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What is marketing?

Marketing: meeting needs profitably Marketing: set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders Marketing management: the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.

What is marketing?

Marketing is not only selling. Marketing makes product/service fits customer & sells itself ==> customer ready to buy In the end, Marketing makes selling unnecessary Example: iPhone by Apple

The marketing mix is probably the most famous marketing term. Its elements are the basic, tactical components of a marketing plan. Also known as the Four P's, the marketing mix elements are price, place, product, and promotion. Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about issues relating to marketing products and services

Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. A marketing strategy should be centered around the key concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal.

SWOT Analysis :is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business A SWOT analysis must first start with defining a desired end state or objective

The PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business. A PEST analysis most commonly measures a market; a SWOT analysis measures a business unit, a proposition or idea.

Prepare a SWOT Analysis for your university. What would you do in order to sell a non existing product (I.e: Ipad, Hybrid car, ) --- Create a need? Do a Mrk mix?

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