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Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

INGREDIENTS 1 Whole Chicken Cut into Pieces 2.5 Liters of Water 5-6 tablespoon Oil 5-6 whole lack Pepper 2 tablespoon Cu!in Salt to taste 1 Lar"e Peeled Onion #-6 Peeled Clo$es of %arlic 2 &nch Peeled Piece of %in"er 1 'in Sweet corn (ernels # )""s 2 tablespoon Corn flour *O')+ ,or soup there are no e-act !easure!ents. this is /ust a rou"h "uide. !ore of one thin" and less of another !akes no difference. &t0s co!pletel1 up to personal taste METHOD 1. 'horou"hl1 wash the chicken 2. 2ake chicken stock b1 addin" water. oil. black pepper. salt. onion. clo$es of "arlic. "in"er and chicken for at least 34!ins 3. 5e!o$e chicken and then sie$e the !i-ture into another pan to re!o$e all the bits #. 5e!o$e !eat fro! chicken n rip into s!all pieces 5. 'o the stock. add washed sweet corn and the stripped chicken and brin" to boil. then lower heat to !ini!u! 6. Separate e"" whites and 1olks of at least # e""s in separate bowls 6. eat the e"" 1olks and add 1olks to soup n stir till cooked 7. 2i- corn flour in a bit of water 8 for! a thin paste 9. (eep addin" this li:uid to the soup. spoon b1 spoon till 1ou "et it to the desired consistenc1 14. 5e!o$e fro! heat and lea$e for at least 5;14 !inutes so it cools 11. eat the e"" whites and slowl1 add to the soup n keep stirrin" to for! the white cloud like threads.....<O *O' add to reall1 hot soup or it will curdle 12. Ser$e with so1a sauce and chilli oil

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