Ra 9173

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Republic Act No.



ACT OF 2002
Important Dates in the
Enactment of RA 9173
 On October 8, 2002, RA 9173
was approved by the House of
Senate as Senate Bill no. 2292
 On October 15, 2002,it was
approved by the House of
Representative as House Bill no.
 On October 21, 2002, it was
signed into law by Pres. Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo as Republic
Parts of RA 9173
 RA 9173 is divided into 9 articles and 41 sections
and these are as follows:
 Article I – Title
 Section 1 – Title
 Article II – Declaration of Policy
 Section 2 – Declaration of Policy
 Article III – Organization of the Board of Nursing
 Section 3 – Creation and Composition of the Board
 Section 4 - Qualifications of the Chairperson and Members of the
 Section 5 – Requirements upon Qualification as Member of the
Board of Nursing
 Section 6 – Term of Office
 Section 7 – Compensation of Board Members
 Section 8 – Administrative Supervision of the Board, Custodian of
its Records, Secretariat and Support Services
 Section 9 – Powers and Duties of the Board
 Section 10 – Annual Report
 Section 11 – Removal and Suspension of Board Members
Parts of RA 9173
 Article IV – Examination and Registration
 Section 12 – Licensure Examination
 Section 13 – Qualifications for Admission to the Licensure
 Section 14 – Scope of Examination
 Section 15 – Ratings
 Section 16 – Oath
 Section 17 – Issuance of Certificate of Registration or
Professional License and Professional Identification Card
 Section 18 – Fees for Examination and Registration
 Section 19 – Automatic Registration of Nurses
 Section 20 – Registration by Reciprocity
 Section 21 – Practice through Special/ Temporary Permit
 Section 22 – Non Registration and Non Issuance of COR or
Professional License or Special/Temporary Permit
 Section 23 – Revocation and Suspension of COR or
Professional License or Special/ Temporary Permit
 Section 24 – Re Issuance of Revoked Certificates and
Replacement of Lost Certificates
Parts of RA 9173
 Article V – Nursing Education
 Section 25 – Nursing Education Program
 Section 26 – Requirement for Inactive
Nurses Returning to Practice
 Section 27 – Qualifications of the Faculty

 Article VI – Nursing Practice

 Section 28 – Scope of Nursing
 Section 29 – Qualifications of Nursing
Service Administrators
Parts of RA 9173
 Article VII – Health Human Resource
Production, Utilization and
 Section 30 – Studies for Nursing
Manpower Needs, Production, Utilization
and Development
 Section 31 – Comprehensive Nursing
Specialty Program
 Section 32 – Salary
 Section 33 – Funding for the
Comprehensive Nursing Specialty
Parts of RA 9173
 Article VIII – Penal and Miscellaneous
 Section 35 – Prohibitions in the Practice of
 Article IX – Final Provisions
 Section 36 – Enforcement of this Act
 Section 37 – Appropriations
 Section 38 – Rules and Regulations
 Section 39 – Separability Clause
 Section 40 – Repealing Clause
 Section 41 - Effectivity
Rules and Regulations
Implementing RA 9173
 Resolution No 425, S 2003 of the BON is the “
The Rules and Regulations Implementing the
Philippine Nursing Act of 2002”
 Basis: Resolution No. 425, S 2003 was passed
by the BON pursuant to Sec. 38 of RA 9173
which provides as follows:
 “Sec 38. Rules and Regulations – Within ninety (90)
days after the effectivity of this Act, the Board and
the Commission, in coordination with the
accredited professional organization, the
Department of Health , the Department of Budget
and Management and other concerned
government agencies, shall formulate such rules
and regulations necessary to carry out the
provisions of this Act…”
 According to the Resolution No. 425, S 2003, it
shall be known as ‘ IRR’
Philippine Laws Relating
to Nursing
 The following are the laws enacted by
the Philippine Government related to
the practice of nursing
 Act No 2493
 Approved on February 5, 1915
 It was actually a law relating to the practice of
medicine in the Philippines. However, it also
provided for the examination and registration
of nurses in the country (Sec 7 and 8 thereof)
 Act 2493 Sec 7 and 8 is considered the first
law affecting the practice of nursing in the
Philippine Laws Relating
to Nursing
 Act 2808 (First True Nursing Law)
 Was approved on March 1, 1919
 It was entitled “ An act regulating the
practice of the nursing profession in the
Philippine Islands”
 1920, first board examination was given

