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Secrets of Bhrigu Samhita and
Nadi Granthas Unveiled
Dinesh S. Mathur
This is a novel attempt in a field totally uncharted
at present. There is no extant literature on Vedic
progression to provide guidance. The Bhrigu Samhita and
Nadi Granthas are terse in their approach to the principles
and do not explain the methods of analysis. Yet the field
is fascinating and also challenging. A very large number
of people have availed of the services of custodians of
Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi Granthas and have marvelled
at the detailed predictions that these works offer them.
Bhrigu Samhita is available in parts in the north oflndia
and the south has numerous Nadi Granthas. A question
has been asked time and again as to how our seers ofthe
old could predict unerringly in the Bhrigu Samhita and
Nadi Granthas with such finesse details of lives that have
been lived several centuries later. Was it pure intuition
and extra sensory vision, or was the ability to predict based
on astrological principles that have gradually faded away
over centuries and are now lost to us? The Bhrigu Samhita
and Nadi Granthas have used unknown systems of
prediction but the outcome has been astounding. Even
today people consult keepers of this literature who only
relate a chart given in the book to the individual present,
and read out reams of details relating to the person that
are most of the time so accurate as to be unbelievable.
These details cover full life of the individual, from the
moment of his birth to his return to the Creator. These
keepers have no knowledge themselves of the innate
complex astrological principles on which these graphic
details are based. They cannot enlighten you on these
matters. The literature in incomplete state has come down
vi Vedic Progression
to them over generations written on leaves and other
material. The method to relate the data to the querist has
also been told by the father to the son. But beyond this
they have no further knowledge.
This has been a challenge. Some individuals had
attempted to find a method in this treasure of esoteric
knowledge, but according to their own admission their
efforts have not met with success. The great Bangalore
astrologer Shri BV Raman had also studied the Nadis and
had planned to write on it, but it could not happen. He
passed away after a long and illustrious career in astrology
without unravelling the mystery ofthe Nadis.
I have been studying the riddle for a while now. To
say that I have succeeded very much more than the others
would be an inaccuracy, but I have definitely been
successful in finding enough to be able to lay down a
system. Admittedly this system does not enable a
practitioner to predict in such details as the seers of the
past could do, but it does help him to reach a conclusion
almost independent of the usual period system. It is a
major tool to cross check the veracity of predictive
conclusions drawn through the traditional methods.
This system is simple and very interesting. It can
also be used through a computer. It is based on
relationships with karakas. It is very elegant in approach.
Many persons have asked me as to why I have been
trying to present a method of prediction that is now not
used in India and has been extinct here since long. Its
namesake in the west is but a poor comparison. My
justification lies in several directions. The first of course
is to rediscover something of our grand tradition that has
been lost. I have been partially successful at it. My
sincerest hope would be that this system comes back into
vogue again. I also hope that others may find inspiration
Foreword vii
through this work to build on the system that I have so
perfunctorily attempted to lay down in these pages. The
second is to provide a method of prediction that is so simple
that even mental analysis could help us reach the right
conclusion. Third, it provides an alternative to an
astrologer to reassure himselfthat the conclusion that he
has reached through the use of period system is correct.
I have been careful in presenting the reader the
principles that have been stated in this book. Only those
principles have been described that have been applicable
across the board to more than one hundred charts each. I
do not subscribe to the profession of selective applicability.
A rule that applies to a majority of charts but not to each
and every one cannot be a rule.
Since the concept is new I have tried to clarify it
through a good number of charts drawn from real life. The
charts have been numbered in each chapter. The principles
have also been stated as clearly as possible. However, I
cannot pretend to say that these principles have been
culled from the classical literature. It is not so. The
principles have been drawn after much analysis and study.
The analysis of so many charts can prove to be
tedious to some readers. They may be more interested in
the principles of analysis. They may skip over some of the
illustrative charts. They may return to them later as and
when they feel the need.
We sometimes dismiss anything new as unreliable,
firstly, because we are not familiar with it; and, secondly
because the principle in its holistic form does not have the
sanction of classical literature. I feel that the proof of the
concept lies in its applicability. If it yields good results it
should not be dismissed off hand. An open mind is the
way to progress, a preconceived notion is the greatest
obstacle in the path to knowledge.
viii Vedic Progression
I leave my efforts here to the reader. I am sure that
when he goes through the book he would realise the novelty
of the concept. He would also be struck by its utility in
support ofthe traditional method ofprognostication. But
the new concept may initially need a more careful
application on the part of the reader to grasp it properly.
Some of the principles used in this book were
enunciated for the first time in my previous work-How to
Time an Event-published by M/s Sagar Publications, New
Delhi. A reference to it would be of much use to the reader
of this book.
An index has been added for the convenience of the
I wish to record my gratitude to Shri Narinder Sagar
of Sagar Publications for providing constant support and
encouragement to me to write this book. Under pressure
of my official duties the writing used to flag and peter out
till Shri Sagar would coax me to fresh effort. It has finally
resulted in this book. The size of the book is small but the
concept is original and it may spur other astrologers to
delve deeper into the matter and come up with newer finds.
August 18, 2007
Rahul's birthday
New Delhi
Dinesh S. Mathur
I. Acknowledgement .. . ........................... jii
II. Foreword .. . ........... v
Chap. Description Page
No. No.
What is progression ? .............................................. I
2 What are the Important Basic Concepts?. . .... .18
3 How to Calculate a Progressed Position?. ... 69
4 How to Interpret the Progression of a
Vimshottari Major-period Planet? ....................... .91
5 Vimshottari Period and Progression of
Major-period Planet............................ . .. .177
6 How to Interpret the Progression of
a Ruler of the Band ofYears? ............................. .234
7 How to Interpret the Progression of the
Major-Period Planet in an Annual Chart?.. . . .266
8 Progression of the Karakas.... . ..... .276
INDEX ................................................................. .291
Chapter One
What is progression ?
Progression has different meanings in different
contexts. To a western astrologer it means imaginary
advance of a planet from its place at birth (called natal
position) to another house in the birth chart. During such
movement the planet projects aspects to and receives
aspects from natal planets (planets that are at their
original birth positions) and astronomical points. These
aspects give rise to events in the life of an individual.
Progression means the annual chart to some. When we
talk of Vedic Progression it means advance or retreat of a
planet at a fixed pace through the houses. The planet forms
relationships with natal karakas (significators) and houses
during such motion. Such developing relationships point
to likely events in future. In Vedic progression, planets
move from house to house at a fixed pace and when they
form relationships with karakas and houses they
materialise events. These relationships are generally not
based on aspects. They are formed by occupation of a house,
constellation or navamsha. They are also formed by
association or sambandha. The movement of a planet could
be forward if it is in direct motion at the time ofbirth, or
backwards, if it was retrograde at that time. The forward
movement is called the progression, the backward,
Vedic progression has gone out of vogue now. If you
talk of it, it does not elicit an intelligent response. No
Indian astrologer now uses Vedic progression. It used to
be a primary instrument for prognostication in the ages
2 Vedic Progression
past, but it has lost its primacy now to gochar (transit)
analysis. Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi Granthas (works)
depended heavily on progression.
N adi Astrology
Nadi astrology is a form of astrology practised mainly
in Tamil Nadu. Its counterparts are Bhrigu and Arun
Samhitasin North India. Nadi Astrology is based on the
belief that the past, present and future lives of all humans
were foreseen by Hindu sages in ancient times and they
had inscribed these on palm leaves. This belief may be
somewhat exaggerated. Nadi astrologers themselves admit
that only a given number of birth charts have been
analysed for predictions in the leaves. There are however
several reported cases of exact match in the past details
and future predictions. The predictions are written in the
form of Tamil verses. The text is written in Vatteluttu,
which is an ancient Tamil script. Their interpretation is
subject to the Nadi astrologer's way of understanding and
interpreting them. But those who can understand poetic
Tamil can understand the verses without the help of an
astrologer. The main question is to find out the right chart
and related analysis from the mass of literature that is
available with the custodian. Once the relevant analysis
has been located, it can be read by anybody who is
proficient in old poetic Tamil.
The Nadis were said to be written down by different
Hindu sages in the hoary past, who had divine revelations.
Some of the sages include Agastya, Brighu, Kaushika,
Vyasa, Valmiki and Vasishtha. This astrology was made
famous by astrologers around the Vaitheeswaran Temple
in the state of Tamil N adu and is still practiced around
the temple by their descendents.
What is progression ? 3
These Nadi leaves were initially stored in the
premises of Tanjore Saraswati Mahal Library of
Tamilnadu. The British later showed interest in the N adi
leaves concerned with herbs, medicine and astrology. Some
leaves got destroyed and the remaining were disposed of
by sale during the British rule. These N adi leaves were
obtained and possessed by the families of astrologers in
Vaitheeswaran Temple. Some of them had such leaves
traditionally being handed down from generation to
generation. Some of the Nadis known to exist even now
are Agastya Jeeva Nadi, Vashista Nadi, Kousiga Nadi,
Mahasiva Nadi, Saptha Rishi Nadi, Suka Nadi,
Markendaya Nadi, Kagabujandar Nadi, Visvamitra Nadi,
Bhrigu Samhita, Arun Samhita, etc. Most of the Nadis
give predictions based on natal dispositon of planets but
reading can also be had by asking concrete questions
through the Prasna Nadis. A good reading gives a full life
history from birth to death and often also about one's
previous and possible next lives.
Usually, the custodian asks for the thumb impression
(right hand for males and left hand for females). He then
searches his repository of leaves for the seeker's
classification of th urn b print. Finally, the minim urn
possible set of matching leaves is brought. The individual
is asked a series of questions so as to find the exact match.
Once the exact leaf is found, the custodian of the Nadi
tells the seeker's name, parents' name, the name ofhis
spouse, etc. Once these are confirmed many other details
about his past and future are then read out from the leaf.
The first chapter (kandam)in the leaf has the general
overview of seeker's life. Thereafter eleven more kandams
follow. The second kandam is about family, education,
eyes, money and intuition. The third is about brothers and
sisters, and relationships between them and the self. The
fourth is about mother and comforts through house, land
4 Vedic Progression
and vehicles. The fifth relates to details about the children
and their births, reason if any for not having children,
future lives of children, etc. The sixth deals with troubles
and hardships, illnesses, debts, enemies, litigations, etc.
The seventh talks of first marriage and the nature of
married life. It also contains hints about age of marriage
and name and characteristic features of the spouse etc.
The eighth chapter deals with lifespan and dangers with
indication of time and age during one's lifetime. Father
and wealth, pilgrimages, fortune, guru and holy persons,
and charitable deeds are described in the ninth chapter.
Career, job, profession and business, good and bad times
in career and business and its growth and consequent
prosperity or losses are covered in the tenth chapter. The
eleventh chapter deals with second or further marriages,
gains and acquisitions and profits in business etc. The
expenditures, journeys abroad, next birth and
emancipation are covered by the last chapter.
Any astrologer would immediately make out that the
arrangement of chapters is according to the houses in the
birth chart. But the Nadi then goes on. There are chapters
on shanti pariharam, mantra raksha, and medicine. The
chapter on shanti deals with past lives and misdeeds
committed in those births and suggests a series of rituals
that can help reduce the effect of such past bad deeds. The
chapter on mantra raksha suggests mantras that would
shield the individual from evil forces of jealousy and envy,
and the chapter on aushadha or medicine would prescribe
such medicines that according to the deeds and chart of
the individual would ameliorate his chronic illnesses.
Initially, only the first chapter is read to the seeker.
If the seeker needs further details on certain aspects of
his life like Children, Business, Health, Marriage,
Litigation, etc, then the corresponding chapters are read
What is progression ?
to him. The individual is also advised rituals which can
correct and check future mishaps and tragedies.
Reading out the Nadi predictions does not require
the kind of competence required for accuracy that other
forms of astrology demand. In most cases, only people
facing problems in life get attracted to this astrology. A
very small number is of curious seekers. Many people are
stunned by the accuracy of foretelling and, for the first
time in their lives, believe in the concepts of soul and
reincarnation. Many a time, sound advice or warning is
given on matters like mental and physical health, career,
relationships and spiritual progress. Sometimes, instead
of giving a single direction to future, the Nadi may give
multiple conditional guidelines depending on freewill.
Like Feng shui, Nadi Astrology attracts clients from
diverse fields oflife. Many ofthem are from business and
corporate sectors. In recent years, there has been criticism
regarding N adi Astrology, denouncing it as a pseudo-
science. The fortune tellers are accused of extorting
exorbitant amounts from customers. However, no amount
of criticism can take away from the uncanny ability of the
Nadi to delve into the future and come up with detailed
prognostication for the individual.
Vedic Progression
The movement of a planet through progression is
only hypothetical and it does not correspond to its actual
celestial presence at any given moment oftime. In a rare
case when the positions do coincide it is purely coincidental.
We calculate the progressed position of a planet according
to certain rules, but it must be clarified that the planet is
physically not present at the calculated place.
6 Vedic Progression
This may engender scepticism among modem day
astrologers. How can a hypothetical location of a planet
give rise to actual events in the life of an individual? In
practice it is seen that a planet having reached the
hypothetical position does give rise to events. It is also
seen that an event pointed out by progression is confirmed
by the period time frame for the event under the
Vimshottari period system. A chapter has been devoted to
this statement in this book. An event indicated by
progression can be independently predicted through
Vimshottari period time frame. We shall show through
analyses of a large number of charts that progression does
invariably indicate the event. It is therefore a valuable
tool to check whether conclusions drawn on the basis of
Vimshottari period-system are correct.
Progression had been used widely in India of the past
and is being used in the present day west in another form.
The method to analyse the impact of a progressing planet
is different in the two astrological traditions but the basic
concept that a planet could move hypothetically in a
manner that does not conform to astrophysical laws of
planetary motion and yet give rise to events in the life of
an individual has been accepted by both the systems. The
system of progression used in Bhrigu Samhita and other
Nadi granthas is not k i ~ to the system of progression
used in Occidental astrology today. There is no similarity
between the two except in name. We shall discuss the
concept in detail with a view to use the system of
progression propounded in Bhrigu Samhita and the Nadi
granthas for predictive purposes. We shall describe the
systems of progression that are in vogue in the west in
clarifying details to enable the reader to appreciate the
difference between the two. The system ofprogression in
use in the Samhita and these granthas is much simpler
and descriptive and far more accurate than the systems
What is progression ? 7
that are in use in the west. It has been used as an effective
tool for predictive purposes.
No Nadi grantha or even the Bhrigu Samhita
clarifies and describes the system of foretelling used by it.
One or two such works make vague and random passing
remarks regarding the use of karakatwa (signification) of
a planet and of its movement in progression. Much study
and introspection have revealed to a limited extent the
method of timing of events through progression that these
works have used. This author claims originality in
deciphering the secret to an incomplete extent, not in
devising it.
Progression m the West
Marcus Manilius (48 B.C.- 20 AD.) was a Roman
poet, astrologer, and author of a poem in five books called
Astronomica. According to Richard Bentley, who flourished
in the 18th century and who made a thorough study of
Greek authors, he was an Asiatic Greek, according to F.
Jacob an African. His work is one of great learning. He
had studied his subject in much detail and through the
best writers, and he represents the most advanced views
of the ancients on astrology in the West. According to
Manilius the horoscope may be divided into four quarters
which represent the four ages ofMan. Starting from the
Ascendant and moving clockwise, the first quadrant from
the Ascendant to the Midheaven (the X house) represents
the years of Infancy; the second quadrant from the
Midheaven to the Descendant (the VII house) is for Youth;
from the Descendant to the Nadir (the IV house) is for
Manhood; and last of all, from Nadir to the Ascendant is
for Old Age.
William Lilly (1602 - 1681 AD.) was the. foremost
astrologer of the 1 ih c.entury England. His--treaties on
8 Vedic Progression
horary astrology called Christian Astrology is a
masterpiece. He is most famous for predicting the Great
Fire of London in September 1666. The Great Fire of
London was a major conflagration that ravaged through
the central parts of London, from Sunday, 2 September to
Wednesday, 5 September 1666. The fire gutted the part of
City of London inside the old Roman City Wall. It
threatened, but did not damage, the aristocratic locality
ofWestminster (the modern West End), and Charles II's
Palace of Whitehall. It destroyed 13,200 houses, 87 parish
churches, St. Paul's Cathedral, and most ofthe buildings
of the City authorities. It is estimated that it destroyed
the homes of70,000 ofthe City's 80,000 inhabitants.
William Lilly is still referred to with awe and
reverence in Occidental astrological circles. He says in his
Christian Astrology "the quarter of the heaven containing
the fortunes (naturally beneficial planets) does show which
part of life will be best, bringing the most of happiness
and content into the life of the native. Contrary, that
quarter containing the infortunes (naturally malefic
planets) shows which part ofthe life will bring the most
hardship. At this time the native will have little comfort,
but encounter much labour and trouble, and there will be
calamities and misfortune ..... Usually we give each house
five years, but sometimes more or less ..... n Thus according
to these two authors each house was to represent five years
in the life of an individual. Here we for the first time find
a system akin to the concept of progression that the ancient
astrologers in India used so successfully.
Progression is rarely used in present day India. It is
the backbone for timing of events in the west in another
form and is therefore very commonly used in that part of
the world. Progression in the form of Primary and
Secondary Directions is popular in the west. However,
What is progression ? 9
western method requires much calculation and is not really
very descript_ive. It fails to many a time to locate a future
event or indicate it in sufficient detail. It appears to be a
suitable method to study astrological phenomena in the
The commonest system of progression in the west,
which is a Secondary Direction, is the 1 o equal to one year
method. Under this method we advance the cusps of the
first and X houses by 1 o for each year and evaluate the
effect that various natal planets cause through their
aspects on the advancing cusps. Some astrologers advance
the ascendant cusp by 1 o and calculate the equivalent cusp
ofthe X house. Thus, ifthe l house cusp were at 10 in
Pisces at the time ofbirth, at the beginning ofthe second
year oflife, it would be at 11 o in the sign. At the close of
the second year it shall be at 12 in Pisces. Its position at
any moment during the second year can therefore be fixed
very accurately. The beneficial distance that the cusp
develops with a natal planet, or otherwise, shall show its
imprint in a favourable or adverse event. The cusp ofthe
X house can be worked out mathematically proportionate
to the ascendant cusp, and impact of natal planets on it
considered. Further, we advance each natal planet by the
same rate of 1 o and consider the impact of its progressed
position on the two natal cusps. This is a system of
progression that is said to have essentially originated from
Bhrigu, but it is not actually found used in the Bhrigu
Samhita or the Nadi Granthas. However, this system
appears to have merit and many an event can be explained
through it. Two western astrologers namely Sepharial and
Raphael seem to have put this method to good use.
Sepharial, the popular name of Walter Richard Old, as we
know, had been to places of astrological learning in India
in 1892 and had, under his own admission, benefited much
from this tutoring. He was a Theosophist and had close
10 Vedic Progression
links with Helena Blavatsky. He became a trusted
companion ofBlavatsky. He saw the phenomenon of letters
from Masters supposedly residing in remote fastnesses of
Tibet materialising before Blavatsky_ Later Old, after
passing of Blavatsky, questioned the genuineness of these
letters from the Masters and became persona non grata in
Theosophical circles. Old was however an astrologer of
much merit and has contributed substantially to
astrological literature.
An alternative Western method ofprogression is to
take one day equal to one year in the life of an individual.
lfyou take the ascendant and planetary positions at the
time of birth on the day after birth, the chart so calculated
would yield predictions for the second year in the life of
that individual. Suppose an individual was born on June
6, 2003 at 11:30 am at New Delhi. If we prepare a birth
chart for June 7, 2003 at 11:30 am at New Delhi this chart
would be a chart for the second year of the life of the
individual. If we draw up a chart in this fashion for the
31st day, it would show the life of that individual in the
31st year. Any date in the year can easily be fixed during
the intervening 24 hours. A modification to this is the
,system of fixed ascendant. In this the planetary positions
are taken for the next day or any day as the case may be,
but the ascendant remains the one that existed at the time
of birth. This too is a Secondary Direction.
The classical western progression is taken to be in
the form of Primary Directions. Any method for
determining the changing influence of the altered
relationship between the positions ofthe cusps ofhouses
and the planets that is based upon the diurnal rotation of
the Earth upon its axis is known as Primary Direction.
This is based on trigonometric calculations and is a highly
complex and laborious process. Only the first six hours
What is progression ? 11
after the birth are important in this analysis because they
correspond to a normal duration of a person's life of about
90 years. Consequently, in the first 4 minutes from birth
we can identify the influences, causing the corresponding
events in the span of first one year of our, life.
There are various systems of Primary Directions,
their sole object being to determine the time of events.
