2014-01-06 Arrest Intentional Alarm Activation Charles County Detention Center

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Maryland State Fire Marshal

News Release
Martin OMalley Governor

Brian S. Geraci State Fire Marshal


CHARLES COUNTY, MD (January 6, 2014) Deputy State fire Marshals charged a 1 year!"ld in#ate at the $harles $"unty Detenti"n $enter %ith destructi"n "f a fire sprin&ler head and acti'ati"n "f the fire alar# syste#( )he incident "ccurred at 12*46 a(#( "n January +, 2014 inside the suspects cell at the detenti"n center( ,n'estigat"rs and c"rrecti"ns "fficers deter#ined an in#ate- Daniel .l/ert 0u#ple/y, Jr( (1 ) had da#aged the sprin&ler head %hich caused fl""ding t" "ccur in the cell /l"c& and acti'ated the fire alar# syste#( )he acti'ati"n "f the fire alar# syste# and su/se1uent clean!up caused a l"c& d"%n "f the facility and appr"2i#ately 3+40(00 in da#ages( 0u#ple/y is /eing charged %ith causing a 5alse .lar# and Malici"us Destructi"n "f 6r"perty( ,f c"n'icted "f these charges he c"uld face penalties n"t t" e2ceed fi'e years and t%" #"nths additi"nal i#pris"n#ent and7"r 34,400 in fines( ###

1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208

)he 8ffice "f the State 5ire Marshal is an agency "f the Depart#ent "f State 6"lice dedicated t" helping pr"tect citi9ens fr"# fire and e2pl"si"n thr"ugh a c"#prehensi'e pr"gra# "f educati"n, inspecti"n, in'estigati"n and fire pr"tecti"n engineering( 5"r #"re inf"r#ati"n "n fire safety call 1!:00!424!+124, l"g "nt" "ur %e/site at* %%%(#dsp("rg7fire#arshal and7"r http*77face/""&(c"#7MarylandState5ireMarshal( Media c"ntact* ;ruce D( ;"uch, Deputy State 5ire Marshal- 44+!+24!6:<6

1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208

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