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Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society


Topic 1.1 Introduction to Information and Communication Technology

1.1.1 Overview of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Define ICT Describe the brief e o!"tion of co#p"ters

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society

Topic 1.2 -

Computer Ethics and egal Issues

1.!.1.1 "efinition Define Co#p"ter Ethics$ Co%e of Ethics$ Inte!!ect"&! 'ropert($ 'ri &c($ Co#p"ter Cri#e &n% C(ber L&).

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society

1.!.1.! "ifferentiate #etween ethics and law.

1.!.1.$ %tate the need for intellectual property laws

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society

1.!.! &rivacy 1.!.!.1 ist ways to protect privacy.

1.!.!.! %tate authentication and verification methods' technologies.

1.!.$ Contro ersi&! Contents &n% Contro!

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society

1.!.$.1 a) ist effects of controversial contents of pornography on society( Describe the process of filtering to control access to controversial contents


Co#p"ter Cri#es

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society

1.!.).1 E*plain the need for Cy#er aw

1.!.).! E*plain #riefly the computer crimes #elow( +raud, Copyright Infringement, Theft, -ttac.s.

Topic 1.+ -

Computer %ecurity

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society

1.$.1 "efinition
1.+.1.1 Define Co#p"ter sec"rit(.

1.3.2 Security Threats Explain briefly the different threats to computer security: !alicious code "ac#ing $atural disaster Theft

1.3.3 Security !easures

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society Select the appropriate security measures to overcome the identified computer threats. %pply the correct security procedures.

Topic 1.* -

Current and +uture "evelopments

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

Information & Communication Technology

LA1 ICT & Society


Impact of ICT on %ociety

1.*.1.1Describe the i#p&ct of societ( &O%ITI/E I0&-CT

1E2-TI/E I0&-CT

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Panitia ICT Jabatan Pela aran !egeri Selangor "##$

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