One such system is ascribed to Claudius Ptolemaeus. He
lived between 90 and 168 AD. He is known in English as
Ptolemy. He was a Greek mathematician, geographer,
astronomer, and astrologer, who was born in Roman Egypt,
probably in or near Alexandria. Ptolemy's treatise on
astrology, the Tetrabiblos, was the most popular
astrological work of antiquity. It enjoyed great influence
in the Islamic world and the mediaeval Latin West. The
Tetrabiblos is an extensive treatise on the ancient
principles of astrology in four books. The Greek word tetra
means "four" and bib los is "book". There are two Latin
editions of the work and one in Greek. The best translation
that we have is the paraphrase ofProclus from the Greek
text rendered into English with extensive commentary by
J. M. Ashmand. Ptolemy's system of measurement
employed arcs of direction based upon the apparent motion
of the heavens about the Earth by virtue of the rotation of
the Earth on its axis.
Placidus de Titus, a professor of mathematics, later
added mundane aspects. He studied Ptolemy's work on
astrology and produced another version. It appears that
he was known as Didacus Placidus, and was born in
Bologna in Italy. He became a monk, and was appointed
mathematician to the Archduke Leopold William of
Austria. He wrote in the early part of the seventeenth
century a work entitled the PrimumMobile, in which he
gives a thorough digest ofthe teachings ofPtolemy. The
12 Vedic Progression
best English translation is by Cooper. In his system one
third of the semi-arc of a planet was equal to the space of
one House.
In both systems the motions ofthe planets are due
to the motion of the Earth on its axis after birth. The natal
positions of the planets, taken in connection with the
planet to which direction is made, are held to determine
the nature ofthe event.
The Vedic system used in the Samhita and other
Granthas is radically different, but it is very simple and
versatile. It does not involve calculations to the degree
that western methods entail. In fact the calculations are
very simple in nature. It can be used in a birth or annual
chart with equal effectiveness. It is also used for
progressing the ruler ofthe band ofyears. We will study
it in the ensuing pages.
Progression and Transit
The progression is not transit. Transits are used very
commonly in India. Many astrologers rely only on transits
while giving a prediction. The daily predictions published
in newspapers for each sign in India are based only on
transits. Whereas Indian analysis of transit results is
based on the movement of a planet through various houses,
in the west, its distance from natal planets is more taken
into account. Both systems have their limitations but
western astrologers like William Lilly have shown
astounding results with such transit analysis.
Transit analysis is study of motion of planets after
birth over time. Progression is also a study of motion of
the planets, but there are fundamental differences between
the two. In Vedic astrology, the motion of a planet in transit
is its real movement across the sky. The Vedic zodiac is a
What is progression ? 13
sidereal zodiac. The position of a planet at any time in the
sky actually corresponds to its position determined
mathematically in sidereal zodiac. This means that the
calculated position of a planet can be confirmed by
observation of the actual position of the planet in the
firmament. In fact, Indian astrologers of yore many a time
fixed the position of a planet in the sky by observing its
position and then considered its effect on the individual.
Therefore, in India we consider the actual physical
movement of a planet across the sky. The western
astrologer uses tropical zodiac. The position of planet
calculated according to this zodiac does not correspond to
its physical position in the sky. It is also in a way a
hypothetical position. Its distance however from natal
planets is then considered and effect determined.
Progression is different. Here the position is only
calculated mathematically. It cannot be related to the
position of the planet in the sky. The planet does not
progress or regress (move backwards) physically. If
through calculation we determine that Jupiter had
progressed to Leo, it would actually not be in Leo at that
time. It could be anywhere in the sky, including Leo
perhaps. We shall only take its location in Leo to study
the complex relationships that would develop through its
hypothetical placement there and their net effect.
Thus in Vedic astrology a transit position of a planet
is its actual position according to its motion through the
signs in the sky whereas in Vedic progression the position
determined would not be the real position of the planet at
that moment oftime.
The direction of the progression of a planet depends
on its natal direction of movement. In case it is direct at
the time of birth, it would always progress in the chart. If
it were retrograde it would only regress throughout life.
14 Vedic Progression
During transit the planet could move in a forward or
retrograde manner according to rules ofits movement in
astronomical terms.
The time that a planet spends in a house is
mathematically precise in progression. Jupiter as a major-
period planet in Vimshottari time frame would spend
487.01 days in each house; the Moon would spend 304.38
days in each house, etc. This is not true in transit. Jupiter
would spend about a year in a house but not exactly
365.2564 days. The Moon too would spend about 2.25 days
in a house but not necessarily the same quantum oftime
in each house. Further, as we will see later, the length of
the major-period of a planet would determine the period
that a planet would spend in a house during progression.
This is not true for transit.
It is noticed that in Vedic progression the movement
of a planet through houses causing relationships to develop
with natal karakas is of much significance. If a reference
is made to my 'How to Time an Event' published by M/s
Sagar Publications, New Delhi, it would be noticed that
in transit analysis karakas in actual motion are also taken
into account. In Vedic progression only the natal karakas
that are fixed in the chart are considered. We do not
consider progressing karakas at the same time too.
Therefore in Vedic progression a progressing planet would
produce an event when it develops contact with a natal
karaka. It may be reasserted that the natal karaka is not
progressing. It remains at the place where it is shown in
the birth chart. In Vedic transit analysis natal karakas
are not taken into analysis when moving planets pass over
A progressed planet, as has been said, is only
notionally present in a house at any given moment of time,
but its effect in that house is very material. It gives effect
What is progression ? 15
to some results of the house and karaka. In effect, it means
that a planet during the course of its major-period (the
period of operation) marks out sections of time during
which it is likely to cause certain events to materialise.
These sections of time can be demarcated in the life of an
individual through the use of progression and confirmed
through Vimshottari period time frame, if necessary.
Therefore, if we study the progression of a planet through
houses, we should be in a position to map out the events
that would follow each other. Our astrological masters of
yore have done this. They could identify the section of time
for each event in the life of an individual through the use
of progression.
We will clarify the difference between transit and
progression through an illustration. Suppose the
Vimshottari major-period ofJ upiter is current in a chart.
We should study the progression of Jupiter. Suppose it is
in direct motion and in Gemini in the chart at birth. Jupiter
in progression will remain for nearly 16 months in each
house of the chart. (This is clarified in a later chapter). It
will start from its natal position in Gemini and end at the
same place after 16 solar years. In its progression, Jupiter
will traverse all the 12 houses of the chart in direcfmotion.
Suppose the major-period of Jupiter begins in the 40th year
of an individual's life. For the first few months (depending
on natal longitude of Jupiter) Jupiter would progress
through the natal sign of Gemini. We know that Jupiter
takes one year on an average to physically move through
a sign in transit. Therefore it is likely to be in Virgo in his
40th year. It will therefore progress through Gemini and
transit through Virgo in his 40th year. It can only be
observed in Virgo physically during this period. It shall
not be found in Gemini in the sky at that time. It will be
in Gemini only hypothetically. Since transit is at a faster
pace than progression, the distance between the two
16 Vedic Progression
positions ofJ upiter would continue to increase.
We will now take up a birth chart and show the
difference between transit and progression through it.
Chart 1-1
Male, December 9, 1957, 1750 hours, 20N56',
77E45', 0530 hours East of GMT.
What is progression ?
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 7s2354'9" Mercury Venus 9s95'8" Sun
Moon 2s22ll'41" Jupiter Saturn 7s2332'42" Mercury
Mars 6s2725'3" Jupiter Rahu 6sl645'3" Rahu
Mere 8sl442'4" Venus Ketu Os16"45'3" Venus
Jupiter 6sl
56'40" Mars Ascdt ls2739'40"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
This individual got married on April 29, 1989 in the
major-period of Saturn. Progressed Saturn was in Scorpio
since January 22, 1989. (The method to calculate the
position of a progressed planet is given in Chapter-Three).
Transit Saturn was in Sagittarius on the date of marriage.
A child was born to him on June 27, 1993 in the major-
period of Mercury. Progressed Mercury was in Aquarius
since June 11, 1992. Transit Mercury on the date ofthe
event was in Cancer.
The study of a chart through progressions is a very
effective method to place a likely event in a small slot of
time, and thereafter, we can fix the date of the event
through the use ofVimshottari period system, annual chart
and transits.
Chapter Two
What are the
Important Basic Concepts ?
We have described the concept ofVedic progression
as it is taken in this work in some detail in the preceding
Chapter. We have also distinguished the meaning of
progression as it is understood in the west from its meaning
in Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi Granthas. The distinction
between progression and transit was also clarified. We will
now define some concepts that are fundamental to analysis
of progression.
Planets Capable of Being Progressed
(Or Regressed)
The major-period (mahadasa) planet in the
V imshottari period system can be progressed but the
inferior period planets such as a sub (antar), inter
(pratyantar ), sookshma or prana -period planet cannot be
progressed. This applies to Mudda period planets too. Only
the major-period planet in the Mudda period time frame
in an annual chart can be progressed.
The karakas in a chart can be progressed. The
method of their progression is somewhat different.
The ruler of a band of years can be progressed.
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 19
Each planet projects an aspect to the VII sign from
its position. Some planets have special aspects. Mars
projects aspects to the IV and VIII signs also from its
position. Jupiter projects aspects to V and LX signs too.
Saturn projects aspects to the III and X signs as well. A
progressed planet too retains this ability. Therefore each
progressed planet would also project aspects according to
its general and special rules. There is no consensus on the
manner in which the Nodes project their aspects. There is
a view that as the Nodes are not corporeal entities, they
do not project aspects at all. We have not considered the
aspects ofthe Nodes in this system.
Strength of Progressing Planets
A planet would be strong in progression in a sign in
(i) it is in a friendly or its exaltation sign,
(ii) it is associated with friendly planets there,
(iii) it is in sambandha with a friendly planet there, or,
(iv) it is associated with or receives aspect from its natal
position. Saturn for example in Aries would be strong
in progression in case it receives aspect from natal
Saturn in Cancer.
(v) It is in an exaltation or friendly navamsha or in a
friendly constellation during progression.
The strength would proportionately reduce in case
the planet does not qualify for strength in the above
20 Vedic Progression
A planet weak in progression is likely to cause
adverse results; a strong planet tends to give good results.
Strength of a House
The owner of the house should be strong. The
strength of the owner can be assessed on the same lines
as that of a progressing planet. The house also should only
have in it its owner, or a friendly or exalted planet.
A strong progressed planet in a strong house would
tend to give good results, and vice-versa.
These are the traditional karakas that represent
various aspects oflife. These are the fixed karakas. The
Sun for example is a karaka for father, status, physical
self, abdomen, heart, etc. The Moon is a karaka for mental
self, mother, residence, mind, etc. Mars is a karaka for
siblings, valour, injury, enmity, etc. Mercury is a karaka
for speech, education, maternal uncles, etc. Jupiter is a
karaka for happiness, wealth, income, scholarship, elder
sibling, success, marriage (female chart), etc. Venus is a
karaka for vehicle, love, marriage (male chart), luxury,
etc. Saturn is a karaka for profession, hardships, disease,
danger, worry, loss, etc. Rahu is a karaka for incarceration,
journey abroad, fraud, stranger, etc. Ketu is a karaka for
spirituality, super-consciousness, discarnate entities,
ghosts, etc. We have already dealt with karakas in much
detail in our previous work-How to Time an Event. We
have also related each event to a planetary karaka and
house. We have not considered chart specific Jaimini
karakas in our system of analysis. We will recapitulate
these details for the benefit ofthe reader.
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 21
Matter Karaka House
Body Sun 1
Head Sun 1
Right eye (in males)/
Left eye (in females) Sun 2/12
Heart Sun 4
Stomach Sun 5
Animals Sun 6
Fire Sun 6
Father Sun 9
Rank/status/fame Sun 10
Place ofworship Sun 12
Infancy Moon 1
Place of birth Moon 1
Face/Mouth Moon 2
Lungs Moon 3/4
Short journey Moon 3
Breasts Moon 4
Mind Moon 4
Mother Moon 4
Place of residence/Home Moon 4
Emotion/Emoting Moon 5
Ovaries/uterus Moon 6
Urinary bladder Moon 7
Pregnancy Moon 7
Residence at a distant place Moon 7
Sea cruise Moon 8
Contd .... on next page
22 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Matter Karaka House
Left eye (in males)/
Right eye (in females) Moon 12/2
Moon 12
Blood relations/Family Mars 2
- Mars 2
Courage Mars 3
Younger siblings Mars 3
Immovable property Mars 4
Enemies/disputes/Litigation Mars 6
Accident Mars 6
Competition Mars 6
Injury Mars 6
Penis Mars 7
Testicles Mars 8
Blood Mars 9
Early childhood
Mercury 2
Sense of smell Mercury 2
Speech Mercury 2
Communication/Letter Mercury 3
To write Mercury
Education Mercury 4
Clan - - Mercury 4
Mercury 4
Mercury 4
Mercury 5
Intestines, small Mercury 6
Contd .... on next page
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 23
Contd .... from last page
Matter Karaka House
Maternal uncle Mercury
Mercury 7
Intestines, large Mercury 7
Trade Mercury 7
Wealth/Bank balance Jupiter 2
Hearing, sense of/ Right-Left ear Jupiter 3/11
Happiness Jupiter 4
Liver Jupiter 4/5
Love for the divine Jupiter 5
Scholarship Jupiter 5
Gall Bladder
Jupiter 5
Pancreas Jupiter
Husband Jupiter 7
Prominence in society Jupiter 7
Good fortune Jupiter 9
Pilgrimage/long inland journey Jupiter 9
Religious inclination Jupiter 9
Elder siblings Jupiter 11
Income/ gain Jupiter 11
Jewellery Venus 2
Poetry Venus 2
Upper Neck/Throat Venus 2
Music/dance Venus 3
Lower Neck Venus 3
Vehicle Venus 4
Romance Venus 5
Contd .... on next page
24 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Karaka House
Kidneys Venus 5
Partnership Venus 7
Sexuality Venus 7
Sex act Venus 7
Wife Venus 7
Female genitals Venus 8
Fountain of wealth Venus 11
Sexual pleasure Venus 12
Hair Saturn 1
Teeth Saturn 2
Agriculture Saturn 4
Common man/masses Saturn 4
Discomfort Saturn 4
Debts Saturn 6
Disease/obstacles Saturn 6
Intestines, large Saturn 6/7
Servant/subordinate Saturn
Bodily exertion/hardship Saturn 6
Worries Saturn 6
Danger Saturn 8
Longevity Saturn
Rectum Saturn
Sorrow Saturn 8
Joints Saturn 10
Profession/Deed/Livelihood Saturn 10
Feet Saturn 12
Contd .... on next page
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 25
Contd .... from last page
Matter Karaka House
Riots Rahu 4
Diplomacy/Diplomat Rahu 5
Paternal Grandfather Rahu 5
Fraud Rahu 6
Stranger Rahu 7
Maternal Grandmother Rahu 7
Malignant/Undiagnosable or
untreatable disease Rahu 8
Rahu 8
Journey abroad Rahu 9
Imprisonment Rahu 12
Appropriate Mantra/
Ishta Devta (Chosen Deity) Ketu 5
Ghosts/Discarnate beings Ketu 6
Tantra/Black magic Ketu 8
Spiritual pursuits Ketu 9
Paternal Grandmother Ketu 12
Maternal Grandfather Ketu 12
Nirvana Ketu 12
Extra Sensory Perception/
Occult powers/Siddhis Ketu 12
A reference to Chapter 32 verses 22 to 24 of Brihat
Parashar Hora Shastra is highly instructive. Here
Parashar says that the LX house from the Sun will also
represent the father; the IV from the Moon, the mother;
the III from Mars, the brother; the VI from Mercury, the
maternal uncle; the V from Jupiter, the children; the VII
from Venus, the wife (in a male chart) and the VIII from
26 Vedic Progression
Saturn, death. The VII house from natal Jupiter represents
husband. This has been reiterated in Chapter 70. Hora
Sara Chapter 17 supports this statement. Prithuyasas,
the author of Hora Sara, has stated in this chapter that
the IX house from the Sun and V house from Jupiter relate
to the father and child respectively.
A planet that is related to karaka Jupiter would give
results of the karaka too. Since Jupiter is a karaka for
children besides other things, the planet would possibly
give results relating to children as well. Karaka Jupiter
would also possibly give such results. If the planet or
Jupiter were also related to the V house it would be inclined
to give results relating to children out of multifarious
karaka significations of Jupiter. A house from the
ascendant offers a wide choice of aspects of human life.
The V house from the ascendant refers to children,
stomach, emotions, intelligence, etc. The V house from
Jupiter is a more specific house. It refers only to children.
Hence when the planet or Jupiter is related to this house
too, it would definitely give results relating to children. A
planet expected to give results to children for example has
to refer to the general house that refers to children amongst
many other things and to the specific house for children.
This would be further confirmed when it is also related to
the Arudha of the V house from Jupiter. The concept of
Arudha is explained in detail later. Similarly if a planet
were related to Jupiter and the II house from the
ascendant, the likelihood would be that the planet would
give results relating to the wealth of the individual. If the
planet were also related to the II house from Jupiter, it
would definitely give results relating to wealth of the
individual. The same planet when related to Jupiter and
the II houses from the ascendant and Jupiter would give
results relating to wealth; would give results relating to
children when related to the V houses from the ascendant
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 27
and Jupiter; when related to the IX houses from the
ascendant and Jupiter would give results relating to
religion, and when related to the XI houses from the
ascendant and Jupiter would give results relating to gains
and acquisitions. Thus there are three basic elements that
determine the inclination of a planet: the karaka, and the
two relevant houses from the ascendant and the karaka.
The above table helps us in determining the karaka and
the houses that should be related to the planet for a
particular result.
What happens when the karaka is operating as the
major-period planet? Then we should see the houses the
karaka is related to. In case the karaka is related to a
particular set of houses its results would relate to that
specific aspect of its significations. Suppose Mercury major-
period is going on. Suppose Mercury is related to the II
houses from the ascendant and itself, it shall give results
relating to speech, but if it were not related to the VI houses
from the ascendant and itself, though it is a karaka for
maternal uncles too, it would not cause results relating to
them to materialise in its major-period.
Having understood the above principle, we should
proceed a little more in this direction. Suppose a planet is
related to a karaka and a set of relevant houses. It would
give results relating to that particular aspect of the
signification of the karaka, but what would be the nature
of the result? Would the result be palatable, favourable or
undesirable? Let us take a concrete example. Suppose a
planet is related to Saturn and the X houses from the
ascendant and Saturn. It should cause matters relating
to profession of the individual to appear in its major-period.
Does it mean that he would prosper in his profession?
Would he get a new job? Would he lose his job? Would he
get a promotion? Mere relationship of the planet with
Saturn and the two X houses would not tell us answers to
28, _________________________________
these questions. The planet should also have similar
relationships with other related elements to cause
qualifications to appear.
Suppose a planet is qualified to give results
relating to profession, as discussed above, is also related
to Saturn and the XII houses from the ascendant and
Saturn. It would also thus be qualified to cause separations
and loss. Thus a planet that is qualified to give results
relating to profession and. is also inclined to cause
separation or loss would, in the combined effect, make the
individual lose his job or suffer losses due to his profession.
On the other hand, suppose the planet that is inclined to
give results relating to profession is also related to Jupiter
and the XI houses from the ascendant and Jupiter. Such a
planet would cause an event that would make the
individual get a job or gain through his profession.
We may have a situation where the major-period
planet is related to Rahu and the LX houses from the
ascendant and Rahu. This would indicate that the planet
would cause journeys abroad. Suppose it is related to the
Moon and the IV houses from the ascendant and the Moon.
This would mean that the planet would give results
relating to the mother of the individual. Suppose the major-
period planet is also related to Mars and the III houses
from the ascendant and Mars showing that the major-
period would have results relating to younger siblings of
the individual. Thus the major-period planet shows
journeys abroad, it shows results relating to the mother
and it also shows results relating to younger siblings. Does
it mean that the mother and the younger siblings would
both go abroad during this major-period at the same time?
It may not happen so. In case the karaka for journey abroad
(Rahu) is related to the karaka for mother (Moon) and the
karaka for younger siblings (Mars), we should take that
the mother and younger siblings would go abroad in the
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 29
major-period. However the time of their going abroad in
this major-period would depend on the progression ofthe
major-period planet. When the major-period planet comes
in contact with the natal Moon and natal Rahu and it is
related to the IX houses from the ascendant and natal
Rahu, and it is also related to the IV houses from the
ascendant and the natal Moon, the mother of the individual
would go abroad. In place of the Moon when the major-
period planet comes in contact with natal Rahu and natal
Mars and it is also related to the IX houses from the
ascendant and natal Rahu, and the III houses from the
ascendant and natal Mars, the younger sibling of the
individual would go abroad. It is only when the progressed
planet relates simultaneously to both the sets of elements,
i.e., Moon and the two IV houses from the ascendant and
the Moon, and Mars and the two III houses from the
ascendant and Mars that the mother and younger sibling
would both go abroad together.