 Republic Act No 465

 It was approved on June 1950
 It standardized the examination and
registration fees charged by the
Philippine Laws Relating
to Nursing
 Republic Act 877
 It took effect on June 19, 1953
 It was otherwise known as “The Philippine
Nursing Law”
 It repealed all the provisions of the above
mentioned laws that are inconsistent with
its provisions on nursing education and
 It includes the provision for the
organization of Board of Examiners for
nurses, nursing schools and colleges,
Philippine Laws Relating
to Nursing
 Republic Act No 4704
 It was approved on June 18, 1966
 It amended RA 877
 Members of the BON increase from 3 to 5
 Members of the Board were to be
appointed by the President with consent
from the Commission on Appointments
upon recommendation of the Civil Service
 Board Members must be Master’s Degree
Philippine Laws Relating
to Nursing
 Republic Act 6136
 It was approved on August 31, 1970
 It amended RA 877 and RA 4704
 It expressly authorized RN to administer
intravenous and other injections as long as
the administration is under the direction of
and in the presence of a physician
Philippine Laws Relating
to Nursing
 Republic Act No 7164
 Introduced by Heherson Alvarez, it codified
and revised all the laws regulating the
practice of nursing
 It was approved on November 21, 1991
 It was entitled “The Philippine Nursing Act
of 1991”
 It repealed, amended or modified existing
laws that are inconsistent with it
 Redefinition in the scope of nursing
 Requiring a faculty member who is
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec 3. Creation and Composition of the
 The Professional Regulatory Board of
Nursing which is created by Sec 3 of RA
9173 is composed of
 Six (6) members

 Under Sec 3 of RA 9173 there are 3

stages in the appointment of the
Chairperson and/ or Members of the BON:
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec 4. Qualifications of the Chairperson and
Members of the Board
 At the time of his/her appointment, the
Chairperson of the BON must be:
 A natural-born citizen
 A resident of the Philippines
 A member of good standing of the accredited
professional organization of nurses
 A registered nurse
 A holder of a master’s degree in nursing conferred by a
college or university duly recognized by the
 With at least 10 years of continuous practice of the
profession prior to the appointment, the last 5 years of
which must have been in the Philippines
 Not a convict of any offense involving moral turpitude
 Citizenship – There are widely accepted
principles in determining the citizenship
of a person
 Jus soli – under which the place of the birth
of person determines his/her citizenship
 Jus sanguinis – under which the citizenship of
the parents determines the citizenship of the
 There are 2 kinds of citizens in the
 Naturalized Citizens – one who acquires
citizenship by naturalization
 NATURALIZATION – is the process provided by law
by which a person(alien) acquires citizenship after
birth and becomes entitled to the privileges of
 Residence – refers to the permanent
home, or the place of birth to which
whenever absent for business or
pleasure, one intends to return
 The term Accredited Professional
Organization (APO) of nurses refers to
the Philippine Nurses Association, Inc
or any professional organization of
nurses accredited by PRC
 A registered nurse – is one whose
name appears in the Book of Registry
of Nurses as evidenced by duly issued
 Conviction in a general sense, is the
result of a criminal trial which ends in a
judgment or sentence that the accused
is guilty as charged
 Offense is a breach of the criminal laws;
it is a violation of law for which penalty is
 Moral turpitude refers to the act of
baseness, vileness or depravity in
private and social duties which man
owes to his fellow man, or to society in
general, contrary to accepted and
customary rule of right and duty in
between man and man
 Examples of offenses that are considered
as involving moral turpitude are
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Qualifications of the Members of the BON
 A natural born citizen
 A resident of the Philippines
 A member of good standing of the accredited
professional organization of nurse
 A registered nurse
 A holder of master’s degree in nursing, education or
other allied medical profession conferred by a college
or university duly recognized by the Government
 Have at least 10 years of continuous practice of the
profession, the last 5 years of which must have been
in the Philippines
 Not have been convicted of any offense involving
moral turpitude
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec 5 – Requirements Upon Qualification as a
Member of the BON
 A person who is appointed as Chairman or
Member of the BON, upon qualification as such is
required by law
 To immediately resign from any teaching position in
any school or institution that offers BSN or review
program for the Philippine Nursing Board Examinations
 To immediately resign from any office or employment
1) in the government or any subdivision, agency or
instrumentality, including government-owned or
government- controlled corporations or their
subsidiaries 2) in the private sector
 Not to have any pecuniary interest in any school or
institution that offers BSN or review classes for the
Philippine Nursing Board Examinations
 Not to have any administrative supervision in any
school or institution that offers BSN or review classes
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec 6 – Term of Office
 Term of Office – is the period during
which an elected officer or appointee is
entitled to hold office , perform its
functions and enjoy its privileges and
emoluments. It is a fixed and definite
period of time which the law describes
that an officer may hold office
 Tenure – is the period during which the
incumbent actually holds office
 The term of office of the Chairperson
and Members of the BON is 3 years
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec. 7 – Compensation of Board of
 The Chairperson and Members of a
professional regulatory board shall
receive monthly compensation
equivalent to the following:
 Chairperson: Compensation equivalent to 2
steps higher than the Members of the
 Members: Compensation equivalent to, at
least 2 salary grades lower than the salary
grade of the Commissioners (of the PRC)
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec 8. Administrative Supervision of the
Board, Custodian of its Records,
Secretariat and Support Services
 The Professional Regulations Commission
(PRC) has administrative supervision over the
 PRC is the legal custodian of all the records
of the BON
 The records of the BON that are declared by law to
be in custody of the PRC are the following:
 Applications for the nurse licensure examinations
 Examination papers
 Examination results
 Minutes of deliberation
 Records of administrative cases

