Healing Prayer Seminar Fresno

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Workshop with Ananda Minister, Mary Kretzmann SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2014

1:00 to 4:30 p.m. $35 Pre-registration - $40 at the door
SUNDAY SERVICE with Mary on Sunday, February 9th, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Purication Ceremony, chanting, meditation and teachings followed by brunch. Donations welcomed. The cosmic energy is in us and all around us . . . yet we often live in a bubble of separation and limitation. Learn how to open more fully to that cosmic force and be an instrument of healing for yourself and others in body, mind, and spirit as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda. In this workshop you will learn: Effective healing prayer methods Hands-on healing and healing at a distance Techniques for increasing your energy and vitality Afrmations for self-transformation How to use sound for harmonizing us physically, mentally and spiritually Special guided healing sessions

Mary Kretzmann is a minister, teacher, the Director of the Ananda Healing Prayer
Ministry, and a founding member of Ananda Village, a spiritual community based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Mary moved to Ananda Village in 1978 and, with her husband, Tim, raised their family of three children. A gifted channel of divine energy and hands-on spiritual healing, Mary has healed many through the power of prayer. Marys early exploration of Yoganandas healing techniques inspired her to put more energy into a healing ministry with a small, dedicated group who were praying for others. That ministry became the Ananda Healing Prayer Circle and has grown to over 750 members worldwide. Mary helps beginners learn the practices, and through newsletters, personal guidance and classes teaches how to go deep into the experience of God through healing prayers. Mary says: I deeply believe in the need for reverence for the Innite, or the Divine, in order to be guided well in healing and to draw from the Innite source of healing energy instead of ones own energy eld.

Presented by the Ananda Meditation Group of Fresno To register contact Jackie Doumanian at (559) 285-2134 or douman@earthlink.net Workshop and Sunday Service will be at Jackies home and directions will be provided upon registration.

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