Any event that we are looking for can thus be broken
down into its constituent elements and analysed
astrologically. Suppose somebody is looking for a new
romance to blossom. If we refer to the table above we would
notice that Venus is the karaka (significator) for romance
and the V houses from the ascendant and Venus would
represent romance. A planet that is related to these three
elements would cause matters relating to romantic
involvement to arise in its major-period. What would
happen to this romance can be determined by analysing
the planet further. If the planet were related to Saturn
and the XII houses from the ascendant and Saturn, the
romance would peter out and die. What happens when
Saturn and the VI houses from it are involved. The
individual would find obstacles in a romantic involvement.
In case the planet is related to Mars and the VI houses
from the ascendant and Mars, there would be
30 Vedic Progression
disagreements in the romantic relationship. Again, in case
the planet is related to Jupiter and the XI houses from
the ascendant and Jupiter, there would be a new romantic
relationship or the romance would flourish. What happens
when the Sun and the X houses from the Sun and
ascendant are involved? These three elements stand for a
high status. The individual would have romance with a
highly placed person. Such illustrations can be given ad
A question may arise as to how this kind of analysis
that is relevant to a major-period planet can help us in
the analysis ofprogression. The relevance is as follows:
(a) Only a planet that is inclined to cause an event to
happen can generate that event during its
progression. Suppose we are studying the
progression of the Sun. Suppose the Sun is not
related to Venus and the VII houses from the
ascendant and Venus in a male chart. The Sun
therefore cannot give result relating to marriage of
the individual in its major-period. It would thus also
not give any result relating to marriage of the
individual in its progression, because the progression
would run only during its major-period.
(b) An event can happen through the progression of that
planet only when the planet generates these three
relationships in its progression. Taking the above
illustration, suppose the Sun is related to Venus and
the two VII houses from Venus and ascendant in
the birth chart. It would then be qualified to cause
matters relating to marriage to take place. Suppose
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 31
when it reaches Gemini it gets related to Venus and
the two VII houses. The Sun would then cause
marriage to take place in case it also gets related to
Jupiter and the two XI houses (from the ascendant
and Jupiter) there. Suppose on the other hand the
Sun gets related to Saturn and the two XII houses
from the ascendant and Saturn in progression. In
such a case the Sun would bring the marriage to an
end or cause the couple to separate. This analysis
has been given in more detail in a later chapter.
(c) A question can arise that when a major-period planet
is related to the three elements pertaining to an event
at its natal location, why should it progress before
causing the event? Why should not the event happen
as soon as the progression starts in the natal sign?
This is an important point and needs careful
The Moon is by nature inclined to give its result
immediately in its period; Mars after a very short while of
the beginning; Mercury a little later than Mars; Venus in
the first quarter of the span of time; Jupiter just before
the middle of the span; Sun after the middle of the span in
the third quarter; and, Saturn towards the end in the
fourth quarter of span or even later. Rahu and Ketu are
equated to Saturn and Mars respectively.
When a planet is placed in a movable sign, it is likely
to give results early; in a fixed sign, late; and, in a common
sign in the middle of its period.
We can determine the resultant probable time of the
event in a sign according to the following table:
32 Vedic Progression
Planet Nature Movable
sign-Early sign-Middle sign-Late
3'd quarter 2nd quarter 3'd quarter 4
h quarter
Moon Immediately Immediately
End 1 ''
2nd quarter
Mars 1 '' quarter 1 '' quarter
End 2nd
2nd quarter
Mercury 1 '' quarter 1 '' quarter
End 2nd
2nd quarter
Jupiter middle End
End 2nd
3'd quarter
1 '' quarter
Venus Beginning End 1"'
2nd quarter
2nd quarter
3'd quarter
h quarter 3'ct quarter 3'd quarter
h quarter
h quarter 3'd quarter 3'd quarter 4'h quarter
Ketu 1 '' quarter 1 '' quarter Beginning
End 2nd
2nd quarter
In the above table the second column shows the
normal time at which a planet would give its result. For
example, the Sun would give result in the third quarter of
its period. In the next three columns the effect of sign is
shown when the Sun is in a movable sign, the result would
be given earlier in the second quarter, and when its in a
fixed sign, it would be deferred to the fourth quarter.
(d) The question remains ofthe probable time when a
planet would yield its results in its progress10n
through the twelve signs.
(i) Parashar has mentioned in his Brihat
Parashar Hora Shastra, Chapter 47 verses 3'
and 4 that a planet becomes operational
according to its location in a drekkan. When in
direct motion and in the first drekkan (113rd of
a sign), a planet will give results at the
beginning of its period. It will give results in
the middle of the period if it is placed in the
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 33
second drekkan; and, at the end ofthe period
if placed in the last drekkan. This order will
be reversed ifthe planet is retrograde. It will
give results at the end of the period if it is
placed in the first drekkan. It will become
operational in the middle ofthe period when it
is in the second drekkan, and at the
commencement ofthe period when it is placed
in the last drekkan. Since Rahu and Ketu are
always in retrograde motion, they will yield
results in the same manner as a retrograde
(ii) When a planet is placed in a movable sign, it is
likely to give results early; in a fixed sign, late;
and, in a common sign in the middle of its
period. These are modified by the category of
the sign. The net effect is given in the next
(iii) Parashar has mentioned in his Brihat
Parashar Hora Shastra, Chapter 50 verses 88,
89 and 89.5 that a planet will become
operational depending on the category of sign
that it is placed in. When placed in a
shirshodaya (rising headfirst) sign it will give
results at the beginning of the period. The
shirshodaya signs are Gemini, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius. All the fixed
signs, except Taurus, fail to influence the
timing as they by nature being fixed delay
matters but being shirshodaya try to advance
it. The two tendencies cross each other out.
When in an ubhayodaya sign (head and hind
quarters both rising at the same time) it will
give results in the middle of the period. The
ubhayodaya sign is Pisces. Since the sign as a
34 Vedic Progression
common one is also inclined to give the result
in the middle, Pisces has a very powerful
influence to defer the result to the middle of
the period. When in a prishthhodaya sign
(rising hind quarters first) it will give its results
at the end of the period. The prishthhodaya
signs are Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius
and Capricorn. Taurus fully delays matters. All
the movable signs, except Libra, fail to
influence timing, as being movable they try to
advance matters but being prishthhodaya they
try to delay them at the same time. Libra
expedites matters. It takes matters to the very
beginning. Thus only Taurus among fixed
signs, and Libra among movable signs, should
be taken into account when considering the
influence of a sign on timing. Among common
signs Gemini and Virgo take the timing to the
first quarter of the period; Sagittarius takes it
to the last quarter, and Pisces keeps it in the
The net effect of signs on timing can be
summarised in the following manner:
Brings the event to the beginning ofthe
Takes the event to the first quarter of the
period-Gemini and Virgo
Takes the event to the middle of the
Takes the event to the third quarter of
the period-Sagittarius
Takes the event to the end of the period-
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 35
Other signs are immaterial. They have no effect
on timing.
(iv) A planet under the influence of the Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Venus and Ketu tends to give its
results in the very beginning of its period.
When the planet is under influence of the Sun,
Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu, it delays matters.
The net result is as follows:
(i) Therefore a direct planet in the first
drekkan of Gemini, Virgo or Libra, or a
retrograde planet in the last drekkan of
any of these signs would give results at
the very beginning ofthe progression.
(ii) If the planet were under the strong strong
influence of the Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Venus and Ketu then too the progression
would yield results immediately.
(iii) When the planet is in Taurus or
Sagittarius in the third or first drekkan
depending on whether it is direct or
retrograde, the results would be deferred
to the end ofthe progression.
(iv) Alternatively, when the planet is under
strong influence of the Sun, Jupiter,
Saturn or Rahu then too the results
would appear at the end of the
A planet in Pisces in a common sign in second
drekkan would give its result in the middle ofthe period.
In all other signs the timing of results would largely depend
on the drekkan in which the planet is situated.
36 Vedic Progression
Remedial Measures
This is a vast field and I do not have pretensions to
being an expert at it but there are certain deductions one
can make from the theory of progression that would be of
help to an individual in trouble.
We have seen that only a naturally malefic planet
causes unpleasant results. Mars, Saturn, Rahu and in
some cases Ketu give rise to situations that are unpleasant
for which the individual looks for palliative measures.
Beneficial planets do not create situations for which such
measures are required.
The planet of which the major-period is current in
the life of an individual is the main governor of his life at
that time. It would give rise to events in progression as it
develops relationships with natal naturally beneficial or
malefic planets. The major-period planet in progression
would cause unhappiness, separation, disease, loss, danger
etc when it comes into relationship with natal Saturn. The
exact nature of the developments would depend on the
natal nature ofthe major-period. The major-period planet
would cause enmity, injuries, disputes, surgery, etc when
it gets related to natal Mars. Happiness, gain, income,
success, birth of a child, etc would be caused when it gets
related to natal Jupiter. It would cause pleasure, luxury,
comforts, romance, marriage (in a male chart), happy
married life, etc when it develops relationship with natal
It therefore stands to reason that when a particular
unpleasant situation arises, knowing its karaka we should
attend to it with relevant remedies. If we are able to mollify
the karaka we can expect the trouble too to subside or
reduce. Since the relationship between the major-period
planet and the naturally malefic planet would form,
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 37
depending on the movement of the two planets, between
specific dates, we can clearly specify specific dates during
which such remedial measures have to be taken. The
trouble would remain only while the transiting naturally
malefic planet is related to the major-period planet in
progression or transit.
Transits generally are short lasting as compared to
progression. The principle enunciated above applies
equally to progression. When the major-period planet
progresses (or regresses) to a place where it comes into
relationship with a naturally malefic natal planet, it is
likely to start causing trouble to the individual. The specific
karaka can be determined by analysing the nature of the
trouble. If the individual is facing loss the karaka for
trouble can be determined to be Saturn; if it is injury or
surgery, Mars; if loss of freedom, Rahu; if trouble from
disncarnate entities, Ketu, etc. We should then take up
the right remedy.
According to numerology the planets have the
following numbers assigned to them:
The Sun-1 Venus-6
The Moon-2 Ketu-7
Jupiter-3 Saturn-8
Rahu-4 Mars-9
The remedies for each naturally malefic planet are
given below:
Mars-Recite Hanuman Chalisa or Kunjika Stotra (for
Mother Durga) and worship Lord Hanuman or Mother
Saturn Worship Lord Shiva and recite
Shivasahasranama or Mahamrityunjaya mantra. The
38 Vedic Progression
recitation of 'Om Namah Shivaya' is also helpful. lf the
individual is facing obstructions in his affairs, recite 'Om
Sri GaneshayaNamah' and worship Lord Ganesh. Worship
of Lord Sai Baba of Shirdi when trouble is attributed to
Saturn is always very effective.
Rahu-Do Rudrabhisheka. Worship Lord Shiva and
recite 'Om Namah Shivaya'.
Ketu-Recite 'Om Gum (same pronunciation as in
English) Ganapataye Namah' and worship Lord Ganesh.
1 am not aware of similar divine names for mollifying
planets in other religions. However, the name of the Lord
is all powerful. 1 am convinced that prayer to the Lord
using any name would help the individual. A Christian
can use the name ofthe Lord as it appeals to him, and a
Muslim too can do in a similar way according to his religion.
A trouble in life has generally two faces. Suppose an
individual is facing losses. He is facing loss (Saturn) of
wealth or assets (Jupiter). Here Saturn is causing trouble
and it is impacting on Jupiter. Hence we have to mollify
Saturn and support Jupiter. We must therefore recite a
mantra for Saturn according to the assigned number for
Jupiter. The number for Jupiter is three. Therefore a
mantra for Saturn should be repeated 3, 12 (1 + 2 = 3), 21
(2 + 1 = 3), 30 (3 + 0 = 3), or 3 + 9*n where n can be any
number, times according to one's wish daily. Suppose we
assign a number 8 ton. The sum would be 3 + 9*8 = 3 + 72
= 75 = 7 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3.
Suppose an individual falls again and again in a
period. His physical body (Sun) falls (Saturn). The planet
causing the problem is Saturn. The sufferer is the body
(Sun). The Sun has to be supported. The number for the
Sun is one. Hence the mantra for Saturn should be recited
1, 10 (1 + 0 = 1), 19 (1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1), 28 (2 + 8 = 10
= 1 + 0 = 1), or 1 + 9*n number of times daily. Again,
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 39
suppose an individual is in a foul argumentative mood
during a progression. Here Mars is causing the problem.
We will recommed that a mantra for it should be recited.
The mood is an aspect of mind. Hence the Moon is involved.
It is the sufferer. It has to be supported and protected.
Hence the mantra for Mars should be read 2, 11, 20, 29, or
2 + 9*n times. Suppose an individual's child is seriously
sick during a transit or progression. The child (Jupiter) is
the sufferer. Saturn causes sickness. Hence Saturn has to
be mollified and Jupiter has to be supported. We must
therefore recite a mantra for Saturn according to the
assigned number for Jupiter. The number for Jupiter is
three. Therefore a mantra for Saturn should be repeated
3, 12 (1 + 2 = 3), 21 (2 + 1 = 3), 30 (3 + 0 = 3), or 3 + 9*n
where n can be any number, times according to one's wish
daily. Suppose an individual is expected to undergo a heart
surgery. The heart is represented by the Sun. Surgery is
represented by Mars. The heart is the sufferer. Mars is
the tormentor. We should recite a mantra for Mars for 1,
10 (1 + 0 = 1), 19 (1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1), 28 (2 + 8 = 10 = 1
+ 0 = 1), or 1 + 9*n number oftimes daily. Suppose again
that an individual apprehends incarceration. This means
that his physical body (Sun) would be placed in a jail
(Rahu). Rahu would be the tormentor and the Sun the
sufferer. Hence a mantra for Rahu should be recited
according to the number for the Sun, i.e., 1, 10 (1 + 0 = 1),
19 (1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1), 28 (2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1), or 1
+ 9*n number of times daily. A person facing anxiety
(Saturn tormenting the Moon) should read a mantra for
Saturn 2, 11, 20, 29, 2 + 9*n times daily. Suppose the
younger sister of an individual is sick during a transit or
progression. The younger sister is represented by Mars;
sickness by Saturn. Here Mars is tormented by Saturn.
Hence a mantra for Saturn should be read 9, 18 (1 + 8 =
9), 27 (2 + 7 = 9), or 9 + 9*n times daily. What should one
do if one is likely to lose (Saturn) one's job (Saturn). Here
40 Vedic Progression
Saturn would torment itself. Hence a mantra for Saturn
should be read 8, 17 (1 + 7 = 8), 26 (2 + 6 = 8), or 8 + 9*n
times daily. Suppose the wife of an individual has left him
and gone away to her parent's house due to some
misunderstanding. A mantra for Saturn should be read
due number oftimes for Venus.
What should those who do not subscribe to these
mantras do? They should take the name ofthe Lord that
appeals to them in the above manner in place of a mantra.
The recitation/reading of a mantra or name according
to the above method has to be done every day without fail
till the trouble has subsided or its intensity has come down.
We must keep in mind that trouble and happiness are
results of the prarabdha (the portion of the karma that
has to worked out in this lifetime) and cannot be deleted
completely through remedial measures. The intensity of
the trouble can be reduced substantially and the ability to
stoically bear it would develop through such measures.
Selective remedies for appropriate planets would be
sufficient to bring succour to the individual. There is
neither a need to go in for arcane mantras or rituals nor
for any cumbersome method. Hence there is no need to
spend millions over journeys to specialised places and over
rituals that require elaborate brahminical intervention.
These measures are between our Creator and us. Any third
person has no place in it. These are measures that through
the Grace of the Divine help abate the karmas that have
come to us as legacy. Either the Almighty writes offpart
of the corpus of karmas when we pray to Him or we go the
difficult way and expend them through experience. There
is no third alternative. The pleasure and pain of life are
the surest proof that a Divine Entity exists beyond us. It
is an Entity that is compassionate and responsive. We have
to turn to Him for help that is always readily forthcoming.
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 41
If we deny His existence we are closing the only door to
Succour. Then we are alone to face the pain here.
No third person should do the propitiary measures
generally. The effected individual should do these himself
according to his capacity. The intensity of devotion and
faith would do the job. When the effected individual is
incapacitated and cannot do the needful, one of the closest
relatives should do it after specifically vowing to do it for
the welfare of that individual.
Rahu and Ketu
These Nodes are spectral. They are disembodied and
ethereal. They therefore are prone to take on the colours
and qualities of other physical planets with which they
are in contact. The maximum influence a Node would have
would be of the planet with which it is associated. It would
also take on the nature and qualities ofthe planet in the
sign of which it is placed. The analysis of the dispositor of
the Node is therefore ofprime importance. For example,
if the Node is in Gemini, we should analyse Mercury
Parashar has dealt with the concept of Arudha of a
house in Chapter 29 of Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra.
Arudha means elevated. The Pad or Arudha of a house
represents the matters of a house in a more prominent
manner. Therefore Arudha of a house represents more
prominently whatever the house represents.
The Arudha of a house is determined by first finding
the location of the owner of the house in the birth chart.
We then determine as to how many houses it is away from
the house. We then count that many number of houses
42 Vedic Progression
from the location of the owner, and the house that is so
arrived at is taken as the Pad or Arudha of the house.
Arudha of any house can be determined in this manner
subject to the exceptions given below.
There are two exceptions as per verses 4 and 5 of
Chapter 29 of Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra to the
procedure for determination of Arudha of a house. The
Pad or Arudha of a house cannot be in the same house or
in the VII house from it. Ifthe Arudha ofthe house comes
out to be in the same house, we will take the X house from
the house as the Arudha of the house. If the Arudha comes
out to be in the VII house from the house, we will take the
IV house from the house as the Arudha.
This is a very useful concept and serves well in the
analysis of a chart. Let us presume that Saturn and Venus
are related in a male chart. Since Saturn is a karaka for
separation and Venus for wife, there is a possibility in
this chart that the individual may separate from his wife.
How do we confirm this? We will determine the Arudha of
the VII house from karaka Venus and the Arudha of the
XII house from karaka Saturn. In case these two Arudhas
are also related, we may conclude that there would be a
separation. In case the Arudha of the VI house from Saturn
is related the Arudha ofthe VII house from Venus we can
conclude that the wife would keep poor health. Further,
in case we notice that the Arudha of the X house from
Saturn is related to the Arudha of the VII house from
Venus we can say that the wife ofthe individual would be
a professional.
Let us now presume that the Sun and Rahu are
related in a birth chart. Among other things, we can
presume that the father of the individual would go abroad.
As we know, the Sun is the karaka for the father and Rahu
for journey abroad. In case the Arudha of the IX house
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 43
from Rahu and that of the IX house from the Sun are
related, this conclusion would be confirmed. It can also be
that the Arudha of the XII house from Rahu and the
Arudha of the IX from the Sun are related. We will then
say that the father of the individual would be incarcerated.
In case, the Arudha of the IX house from the Sun is related
to Arudhas of the IX and XII houses from Rahu, we will
have to conclude that the father of the individual would
either go abroad in custody or he would be jailed/put in a
hospital while abroad. The conclusion that the father would
be put in a hospital in a foreign country will have to be
substantiated by the relations of these Arudhas with the
Arudha of the VI house from Saturn. Only then we can
conclude that the father had gone abroad and while there
he took ill and was admitted to a hospital.
What happens when the Sun and Saturn are related
in a chart? There can be so many possibilities-the
individual or his father could keep poor health; the
individual could develop disease in his eye, heart or
stomach; the profession ofthe individual could cause him
to have a high status; the profession ofthe father could be
related to eye, heart or stomach; etc. Suppose the Arudha
of the first house from the Sun is related to the Arudha of
the VI house from Saturn. This would mean that the
individual would keep poor health. Suppose the Arudha
of the IX house from the Sun is related to the Arudha of
the VI house from Saturn. This would cause poor health
in father. Suppose the Arudha of the II house from the
Sun is related to the Arudha ofthe VI house from Saturn.
The individual would have some trouble in his eye. Suppose
the Arudha of the IV house from the Sun is related to the
Arudha of the VI house from Saturn. The trouble would
be in the heart. When the Arudha ofthe V house from the
Sun is related to the Arudha of the VI house from Saturn,
the trouble would be in the stomach. The Arudha ofthe X
Vedic Progression
house from Saturn in relation with the Arudha of the X
house from the Sun would take the individual to a high
position in his profession. The Arudha of the X house from
Saturn related to the Arudha of the LX house from the
Sun would describe the profession of the father. When the
Arudha of the IV house from the Sun is also involved the
profession would relate to the heart.