ARTICLE III – Organization
of the Board of Nursing
 Sec 9 – Power and Duties of the Board
 To supervise and regulate the practice of nursing
profession in the Philippines
 To conduct licensure examination for nurses
 To issue, suspend or revoke COR for the practice
of nursing
 To monitor and enforce quality standards of
nursing practice in the Philippines and exercise
the powers necessary to ensure the maintenance
of efficient , ethical and technical, moral and
professional standards in the practice of nursing
taking into account the health needs of the
 To ensure quality nursing education by
examining the prescribed facilities of universities
or colleges of nursing or departments of nursing
education and those seeking permission to open
Sec 9 – Power and Duties of
the Board
 To conduct hearings and investigations to
resolve complaints against nurse
practitioners for unethical and unprofessional
conduct and violations of RA 9173 or its rules
and regulations
 To promulgate a Code of Ethics in
coordination and consultation with APO of
 To recognize nursing specialty organizations
in coordination with the APO
 To prescribe, adopt, issue and promulgate
guidelines, regulations, measures and
decisions as may be necessary for the
improvement of the nursing practice,
advancement of the profession and for the
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec 10 Annual Report
 The BON is required by Sec 10 of RA 9173
to submit an annual report
 The said annual report of the BON must
be submitted to the President of the
Republic of the Philippines
 The said annual report of the BON must
be submitted to the President through the
 The said annual report of the BON must
be submitted at the close of the calendar
year of the BON
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Sec 11 – Removal or Suspension of
Board Members
 Continued neglect of duty or
 Commission or toleration of
irregularities in the licensure
 Unprofessional, immoral or
dishonorable conduct
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Neglect of duty is the omission or
refusal, without sufficient excuse,
to perform an act or duty, which it
was the officers legal obligation to
perform the failure to give due
attention to the performance of
 Incompetency is defined as lack of
adequate ability and fitness for the
satisfactory performance of official
duties by reasons of one’s vice or
vicious habits, the lack of any
physical, moral or intellectual
quality which substantially
Organization of the
Board of Nursing
 Unprofessional conduct is defined as the
conduct which by general opinion considered
to be unprofessional because immoral,
unethical or dishonorable. It refers to such
conduct which violates ethical code or rules of
profession, or to such conduct which is
unbecoming a member of a profession
 Immoral conduct refers to the conduct which is
willful, flagrant, or shameless, and which
shows a moral indifference to the opinion of
the good and respectable members of the
community. It is not confined to sexual
matters, but includes conduct inconsistent
with rectitude, or indicative of corruption,
indecency, depravity, dissoluteness
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 12 – Licensure Examination
 Nurse Licensure Examination – is the written
examination that is being given by the BON
to an applicant for license to practice nursing
in the Philippines, in such place and date
designated by the PRC, and in accordance
with PRC Modernization Act of 2000
 If only one examination is given in a year, it
must be held on a weekday (Monday to
 When 2 or more examinations are given in a
year, at least one examination must be held
on a weekday
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 13- Qualifications for Admission to
the Licensure Examination
 He is a citizen of the Philippines
 He is of good moral character
 He is a holder of Bachelor’s Degree in
Nursing from a college or university that
complies with the standards of nursing
education duly recognized by the proper
government agency
 He has paid the fees prescribed by the
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 14 – Scope of Examination
 The objectives of the nursing curriculum
 The broad areas of nursing
 Other related discipline and competencies
in determining the subjects of examination
 The NLE examination shall be divided into 4
major parts organized around 4 major goals of
 Test I- Promotive
 Test II – Preventive
 Test III A – Curative
 Test III B – Curative
 Test IV - Rehabilitative
 Broad Areas of Nursing
 Fundamental Nursing
 Maternal and Child Nursing
 Community Health Nursing of Adolescent,
Adults and Aged
 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
 Other Discipline
 Physiology and Anatomy
 Pharmacology and Therapeutics
 Microbiology
 Nutrition and Diet Therapy
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 15 – Ratings
 Passing Grade
 A general average of at least 75%
 A rating of not below 60% in any subject
 Rules when GA is below 75%
 An examinee who obtains a GA that is lower than
75% FAILS the licensure examination regardless of
the ratings he obtain in the individual subject
 Rules when GA is 75% above
 An examinee who did not obtain a rating of below
60% in any subject, he PASSES the licensure
 If he obtained a rating below 60% in any subject, he
FAILS the licensure examination. However, he may
take a REMOVAL examination
 However, in a REMOVAL EXAMINATION, the ratings
in the subject being repeated must be at least 75%
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 16 – Oath of Profession
 OATH – is any form of attestation by w/c
a person signifies that he is bound in
conscience to perform an act faithfully
and truthfully.
 The oath may be recited in:
 English (Oath of Professionals)
 Filipino (Panunumpa ng Propesyonal)
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 17. Issuance of Certification of
Registration/ Professional Identification
 Under Sec 17 of RA 9173, a successful
examinee shall be issued the following
 Certificate of Registration/ Professional License
 Professional Identification Card
 Contents of COR or Professional License
 Full name of the registrant
 Serial No of the Certificate
 Signature of the Chairperson of the PRC
 Signatures of the Members of the BON
 Official seal of the PRC

ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 18. Fees for Examination and
 Persons required to pay examination
and registration fees set by the
 All applicants for admission to the NLE
 All applicants for registration as
professional nurse practitioner
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 19. Automatic Registration of
 Automatically registered nurses under RA
 Nurses already in the Roster or Registry Book
of Nurses
 Under Sec 40 of RA 9173, expressly repeals RA
7164, otherwise known as “The Philippine Nursing
Act of 1991”
 Automatically or “ipso facto”
 The term “ipso facto” means by mere fact or by the
mere effect of an act or fact
 Thus, by the mere fact of their names already
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec. 20 Registration of Nurses by Reciprocity
 As a general rule, all applicants for license to
practice in the Philippines are required by Sec
12 to pass the nurse licensure examination
provided for in RA 9173
 However, those who are qualified for
registration by reciprocity under Sec 20 of RA
9173 are exempted from this rule
 Thus, a nurse, who is registered under the law
of any country other than the Philippines, may
be issued without examination a certificate of
registration or professional license, if the
conditions mentioned in Sec 20 are met
 Registration by reciprocity under this Section is
available only to nurses who are registered
under the laws of a foreign state or country
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 21. Practice Through Special/ Temporary
 A special/ temporary permit to practice nursing
is a permit that may be granted by the BON to
a licensed nurse from a foreign state or country
allowing him/her to engage in a special or
temporary practice of nursing here in the
Philippines without need of passing first the NLE
 Who may be issued Special/ Temporary Permit
to Practice:
 He/ She is an internationally well known specialist
or an outstanding expert in any branch or specialty
in nursing (whose service may either be for a fee or
for free)
 He/ She is on medical mission (whose services must
be free in a particular hospital, center or clinic)
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 22. Non- registration and Non-
Issuance of COR/ Professional License or
Special/ Temporary Permit
 Grounds For Non- Registration and Non-
Issuance of COR/PL or Special/Temporary
 If he has been convicted by final judgment of
a criminal offense involving moral turpitude
 If he is guilty of immoral or dishonorable
 If he has been declared by the court to be of
unsound mind
 A person of UNSOUND MIND refers to one who
from infirmity of mind is incapable of managing
himself or his affairs. Includes insane persons
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec. 23 Revocation and Suspension of
COR/PL and Cancellation of
Special/Temporary Permit

