1 - Atlas Curriculum Mapping Teacher Outline

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Atlas Curriculum Mapping

Plan for Second Semester 2012-2013 and Summer 2013

The importance of curriculum mapping:
A curriculum map is a helpful tool for teachers to link assessment and standards to daily objectives and learning activities. A curriculum map enables teachers to make the best use of their time and students time. A curriculum map allows teachers to focus on the most important objectives and lessen the time crunch of the finite academic year. A curriculum map shows students and parents the plan for learning in each class. Curriculum maps can be used by teachers in different disciplines to collaborate with each other. The metacognitive process of producing a curriculum map engages teachers in reflection and research, which enhance their overall practice.

Items to bring to the training:

Yearly or semester plan for one course Unit plans for the selected course Summative assessments for each unit in the selected course, including o tests o project rubrics Standards governing curriculum decisions, including o Minnesota Academic Standards: http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/EdExc/StanCurri/K12AcademicStandards/ o Discipline-specific standards or benchmarks, such as Sci-Math MN: http://www.scimathmn.org/ NCTM: http://www.nctm.org/standards/content.aspx?id=4294967312 NCTE: http://www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Books/Sample/StandardsDoc .pdf Social Studies Standards: http://www.educationworld.com/standards/national/soc_sci/index.shtml National Health Education Standards: http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/SHER/standards/index.htm Foreign Language Standards: http://www.educationworld.com/standards/national/lang_arts/f_lang/k_12.sht ml The Kennedy Center Arts Edge National Arts Education Standards: http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/educators/standards/full-text/9-12standards.aspx

Timeline for completion

All curriculum maps should be completed by the first teacher duty day of the 2013-2014 school year.

Atlas Curriculum Mapping

The Process of Producing a Curriculum Map
Atlas Curriculum Mapping Website: http://augsburgacademy.rubiconatlas.org/Atlas/Authentication/View/Login I. II. Yearly Unit Calendar for All Teacher-Led Courses STAGE 2: Summative Assessment A. B. Construct the Unit Assessment Conduct an Item Analysis
1. 2. Determine Conceptual Knowledge Needed Determine Skills Needed

C. III. A.

Align Conceptual Knowledge and Skills to Standards List Conceptual Knowledge as Student Objectives
1. 2. 3. Assign Numbers for Each Concept Label Each Concept as CK (for Conceptual Knowledge) Use the Convention CK3.1 to indicate Conceptual Knowledge, Unit 3, #1

STAGE 1: Desired Results


List Skills as Student Objectives

1. 2. 3. Assign Numbers for Each Skill Label Each Skill as S (for Skill) Use the Convention S3.1 to indicate Skill, Unit 3, #1


STAGE 3: Learning Plan A. B. C. List and Describe Student Learning Activities Identify Concepts (CK) and Skills (S) Learned in Each Activity Conventions Used on Curriculum Maps
1. 2. 3. Describe the Activity Place the Conceptual Knowledge (CK) and Skills (S) in Parentheses Example: Activity: Building and Using an Astrolabe. (S3.3)

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