We can use the Arudha in this manner in an
unlimited way. It would be a great help in the analysis of
a chart.
We should develop some proficiency in determining
Arudhas quickly. It would help us in our analysis much.
Otherwise if we find the concept difficult, we can ignore
the portion relating to Arudha and yet get along with the
overall analysis given in this book quite satisfactorily.
Let us determine Arudhas of the VII house from
Jupiter and LX house from Rahu in the following chart:
Chart 11-1
Ket Mar
What are the Important Basic Concepts ?
Female, February 25, 1976, 0401 hours, 26Nl4',
Time Zone 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun lOs 11' 55'19" Rahu Venus 9s12'55'18" Moon
Moon 8s13'53'6" Venus Saturn 3s3'24'14" Saturn
Mars ls27'41'8" Mars Rahu 6s21 '59'11" Jupiter
Mere 9s16'56'18" Moon Ketu
Jupiter lls29'53'0" Mercury Ascdt 8s23'11'56"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The VII house from Jupiter is in Virgo. Mercury owns
this sign. Mercury is placed in the V house from Virgo.
The V house from Mercury is in Taurus. Therefore the
Arudha of the house shall be in Taurus. The IX house from
Rahu is in Gemini. Its owner is in the VIII house from
Gemini. The VIII house from Mercury is in Leo. The
Arudha of the LX house shall be in Leo.
To study the exceptions, let us consider the Arudha
of the LX house from the Sun in the chart referred to above.
It is in Libra. Venus is in the IV house from Libra. The IV
house from Venus is in Aries. This is the VII house from
Libra. Since under the exception, the Arudha shall be in
the IV house from the house, in the instant case the Arudha
shall be in the IV house from Libra. Therefore the Arudha
46 Vedic Progression
of the house shall be in Capricorn. Let us now consider
the Arudha of the IV house from the ascendant. The IV
house is in Pisces. Jupiter owns the sign and is placed
therein. The Arudha should therefore be in Pisces. Since
the exception says that in such a situation the Arudha of
the house shall be in the X house from it, the Arudha of
the IV house from the ascendant shall be in Sagittarius.
The Arudha of the ascendant is called the Arudha
Sensitive Point
We first determine the rising degree of the ascendant. This
is the sensitive point of the ascendant. We then add thirty
degrees to it. This is the sensitive point of the II house.
We can thus determine sensitive point of each house. Any
influence on the sensitive point is productive of maximum
result relating to that house.
Band ofYears
A rough method to declare a year in the life of an
individual to be of particular good or bad effect is given by
Mr. Shivnath Jharkhandi in the appendix to his
translation in Hindi of Bhartiya Jyotish by Mr. Shankar
Balkrishna Dikshit. According to him each planet will show
its result in the year stated in the table below. Each planet
is shown to own a particular year in life in Vedic astrology.
In Lal Kitab each planet rules a band of years. Both have
their use. We will first give the table ofyears for planets
according to Vedic astrology.
What are the Important Basic Concepts ?
The relevant year of life in which a particular planet
will show its effect
Planet Year Planet Year
Pandit Roop Chand Joshi of village Pharwala,
district J ullandhar, Punjab is reported to be the originator
of a new system of astrology, which is contained in a unique
compilation of axioms called the Lal Kitab. The Pandit
was born in 1898 and lived till the ripe old age of 84 years.
The Lal Kitab system is said to have been revealed to this
person by a supernatural entity. Five books containing
the revealed knowledge were originally written which have
now been shortened into one volume. The Lal Kitab is
essentially palmistry and has interwoven principles of
astrology and palmistry very intricately. We will now give
the band of years as described by Lal Kitab:
The relevant year of life in which a particular planet
will show its effect
Planet Lal Kitab years Planet Lal Kitab years
16th to 21st (51"
34th to 35th (69
22"d to 23'd (57
36th to 41"t (1 st_6th)
24th (59th)
42"d to 47th (7
25th to 27th C60
48th to 50th (13th-15'h)
28th to 33'd (63ro-68
Vedic Progression
The Lal Kitab has dwelt on it in much greater detail.
The years stated for all planets except Mercury are similar
in these two books. Whereas the traditional astrology
ascribes a specific year to each planet, the Lal Kitab
specifies a band of years repeating after every 35 years. It
appears that the band of years that Lal Kitab has given is
more applicable to real charts. We give below, in
chronological order from birth, the specific years of age in
which each planet remains operational and prominent, and
the total number of years it operates at a time.
Saturn- Jupiter- Venus-
(1 st_sth),
(16th_21 st),
(36th_41 st),
-76th)-6 yrs (86th-91
t)-6 yrs
h)-3 yrs
Rahu- Sun- Mars-
(22nd_23rd), (28th_33rd),
(77th_g2nd)-6 yrs (92nd_g3rd)-2 yrs
h-103rd)-6 yrs
Ketu- Moon- Mercury-
(13th_ 15th),
(69th_ 7oth),
h)-3 yrs
h)-1 yr
h)-2 yrs
The Ruler of the band can also be progressed and
made to help us in fixing time for an event.
Two planets are said to be in sambandha in the five
following ways:
(i) They are placed in each other's sign. For example,
the Sun is placed in Aquarius and Saturn in Leo.
This is called an exchange.
(ii) The two planets are in the same sign. This is called
an association between them. The Sun and Saturn
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 49
in Virgo shall be in association in that sign.
(iii) The owner of a sign projects an aspect to a planet in
that sign. For example, if Jupiter is placed in
Capricorn and Saturn projects an aspect to it, Jupiter
and Saturn shall be in sambandha.
(iv) A planet in a sign projects an aspect to the owner of
the sign. Let us take Mars in Gemini and Mercury
in Capricorn. Mars projects an aspect to Mercury.
Mercury and Mars are in sambandha in this manner.
(v) Each planet is in a constellation ofthe other. As an
illustration if the Sun is in Rohini constellation of
the Moon and the Moon is in Krittika constellation
of the Sun, this relationship would exist between
these two planets.
Since Rahu owns Aquarius and Ketu Scorpio the
sambandha analysis based on ownership for these two
Nodes will not be different. The aspects that the Nodes
are supposed to project have not been considered.
When two planets are in sambandha with each other,
each ofthe two behaves like the other.
An important clarification on sambandha has been
given at the end ofthis chapter under Active and Inert
Relationship Between a Planet and
Determination of relationship between a planet and
house is the crux of analysis. We have dealt with
relationships of different kinds between a house and planet
in detail in How to Time an Event. We will give the
principles succinctly below. The relationship of a planet
with a house is of great importance. A planet shall give
50 Vedic Progression
results relating to a house in its period only if it is related
to that house. Thus, if we are analysing a chart to
determine the time when a child would be born to the
individual we must first select the major-period of a planet
that is related to the V house from the ascendant.
We will notice that based on this assumption, we
can develop a method through which it would be easy to
know the events that would take place in a particular
major, sub or inter-period. Further, if an event is going to
take place in a major, sub and inter-period, each of the
three planets should independently and jointly indicate
the event. Suppose the father of an individual passed away
in the inter-period of Mercury in the sub-period of Jupiter
and in the major-period of Saturn. Saturn should indicate
the event in its major-period when we analyse Saturn in
the birth chart. Saturn covers a span of 19 years during
which the father ofthe individual had died. Saturn must
therefore, as a major-period planet, show this event.
Similarly, Jupiter would cover a much smaller span of time
within the major-period of Saturn. Since the event
happened in that span, it should also indicate the event
in its sub-period with respect to the major-period of Saturn.
The inter-period ofMercury would still be a smaller span
of time in the sub-period of Jupiter in the major-period of
Saturn. The event had happened in that span. Mercury
too should indicate the event in its inter-period with
respect to the planet Jupiter.
Suppose we wish to know if the major-period of a
planet would cause death of the mother of an individual.
The planet in such a case should be related to the IV house
as otherwise it would not give result pertaining to mother
of the individual. The loss of a matter relates to the general
house of loss, i.e., the XII house from the ascendant.
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 51
Therefore, the planet should also be related to the XII
house from the ascendant. Death relates to the VIII house.
The planet will relate to this house too.
There is many a time a debate over the relative
importance ofthe major, sub and inter-periods. The fact
of the matter is that all the three periods are equally
important. If the major-period does not indicate the event,
the sub and inter-periods would be powerless to produce
that event. In case the major-period shows the event but
the sub or inter-period that we are considering does not
show the result then some other sub or inter-period in
that major-period would cause the event to arise.
Events materialise, among other things, according
to the houses that operate at any given moment oftime.
The planets operate houses. A planet gets related to a
house in different ways as described ahead. When its
major-period starts all the houses that it is related to, get
activated. A house will yield its results only through a
planet related to it in the major-period of that planet. The
inferior periods would also similarly yield results according
to the relationships that inferior period planets have with
A planet, including a Lunar Node, i.e., Rahu or Ketu,
can be related to a house in different ways. These are as
(a) The planet occupies a house. This is the strongest
relationship of a planet with a house. It is also
observed that the relative strength of relationship
changes with the distance of the planet from the
sensitive point ofthe house.
Chart II-2
Vedic Progression
Point 5
Mer 17
Jup 1
A planet exactly over the sensitive point of a house
is very powerfully related to that house. One that is
3 away from the sensitive point is not that strongly
related. A planet that is 12 away from the point
would be even less strongly related. It ought to be
however clear that the occupant is the most strongly
related planet to a house. The distance from the
sensitive point only determines the relative strength
of relationship that various occupants have with the
house. In the above chart, Mercury is 12 degrees
away from the sensitive point ofthe house. It is not
that strongly related to the house as Jupiter, which
is 4 away from the sensitive point. It will be related
to the VII house more powerfully than Mercury.
During the period of Mercury or Jupiter the
individual may get results relating to marriage,
partnership, business or prominence in society. The
short point is that when a planet occupies a house,
it will give results relating_ to that house.
(b) The planet owns a house. A planet will give results
of the houses that have the signs that it owns.
Suppose the VII house from the ascendant has
Sagittarius and the X Pisces. Since Jupiter owns
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 53
these signs, it shall be related to the VII and X houses
from the ascendant.
(c) A planet shall be related to a house if it projects an
aspect to its sensitive point within so. Suppose the
sensitive point of the house is at 10. This means
that the Moon would be related to a house if it
projects an aspect to its sensitive point with in 8.
The Sun would be so related to the house if the aspect
is with in 10. A planet that is projecting an aspect
between so and lS
would be considered related to
the house. How does a planet project an aspect at a
particular degree? Suppose Jupiter is in Aries at 7.
It would project aspects to Leo, Libra and Sagittarius.
In each of these signs the aspect would go to the
point at 7. In the case of the Moon the distance could
be till so. For the Sun this could be upto 10. This is
a specific relationship. The aspects are calculated
according to the traditional methods.
(d) A planet shall be related to a house if it projects an
aspect within the stipulated distance as stated above
to a planet occupying the house. Suppose Mars is in
Aries at so and the Sun is placed in Cancer at so.
Mars would project an aspect at so in Cancer. The
aspect would fall 3 from the Sun. Since we consider
aspects upto so, we will say that Mars is projecting
an aspect to the Sun and since the Sun occupies a
house, Mars would be considered related to that
house. On the other hand in case Mars were in Aries
at 2S
its aspect would be falling 23 away from the
Sun. Therefore Mars would not be related to the
house having sign Cancer. This is also a specific
These are two basic and two specific relationships
between planets and houses. Finer relationships emerge
54 Vedic Progression
from the basic ones. We consider these finer relationships
based on the sign, navamsha and constellation positions
of each planet.
The navamsha is the ninth division of a sign. Its
extent is 320'. The method to determine the navamsha in
which a planet or celestial point is placed is simple. First
determine the number ofnavamsha in which a planet is
placed in a sign. For example, the Sun at 1553'54" in
Cancer shall be in the fifth navamsha. It has completed
first four navamshas in the sign and it is in the fifth
navamsha. When a planet is in a movable sign count as
many signs from the sign in which the planet is placed as
the number of navamsha in which the planet is placed.
The sign so determined shall be the navamsha sign. Let
us take the illustration given above. When we count from
Cancer, Scorpio is the fifth sign. The navamsha sign in
which the Sun shall be is Scorpio. When a planet is in a
fixed sign, count from the ninth sign in which the planet
is placed. Taking the above illustration, if the Sun were at
1553'54" in Leo, we will count the fifth sign from Aries
which is the ninth sign from Leo. The Sun will be in Leo
navamsha. When the planet is in common sign, count from
the fifth sign from the sign in which the planet is placed.
For example, if the Sun were at 1553'54" in Virgo, we
will count from Capricorn. The Sun would be in Taurus
Sometimes a planet occupies the same sign in
navamsha chart as in the birth chart. It is then called
Vargottama. If the Moon were in Capricorn in the birth
and navamsha charts, we will call the Moon to be
Vargottama. In the above illustration, when the Sun was
in Leo, it was Vargottama since it was also in Leo
(i) The owner of the sign in which a planet is placed
What are the Important Basic Concepts ?
relates the planet to the house that the owner
occupies. We call the planet that owns the sign in
which the planet is placed the dispositor of the
planet. This forms a link between the two houses.
Let for instance Ketu be in Taurus. Let Taurus be
the first house of the chart. Venus will be the
dispositor ofKetu. If Venus occupies the IV house in
the birth chart, Ketu will be related to the IV house.
Let us take a live illustration. We will study
relationships in this chart.
Let us consider Mars in Chart II-3.
Chart 11-3
56 Vedic Progression
It occupies Libra in the birth chart. The owner of
Libra is Venus. It is placed in the IX house. Thus,
Mars is related to the DC house.
(ii) A planet shall occupy a sign in the navamsha chart.
The owner of this sign shall be in a house in the
birth chart. The planet shall be related to this house
in the birth chart. Taking Chart II -3, Mars occupies
Gemini in the navamsha chart. Mercury owns
Gemini. Mercury is in the VIII house in the birth
chart. Therefore Mars is related to the VIII house
too. Ketu is in Virgo navamsha in this chart. Mercury
is in the VIII house in the birth chart. Ketu too is
therefore related to the VIII house from the
(iii) A planet shall be related to a house in the birth chart
that has the same sign as the one the planet occupies
in the navamsha chart. We take the illustration given
above. In Chart II-3 Mars occupies Gemini in the
navamsha chart. This sign falls in the II house in
the birth chart. Therefore Mars is relateq to the II
house from the ascendant.
This gives specific relationship with a house. Let us
presume that we are trying to find out planets that
are related to the IV house from the Moon in the
birth chart in the above illustration. The sign in that
house is Virgo. Ketu is in Virgo in the navamsha
chart. It shall be specifically related to the IV house
from the Moon.
(iv) We next take the constellation that a planet occupies.
The owner of the constellation shall be placed in some
house in the birth chart. The planet shall be related
to this house. In Chart II-3 the Sun occupies Jyestha
constellation of Mercury. The latter occupies the VIII
house from the ascendant in the birth chart. The
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 57
Sun would thus be taken to be related to the VIII
house from the ascendant and would be capable of
giving results relating to this house in its major-
(v) A planet shall be related to a house if it is related to
its owner. The relationship between planets is
described ahead.
On Relative Strength of Relationships
Between a Planet and a House
We know that a planet that occupies a house has
the strongest relationship with a house. The relationship
through ownership is the next important in strength. After
it comes the relationship through aspect. Thus, based on
the above principles the relative strength of relationships
in descending order is as follows:
(i) The planet occupies the same sign in the navamsha
chart that is placed in the house under consideration
in the birth chart. For example, suppose the house
under consideration has Cancer c;gn. If the planet
is placed in Cancer navamsha, it will have a
relationship with the house in the birth chart.
(ii) The planet occupies the house in the birth chart.
When two planets occupy the same house, their
distances from the sensitive point of the house should
be considered to determine the relative strength of
relationship between the two occupants.
(iii) The owner of the navamsha sign that the planet
occupies is placed in the house under consideration
in the birth chart.
58 Vedic Progression
(iv) The owner of the constellation that the planet
occupies is placed in the house under consideration
in the birth chart.
(v) The owner of the sign that the planet occupies is
placed in the house under consideration in the birth
(vi) A planet with which the planet is in sambandha
occupies the house under consideration in the birth
chart. For example, suppose Saturn is in Krittika.
This is a constellation ofthe Sun. Suppose the Sun
is in Anuradha. This is a constellation of Saturn.
The two planets shall be in sambandha. Each would
be related to the house the other occupies.
Not so strong:
(vii) The planet owns the house in the birth chart.
(viii) A planet with which it is in sambandha owns the
house in the birth chart.
The planet projects an aspect within the stipulated
orb to a planet occupying the house.
The planet projects an aspect within the stipulated
orb to the
sensitive point ofthe house.
A planet could be related to a house in more ways
than one. It could, for example, own the house; and at the
same time, it could have its navamsha dispositor placed
in the house. The most powerful relationship is through
occupation. When a planet occupies a house, it is
considered to be the most powerfully related to that house.
Other kinds of occupations are also of considerable
importance. The owner of the navamsha sign that a planet
occupies could be placed in a house; or, the owner ofthe
constellation that a planet is placed in could occupy a
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 59
house. Each relationship to a house is like a strand. A
weak relationship is a weak strand. When there are several
weak strands, they can yet form a strong rope binding the
planet to the house.
A planet related to a house through a single or two
weak strands might not be able to produce a result relating
to the house. It can only cause a matter relating to the
house being discussed and coming to the fore for a while
and then subsiding without taking any concrete form. We
notice that a planet sometimes through weak relationship
indicates an event. Such an event is unlikely to materialise.
It could only be talked or thought of or it may start taking
shape but fail to later develop fully. It would be particularly
so ifthe planet is also associated with a naturally malefic
planet. When a planet is related strongly to a house, only
then it will show noticeable effect on matters relating to
that house, otherwise the effect would be ephemeral and
passing. The more number of strong relationships that a
planet has with a house the more clear-cut manner an
event relating to the house would happen. It would be all
the more so in case the planet is also associated with a
naturally beneficial planet. Suppose Mercury in a chart is
indicative of enmity and it is placed in the same sign in
the navamsha chart as the VII house from the ascendant
has in the birth chart. It could cause acrimonious relations
in marriage. Suppose Mercury projects an aspect to the
sensitive point of the VII house, the effect could be a
tendency on the part of the wife to differ from the husband
from time to time, but the overall relationship would
remain stable.
Some birth charts have almost all planets related to
each other. In such charts, the premise from the outset is
that each planet is related to almost each of the 12 houses.
In such cases we should look for strong relationships of
60 Vedic Progression
planets with houses. Only such relationships would
indicate the feasibility of a planet to materialise the result.
When we analyse a chart for an event we sometimes
find that the same event is indicated by several planets.
The question arises as to which planet would give the
result in its period. Here, the relative strength of
relationships-that these planets have with the house would
help us choose the right planet. The planet that has the
strongest relationship would give the result. In case there
are two planets that have relationship of the same
strength, the planet that is stronger of the two would give
the result. The method of determining strength of a planet
is i s ~ u s s e later in this work.
Relationship Between Planets
Two planets can be related to each other in the
following ways:
(i) They are in sambandha with each other in the birth
chart. When two planets are in sambandha in a birth
chart and both are related to a house, the stronger
ofthe two planets shall give results relating to that
house. Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra Chapter 28
verses 37-38 Chaukhamba edition say that when
several planets form a yoga (combination for
happening of an event) in a chart, the most powerful
of these planets is called the karta (the executant)
and it gives the result. A similar statement is made
in Chapter 27 verses 37-38 in Santhanam's
translation of Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. This
helps us select a planet out of the many that appear
likely to bring about an event.
(ii) They are in sambandha in the navamsha chart.
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 61
(iii) A planet placed in the sign of a planet in the birth
chart shall be considered related to that planet. Thus,
when the Moon is in Sagittarius it may also give
results that Jupiter indicates in the birth chart.
(iv) A planet occupying the sign of a planet in the
navamsha chart shall be considered related to that
planet. Thus, when the Moon is in Leo navamsha it
may also give results that the Sun indicates in the
birth chart.
(v) A planet occupying the constellation of a planet shall
be considered related to that planet. Thus, when the
Moon is in a constellation ofVenus it may also give
results that Venus indicates in the birth chart.
(vi) When two or more planets are placed in the same
constellation of a planet, they would be related to
each other. Let the Sun and Mars be in Rohini
constellation of the Moon. The Sun and Mars shall
be considered related to each other, though they may
be in different signs.
