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New Jersey 2003 Cleanup Standards for Hydrocarbon Contaminated Groundwater

Product Parameter/ Constituent Lab Test Protocol & Detection Level Notification Level Cleanup Level
Gasoline Benzene EPA 524.2 test specific any amount 1µg/L
Toluene EPA 524.2 test specific any amount 1000µg/L
Ethylbenzene EPA 524.2 test specific any amount 700µg/L
Xylene EPA 524.2 test specific any amount 1000µg/L
MTBE EPA 524.2 test specific any amount 70µg/L
TBA EPA 524.2 test specific any amount 100µg/L
Naphthalene EPA 524.2 test specific any amount 300µg/L
Lead not specified test specific any amount 10µg/L
Diesel same as for gasoline

*Higher of Groundwater Quality Criteria or Practical Quantitation Limit.

Contact: Maryann Kuserk, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Site Remediation
Program, 609-292-8427


Web Site:

Copyright © 2009 Association for Environmental Health and Sciences Foundation, Inc.
150 Fearing Street · Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: 413.549.5170
Fax: 413.549.0579
New Jersey 2003 Cleanup Standards for Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil

Product Parameter/ Lab Test Detection Notification Cleanup Level

Constituent Protocol & Level Level Residential/Non-Residential/Impacted Groundwater
Gasoline Benzene EPA SW846 test specific any amount 3mg/kg/13mg/kg/1mg/kg
Toluene EPA SW846 test specific any amount 1000mg/kg/1000mg/kg/500mg/kg
Ethylbenzene EPA SW846 test specific any amount 1000mg/kg/1000mg/kg/100mg/kg
Xylenes EPA SW846 test specific any amount 410mg/kg/1000mg/kg/67mg/kg
Anthracene EPA SW846 test specific any amount 10,000mg/kg/10,000mg/kg/100mg/kg
Naphthalene EPA SW846 test specific any amount 230mg/kg/4200mg/kg/100mg/kg
Lead EPA SW846 test specific any amount 400mg/kg/600mg/kg/NS
Benzo(a)pyrene EPA SW846 test specific any amount 0.66mg/kg/0.66mg/kg/100mg/kg
Diesel same as gasoline

*Total Organic Compounds, CAP of 10,000 mg/kg. Total Volatile Organic Cap of 1,000mg/kg.

Contact: Kevin Schick, NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection, Site Remediation, 609-633-7413

Web Site:

Copyright © 2009 Association for Environmental Health and Sciences Foundation, Inc.
150 Fearing Street · Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: 413.549.5170
Fax: 413.549.0579

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