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Aplia Inc.: Student Registration Instructions

Student Registration and Payment Instructions

Course Name: P rinc iples of M ac ro

St art Dat e: 0 9 /0 7 /2 0 0 9
Inst ruct or: J ames M urray
Course Key: 4 L 7 4 - 3 ZRN - 9 A 3 S

You can begin working on your homework as soon as you register!

• I n this c ours e, you will us e a textbook and A plia's webs ite.

If you have never used A plia bef ore...
1 . C onnec t to http://www.aplia.c om.
2 . C lic k the N ew S tudent link and enter your C ours e Key: 4L74-3ZRN-9A 3S. C ontinue
following the ins truc tions to c omplete your regis tration.

If you have used A plia bef ore...

1 . C onnec t to http://www.aplia.c om.
2 . Sign in with your us ual e- mail addres s and pas s word and enter your C ours e Key when
prompted: 4L74-3ZRN-9A 3S. I f you are not prompted for a new C ours e Key, c lic k the E nter
C ours e Key button to enroll in a new A plia c ours e. E nter your C ours e Key when you are

* You will have diff erent payment options after you regis ter for your cours e. I f you choos e to pay
later, you can us e Aplia without paying until 11:59 PM on 09/27/2009.

Opt ion 1: A plia A ccess
• From A plia: P urc has e ac c es s to your c ours e from A plia's webs ite for $ 3 5 .0 0 U SD .
• From Bookst ore: Y ou may be able to purc has e an A plia A c c es s C ard from your
c ampus books tore.

Opt ion 2: Physical Text book wit h A plia A ccess

• From Bookst ore: Y ou may be able to purc has e an A plia A c c es s C ard and a phys ic al
book together as a bundle from your c ampus books tore.

* I f you purchas ed an Aplia Acces s Card from a books tore, enter the Acces s Card's payment code on
Aplia's webs ite as payment for your Aplia cours e.

1 of 1 09/07/2009 07:44 PM

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