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Miscellaneous Yogas


This yoga can give wealth, but it often does so through the dealing of that which people desire and those things that do nothing to benefit humanity. Mars, being a planet of strong opinions, joined with the Moon, the karaka for the mother, indicates that the native and their mother will have different views on some things, creating a potential for conflict. Dhvaja banner Yoga: All malefics (not including Rahu and Ketu) in the 8th and all benefics in the lagna. One is a commander whose orders others follow. The conditions for this yoga can never be met. It is not possible for two of the benefics, Mercury and Venus, to be in the lagna when the Sun is in the 8th. It is the principle that is important in this yoga. Malefics in the 8th are no doubt bad for longevity and for the native in general, but the destructive nature of the 8th house also destroys the malefics therein. The benefics in the lagna support the longevity and the native in general, the malefics in the 8th, therefore, can do no harm to the native and, thus, the native benefits by the malefics being destroyed by the 8th house. It is advantageous to have an equal amount, or more, benefics in the lagna than there are malefics in the 8th; Dhvaja yoga can be said to obtain when this is the case. Muni hermit Yoga: Venus with only malefics in the lagna or a trine, unaspected by benefics, and the said malefics are also in debilitation or inimical amsas. One is averse to Grihastha (married life); instead, one will do all he can for the well-being of humanity. If Venus is completely afflicted, marriage life promises only unhappiness, especially in a mans horoscope. However, if Venus, is in a good house (as per the yoga) the native turns to the spiritual life or towards other inspirations. If Venus is in other houses, lack and disharmony with relationships is a source of unhappiness and frustration that distracts the native from other worthwhile pursuits.

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