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By: K. Arnold

I stated n a !re" o#s !ost, t$at I $ad sear%$ed BDB onl ne &or t$e 'ord Mer(a)a$ and d dn*t & nd t any '$ere n t$e )oo( o& E+e( el. T$e %losest t$ n, to %$ar ot -.r()$/ &o#nd ' t$ n t$e Mer(a)a$ " s on o& E+e( el, s t$e 'ord o*&a'n -A0Pn/ or n En,l s$1 '$eel, as t$at o& a %$ar ot1 t %an also )e seen later n E+e( el 23, t$at t$e 'ord ,al,al -GLGL/ s #sed as 'ell. Ho'e"er, '$en t$ s '$eel s &#rt$er des%r )ed, 'e see t$at t s .ore l (e t$e a!!earan%e o& ,yros%o!e -'$eel ' t$ n a '$eel/ E+e. 2:24 ...HA0Pn BT0( HA0Pn. I . ,$t !arent$et %ally add t$at all o& '$at s des%r )ed &ro. "s... 2567 are t$ n,s t$at are )elo' t$e & r.a.ent1 t$ere&ore $a" n, no real d " n ty asso% ated ' t$ t$e.. It s as & t$ese -l " n, %reat#res, '$eels, stor. o& t$e s! r t 8sor$ r"%$9/ 5des%r !t ons .ent oned n "erses 2567 are :#st !$ys %al .an &estat ons related to t$e !resen%e o& G5d on o#r !lane o& e; sten%e. Not t$at t$ere s anyt$ n, tr " al a)o#t t$ese .an &estat ons...G5d &or) d, IMHO, t$ey are "ery .!ortant n o#r <#est &or #nderstand n,. Ba%( to E+e( el...'$at $e des%r )es ne;t are t$e t$ n,s t$at $e sa' t$at 'ere a)o"e t$e & r.a.ent -o"er t$e $eads o& t$e %$er#) ./. T$e & rst t$ n, t$at E+e( el des%r )es as )e n, a)o"e t$e & r.a.ent ='as t$e l (eness o& a t$rone=. And not only t$at )#t t$e t$rone =a!!eared= to )e .ade o& sa!!$ re stone. F nally, #!on t$e l (eness o& t$e t$rone o& sa!!$ re, s '$at a!!ears to )e a .an.

T$e & nal t'o "erses o& %$a!ter one, %ont n#e to des%r )e t$ s .an t$at s ts #!on t$e sa!!$ re t$rone. And n t$e & nal analys s o& t$ s .an, 'e see, E+e( el tells #s e;a%tly '$at $e $as )een des%r ) n,... This was the appearance <04758> of the likeness <01823> of the glory <03519> of the LO ! <030"8># $ %& !$'T ()'!*+&'& KB0D5YH0H > THE GLORY OF YH0H ?o to t e t$ s to,et$er -I 'asn*t s#re t$at I %o#ld@/ Belo' t$e &rosty, %rystal & r.a.ent 'e see t$e l " n, %reat#res, t$e s! r t#al '$ rl' ndAte.!est and t$e ,yros%o! % ='$eels=. A)o"e t$e & r.a.ent 'e see t$e t$rone and t$e ,lory o& YH0H or as s#..ed total1 t$e T$rone o& Glory@ T$ s leads #s to t$e <#est on: B$at !art - & any one se!arate, t s $ ,$ly !la#s )le t$at )ot$ !arts are to )e %ons dered e<#ally .!ortant/ o& t$e " s on s to )e %ons dered as =l (e a %$ar ot -.r()$/C Is t t$e !$ys %al .an &estat on o& t$e Dreator enter n, $ s %reat onC Or s t, t$e " s on o& t$e DreatorC MORE TO DOME@

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