Stir-Fry Vegetables: Ingredients

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5tbsp 5tbps 3pcs 300g 1kg 500g 5pcs 3pcs 300g 4pcs 1clove 3cups Cooking Oil Oyster Sauce Chayote Chicharo Cabbage Carrots Red Bell Pepper Cauliflower Baguio Beans Onion Garlic Water Salt & Pepper Corn Starch

Heat the pan till slight smoke appear, put cooking oil then parboil onion and garlic sprinkle with salt to enhance flavor and aroma, put carrots then Chayote stir-fry for a minute then add the baguio beans and the chicharo, after a minute put the cauliflower and oyster sauce, stir-fry then add cabbage, bell pepper and 2cup water, cover the pan and simmer. Mix 1cup water and corn starch. Uncover your veggies then add salt and pepper to taste. In high fire add your corn starch mixture to thicken sauce.

Add a dash of sugar to your stir-fry veggie to give more flavor. Good for 15pax

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