 Suspension – means a “temporary stop,

interruption or cessation”
 Revocation – means the withdrawal or
recall of some power, authority or things
granted; it is the total repeal or
 Grounds for Suspension and Revocation,
Cancellation of Special/ Temporary Permit
 Conviction by final judgment of any criminal
offense involving moral turpitude
 Immoral or dishonorable conduct
 Unsoundness of mind as declared by court
 Unprofessional or unethical conduct
 Gross incompetence or serious ignorance
 Malpractice or negligence in the practice of
 Use of fraud or deceit or false statements in
obtaining certificate of registration or professional
 Violation of any of the following
 RA 9173
 Implementing Rules and Regulations
 Code of Ethics for Nurses
 The policies of the BON and PRC
 Practicing his/her profession during his/her
 Maximum Period of Suspension:
 Shall be for a period not to exceed 4
 May a revoked COR/PL be re-issued?
 Yes. Under sec 24 of RA 9173, the BON
has the power to re-issue revoked COR
ARTICLE IV – Examination
and Registration
 Sec 24 Re-Issuance of Revoked Certificates
and Replacement of Lost Certificates
 Conditions for Re – Issuance of Revoked
Certificate of Registration / Professional
 That there is a proper application with the BON
for the re-issuance of the revoked COR/ PL
 That the application is made after the
expiration of a maximum of 4 years from the
date of revocation of the certificate
 That the cause of revocation has disappeared
or has been cured or corrected
 That the re-issuance is sought for reasons of
equity and justice
 That the required fees have been paid
 Replacement of Lost Destroyed or
Mutilated COR/ PL
 Lost
 Destroyed
 Mutilated
ARTICLE V- Nursing
 Sec 25 Nursing Education Program
 requires nursing education program to
provide sound general and professional
foundation for the practice of nursing
 That learning experiences must adhere
strictly to specific requirements
embodied in the prescribed curriculum
as promulgated by the CHED policies
and standards of nursing education
ARTICLE V- Nursing
 Sec 26. Requirement for Inactive Nurses
Returning to Practice
 An inactive nurse is a nurse who has not
actively practicing the nursing profession
for 5 consecutive years
 Required to undergo training program
 Training program for inactive nurses
returning to practice:
1 month didactic training
 3 months of practicum
ARTICLE V- Nursing
 Sec 27. Qualification of the Faculty
 Qualifications of Faculty- Members in a
College of Nursing
A registered nurse in the Philippines
 With at least 1 year of clinical experience in
a field of specialization
 A member of good standing in the APO of
 A holder of master’s degree in nursing,
education, or other allied medical and
health sciences conferred by a college or
university duly recognized by the
ARTICLE V- Nursing
 Qualifications of the Dean of a
College of Nursing
 A registered nurse in the Philippines
 With at least 1 year of clinical practice in
a field of specialization
 A member of good standing in the APO
of nurses
 A holder of master’s degree in nursing
conferred by a college or university duly
recognized by the government
 With at least 5 years of experience in
ARTICLE VI – Nursing
 Sec 28. Scope of Nursing
1. singly or in collaboration with another,
initiates and performs nursing services to
individuals,families and communities
2. provide nursing care from delivery up to old
3. as independent practitioner, primarily
responsible for the promotion of health and
prevention of illness
4. collaborates with other members of health
1. Provide nursing care
2. Establish linkages with community
3. Provide health education
4. Teach, guide and supervise students
in nursing programs
5. Undertake research and training,
professional continuing education
6. Observe Code of Ethics
 Sec 29. Qualifications of Nursing Service
 A nursing service administrator is a person
occupying a supervisory or managerial
position that requires knowledge of nursing
 Qualification of Nursing Service
 Registered nurse in the Philippines
 With at least 2 years of experience in general
nursing service administrations
 With BSN degree
 With at least 9 units in management and
administration courses at graduate level