(vii) Two planets would be related if the dispositor of one
were in sambandha with the dispositor ofthe other
in the birth chart or in the navamsha chart. Let us
suppose that Jupiter and Saturn are together in a
sign. Let us also suppose that Rahu is placed in
Pisces and the Moon is in Capricorn. We will take
the Moon to be related to Rahu, and the latter to the
(viii) If a planet were placed in a sign in the navamsha
chart it would be considered associated with any
planet that occupies the sign in the birth chart.
Suppose Mars is in Libra in the navamsha chart. If
Mercury were in Libra in the birth chart, Mars and
Mercury would be considered in association.
62 Vedic Progression
(ix) A planet placed in a sign in the birth chart shall be
considered associated with any planet that occupies
the sign in the navamsha chart.
On Relative Strength of Relationships
Between Two Planets
The importance of relative strength of relationships
between a planet and a house has been given above. The
comparison of strength of various kinds of relationships
between planets is also equally important. The relative
strength of relationships between planets is as below in
descending order. This means that the relationship
number (i) is the strongest and the last one is the least
important of the lot:
(i) Planets are in sambandha in a navamsha chart.
(ii) A planet is in the same sign in the navamsha chart
that the other planet occupies in a birth chart.
(iii) A planet is in the same sign in a birth chart that the
other planet occupies in the navamsha chart.
(iv) The planets are in sambandha through
constellations. This means that two planets in the
same constellation too shall be in sambandha and
this relationship shall be of a powerful order.
(v) The planets are in sambandha in a birth chart.
Not so strong:
(vi) The dispositors of planets are in sambandha.
(vii) A planet is in a sign of another planet in a navamsha
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 63
(viii) A planet is in a constellation of another planet.
(ix) A planet is in a sign of another planet in a birth
The defition of sambandha has been given earlier. That
definition alone should be used.
Active and Inert Principles
Signs, navamshas and constellations are inactive.
Planets are active. Sign, navamsha or constellation
influences a planet when it is received in it. When a planet,
say Mars, is placed in Leo sign or navamsha or in a
constellation ofthe Sun, it gets related to the Sun. This
does not relate the Sun to Mars. This means that Mars
would give results of the karakatwa (signification) of the
Sun and of the houses that the Sun is related to in the
birth chart but the Sun would not give results of the
karakatwa ofMars nor of the houses that Mars is related
to. Suppose a person enters a swimming pool. He will get
wet but the water would remain unaffected. Similarly a
planet (person in this illustration) would be qualified to
give results of the owner of the sign, constellation or
navamsha, but the owner of the sign, constellation or
navamsha (water in the illustration) would not be inclined
to give the results ofthe planet.
When a planet is in sambandha with another planet,
it would give results of the other as well. Each planet would
give results of the other only when the two are in
What happens when two planets are in sambandha?
Let us take the example of a cup of coffee. A single planet
is like a cup of black coffee. The second planet can be
likened to cream/milk. When the two are in sambandha,
it is like adding cream/milk to coffee. Mixing the two
64 Vedic Progression
produces a third item. The two cannot be separated once
mixed. Similarly, sambandha between two planets
produces a new entity, which has the characteristics of
both but it is not wholly like one or the other. Each planet
would take over the good and bad properties of the other.
The good of one would be partially neutralised by the bad
ofthe other, and the bad ofthe other would be diluted by
the good of the first, and vice-versa. When Mars and
Jupiter are in sambandha, the aggression and violence of
Mars would be partially neutralised by the sobriety of
Jupiter; the corpulence of Jupiter would be reduced by
the muscularity of Mars. The next question would be to
what extent?
The strength ofblack coffee is reduced as cream or
milk is added to it. Coffee would be strong when only a
little milk or cream is added, but when lots of it is added,
coffee would turn milky. Similarly, in a sambandha
between two planets, the stronger planet would have its
characteristics dominant.
These are important considerations when we use the
concept of relationship between a planet and a house, and
between planets. We have to appreciate that the admixture
of qualities has its influence on the over all predictive
analysis. The predictive analysis would depend on these
considerations to a major extent.
As has been stated earlier, each planet in a
sambandha acts as the other planet too. Thus, ifJupiter
and Mars were in sambandha, Jupiter would also act as
Mars, and vice-versa.
Characteristics of Signs
The signs are male and female. The odd signs are
male and even female. When an aspect of life has more
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 65
female influence than male, the result would be
predominantly feminine. For example, if the III house from
the ascendant, the III house from Mars and its Arudha
have feminine signs, and Mars itself is in a feminine sign,
the individual would have female siblings only. In case
the V house from the ascendant, the V house from Jupiter
and its Arudha have male signs and Jupiter is in a male
sign, the individual would have male children. Signs
starting from the first are sequentially movable, fixed
and common. The first sign Aries is movable, the second
Taurus is fixed and Gemini the third is common, and so
on. A planet in a movable sign tends to cause movement.
This planet would tend to relate to minerals. A planet in
a fixed sign would relate to vegetation and would eschew
movement. A planet in a common sign would relate to
fauna. A planet in a movable sign causes swift changes, a
fixed sign promotes permanency, and a common sign
promotes both. A planet in a movable sign will show
aggression, independence and dynamism; one in a fixed
sign stability and equanimity, and the one in common,
adjustment and subordination.
The signs sequentially have elements fire, earth,
air and water. Thus Aries has fire element, Taurus earth,
Gemini air, and Cancer water, and so on. A planet in a
sign that has fire element would tend to separate. The
karaka for separation is Saturn. Therefore when Saturn
is in a fiery sign, and the XII houses from the ascendant
and Saturn are in fiery signs, these three elements would
indicate separation very powerfully. On the other hand
when the Arudha of the XII house from Saturn is in a
fiery sign, then too the Arudha would be a powerful
element for separation. A fiery sign would cause acute and
inflammatory illnesses. It would promote professions
related to fire, electricity, metals, and engineering. We
66 Vedic Progression
should therefore keep the fact in mind that the Arudha of
the X house from Saturn in a fiery sign would tend to propel
the individual to take up a profession relating to fire,
electricity, metals, or engineering.
A planet in a sign having earth element would tend
to provide stability and would cause aggregation and
accumulation. When the II houses from the ascendant and
Jupiter and Jupiter itself are in fixed signs, and the three
are strong, the individual would tend to have a huge bank
balance. Alternatively, when the Arudha ofthe II house
from Jupiter is in a fixed sign, a similar conclusion can be
drawn. A fixed sign would promote professions that relate
to agriculture, construction, trade and professions
demanding painstaking work. Hence Saturn in a fixed sign
and the X houses from the ascendant and Saturn in fixed
signs would make the individual take up a profession
related to agriculture, construction or trade. In such a case,
his job could be one of much application and detail.
A planet in a sign having air element tends to work
for harmony. Mars in an airy sign and the VI houses from
the ascendant an!l Mars also in the same category of signs
would be very reassuring. Such an individual would be
conciliatory in approach. The Arudha of the VI house from
Mars in an airy sign would also work in the same direction.
An airy sign would promote professions that are
intellectual, require much mental application, have
communicative inputs and are computational.
A planet in a sign having water element would be
good for imaginative and psychic work. Ketu in a watery
sign and the XII houses from the ascendant and Ketu also
in watery signs would make the individual progress rapidly
in the spiritual field. The Arudha of the XII house from
Ketu in a watery sign would also work in the same
direction. A watery sign would make the individual
What are the Important Basic Concepts ? 67
introverted. Professions promoted by such planets would
relate to liquids and emotions. When Saturn is in a watery
sign and the X houses from the ascendant and Saturn are
also in this category of signs, the individual is expected to
take up a profession relating to liquids or emotions. The
Arudha of the X house from Saturn in a watery sign would
also show similar results. The Moon is the karaka for
emoting. The V house from the ascendant is the one for
emotions. The V house from the Moon therefore would be
a strong representative of emoting. In case the Moon, the
V house from the ascendant and the V house from the
Moon are in watery signs; or the Arudha of the V house
from the Moon is in a watery sign, the individual would
have good ability to emote.
Planets in Aries, Taurus and Leo are prone to cause
blindness. Planets in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and
Capricorn tend to cause hearing defects. A planet in
Aries, Gemini, Leo or Virgo would not be inclined to be
productive. These are barren signs. Therefore when the
Arudha of the V house from Jupiter is in one of these signs,
and a planet occupies or owns it, or even is related to it in
an intimate manner, no child would be born in the major-
period ofthe planet. These signs or planets in them when
relating to the V house, the V house from Jupiter and its
Arudha, and Jupiter in one ofthese signs would promote
childlessness. All other signs are fruitful. Cancer, Scorpio
and Pisces are mute signs. These signs or planets in them
in the II houses from the ascendant and Mercury, in the
Arudha ofthe II house from Mercury and Mercury in one
of them would produce a person with serious speech
handicap. A planet related in an intimate manner to the
Arudha ofthe II house from Mercury having one ofthese
signs would cause serious speech handicap in its major-
period. When airy signs are so involved it produces an
orator. These are vocal signs. A planet intimately related
68 Vedic Progression
to the Arudha of the II house from Mercury having an
airy sign would make the individual an orator in its major-
period. We know that mind is governed by the following
elements: the TV house from the ascendant, the TV house
from the natal Moon, the Arudha of the IV house from the
natal Moon and the Moon itself. Aries, Scorpio and
Capricorn are violent. Therefore when the four elements
of mind combine with these signs, it produces a very violent
person. Any relationship of the Arudha of the IV house
from the Moon having a violent sign with the Moon would
cause a violent mind.
The elements that govern gain are the XI house from
the ascendant, the XI house from Jupiter, the Arudha of
the XI house from Jupiter and Jupiter itself. When these
elements are related to common signs, gain would be
through animals; when to movable, through minerals; and
when to fixed, vegetation.
Chapter Three
How to Calculate a
Progressed Position ?
We will calculate progression of a major-period
planet in Vimshottari time frame, the progression of a
karaka, the progression of a ruler of the band of years and
the progression of a major-period planet in the annual
The progression of a major-period planet in
Vimshottari time frame, the progression of a ruler of the
band of years and the progression of a major-period planet
in the annual chart are all calculated in the same manner.
The progression of a karaka is calculated in a slightly
different manner. It is given in Chapter Seven.
A planet in progression has the same number of
months in a sign as it has number of years in its
Vimshottari major-period. However, due to the average
length of a year being 365.2564 days, it is better to calculate
the length of its stay in a sign in days. For the convenience
of readers we give below the duration for each planet that
it takes to progress through a sign. We have also given
below the length of time that a planet takes to cover a
degree of arc. It may be noticed that each planet takes
approximately that number of days for travelling over 1 o
degree of arc as the number of years in its Vimshottari
major-period. It spends almost the same number of months
in a sign as the number of years in its Vimshottari major-
period. The numbers are not exactly equated since the
Vedic Progression
circle has 360 degrees while a year has 365.2564 days.
The difference between the two becomes significant once
the progression has continued for some period oftime.
Months Days Days
in a sign in a sign per deg
Venus 20 608.76 20.29
Sun 6 182.63 6.09
Moon 10 304.38 10.15
Mars 7 213.06 7.10
Rahu 18 547.88 18.26
Jupiter 16 487.01 16.23
Saturn 19 578.32 19.28
Mercury 17 517.45 17.25
Ketu 7 213.06 7.10
lt would be noticed that there is a discrepancy in
the number of months in a sign and number of days in the
sign. If we take a year to have 12 months and a month 30
days, each planet would have as many number of months
in a sign as the number ofyears it has in its Vimshottari
major-period. This is used for rough calculation of probable
span of time in which an event is likely to happen.
However, a year has 365.2564 days and for exact
calculation we must use this length of the year. Therefore,
the number of days in a sign would be somewhat more
than the number of days according to the months in a sign.
Each planet in progression travels over each sign
according to the pace mentioned in the table above. When
it comes in contact with a natal karaka it becomes inclined
to give results relating to the karaka. There are other
How to Calculate a Progressed Position? 71
conditions too that the planet in progression should fulfil
for an event to happen but the contact with the karaka is
a good indication of the possibility of the event to take
place at that time.
We have already stated in How to Time an Event
that each specific band of years in the life of an individual
is ruled by a planet. For example, Saturn rules the first
six years oflife since birth, Rahu rules the next six years,
Ketu rules the next three, and so on. We shall, for the
sake of convenience, state the band of years in a tabular
Saturn- Jupiter- Venus-
(1 st_6th),
(16th_21 st),
(36th_41 st),
(51 "
(71 "
h)-6 yrs (86th -91 "
)-6 yrs
(95th-97th)-3 yrs
Rahu- Sun- Mars-
(7th_12th), (22nd_23rd), (28th_33rd),
( 42nd_4 7th), (57th_58th),
h-82nd)-6 yrs
(92nd_g3rd)-2 yrs
h-103rd)-6 yrs
Ketu- Moon- Mercury-
(13th_15th), (24th), (34th_35th),
(59th), (69th_7oth),
h)-3 yrs (94
h)-1 yr (104th-105th)-2 yrs
The first band of years with the beginning oflife is
that of Saturn. It is for six years. Each band is repeated
after every 35 years. The ruler of a band of years stays in
a sign according to the length of the band. This is given in
a table below:
Vedic Progression
Years Months Days Days taken
in the in sign per to travel
band sign
over a Degree
Saturn 6 6 182.63 6.088
Rahu 6 6 182.63 6.088
Ketu 3 3 91.31 3.044
Jupiter 6 6 182.63 6.088
Sun 2 2 60.88 2.029
Moon 1 1 30.44 1.014
Venus 3 3 91.31 3.044
Mars 6 6 182.63 6.088
Mercury 2 2 60.88 2.029
The major-periods in an annual chart are calculated ex-
actly in the same manner as Vimshottari major-periods.
Here the total duration of all the nine major-periods is
365.2564 days instead of 120 years. The first major-pe-
riod shall be that of the planet in the constellation of which
the Moon is placed in the annual chart. The distance that
remains for the Moon to traverse in the constellation shall
determine the balance of the major-period. This is called
the Mudda time frame based on the position of the Moon
in the annual chart. The duration of each major-period is
given below in the table. For example, the Moon major-
period remains operational for 30.44 days, and the Moon
remains in a sign for 2.54 days.
How to Calculate a Progressed Position?
Days in Days
major-period per sign
18.26 Sun 1.52
30.44 Moon 2.54
21.31 Mars 1.77
54.79 Rahu 4.56
48.70 Jupiter 4.05
57.83 Saturn 4.81
51.74 Mercury 4.31
21.31 Ketu 1.77
60.88 Venus 5.07
The principles for calculation of progression of each
ofthe three types are the same. The method to calculate
the progression of karakas is slightly different. We will
explain it in a separate chapter. We will now state the
principles of calculation of progression of Vimshottari
major-period planet, the ruler of a band of years and the
Mudda major-period planet:
1. Once the major-period or the band of years of a planet
begins the concerned planet would travel over all
the twelve houses starting from its position in the
sign at the time of birth through progression.
Suppose the planet is at 10 in Libra in the birth or
annual chart. It would start progressing from 10
Libra. The planet will progress to Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn, etc. till it enters Libra at 0
and reaches 10 in the sign again. The major
Vimshottari period, or the major Mudda period as
the case may be, shall come to an end when the planet
through progression has returned to its natal or
annual chart position respectively. Thus starting
from 10 Libra, the planet will travel over full 360
74 Vedic Progression
ending at the point from where it had started.
Therefore, a planet that is at 10 Libra in the birth
chart shall start progressing with the start of its
Vimshottari or Mudda major-period and return to
10 Libra with the close ofthe period. Let us take
the case of Mercury in a chart. Suppose it is at so
Virgo at the time of birth of the individual. When its
major-period starts in the life of the individual, it
would start to progress from so Virgo. It would
proceed from Virgo to Libra to Scorpio etc. till it
reaches its original position at so in Virgo. It would
take 17 years, the duration of its major-period, to
make this circuit. IfMercury were at so in Virgo in
an annual chart it would start progressing as soon
as its Mudda major-period started. We have seen
that the duration of the Mudda major-period of
Mercury is for 51.74 days. Mercury would progress
through the twelve houses of the annual chart in
this number of days and would return to its original
position with the close of the progression.
2. A planet that is in direct motion in the birth chart
shall always progress (move forward). Such a planet
should move from a sign to the next sign. If for
example, it is in Cancer, it should move to Leo, Virgo,
Libra, etc. A planet that is retrograde in the birth
chart shall always regress (travel backwards). Such
a planet, if in Cancer should move to Gemini, Taurus,
Aries, etc. The Sun and Moon shall invariably
progress. Rahu and Ketu shall invariably regress.
The same applies to a major-period planet in an
annual chart or to a ruler of the band ofyears.
We have to be careful when we count the number of
houses from the natal planet and the progressing/
regressing planet. When the number of houses is
counted from the natal planet, it is always in the
How to Calculate a Progressed Position? 75
direct or forward manner. If we refer to the following
Chart 111-1
Mon Mar
Ket Sat
Male, June 7, 1952,0500 hours, Istanbul, Turkey,
41 N01', 28E58', 0200 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun ls236'23" Moon Venus lsl8 14'40" Moon
Moon 7s823'14" Saturn Saturn 5sl50'26" Moon
Mars 6s81'47" Rahu Rahu 10s0 4 7'11" Mars
Mere ls2039'35" Moon Ketu
4s047'11" Ketu
Jupiter Osl548'8"
Venus Ascdt ls2849'44"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
76 Vedic Progression
The VI house from natal Saturn shall be in Aquarius.
When we consider the moving (progressing/
regressing) planet, it shall depend on the direction
in which the planet would be moving. In case it is
direct, the movement shall coincide with the direction
of counting, but in case it is retrograde, the direction
would be in reverse. Therefore, in this case if Saturn
were retrograde, Saturn would have to cross eight
houses to be in Aquarius.
3. A planet through progression or regression, as the
case may be, shall cover the full circuit of 360 (all
the 12 signs) in the duration ofits major-period or
rulership. Suppose we are considering the
progression of the Sun as a major-period planet in a
birth chart. The full duration of its Vimshottari
major-period is six years. The Sun shall start
progressing from its natal position with the start of
its major-period and return to the same position after
it has done the full circuit ofthe zodiac in six years.
The Sun shall thus remain in each sign for six
months. The total duration of the Mudda major-
period ofthe Sun in an annual chart is 18.26 days.
The Sun as the ruler of the Mudda major-period shall
do a full circuit in 18.26 days. It will remain in a
sign for 1.52 days.
4. A planet would travel in the sign that it occupied at
the time ofbirth, or at the start ofthe year, as the
case may be, twice. This would not be true only in
case the planet was exactly at 0 or 30 in the sign.
Otherwise it would first travel over the remaining
part of the sign that it occupies initially, and then
on return it shall travel over part of the sign that
lay behind it. Suppose the Sun is at 6 in Gemini in
an annual chart. When it progresses it would
traverse the part of sign Gemini that lies between
How to Calculate a Progressed Position? 77
6 and 30. It would then travel over Cancer, Leo,
Virgo, etc., till it reaches 30 of Taurus. It would then
enter Gemini at 0 and end up at 6. In case of a
retrograde planet, it would travel over the balance
part of the natal sign and return via the end of the
sign. Suppose, as an example, Mars is retrograde
and it is at 3 in Pisces. In its backward movement
it would first travel over these 3. It would then enter
Aquarius and go on to Capricorn etc., till it re-enters
Pisces. It would then travel in Pisces from 30 to 3
and end.
5. When the planet is retrograde in a chart, it shall
always regress and never progress in the lifetime of
the individual (in case we are considering a birth
chart), in the band of years or in the year (in case we
are considering an annual chart).
6. The last issue is the date from which a planet starts
progressing (or regressing). The date would be the
date of start of the major-period for a Vimshottari
major-period planet. Suppose the Vimshottari major-
period of Saturn that is in direct motion in the natal
chart starts on January 1, 2000 in a birth chart.
Saturn would start progressing from this date and
end on the last day of its major-period. In an annual
chart the major-period planet would progress (or
regress as the case may be) from the date its major-
period starts and shall complete a full circuit of 360
by the time the major-period ends. For the ruler of
band ofyears, the date would be the one on which
the individual enters the band ofyears. Let us take
an individual born on April 8, 1956. The Moon rules
the 24
h year. Therefore it would start operating once
the individual has completed 23 years of age. This
would be on April 8, 1979. The Moon would operate
between April 8, 1979 and April 8, 1980. It would
Vedic Progression
progress over all the twelve signs during this period.
We can calculate the time frame of progression easily.
