormones for
stead cheese business—have to develop skills that run the gamut
growth or anything else. Anne
from manure management to milk microbiology. Not only that, uses antibiotics only for illness,
there is no convenient network in place that will help you reach then hold the milk out of the
others in your area who can offer you advice and counsel based cheese-making process until it
on experience. It is highly recommended that the goat cheese tests clear of all traces of antibi-
entrepreneur develop a list of names and phone numbers gleaned otic. They try to be sure that the
from conversations and trips to the Internet, then do as many feed has had the least amount of
visits to cheese plants and goat farms as possible. See what other herbicide or pesticide on it, if any
operations are like. Collect good ideas and make note of things at all.
that might work for you. Ask pointed questions about bad
“I have found that gentle han-
decisions that others have had to live with. Look into your own
dling of the goats means less
personality to determine if you are the kind of person who can stress and better health,” Sara
survive and thrive on the rigors of a business start-up.” said. “They don’t like men
- Sara Bredesen much, so I keep them (the men)
Developing the Farmstead Goat Cheese Business in Wisconsin out of the barn.”
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Sept. 2000

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Licensing and Inspec- tunately, today, they sell directly nice, Sara admitted. “I am the
tions to the consumer at their cost plus only one who can make the
Wisconsin is the only state that a profit, and make no apologies cheese,” she explained. She is
demands that anyone manufac- for it. also the only one who touches,
turing cheese for sale be licensed cleans and sanitizes the milking
and certified by means of a and cheesemaking equipment.
cheesemaker’s test. Similarly,
the milking house must be li- Conclusion
censed as a dairy farm, while the Raising and being around goats is
location where cheese is proc- one of the biggest rewards of this
essed must be licensed as a dairy business, both Anne and Sara
plant. said. Making a profit is necessary
but not always easy. Fantome
Sara’s advice for anyone starting Farm, with Anne’s simplified
out in the business is to make the bookkeeping, is able to support
inspector a friend. Help the in- one person with making goat
spector understand what you are cheeses and selling them on the
trying to accomplish, and he or Farmers Market. Buckwheat
she will be very helpful in letting Acres is moving from deficit
you know the correct ways to do closer to profitability each year.
things. If an inspector writes up
an operator for something, the Producers looking into goat
Sara finishes the milking du- cheeses would do well to check
goal is not to hurt or shut down
ties with a good thorough out the larger productions as
the operation, it is to make the
cleaning of all equipment. well, to get a sense of how large
operation as safe and efficient as
possible. an operation they might want,
and what size investment they
For Sara, most of the roadblocks were willing to make.
Business Roadblocks have also been financial. In the
For Anne at Fantome Farm, the six years of her operation, she
roadblocks to success came in With the right levels of marketing
has spent $3,000 on a new effort and the right location, a
several forms over the 21 years boiler, $500 on a replacement
she and Judy have raised goats financial success is possible with
indicating thermometer for pas- farm-produced goat cheese. The
and sold goat cheese. First, the teurizing, $450 for a new chart
lack of any kind of market, or animals are an easy size, tem-
recorder, and other large sums peramentally liable to bond with
even familiarity with their prod- for replacing two pumps and a
uct, meant they could not sell the humans, entertaining and fun.
water pump in the house. Sara Anyone contacting either of the
cheese for the cost of production, said that at one point she tried
because no one would have goat cheese makers interviewed
shutting down the gas broiler in would receive a lot of advice and
bought it. Second was by trying the cheese house to save money,
to sell wholesale to restaurants encouragement.
but it cost more to start it up
and supermarkets, they further again in the spring than it would
eroded the price they were re- have to keep it running all win-
ceiving for the cheeses. Unex- ter.
pected costs can also be a hin-
drance. Just recently, Anne had Both Anne and Sara are at a
to replace the flooring at the place where they are not receiv-
cheeserie at a cost of about ing much support other than fi-
$1,000 and do renovations for an nancial from their significant
additional $2,000, which in- others. Another person to work
cluded labor and materials. For- more with the herd would be

UNL Center for Applied Rural Innovation • Page 11

Buckwheat Acres Goat Dairy
Profit and Loss
January - December 2003*
Boarding $ 50
Cheese $ 9,645
Livestock (raised) $ 2,271
Milk $ 1,182
Misc. Services $ 85
Pork $ 1,502
Total Income $14,735

Cost of Goods Sold

Cost of Goods Sold $ 943
Total COGS $ 943
Gross Profit $13,792

Accounting, Tax Service $ 213
ADGA Memberships $ 18
ADGA Registrations/Transfers $ 164
ADGA, total $ 182
Breeding Fees $ 100
Advertising $ 163
DATCP Service Fees $ 50
Equipment $ 244
Ingredients $ 358
Lab Fees $ 66
Lab Supplies $ 324
License Fees $ 155
Packaging $ 923
Repairs, Equipment $ 532
Shipping $ 12
Supplies $ 331
Vendor Fees $ 159
Chevre, total $ 3,319
Continuing Education $ 197
Contract Labor $ 2,829
Country Today:
Other $ 42
Postage $ 6
Supplies $ 35
Country Today, Total $ 83
DHI Test $ 247
Feed & Grain $ 6,647
Miscellaneous, Farm $ 93

UNL Center for Applied Rural Innovation • Page 12

Buckwheat Acres Goat Dairy
Profit and Loss
January - December 2003*

Postage and Delivery $ 184
Supplies $ 191
Office, Total $ 375
Repairs, Building $ 973
Subscriptions $ 30
Supplies, Farm $ 2,192
Travel, Meals $ 26
Veterinary Fees $ 499
Wages, Family member $ 382
WDGA $ 17
Total Expenses $18,402

Net Income/(Loss) ($ 4,610)

*Year 4 of operation.

UNL Center for Applied Rural Innovation • Page 13

On-Line Dairy Goat Resources
♦ American Dairy Goat Association,
♦ National Goat Handbook, published by the University of Maryland,
♦ University of Maryland Small Ruminent Page: Goats
Numerous links to meat and dairy goat resources
♦ - Production resources and latest information on goat production, dairy and
herd management;
♦ Langston University, E (Kika) de la Garza Institute for Goat Research, primary research on
dairy goats. Includes publications and research results,

Goat Cheese Production

♦ Missouri Department of Agricultural, Agriculture Innovation Center; Cheese Resources

Page. Links, suggested books and other resources for cattle and goat cheese production;
♦ North Central Initiative for Small Farm Profitability, “4 P’s of Specialty Cheeses: Industry
Research on marketability and trends of specialty cheeses.” On-line publication,
♦ Wisconsin Diary Artisan Network. Information on becoming a cheese maker,

UNL Center for Applied Rural Innovation • Page 14

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