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Name: Date: Period:

Practice your Vocabulary 2!

Directions: match each definition with the correct vocabulary word from the word bank. Each word may be
used more than once.

1.______ not important, minor Word Bank

2.______ so long as to seem endless a. germinate
3.______ silent and thoughtful because of a bad mood, anger, or resentment
b. hurtle
4.______ come into being

5.______ painfully severe or extreme; having an ugly disposition

c. interminable
6.______ to rush violently, dash headlong

7.______ to repair, restore to good condition, make new again d. renovate

8.______ ordinary; common

e. sullen
9.______ endless

10._____ evil or bad f. trivial

11._____ to begin to grow

12._____ to fling or hurl with force

Directions: in the sentences below, each adjective is in bold. In the space provided identify what the adjective
in bold is describing.

13. Manny came into class looking sullen because he earned and ASD in his last class.

14. We waited in what felt like an interminable line for the tickets.

15. We wanted to climb the fence into the park, but the barbed wire at the top look vicious.

16. After I turned in my assignment I realized I had made a few trivial mistakes in my paper, but they won’t

affect my grade too badly.

17. Benito was chased by the savage dog all the way around the block!

18. The never-ending speech the man gave was so boring! I almost fell asleep!

19. It’s such a small and petty problem, you should just let it go and forget about it.

20. The man in the hospital was known to be grumpy all the time, the nurses always tried to keep their


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