Let us take an illustration. Suppose Vimshottari
major-period planet is Saturn. Suppose it is direct
and is in Virg9 at 4. Suppose the Vimshottari major-
period of Saturn starts on October 1, 2001. lt has to
travel over 26 in Virgo. The total duration of the
major-period is 19 years. Therefore in each sign it
will remain for 578.32 days. Saturn will travel over
501.21 days in Virgo before it moves on to Libra. lt
will remain in Libra for 578.32 days. It then goes to
Scorpio, and so on. The progressive dates shall be as
Date of House from natal Sign in
entry place of Saturn the house
01-0ct-01 I Virgo
501.21 days To be travelled in
Virgo at the start of
the period
14-Feb-03 II
578.32 days Full duration in a sign
14-Sep-04 m Scorpio
IV Sagittarius
15-Nov-07 v Capricorn
15-Jun-09 VI Aquarius
14-Jan-11 VII Pisces
15-Aug-12 VIII Aries
16-Mar-14 IX
15-0ct-15 X Gemini
16-May-17 XI Cancer
Contd .... on next page
How to Calculate a Progressed Position? 79
Contd .... from last page
Date of House from natal Sign in
entry place of Saturn the house
15-Dec-18 XII Leo
15-Jul-20 I Virgo
77.11 days To be travelled in
Virgo at the close of
the period
01-0ct-20 END
Saturn starts progressing on October 1, 2001. It is
at 4 in the sign Virgo. It is therefore placed 578.32*4/30 =
77.11 days away from the beginning of Virgo. It will travel
away from the beginning ofVirgo and head for Libra. It
covers a sign in 578.32 days. It will therefore take 578.32-
77.11 = 501.21 days to cover the balance of Virgo from 4
to 30. The number of days 501.21 should be added to
October 1, 2001. This gives us February 14, 2003. This
would be the day on which it enters Libra. This is the II
house. It enters the III house from its natal position on
September 14, 2004, etc. till it reaches the end of the XII
house from its natal position and enters Virgo on July 15,
2020. To this date we add the balance of Virgo that Saturn
has to now travel to reach 4 in the sign. This is 77.11
days as calculated above. This gives us October 1, 2020. It
will end up at the natal position on October 1, 2020 and
the progression would end. Such calculations are best done
through a spreadsheet.
We will now take a live illustration and consider the
chart through progression as we develop this thesis. We
shall in pages ahead show through a number of charts
that progression is a mighty tool in the hands of an
astrologer. It is a great help to confirm the finding ofthe
astrologer whether a particular combination of major, sub
Vedic Progression
and inter-periods would yield the desired result.
The calculation of progression over a chart is only
arithmetic and should pose no difficulty once its method
of calculation is understood. We can also calculate in
months but that could send the exact dates slightly awry.
We will calculate through both the methods to understand
the procedure.
Chart 111-2
Ket Mar
Female, February 25, 1976, 0401 hours, 26 N14',
78oE10', Time Zone 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
How to Calculate a Progressed Position?
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
lOsll o 55'19" Rahu Venus 9sl255'18" Moon
Moon 8sl353'6" Venus Saturn
Mars ls27"41'8" Mars Rahu 6s21 59'11" Jupiter
Mere 9sl656'18" Moon Ketu
Os21 59'11"
Jupiter lls2953'0" Mercury Ascdt 8s23ll'56"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
This person had the following major events in her
life during the Vimshottari major-period ofthe Moon:
(a) She went abroad on September 29, 2001.
(b) She went abroad on June 14, 2002.
(c) She got married on December 18, 2003.
We will work out the progression ofthe Moon first.
Its major-period runs from April28, 2001 to April28, 2011.
The major-period of the Moon has started in her 26th year
and ended in her 36th year. The rulers of the bands of years
during this major-period shall be Venus, Mars, Mercury
and Saturn. Since the events we have referred to above,
have happened only in the bands ofVenus and Mars, we
will work out the progression ofthese planets only.
The Moon, being the Vimshottari major-period
planet shall remain in each sign for 10 months. We will
first determine the progression of the Moon through the
rough method to show the ease with which most of the
events in the life of an individual can be found through
progression. The Moon is at almost 14 in the sign. lt has
therefore passed slightly less than 5 months in the sign.
Let us take that the Moon has passed 4.5 months in the
sign. It would remain in Sagittarius for another
approximately 5.5 months. She went abroad after 5 months
of the commencement of the Moon major-period. Therefore
the Moon was in Sagittarius in progression when she went
Vedic Progression
We will now calculate the progresswn more
accurately. The Moon is at 1353'6" in the sign. This is
equal to 13.885. The Moon stays in a sign for 304.38 days.
Its location in the sign at 13.885 is equal to 13.885*304.38/
30 = 140.88 days. It will therefore remain in Sagittarius
only for 304.38-140.88 = 163.50 days. The progression shall
be as follows:
Begin Enters house Sign in the
from from the natal house
natal position of the
position Moon
28-Apr-01 I Sagittarius-The
individual went
abroad while the
Moon was progressing
through this sign
163.5 days To be travelled
in the sign at
the start ofthe
08-0ct-01 II Capricorn- The
individual went
abroad while the
Moon was progressing
through this sign
304.38 days Full duration in
a sign
08-Aug-02 III Aquarius
09-Jun-03 IV Pisces-Got married
v Aries
07-Feb-05 VI Taurus
08-Dec-05 VII Gemini
Contd .... on next page
How to Calculate a Progressed Position?
Contd .... from last page
Begin Enters house Sign in the
from from the natal house
natal position of the
position Moon
08-0ct-06 VIII Cancer
09-Aug-07 IX Leo
08-Jun-08 X Virgo
08-Apr-09 XI Libra
07-Feb-10 XII Scorpio
08-Dec-10 1 Sagittarius
140.88 days To be travelled at
the close of the
period in the sign
28-Apr-11 END
We notice that the Moon was in Sagittarius when
she went abroad the first time.
Let us now calculate the position of the Moon in
progression when she went abroad the second time on June
14, 2002through the approximate method. The progression
of the Moon had started on April 28, 2001. The date of
second journey abroad was therefore one year and one and
a half months after the commencement of the progression.
We can say that the Moon had been for 13
months and the event happened in the 14t month. Since
the Moon was in its natal sign for 5.5 months and for 10
months in Capricorn, it would be in the second house from
its natal position in the 14th month. This is confirmed by
exact calculations given above in the table.
She got married on December 18, 2003. This was
after two years and 7.5 months or 31.5 months of the
commencement of the Moon. The Moon would then be
84 Vedic Progression
obviously in Pisces since it would take about 25.5 months
to reach Pisces (about 5.5 months in Sagittarius + 10
months in Capricorn + IO months in Aquarius = 25.5
months) and it would remain in this sign for the next IO
months. This is confirmed by accurate calculation in the
above table.
We will work out the regression of Saturn (it is
retrograde in the chart) in the above chart as an
illustration. The major-period of Saturn starts on April
27,2052. It is at 324'14" in Cancer. This is equal to 3.40.
Saturn remains in a sign for 19 months or 578.32 days.
Its longitude is equal to 3.40*578.32/30 = 65.62 days. It is
retrograde in the chart. It will therefore always regress
(move backwards). Therefore when the regression starts
it will first move in Cancer for 65.62 days before it enters
Gemini. At the close of the major-period it would regress
from 30 to 3.40 Cancer and therefore regress in Cancer
for 578.32-65.62 = 512.70 days more before the major-
period ends. Its regression is as follows:
Begin Enters house Sign in
from from the natal the house
natal position of the
position Saturn
27-Apr-2052 I Cancer
65.62 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of the
01-Jul-2052 Il Gemini
578.32 days Full duration in a sign
30-Jan-2054 m Taurus
01-Sep-2055 IV Aries
01-Apr-2057 v
Contd .... on next page
How to Calculate a Progressed Position? 85
Contd .... from lost page
Begin Enters house Sign in
from from the natal the house
natal position of the
position Saturn
31-0ct-2058 Vl Aquarius
01-Jun-2060 VII Capricorn
31-Dec-2061 VIII Sagittarius
01-Aug-2063 IX Scorpio
02-Mar-2065 X Libra
01-0ct-2066 XI Virgo
OI-May-2068 XII Leo
01-Dec-2069 I Cancer
512.70 days To be travelled at
the close ofthe period
in the sign
27-Apr-2071 END
Progression of Major-Period Planet
through Navamsha
Each progressing planet in a sign travels through
nine navamshas in the sign and results differ in each
navamsha. The progression of a planet in a sign is like
the major-period of that planet. Its progression through
each navamsha can be equated to the sub-periods in the
major-period. The results in the various navamshas would
be in totality those that are to happen in the progression
ofthe planet through the sign, but these results would be
generally dispersed over different navamshas in the sign.
Suppose a planet while progressing through Leo
indicates a new job for the wife of the individual and death
Vedic Progression
of his father. Both the events would happen during the
progression of the planet through Leo, but these could
happen during the progression of the planet in different
navamshas ofthe sign.
Here we will only study the method to calculate the
navamshas. We will study the navamsha analysis in the
next chapter.
We have already understood the method to
determine the date on which the progressing planet would
enter a sign. It would be at 0 in the sign on that date. If
the planet were regressing, it would start with the last
navamsha. The first navamsha extends from 0 to 320'.
We know the rate at which each planet progresses in a
sign. This rate has been given at the very beginning of
this Chapter. It is reproduced here:
Major-period Days per deg Days taken to cross
planet a navamsha
Venus 20.29 67.6
6.09 20.3
10.15 33.8
Mars 7.10 23.7
Rahu 18.26 60.9
Jupiter 16.23 54.1
Saturn 19.28 64.3
Mercury 17.25 57.5
Ketu 7.10 23.7
Venus would take 320'*20.29 = 67.6 days to cover
each navamsha. If we add 67.6 days that Venus would
take to travel over the navamsha to the date on which it
had entered the sign, it would give us the date on which
Venus would leave the first navamsha. We can determine
How to Calculate a Progressed Position? 87
the date of its leaving the second, third, fourth, etc.
navamshas. Let us take a concrete illustration.
ln Chart III-2 the Moon enters the III house from its
natal position on August 8, 2002. The Moon takes 10.15
days to cover one 1 in a sign through progression. The
length of a navamsha is 3.3. It will therefore take
10.15*3.3 = 33.8 days to cover a navamsha. We add this
number of days to the date on which the Moon had entered
Aquarius, which is the III house from its natal position.
This gives us September 10, 2002. The progressing Moon
shall leave the first navamsha on this date and enter the
second navamsha. If we add 33.8 days to this date we get
October 14, 2002. The progressing Moon would leave the
second navamsha in Aquarius on October 14, 2002 and
enter the third navamsha, and so on.
A progressing planet would not start from 0
generally when it starts its progression/regression. At the
time ofbirth the planet would be somewhere in the sign.
How do we determine the navamsha in such a situation?
Let us take the above illustration again. The Moon
is at 1353'6" in Sagittarius. It is in Leo navamsha. This
navamsha ends at 1640'. The Moon has to travel 246'54"
to reach the end ofthe navamsha. This distance is equal
to 2.78. Since the Moon progresses 1 o in 10.15 days, it
would progress for 10.15*2.78 = 28.23 days before it
reaches the end of the navamsha. The progression of Moon
started with its major-period on April 28, 2001. We add
28.23 days to this date we get May 26, 2001. The Moon
would travel through its natal navamsha and reach the
next navamsha on May 26, 2001. Now on we have only to
deal with full navamshas.
Vedic Progression
Progression of the Ruler of Bands
We will now work out the progression for each of the
two rulers of bands. We will first take up Venus. It is direct
(i.e. it is in direct motion and not retrograde) in the chart.
It is at 1255'18" in Capricorn. This is equal to 12.92.
Venus, as ruler of a band of years, travels over a sign
( = 30) for 91.31 days. Its longitude is equal to 12.92*9 I .3 II
30 = 39.33 days. Venus shall travel for9I.3I-39.33 = 51.98
days in the sign before it enters Aquarius. It would
thereafter travel over each sign for 91.31 days. Towards
the end of the band it shall travel in Capricorn for another
39.33 days. Venus starts once an individual has completed
24 years. This individual completes her 24 years of age on
February 25, 2000. Venus would start progressing from
this date. The progression shall end once she has completed
27 years of age. This happens on February 25, 2003. The
progression shall be as follows:
Ruler of the Enters house Sign in
hand Venus from the natal the
starts position of Venus house
February 25, 2000 I Capricorn
51.98 days To be travelled at the
start of the band
April 16, 2000 II Aquarius
91.31 days Full duration in a sign
July 17,2000 III Pisces
October 16, 2000 IV Aries
January 15, 2001 v Taurus
April I7, 2001 VI Gemini
July 17, 2001 V1I Cancer
October 16, 2001 V1II
Contd .... on next page
How to Calculate a Progressed Position? 89
Contd .... from last page
Ruler of the Enters house Sign in
band Venus from the natal the
starts position of Venus house
January 16, 2002 IX Virgo
April 17, 2002 X Libra
July 17,2002 XI Scorpio
October 17, 2002 XII Sagittarius
January 16, 2003 I Capricorn
39.33 days To be travelled at
the close of the band
February 25, 2003 END
We will now work out the progression for Mars. lt
starts progressing once the individual has completed 27
years of age. ln this case she completes the age of 27 years
on February 25, 2003. Mars is direct in the chart. It is at
2741'8" in Taurus. This is equal to 27.68. Mars travels
over a sign for 182.63 days.lts longitude is therefore equal
to 27.68*182.63/30 = 168.54 days. Mars shall travel for
182.63-168.54 = 14.09 days in the sign in the first instance.
lt would thereafter travel over each sign for 182.63 days.
Towards the end of the band it shall travel in Capricorn
again for 168.54 days. The progression shall end once she
has completed 33 years of age. This happens on February
25, 2009. The progression shall be as follows:
Ruler ofthe Enters house Sign in
band Mars from the natal the house
starts position of Mars
February 25, 2003 l Taurus
14.09 days To be travelled at
the start ofthe band
Contd .... on next page
90 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Ruler of the Enters house Sign in
hand Mars from the natal the house
starts position of Mars
March 11 , 2003 II Gemini
182.63 days Full duration in a sign
September 9, 2003 III Cancer-
March 10, 2004
September 8, 2004 v Virgo
March 10, 2005 VI Libra
September 9, 2005 VII Scorpio
March 10, 2006 VIII Sagittarius
September 9, 2006 IX Capricorn
March 11 , 2007 X Aquarius
September 9, 2007 XI Pisces
March 10, 2008 XII Aries
September 9, 2008 I Taurus
168.54 days To be travelled at
the close ofthe band
February 25, 2009 END
Progression or regression of a major-period planet
in an annual chart shall be calculated in the same manner
as in the case of a Vimshottari major-period planet.
Chapter Four
How to Interpret the
Progression of a Vimshottari
Major-period Planet?
Progression is a unique concept. Its utility lies in its
simplicity and in its ability to make predictive work much
easier. The progression of a major-period planet is used
as the hour hand of a clock. It tells us in a broad sweep the
span oftime in which an event could happen. This helps
us also determine the correct sub-period in a Vimshottari
major-period when judgement of the right sub-period has
become difficult. This span of time can be as long as twenty
months as Venus has a Vimshottari major-period of twenty
years. The analysis ofnavamshas in any sign where the
progressed planet has reached would help us fix the time
within 20 days. We can then use transit analysis to fix the
event to the day.
I have given the progression of the ruler of a band of
years and of the Mudda major-period planet to show that
these are also amenable to progression analysis, but the
progression of the major-period planet is sufficient to fix
the time span with reasonable brevity. The navamsha
analysis in the progression of a Vimshottari major-period
planet would also tell us the sequence in which events
would take place when the major-period planet has reached
a particular sign. We will analyse the relevant navamsha
for each illustration given henceforth in this chapter.
Vedic Progression
We will first gtve the theoretical bases for the
analysis of the progression of a major-period planet. We
will give the navamsha analysis later in this chapter. There
are few rules for interpretation of the progressed position
of a Vimshottari major-period planet. These are follows:
(a) The Vimshottari major-period planet should be
capable of causing a matter to happen in the birth
chart. In case it is not so qualified in the birth chart,
it cannot assume this responsibility during
progression, period or transit. This is extremely
important. Each major-period planet would cover all
the twelve houses during its major-period and it shall
generally form identical relationships with the natal
karaka and the relevant houses. This would lead us
to the conclusion that each major-period would cause
identical events. This would be absurd. Further,
when an event is not in the major-period
it cannot materialise during the progression of the
major-period planet as the periods covered by the
major-period and progression are the same. We will
take up Chart IV-1 to illustrate.
Chart IV-1
Ket Asc Mon
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 93
Male, December 9, 1957, 1750 hours, 20N56',
77E45', 0530 hours East of GMT.
Planet Lonl(itude Owner/C Planet
Lon2itude Owner/C
Sun 7s2354'9" Mercury Venus 9s95'8" Sun
Jupiter Saturn
Mars 6s2725'3" Jupiter Rahu 6sl645'3" Rahu
Mere 8sl442'4" Venus Ketu
Jupiter 6sl
56'40" Mars Ascdt ls2739' 40"
Owner/C means owner ofthe constellation in which the planet is placed.
The individual got married in the major-period of
Saturn. Saturn is in sambandha with Venus, the
karaka for marriage in a male chart. Saturn occupies
the VII house from the ascendant. Saturn is in a
constellation of Mercury. The latter is in sambandha
with the Moon. Saturn is thus related to the VII
house from the karaka. The Arudha of the VII house
from Venus is in Taurus. Venus is in sambandha
with Saturn.
Saturn is related to Jupiter in the chart. It is
therefore related to the XI house from the ascendant.
The XI house from Jupiter is in Leo. The Sun is with
Saturn in the birth chart. The Arudha of the XI house
from Jupiter is in Scorpio. Saturn is placed there.
94 Vedic Progression
Saturn is therefore capable of causing marriage of
the individual.
(b) The planet would be inclined to give the result when
it gets related to the natal karaka for the event in
progression. We do not progress the karaka. We take
the natal position of the karaka. We only progress
the Vimshottari major-period planet. Saturn, in
progression was back in Scorpio in Chart IV-1 at the
time of marriage. It is in sambandha with the natal
karaka there.
(c) The planet in progression should be related to the
relevant houses from the ascendant and karaka. We
have already seen that all these conditions are
satisfied by Saturn.
(d) The Arudha of the relevant house from the concerned
natal karaka should be related to the progressed
planet for the desired result to materialise. Thus if
Mars is being progressed and we are looking for
journey abroad, Mars in progression should be
related to the Arudha of the IX house from natal
Rahu to cause a journey abroad.
The condition (b) is the only one mentioned in the
Nadi Granthas. This condition is rather general. The
major-period planet may develop relationship with the
karaka during progression more than once. Each time the
event may not happen. There is no hint in the Bhrigu
Samhita or Nadi Granthas of such a situation and the
method to determine the relationship with the karaka that
would be productive of the result. It is noticed that use of
the relevant houses helps determine the right relationship.
It obviates the possibility of an erroneous conclusion being
drawn every time the major-period planet develops
relationship with the karaka in progression.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 95
Therefore the principles simply stated are that a
planet will cause a result during progression when it
reaches a house where it gets related to the (i) concerned
natal karaka, and (ii) the relevant houses from the natal
karaka and the ascendant, and (iii) the Arudha of the
relevant house from the natal karaka. Ifwe wish to know
as to when Mars in progression would cause illness we
should see as to from which house it develops a relationship
with natal Saturn, the VI houses from natal Saturn and
the ascendant and the Arudha of the VI house from Saturn.
When these relationships develop the progressed Mars
would cause disease, provided it has that inclination in
the chart.
As has been stated earlier, a planet that is weak in
a sign in progression would tend to cause unpleasant
results. Good results could be expected in a situation when
the progressing planet is strong in a sign.
We will first take up a few charts to show as to how
simply we can reach conclusion on a possible event through
the approximation method.
Chart IV-2
Mon Mar
Rah Asc
Vedic Progression
Male, April 5, 1976, 1848 hours, 23NIO', 79E59',
0530 hours East of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun lls2221'16" Mercury Venus lls259'55" Jupiter
Moon ls2612'52" Mars Saturn 3s234'4" Jupiter
Mars 2sl45l'l4" Rahu Rahu 6sl911'57"
Mercury Ketu Osl9ll'57" Venus
Jupiter Os849'32" Ketu Ascdt 5s27"56'27"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The question is of the marriage of the individual in
the major-period of Jupiter. It would cause the individual
to get married during its progression only in case it is
inclined to do so in its major-period. We must examine
this first.
Jupiter and Mercury are in sambandha in the
navamsha chart. Mercury is with Venus in the birth chart.
Therefore Jupiter is related to natal Venus. Jupiter owns
the VII house from the ascendant and it is related to VII
house from natal Venus as we have seen just now. The
Arudha of the VII house from the karaka is in Gemini.
