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Declaration of Independence from My Parents

I Renee Claire Acquaye ,now being at the ripe age of thirteen am now a bona fide teen (not a child) and feeling that I am now mature enough , I should be able to go places without the vexatious ,presence of my parents. The perfect scenario is being able to go over to friends houses and sleepover, wear what I want , get to go places with friends whenever the hell I want, and being excused from bathing the poodles.

1. You always criticize my appearance and dictate what I can/cant wear. 2. You never allow me to hang out with my friends. 3. You only consider me a mature teen on your terms. 4. You dont trust me enough to make right decisions. 5. Youre impossible to please.

I have tried so hard to be the perfect daughter, but that never works out. I have no recourse but to change the status quo, with your consent or not.

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