227 Yogas

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Ruinous Yogas


A malefic in the 10th indicates hardships in the career, and the 10th lord in a dusthana increases the struggles. If the 10th lord is in the 8th house there are significant ups and downs in the career, several career changes, or the unexpected termination of a career or position. In the 12th house, the native does not earn their worth, does not receive proper recognition, or looses their employment for an extended time. In the 6th house, the native has to climb up the ladder and it is difficult for them to gain positions of respect and authority; whatever position they do reach it will be less than desired, and there will be delays in finding an appropriate position. Jala stupid man Yoga: The Sun, Moon, and Mars joined in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 9th or 12th, and all of them without strength. One will be a dunce, unimportant, devoid of any wisdom and wealth and depend on others for food. Being stubborn but having no fixity of mind, one will be subject to mental worries. The important requirement for this yoga is that all the three planets mentioned must not only be in an angle, the 9th or 12th, they must be weak, either in Shadbala or by being in debilitation rasi or navamsa. When this yoga is present the native has difficulty initiating their desires and inspirations, and they are also not capable of taking advantage of the opportunities that come their way, though the Moon/Mars conjunction makes them strong in their opinions regardless of their poor capacity. Kapata deceit Yoga 1. The malefic 10th lord in the 4th with Saturn, Mars, or Rahu, and the 10th lord aspected by a malefic. 2. A malefic in the 4th, and the 4th lord under malefic influence or hemmed by malefics. 3. The 4th lord with Saturn, Rahu, or Mandi, and aspected by a malefic. One will be a hypocrite.

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