Jupiter is related to this house too as it is in sambandha
with Mercury in the navamsha chart. Jupiter is also the
karaka for fulfilment of wish and successful completion of
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 97
a venture. It is in sambandha with Mercury in the
navamsha chart. Mercury and Saturn are related to Venus.
Therefore Jupiter is related to the XI house from the
ascendant. The XI house from Jupiter is in Aquarius. We
have just examined the relationship that Jupiter has with
Let us now examine the progression of Jupiter.
Marriage can only happen when Jupiter forms a
relationship with natal Venus. Jupiter gets related to
Venus when it enters Taurus. It is also related to the two
VII houses and the XI house from the ascendant but it
does not relate to the XI house from natal Jupiter. Hence
marriage in Tuarus is not possible.
When Jupiter reaches Gemini, it again contacts
Venus but it is not related to all the relevant houses. Hence
marriage here too would not be possible.
Jupiter then reaches Cancer. It gets in sambandha
with natal Venus. It is also in sambandha with natal
Mercury that is the owner of the VII house from Venus.
Jupiter is related to the VII house from the ascendant and
the Arudha of the VII house from Venus. Jupiter is
therefore going to give results relating to the marriage of
the individual. It occupies the XI house from the ascendant.
Itis the karaka for success and gain. It would be over the
owner ofthe XI house from natal Jupiter. It is related to
the Arudha of the XI house from natal Jupiter, which is in
Sagittarius. Therefore Jupiter would cause marriage when
it reaches Cancer. We should now decide the possible year
when this would happen.
Jupiter is roughly at 9 in Aries. It has still to travel
over 21 in this sign. Jupiter takes 16 days to cover one
degree. Hence Jupiter would take 16*21 = 336 days to cover
the balance of Aries. This is equal to slightly more than
11 months. Jupiter would then take 16 months each to
98 Vedic Progression
cover Taurus and Gemini. Therefore Jupiter would take
11 + 16 + 16 = 43 months to reach Cancer. This is equal to
three and a halfyears approximately.
Jupiter has started progressing when its major-
period started on October 1, 1999. We add three and a
half years to this date. We get April!, 2003.Jupiter would
reach Cancer approximately around this date. Marriage
should take place 16 months from this date during which
Jupiter would travel over Cancer, i.e., till July 2004. From
the exact calculations as seen in the table below, Jupiter
is to remain in Cancer till September 8, 2004. He got
married on February 22, 2004.
We can see that this analysis gives us very
satisfactory results and involves no mathematics at all.
We will deal with some more events in the life of this
individual. Before that we should work out the accurate
date ofprogression ofJupiter. These are as follows:
Begin from Enters house from Sign
natal position natal position
01-0ct-99 I Aries
343.74 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of the
08-Sep-00 II Taurus
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
08-Jan-02 Ill Gemini
IO-May-03 IV Cancer-
08-Sep-04 v Leo-Child
08-Jan-06 VI Virgo
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 99
Contd ... .from last page
Begin from Enters house from Sign
natal position natal position
10-May-07 VII Libra
08-Sep-08 VIII Scorpio
08-Jan-10 IX Sagittarius
10-May-11 X Capricorn
08-Sep-12 XI Aquarius
08-Jan-14 XII Pisces
10-May-15 l Aries
143.27 days Balance in Aries
01-0ct-15 END
A daughter was born to this person on July 3, 2005.
Progressed Jupiter gets into sambandha with natal Jupiter
from Leo. Hence karaka is strongly contacted. The
dispositor of progressed Jupiter in Leo is in Capricorn,
which is the V house from the ascendant in the birth chart.
Leo is the V house from natal Jupiter. The Arudha ofLeo
is in Libra. The dispositor of progressed Jupiter and Venus
are in sambandha. Hence progressed Jupiter is related to
the Arudha too. Since Saturn and the Sun are in
sambandha in the navamsha chart, progressed Jupiter is
related to the XI house from the ascendant and from natal
Jupiter. The individual would have a child born him while
Jupiter progresses through Leo. We have already
determined that Jupiter would enter Leo sometime in July
2004. If we add 16 months to this we get a date in
November 2005. His daughter was born on July 3, 2005.
We will now consider the following chart ofwife of
the previous chart:
Chart IV-3
Vedic Progression
Female, October 23, 1976, 1930 hours, 24N43',
75E50', 0530 hours East of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 6s6'45'24" Rahu Venus 7s9'56'55" Saturn
Moon 6sll '59'28" Rahu Saturn 3s22'12'43" Mercury
Mars 6sl6'31'39" Rahu Rahu 6s10'0'17" Rahu
Mere 5s26'59'6" Mars Ketu Osl0'0'17" Ketu
Jup.Ret. ls5'49'14" Sun Ascdt ls5'21'32"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
She was married on February 22, 2004 and she had
a daughter on July 3, 2005. Her major-period of Saturn
had started on August 16, 2003.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 101
We will try to determine the span of time for her
marriage. Saturn is in direct motion and has covered about
22 in Cancer. Its dispositor is in Libra and Mars relates
the dispositor to natal Jupiter. Saturn here is thus
indirectly related to Jupiter. This relationship is not strong
enough to cuase an event relating to marriage to arise.
Since it takes 19 days to cover a degree, it would
move out of Cancer in 152 days. This is about five months.
Saturn would leave Cancer in the middle of January 2004.
According to the table below it did so on January 13,2004.
It would remain in Leo for the next 19 months. Here it
would be in sambandha with natal Sun. Mars is associated
with natal Sun and it is with Jupiter in the navamsha
chart. Venus and Mars have exchanged houses in the chart.
Hence progressed Saturn is related to the VII house from
the ascendant. This is also the VII house from the karaka
Jupiter. The Arudha of the VII house from Jupiter is in
Virgo. Mercury and Venus are associated in the navamsha
chart. The dispositors of progressed Saturn and Venus are
in sambandha. We have seen that progressed Saturn is
related to natal Jupiter and the XI house from Jupiter
and the Xl house. Hence progressed Saturn gets related
to the karaka for marriage and all other concerned houses.
This is the sign in which the individual would get married.
We will calculate the exact dates of progression.
These are as follows:
Begin from Enters house from Sign in
natal position its natal position house
16-Aug-03 I Cancer
150.14 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
Contd .... on next page
Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Begin from Enters house from Sign in
natal position its natal position house
Il Leo-
and Child
578.32 days Full duration in a sign
13-Aug-05 Ill Virgo
N Libra
v Scorpio
14-May-10 Vl Sagittarius
13-Dec-11 VII Capricorn
14-Jul-13 VIII Aquarius
IX Pisces
12-Sep-16 X Aries
14-Apr-18 XI Taurus
13-Nov-19 XII Gemini
l Cancer
428.18 days Balance in Cancer
Let us now see as to when she would have a child.
We have seen that progressed Saturn gets related to
Jupiter in Leo. It is also related to the V house from the
ascendant and karaka. The Arudha of the V house from
Jupiter is in Gemini. Progressed Saturn is clearly related
to Gemini too. We have also seen that progressed Saturn
in Leo is also related to the XI house both from the
ascendant and Jupiter. Hence birth of a child while Saturn
is in Leo is likely. By rough calculation we can say that
Saturn would remain in Leo till middle of August 2005.
From the above table it is seen that it is going to be in Leo
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 103
till August 13, 2005.
Navamsha Analysis
(A) We have seen that through progression/regression a
planet causes events to happen. When it reaches a
sign, it develops relationships with other planets that
are placed in that sign in the birth and navamsha
charts and points out the likelihood of certain events.
It thus carves out a span of time varying from six
months to twenty months in which those events could
happen. This is a long span oftime and needs to be
more specific. The analysis of navamsha is useful
for this purpose.
A planet entering a sign starts interacting with the
sign and any planet that is placed in that sign. It interacts
with the constellation in which it would be at that time
and also with any planet in it. It enters the first navamsha
ofthe sign ifit is progressing, and the last navamsha if it
is regressing. In any navamsha it interacts with the
navamsha and a planet that is placed in that navamsha.
Let us take Chart IV-3 to clarify this concept. Let us
presume that Saturn is progressing and it enters Virgo.
The first constellation in Virgo is that ofthe Sun. Saturn
would interact with the Sun during its progression through
this constellation. There is no planet in this constellation.
The first navamsha is that of Capricorn. In the navamsha
chart, the Moon, Saturn and Rahu are placed in this
navamsha. Saturn owns this navamsha. Hence Saturn
would associate with these three planets as soon as it
enters Virgo. Saturn would therefore give results of the
Sun, Moon, itself (being owner of Capricorn) and Rahu
while it is progressing through the first navamsha of Virgo.
Progressing Saturn would then proceed to the next
104 Vedic Progression
na vamsha of Aquarius. The constellation remains the
same. So its interaction with the Sun would continue. In
addition, since Mars and Jupiter are placed in this
navamsha in the navamsha chart, Saturn would also
interact with them. Saturn continues to own this
navamsha too. Saturn would therefore cause results to
appear due to the combined effect of the Sun, Mars and
Jupiter while it progresses through this navamsha.
The third navamsha is that of Pisces. The
constellation continues to be the same but Saturn would
now also interact with Jupiter, the owner of the navamsha.
Pisces navamsha has no planet. Saturn would give the
effects ofthe Sun and Jupiter in this navamsha.
The fourth navamsha is that of Aries. The
constellation now changes. It is the Hasta constellation of
the Moon. There is no planet in this constellation. However,
progressing Saturn would interact with the Moon as well.
The owner of the navamsha is Mars. There is no planet in
this navamsha. Saturn would interact with Mars while in
this navamsha. Saturn, while in this navamsha would
present the results of the Moon and Mars.
The fifth na vamsha is Taurus. The constellation
remains unchanged. The owner of the navamsha is Venus
now. Saturn would interact with it. There is no planet in
this navamsha. Saturn would give results of the Moon and
The sixth navamsha is that of Gemini. There is no
planet in this navamsha. Saturn would give the results of
Mercury and the Moon.
The seventh navamsha is that of Cancer. When
Saturn reaches 20 in the sign, it would enter this
na vamsha. The constellation remains the same. The
navamsha has Ketu. Saturn would interact with Ketu,
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 105
which is placed in Cancer navamsha, and with the Moon,
which is the owner of this navamsha. Saturn would
produce results due to the combined effect of the Moon
and Ketu.
The eighth navamsha is that of Leo. The constellation
changes to Chitra of Mars. Mercury is placed in this
constellation. Saturn would therefore interact with
Mercury and Mars. There is no planet in this navamsha.
The owner is the Sun. Saturn would be inclined to give
results ofMercury, Mars and the Sun.
The last navamsha is that of Virgo. The constellation
remains unchanged. Mercury and Venus are placed in this
navamsha. Hence Saturn would interact with these
planets too. Saturn would produce results of Mercury, Mars
and Venus. It also be noticed that the effect of Mercury
here would be very strong as it is exalted in this navamsha.
In the navamsha analysis we do not consider the
sign. We consider the constellation and planets in it and
the navamsha and planets in it. Based on the constellation
and navamsha we draw fresh conclusions. If the navamsha
analysis shows the same result as the sign analysis, we
conclude that the event would happen in that given
Suppose a planet is placed in Libra during its
progression. Suppose natal Saturn is in this sign at r in
Swati constellation of Rahu. It would be in Sagittarius
navamsha. Suppose there is no other planet in this sign.
A progressing planet entering Libra would first enter Libra
navamsha in Chitra constellation ofMars. Since there are
no planets in this constellation and navamsha, it would
give results of Mars and Venus only. It would then move
to Scorpio navamsha and would only give the results of
Mars, as the constellation remains the same. The
progressing planet would thereafter enter Sagittarius
106 Vedic Progression
where it would change constellation and enter Swati
constellation of Rahu. Sa turn is placed in this constellation
in this navamsha. Hence the progressing planet would give
results of Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter. When it enters
Capricorn constellation it would continue in the same.
Since the navamsha and constellation have no planets, it
would give results ofRahu and Saturn. We would continue
in this fashion.
We have thus divided the sign in nine parts and have
clearly demarcated regions in which influence of different
planets would operate. We have also identified planets that
would operate in each region.
(B) This analysis gives us a very useful clue. Planets
placed in the same sign would give their results
according to their position in the sign. A planet at
the end ofthe sign would give results later than the
one that is placed in the beginning. Further, planets
in the same navamsha would tend to give their
results together, those in different navamshas,
though in the same sign, would give results
separately. Suppose a sign has Mars and Mercury.
Further suppose Mars shows death of the mother
and Mercury shows a journey abroad. If the
progression in the sign shows death of the mother
and journey abroad, we should see whether Mars is
ahead ofMercury in the sign when we are analysing
a progressing planet. If the progressing planet meets
Mars first, the death of mother would happen before
the individual undertakes ajourney abroad. On the
other hand, if the progressing planet meets Mercury
first in the sign, the individual would go abroad and
would get the news there of the death. In case the
two planets are together in the same navamsha, the
death could happen almost at the same time as the
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 107
journey. Let us be clear about a regressing planet.
The results in case of such a planet would be reverse.
If Mars were ahead of Mercury in the sign, the
journey would be undertaken first since the
regressing planet would meet Mercury first. The
death would take place later when the planet meets
(C) We know that the Sun among other things represents
the heart, and the IV house from the Sun also
represents the heart. Suppose the Sun is in Virgo at
20. The IV house from Virgo would be in Sagittarius.
Therefore 20 in Sagittarius would represent the
heart. Similarly, the Moon represents the mother. If
the Moon were, for example, at 6 in Leo, the IV house
from Leo would represent the mother. This would
be in Scorpio. Scorpio 6 would be the specific point
representing the mother. When Venus in a male
chart is at 10 in Aries it would represent the wife of
the individual through the specific point at Libra at
the same degree. Suppose Saturn is at 25 in Gemini.
The point at 25 in Pisces, being the X sign point
from Gemini, would stand as the specific point for
profession. We can determine any point in the chart
like this. What can be the use ofthis concept?
Let us suppose that the point for profession has the
influence of a specific karaka through association or its
influence is transported through another planet. The
profession would predominantly have the characteristics
of that planet. Let us first understand as to how the
influence is transported by another planet. Suppose Venus
and Jupiter are together in the birth chart and Jupiter is
in a sign or with a planet in the navamsha chart. We would
say that Jupiter is transporting the influence of Venus to
that house or planet.
108 Vedic Progression
Suppose in the above illustration, the Sun is placed
at the specific point for profession at 25 in Pisces. This
would be a clear indication that the individual would serve
the government and he may rise to a high position due to
the influence of the Sun. Similarly if Saturn is placed at
the specific point for the heart, there would be some
malfunction or deformity in the heart of the individual.
We would give an interesting illustration here though it
may not be taken to be a direct illustration of the principle
stated above. The individual has a rare deformity in his
heart. His heart is on the right hand side of the chest.
Dextrocardia (the heart being located on the right side of
the thorax) was first recognised by Marco Severino in 1643.
However, it was first described more than a century later
by Matthew Baillie. The prevalence ofthis phenomenon
varies among different populations but the incidence is
less than 1 in 10,000 people.
ln the absence of congenital heart defects, individuals
with this deformity can lead normal healthy lives, without
any complications related to their medical condition. Many
people with this deformity are unaware of their unusual
anatomy until they seek medical attention for an unrelated
condition. There are some well known personalities who
have this condition.
Randy Foye, an American basketball player for the
NBAs Minnesota Timberwolves has this deformity. He
has suffered no complications and the condition is not
expected to jeopardize his career as a professional athlete.
Donny Osmond is an American entertainer. He is a
singer, musician, actor and former teen idol. He has also
been a talk show and game show host, record producer,
race car driver and author. Donny became a teen idol in
the early 1970s as a solo singer. He and David Cassidy
were the biggest pop stars for Tiger Beat magazine in the
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 109
early 1970's. Osmond found success in musical theatre in
the 1990s when he starred in Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat for over 2,000 performances. It was
discovered that he had Dextrocardia when he was taken
to the hospital when on tour with his family in England.
He had developed severe abdominal pain and during
examination it was found that he had his heart on the
wrong side. We will give his chart later but first the chart
ofthe unknown person mentioned above.
Chart IV-4
Sat Ven Sun
Asc Mar
Ven Sun Rah
Ket Mon
Vedic Progression
Male, July 12, 1969, 1808 hours, 13N04', 80E17',
0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 2s2632'22" Jupiter Venus lsl232'48" Moon
Moon 2s41'9" Mars Saturn Osl410'25" Venus
Mars 7s823'34" Saturn Rahu 10s2952'47 Jupiter
Mere 2sl456'7"
Rahu Ketu 4s2952'47"
Jupiter 5s69'47" Sun Ascdt 8sl950'35"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is _placed.
Here the IV house from the Sun is in Virgo. Saturn
and Mercury are apart by even less than a degree. These
planets are in sambandha in the navamsha chart.
Therefore the IV house from the Sun has very strong
influence of Saturn. Saturn is related to the VI houses
from the ascendant and itself.
We will now take up the birth chart of Donny
Osmond. The important thing to note in this chart is the
presence of Saturn within less than one degree of the Sun.
Chart IV-5
Sun Jup
Sat - Mar
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 111
Jup Ket
Donny Osmond, December 9, 1957, 0055 hour,
Ogden, UT, USA, 41 N13', 111 W58', 0700 hours West of
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 7s2342'56" Mercury Venus 9s856'16" Sun
2s19.39'8" Rahu Saturn
7s23.31'24" Mercury
Mars 6s27 17'30" Jupiter Rahu
6s16.46'14" Rahu
Venus Ketu
Mars As edt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The Sun and Saturn are within one degree of each
other. The VI house from the Sun is in Aquarius. The VI
house from Saturn is in Aries. Saturn is in a sign ofMars.
The deformity in the heart is present in this individual.
When Venus occupies the specific point for wife in a
male chart, the wife of the individual would be very
beautiful. Let us suppose that Venus and Jupiter are
together in Capricorn in a male chart. Let us further
suppose that Venus is at 17 in Capricorn and Jupiter at
20. The specific point for wife would be at 17 in Cancer.
If Jupiter has gone to Cancer in the navamsha chart, it
would transport the influence of Venus to the specific point.
The wife of such an individual would be beautiful.
112 Vedic Progression
The house containing the specific point when strong
would indicate a good growth in that field of life. The
specific point for high status in Adolf Hitler's chart was in
Capricorn. Saturn was projecting an aspect to it from
Gemini. In his chart, the specific point for profession was
at 21 9'11" in Aries. Mars was in Aries at 244'25" showing
a strong martial influence on his career. In the chart of
President Kalam the specific point for profession is at
2411'34" in Virgo. The Sun is placed at 2801'03" in Virgo
showing a high status.
Analysis of Charts
We will study some live charts to understand the
concept of progression and navamsha analysis better. ln
every case we notice that the first prerequisite is the
relationship with the karaka. Unless this is established
the event would not happen. Hence a look at the chart
would tell us the periods in which the individual concerned
would face trouble, danger or would be happy and he would
gain. Thus a map of life can be erected without much ado.
We will first take up Chart IV-2. We have already
analysed the progression of Jupiter and have concluded
that Jupiter in Cancer would see the individual married.
We will now only do the navamsha analysis and determine
the span of time in which marriage is likely.
This is a male chart. Hence the karaka for marriage
is Venus. Marriage took place when Jupiter had reached
Sagittarius the sixth navamsha of Cancer. As we know,
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 113
Jupiter in progression entered Cancer on May 10, 2003.
Since Jupiter takes 54.1 days to progress over a navamsha,
it would enter Sagittarius navamsha on February 4, 2004
and quit it on March 29, 2004.
The constellation in the sixth navamsha is Aslesha
of Mercury. There is no planet in this constellation. Hence
Jupiter would interact with Mercury. Mercury is with the
Sun and Venus. In Sagittarius, Jupiter gets in sambandha
with natal Jupiter in the birth chart. It is therefore related
to the karaka, to the VII house from the ascendant and to
the VII house from the karaka. The Arudha of the VII
house from Venus is in Gemini. Natal Jupiter is in Gemini
navamsha. Being in sambandha with natal Jupiter it is
related to the karaka for success and gain. The sign Cancer
is the XI house from the ascendant. Moon is in a sign of
Venus that is associated with Mercury. The XI house from
natal Jupiter is Aquarius. Mercury and Jupiter are in
sambandha in the navamsha chart. Therefore the owner
of the constellation harbouring progressed Jupiter in
Sagittarius relates it to Aquarius. This is the XI house
from natal Jupiter. The Arudha of the XI house from
Jupiter is in Sagittarius in which navamsha Jupiter is
placed in progression.
The navamsha analysis shows marriage when
Jupiter progresses through this navamsha. Hence
marriage should take place between February 4, 2004 and
March 29, 2004. Now with the use oftransit and annual
chart ifnecessary we can reach the day of the marriage.
