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ADDISON oktoberfest ‘Bitom | [Search EMAL ES) Local/News | Sports | Weather | Taft: | Business Blog Keywords =| | Search es Sea by Ped Peter ny Tecananmeel Things to Do | Life/Fravet | Opinion | shopping/Ciassiieds | Autos Mevienawe | Music Rows | night ewe | Arte Nee | Caiority owe | TY | Books > Trafic > Weather Pde Fe Sed rad tr Fel in lc cut Remember this name: bees ‘Selena Gomes: wn ay ad ced ns pan eas cree een ened Easement ey ate oy ed + 3 Doors Down scare second No. CD | Main| Bob Schneder at Belmont Hote ‘ready sold out » R, Kelly trial getting too dirty for words 1:35 Ps, May 28,2008 | armalng | b)euzz up! Cristy Robinson BEM! | EANews eee Dann and enother ecitor up here, Jerry Bokampor (aka “Me. Dallas"), were just talking about how the ineraasinaly salacious details from the til ere making it hard for tie media to deserba thge witnout offending reagers more than necessary, At any rate, cick down below to sea journalsms lates atom [Noo check out Lori's post about the matter here. Aso, are you a fan of the Boondocks comic strip? Theres an episode of the cartoon version about the R.Kelly tral, with over-the-top cmmentary cn hio-hoo/pop culture end race. ((f you're not familie, this contains raw language, depictions). (Proto: AP) By MICHAEL TARM Associated Press Writer [CHICAGO — A formar pereonal azziztant to R.Kelly become te Iateet percon te take the stand and say she believes the R&B superstar appeared ina sex tape atthe center of ix chld pornography tril Lindsey Perryman, whe worked fer Kelly and his family on and off from around 2000 £92007, identified Kelly ana the alleged viet in the graphic 27-minute videotape. "ign't want to think maa them" a sometmes snxous- looking Peeryman aid Tuesday, withthe 41-year-old Kell sitting at the defense table just yards Kaly is charged with 14 counts of cid pornearaphy for allegedly videotaping himself having sex wth an underage girl. He hes pleaded not guy end foces up to 25 yeare in pron fconviced. Kalys attorneys have said ne is net onthe tape, even noting that te singer has a mole on hs back and the man onthe tape does not, The alleged vit, row 25, alco has denied she ig on te tape ~ puting the anus an prosecutors te cal wtnoses we ean testify it is her Perryman told jurors she saw the tape for the fst ime in December 2007, iter procecutors approached ner. That fest tme she wasn't cure twas Kelly and the alleged vicim, but she became "110 percent” certain after viewing it gein, she sid "The image I saw locked exactly lke Mr Kelly,” che ea, "shocked and "disturbed" by the vdeo. adeing she was Perryman said she saw the alleged victim numerous times, including when she Would come to Kells Chiago music More Upcoming Music Events » 7 pm today: 03 Music » 8 pm today: Sundeys: Heaven Search Add ALiting Movies Venues [ESD eetaurane What wen Where watin (als, Mes From » bales Observer usc tog » cotlavsbencnet > Quik muse og » rolingstane cer > Westoticcom Concert updatesign up for eu Fre, weay neweiote™ Drea eteanen Musicians: Got mare expense) reat Your own Perforerspege A occ: t09 your page Zig" ctiocar to belated here

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