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Code: 07A7EC40

(Information Technology)

B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations December/January 2013/14

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) Discuss the issues considered in designing the UI. (b) What are the benefits of good design? (a) What are the differences between GUI and webpage design? (b) Discuss the pros and cons of graphical systems.

Max. Marks: 70

3 4 5

Explain in detail about human characteristics and considerations in design. Discuss the technology consideration in interface design with examples. (a) Describe structure and function of menus. (b) Explain the pros and cons of graphic tablet and light pen. (a) What are components? Explain. (b) Explain about icons. (a) What are specification methods for software tools? Explain with examples. (b) Explain: (i) Windowing system layer. (ii) GUI toolkit layer. (a) Explain different kinds of novel devices. Explain fits law. (b) Discuss about: (i) Pointing devices. (ii) Image and video displays.


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