 Qualifications of a Chief Nurse or
Director of Nursing Service:
 Registered nurse in the Philippines
 With at least 2 years of experience in general
nursing service administrations
 With BSN degree
 With at least 9 units in management and
administration courses at graduate level
 A member of good standing of the APO of
 With at least 5 years of experience in a
supervisory or managerial position in nursing
 With a master’s degree major in nursing
ARTICLE VII – Health Human
Resource Production
Utilization and
 Sec 30. Studies for Manpower Needs,
Production, Utilization and Development
 The BON has the duty under Sec 30 of RA 9173
to initiate, undertake and conduct studies on
health human production, utilization and
 Sec 31. Comprehensive Nursing Specialty
 The BON is mandated by this Section to
formulate and develop a comprehensive nursing
specialty program that would upgrade the level
of skill and competence of specialty nurse
clinicians in the country
 Critical care
 Oncology
 Renal
ARTICLE VII – Health Human
Resource Production
Utilization and Development
 Sec 32. Salary
 Nurses working in public health institutions have
the right to receive not less than the minimum
base pay provided in Sec 32 of RA 9173 ; must
not be lower than Salary Grade 15 prescribed
under RA 6758, otherwise known as “ The
Compensation and Classification Act of 1989”
 Sec 33. Funding for the Comprehensive
Nursing Specialty Program
 PAGCOR shall equally share the cost of the
training mentioned in Sec 33
 The annual fund shall be released to the DOH and the
DOH shall set the criteria for the availment of this
Human Resource
Production Utilization and
 Who may avail of this PCSO- PAGCOR-
Funded Program:
 Member of the nursing staff of a government
hospital participating in the comprehensive
nursing specialty program
 10 % of the nursing staff of the participating
government hospitals
 Sec 34. Incentives and Benefits
 Forms of Incentives and Benefits
 Free hospital care for nurses and their dependents
 Scholarship grants
 Other non- cash benefits
ARTICLE VIII – Penal and
Miscellaneous Provisions
 Sec 35. Prohibitions in the Practice of
 This section is what we know the penal
clause of RA 9173; this part enumerates
certain acts that are declared CRIMINAL,
id est, prohibited and punishable
 Penalties:
 Fine(minimum 50,000 –maximum 100, 000)
 Imprisonment (minimum 1 year – maximum
6 years)
 Both (Fine and Imprisonment)
ARTICLE VIII – Penal and
Miscellaneous Provisions
Any person practicing nursing
1. without a COR/PL, special/ temporary permit
2. uses an invalid certificate;
3. uses a suspended or revoked Certificate or expired
or cancelled permit
4. gives false evidence to the Board
5. falsely poses or advertises or conveys the
impression that he is a registered nurse
6. who appends BSN, RN without authority
7. who as a registered nurse, assists illegal practice of
a non-qualified person
ARTICLE VIII – Penal and
Miscellaneous Provisions
 a fine of not less than P50000.
Nor more than P100,000. Or
imprisonment of not less than 1
year nor more than six years, or
both, upon the discretion of the
 Sec 36. Enforcement of this Act
 Sec 37.Appropriations
 Sec 38. Rules and Regulations
 Sec 39. Separability Clause
 Sec 40. Repealing Clause

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