Chart IV-6
Vedic Progression
Ket Mar
Female, February 25, 1976, 0401 hours, 26 N14',
78El0', Time Zone 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10sll
5519" Rahu Venus 9sl255'18" Moon
Moon 8sl353'6" Venus Saturn 3s324'14" Saturn
Mars ls2741'8" Mars Rahu 6s21 59'11" Jupiter
Mere 9sl656'18" Moon Ketu Os21 59'11" Venus
Jupiter lls2953'0" Mercury As edt 8s2311'56"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Let us examine the chart. The above individual went
abroad as soon as the major-period of the Moon started.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 115
She went abroad in the sub-period of the Moon in its major-
Related to Yes. The Moon is in sambandha with
karaka Rahu Venus as the two planets exchange
constellations. Venus and Rahu are
associated in the navamsha chart.
Related to Yes.The IX house from the ascendant
LX house from has Leo. The Moon occupies this sign
the ascendant in the navamsha chart.
Related to Yes.The LX house from Rahu is in
IX house from Gemini. Mercury is associated with
the karaka Venus.
Related to Yes.The Arudha of the IX house from
Arudha of the Rahu is in Leo. The Moon occupies this
LX house from sign in the navamsha chart.
the karaka
The Moon as the major-period planet would take the
individual abroad. The progression of the Moon is as
Begin Enters house Sign in
from from the natal the house
natal position of the
I position Moon
28-Apr-01 I Sagittarius - The
individual went
abroad while the
Moon was progressing
through this sign
163.5 days To be travelled
in the sign at
the start ofthe
Contd .... on next page
116 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Begin Enters house Sign in
from from the natal the house
natal position of the
position Moon
08-0ct-01 II Capricorn - The
individual went
abroad while the
Moon was progressing
through this sign
304.38 days Full duration in
a stgn
08-Aug-02 III Aquarius
09-Jun-03 IV Pisces-Got married
v Aries
07-Feb-05 VI Taurus
08-Dec-05 VII Gemini
08-0ct-06 VIII Cancer
09-Aug-07 IX Leo
08-Jun-08 X Virgo
08-Apr-09 XI Libra
XII Scorpio
08-Dec-IO I Sagittarius
140.88 days To be travelled
at the close of the
period in the sign
28-Apr-11 END
The Moon is under influence of Mercury. It is in
sambandha with Venus that is with Mercury in Capricorn.
The dispositor of the Moon is in Revati constellation of
Mercury. The Moon is in association with Saturn in the
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 117
navamsha chart. Saturn is in sambandha with Mercury
in the birth chart. The Moon is inclined to give results
early. Hence the Moon would give its results very early
while it was progressing through its natal sign.
The first journey abroad took place on September
29, 2001. The Moon was in its natal sign where it had
started progressing from April 28, 2001. It was in its fifth
navamsha when the event happened. This is Leo
navamsha. Let us examine this navamsha.
The progressed Moon was in a constellation of Venus.
There is no other planet in this constellation. The Moon
and Saturn are in Leo navamsha. Hence progressed Moon
would interact with Leo navamsha, and the Sun, Moon
and Venus. The Sun owns the LX house from the ascendant.
Venus is associated with Mercury that owns the LX house
from Rahu. Venus is associated with Rahu in the
navamsha chart. The Arudha ofthe IX house from Rahu
is in Leo. The progressed Moon is obviously related to the
LX house. Hence progressed Moon in this navamsha shows
matters relating to journey abroad fructifying.
The individual went abroad again on June 14, 2002
when the progressed Moon reached Capricorn. Let us now
see the relationships that develop in Capricorn. The
progressed Moon will be related to the karaka Rahu since
Venus is with Rahu in the navamsha chart. The IX house
from the ascendant is in Leo. The LX house from the karaka
is in Gemini. The Arudha of the IX house from Rahu is
again in Leo. Capricorn has Mercury and the Sun (in
navamsha). The individual would therefore go abroad
again when the Moon reaches Capricorn.
She went abroad on June 14, 2002. The progressed
Moon was in the eighth navamsha. The navamsha is ruled
by the Sun. Hence we get the same planets that were
responsible for her journey abroad the first time. The
eighth navamsha starts on June 1, 2002 and ends on July
118 Vedic Progression
5, 2002.
The individual got married on December 18, 2003
when the Moon had progressed to Pisces. Jupiter is the
karaka for this event in a female chart. The Moon entered
Pisces on June 9, 2003. It is strong here. It would be
travelling over natal Jupiter giving us a strong hint that
this was the opportune time for marriage. As we have said
an event cannot happenjust because the karaka for it has
come into contact with the progressed planet. The relevant
houses should also get related. The VII house from the
ascendant is in Gemini. The VII house from Jupiter is in
Virgo. Hence Mercury is an important element for the build
up of the event. Natal Jupiter is in Revati constellation of
Mercury. The Arudha of the VII house from Jupiter is in
Taurus. Mercury and Venus are together in Capricorn.
We should now see if her marriage would successfully come
Since the Moon is progressing over natal Jupiter,
this is also a good time for successful completion of projects.
The two XI houses are clearly related to Mercury. The
Arudha of the XI house from Jupiter is in Libra to which
the progressed Moon is related. The marriage would be
successfully performed.
The progressed Moon was in the sixth navamsha
when the event happened. Jupiter rules this navamsha.
It has Sagittarius sign. It does not have any planet. It was
in Revati constellation ofMercury. Jupiter is placed in the
constellation. Hence Jupiter and Mercury would operate
in this navamsha. The progressed Moon thus gets related
to the karaka for marriage. The VII house from the
ascendant and karaka are houses of Mercury. These
planets also relate the progressed planet to the XI houses
from the ascendant and Jupiter. Hence the navamsha
analysis clearly points to marriage while the Moon
progresses through Sagittarius navamsha. This would be
between November 25 and December 28, 2003.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 119
We will take up the following birth chart to study
birth of children and journey abroad through this method:
Chart IV-7
Female, March 8, 1970, 0457 hours, l7N23',
78E29', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10s23'32'17" Jupiter Venus lls3'45'23" Saturn
Moon 10s26'50'56" Jupiter Saturn Os12'1'51" Ketu
Mars Os7'12'49" Ketu Rahu 10s18'23'52 Rahu
Mere 10s10'9'6" Rahu Ketu 4sl8'23'52" Venus
Jupiter 6s12'7'28" Rahu Ascdt 9s24'39'52"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
120 Vedic Progression
A son was born to her on February 24, 1991 in the
major-period of Saturn, which had started on December
18, 1977. Jupiter is in Libra.
Saturn and Jupiter are in sambandha in the
navamsha chart. Venus and Jupiter are in sambandha in
the birth chart. Hence Saturn is related to the V house
from the ascendant. Saturn is the owner of the V house
from natal Jupiter. The Arudha of the V house from natal
Jupiter is in Gemini. Saturn and Mercury are in
sambandha in the navamsha chart.
We have seen that Saturn is related to Jupiter.
Scorpio is the XI house from the ascendant. Saturn and
Mars are together in the birth chart. The XI house from
natal Jupiter is in Leo. Ketu occupies this sign. Saturn is
in a constellation of Ketu. Thus Saturn is a planet that
would u s e birth of children.
We will work out the progression of Saturn. It is as
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position House
18-Dec-77 I Aries
346.4 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
29-Nov-78 II Taurus
578.32 days Full duration in a sign
29-Jun-80 m Gemini
IV Cancer
v Leo
30-Mar-85 VI Virgo
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 121
Contd ... .from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position House
30-0ct-86 VII Libra
30-May-88 VIII Scorpio
29-Dec-89 IX Sagittarius
30-Jul-91 X Capricorn
28-Feb-93 XI Aquarius
29-Sep-94 XII Pisces-Son
29-Apr-96 I Aries
231.92 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
17-Dec-96 END
Jupiter is the karaka for children. The V house from
the ascendant shows children. Therefore the V house from
Jupiter would be the prime house for children. The Arudha
of this house too would be a dominant house for children.
When the progressed planet gets related to these elements
it would be inclined to.cause an event relating to children
to materialise.
Saturn had progressed to Sagittarius, which is the
LX house from its natal position, when the first child was
Saturn in Sagittarius is related to Jupiter. Further,
progressed Saturn gets in sambandha with natal Mercury.
It is thus related to the V house from natal Jupiter and to
the Arudha of the V house from Jupiter. Mercury and
Jupiter are together in the navamsha chart. Since it is
now in contact with the karaka it is qualified to give the
result. Saturn gets into sambandha with the natal Sun
122 Vedic Progression
too from Sagittarius. It is in Taurus in the navamsha chart.
This is the V house from the ascendant in the birth chart.
Saturn is thus inclined in Sagittarius to cause matters
relating to birth of children to come to the fore. Let us see
if progressed Saturn is also inclined to cause gain.
The progressed Saturn in Sagittarius gets in
sambandha with the natal Moon. The Moon and Mars are
associated in the na vamsha chart. This relates progressed.
Saturn to Scorpio. It is also related to Leo. Thus the
progression of Saturn to Sagittarius shows birth of a child.
Let us now do the navamsha analysis. The event
happened when the progressed planet had entered the VII
navamsha of Sagittarius. This is Libra. The progressed
planet is in a constellation of Venus and a navamsha of
Venus. Venus is in sambandha with Jupiter in the birth
chart. Rahu is in the same sign in the navamsha chart
where Venus is placed in the birth chart. Venus owns the
V house from the ascendant. It is related to the V house
from the karaka. Hence progression of Saturn through
Libra would bring matters relating to children to the fore.
Venus is in Leo in the navamsha chart. This is the XI
house from Jupiter in the birth chart. Ketu is placed in
this sign in the birth chart. Venus is in a constellation of
Saturn. This relates Venus to Mars, which is the owner of
the XI house from the ascendant. Therefore there would
be birth of a child.
Her second child was born on May 10, 1995 when
Saturn had progressed to Pisces.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 123
Related to Yes. Natal Venus is in sambandha with
karaka natal Jupiter. Progressed Saturn is over
Jupiter natal Venus.
Related to V Yes. Natal Venus is the owner of the
house from house.
the ascendant
Related to V Yes. Natal Rahu is in Pisces navamsha.
house from Progressed Saturn is in this sign. Rahu
the karaka is in Aquarius in the birth chart.
Related to Yes. Progressed Saturn is re!ated to
Arudha ofthe natal Mercury through natal Rahu.
V house from
the karaka
Let us see ifprogressed Saturn is inclined to let the
individual gain a child.
Related to Yes. As above.
karaka Jupiter
Related to XI Yes. Natal Venus is in a constellation
house from the of Saturn. The latter is with natal Mars.
ascendant Thus progressed Saturn is related to
Related to XI Yes. Rahu relates the XI house from
house from the natal Jupiter to the progressed Saturn
as above.
Related to Yes. Venus owns the Arudhain Taurus.
Arudha of the
XI house from
the karaka
Thus the progression of Saturn to Pisces shows birth
of a child.
124 Vedic Progression
This person went abroad on June 8, 2003 in the
major-period of Mercury, which had started on December
17, 1996. Mercury is with Rahu and is related to the owner
of the LX house from natal Rahu through the latter. The
LX house from the ascendant is in Virgo. The Arudha of
the LX house from natal Rahu is in Leo. The Sun is with
natal Mercury. Therefore the major-period of Mercury
would cause journey abroad.
The event happened when Mercury had progressed
to Gemini. We will work out the progression ofMercury.
It is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position
17-Dec-96 I Aguarius
342.35 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
24-Nov-97 II Pisces
517.45 days Full duration in a sign
25-Apr-99 III Aries
23-Feb-02 v Gemini-
26-Jul-03 VI Cancer
24-Dec-04 VII Leo
26-May-06 VIII Virgo
25-0ct-07 IX
25-Mar-09 X Scorpio
XI Sagittarius
24-Jan-12 XII Capricorn
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 125
Contd ... .from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
25-Jun-13 I Aquarius
175.10 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
17-Dec-13 END
Rahu is the karaka for journey abroad. The LX house
from the ascendant also stands for journey abroad.
Therefore the IX house from Rahu and its Arudha are the
prime houses for journey abroad.
Related to Yes. Progressed Mercury is in Gemini.
karaka Rahu Natal Mercury is with natal Rahu.
Related to LX Yes. The natal Moon is with natal
house from the Mercury. Progressed Mercury is with
ascendant natal Moon in the navamsha chart.
Related to IX Yes. Progressed Mercury is in Gemini.
house from the Natal Mercury and Jupiter are together
karaka in the navamsha chart. Natal Jupiter
and Venus are in sambandha.
Related to Yes. The Arudha is in Leo. Natal
Arudha of the Mercury and Sun are together.
LX house from
the karaka
Progressed Mercury is in its own sign making the
house strong. Thus the progressed Mercury in Gemini
shows ajourney abroad.
Let us now do the navamsha analysis for this event.
The event happened in the last navamsha of Gemini. This
is Gemini itself. Progressed Mercury is thus related to the
126 Vedic Progression
IX house from the ascendant. The constellation is
Punarvasu of Jupiter. Natal Mercury is with Rahu and
the Sun. Hence progressed Mercury is related to karaka
Rahu and Arudha of the LX hoqse from Rahu. The LX house
from Rahu is Libra where natal Jupiter is placed. This
navamsha therefore shows a journey abroad.
We will study the following chart to see as to how a
progressed planet has caused the individual to meet with
an accident. The individual works for Indian navy. He
appears to be prone to accidents. In May 2007 he had two
accidents. All the accidents in which he is involved are
major ones. The Arudha ofthe Sun sign is in Leo where
Mars is placed. The Arudha of the VI house from natal
Mars is in Pisces. The Sun and Jupiter are together in the
birth chart. Saturn and Venus relate Mars in the birth
chart to the Sun in the navamsha chart. It shows that the
individual would be injured several times as the
conjunction is in Gemini, a sign of Mercury. Mars also
represents vehicles, as it owns the TV house from natal
Venus. The association ofVenus with Mars and the Sun
indicates vehicular accidents. Saturn is also similarly
associated with the Sun and Mars. It is in Magha
constellation of Ketu. Ketu is in the VIII house from
Saturn. Therefore the accidents are going to be dangerous
and serious.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 127
Male, July 12, 1978, 0610 hours, 18N26', 79E9',
0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Pfanet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 2s2546'35" Jupiter Venus 4s622'5" Ketu
5s858'35" Sun Saturn
4s22.20' Venus Rahu
3s20.29'17" Mercury Ketu lls5.43'38"
Jupiter Ascdt 3s042'26"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
128 Vedic Progression
The accident happened in the major-period ofRahu.
It is in sambandha with Saturn in the navamsha chart.
Saturn is associated with Mars in the birth chart. Hence
there is a relationship between Rahu and the karaka of
accidents. Since Saturn is with Jupiter in the navamsha
chart, Rahu is related to the VI houses from the ascendant
and Mars. The Arudha of the VI house from Mars is in
Pisces. Rahu is with the Moon in the birth chart. The Moon
has gone to Pisces in the navamsha chart. Rahu is in
Uttaraphalguni constellation of the Sun. Rahu major-
period would therefore see the individual getting hurt in
accident. We notice that Mars is with Venus and Saturn
in the birth chart. Venus is the karaka for vehicles. The
IV house from Venus is the specific house for vehicles.
Mars owns it. Therefore the accident would involve a
vehicle. The VIII house from Saturn shows danger. Saturn
is in Magha constellation of Ketu. The latter is in Pisces
in the birth chart. Therefore the accidents that would
happen would involve vehicles and they would be serious.
In May 2007 Rahu was in the LX house from its natal
position in regression. This is in Capricorn. The owner of
the sign relates the regressed planet to Mars. Mercury in
the sign in navamsha chart relates the regressed planet
to the ascendant. This is the VI house from the karaka for
accidents, i.e., Mars. Saturn and Venus are associated with
the Sun in the navamsha chart. Therefore the self is very
clearly involved in the happening. We can easily see that
the event was fully indicated at that time.
We will now study as to how a progressing planet
causes grievous injury and hospitalization to an individual:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 129
Chart IV-9
Mon Sat
Sat Sun
Ven Mon
Mer Rah
Roy Horn, Male, October 3, 1944, 2357 hours,
Nordenham, Germany, 53N29', 8E58', 0100 hour East
of GMT.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 5s17'30'50" Moon Venus 6s13'55'8" Rahu
Moon Os12' 39'7" Ketu Saturn 2s17'21'46" Rahu
Mars 6s0'29'19" Mars Rahu 3s1 '15'1" Jupiter
Mere 5s4'52'21" Sun Ketu 9s1 '15'1" Sun
Jupiter 4s21'49'3" Venus Ascdt 3s9'13'6"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
130 Vedic Progression
Siegfried and Roy are two German-American
entertainers who worked on the Las Vegas Strip, USA.
Their long running show of magic and illusion was well
known for presentations with Big Cats, in particular white
tigers. They were born in Germany and immigrated to the
United States where they are now naturalized citizens.
Siegfried is a traditional illusionist. Roy grew up among
exotic animals and is known for his uncanny ability to
establish rapport with them. Roy and Siegfried met in 1959
when they both found work on a German ocean liner.
Siegfried was a cabin steward and Roy a waiter. Siegfried
began performing magic for the entertainment of some of
the passengers, and was so good that he was eventually
allowed to have his own show, with Roy as his assistant.
Unknown to the ship crew, Roy had smuggled a cheetah
whom he had got to know from his frequent visits to
Bremen zoo, aboard the ship. These two developed their
show and started performing regularly in Las Vegas. In
1972 they received an award for the best show of the year.
In 1990 they were hired by The Mirage for an annual
guarantee of $57.5 million. The duo has appeared in
around 6000 shows together, mostly at The Mirage. Their
long-running illusion and magic act came to a close on
October 3, 2003 after Roy was injured by one ofthe tigers
during a performance. He was badly mauled by the tiger
and had to spend several months in a hospital to recover
from the attack. He was having Rahu's major-period when
the incident happened. We can easily see that natal Rahu
is related to Mars and the VI houses from the ascendant
and Mars. Saturn is placed in a constellation ofRahu. Rahu
is related to the VIII house from the ascendant and Saturn.
Rahu is inclined to cause injury and great danger to his
life. The regression ofRahu is as follows:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 131
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
12-Feb-88 I Cancer
22.83 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
05-Mar-88 II Gemini
547.88 days Full duration in a sign
04-Sep-89 III Taurus
06-Mar-91 IV Aries
04-Sep-92 v Pisces
06-Mar-94 VI Aquarius
05-Sep-95 VII Capricorn
06-Mar-97 VIII Sagittarius
04-Sep-98 IX Scorpio
05-Mar-00 X Libra
04-Sep-OI XI Virgo
06-Mar-03 XII Leo-
04-Sep-04 I Cancer
525.05 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
11-Feb-06 END
The event happened when Rahu was in Leo in the
XII house from its natal position. The regression ofRahu
over Jupiter appears very innocuous but natal Jupiter
moves to Libra in navamsha and joins Mars there. Mars
and the Moon are in sambandha in the birth chart and
Rahu and Moon too are closely associated. Thus prima
facie stage appears to be set for injury- (Mars) and
132 Vedic Progression
hospitalisation (Rahu). That the injury would be life
threatening could be seen from the fact that the dispositor
of regressed Rahu is in Gemini in the navamsha chart
where Saturn is placed in the birth chart. The latter is the
owner ofthe VIII houses from its natal position and the
Related to Yes. Rahu is in Leo. Jupiter is in Leo in
karakas Mars the birth chart. It is associated with
and Saturn Mars in the navamsha chart. The Sun
is in the same sign in the navamsha
chart where Saturn is placed in the
birth chart.
Related to the Yes. Natal Jupiter, owner of VI house,
VI and VIII is in Leo. The Sun is in Gemini in the
houses from navamsha chart. Saturn, the owner of
the ascendant VIII house, occupies this sign in the
birth chart.
Related to the Yes. As above.
VI house from
Mars and VIII
house from
Related to Yes.The Arudha of VI house from Mars
Arudhas of tlie is in Capricorn. Saturn is related to
VI house from regressed Rahu.The Arudha ofVIII
Mars and VIII house from Saturn is in Scorpio.
house from
The regressed Rahu is related to the natal Rahu, as
the latter is in a constellation of Jupiter. The regressed
Rahu is also related to the XII houses from Rahu and the
ascendant. The XII house from natal Rahu is in Gemini.
Its Arudha is -in Virgo where the owner of Leo is placed ..
Regressed Rahu is related to Virgo through its dispositor.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 133
Hence this regression also shows that the individual had
to be confined for a while due to the injury. This incident
had all the elements of fatality in it yet the individual
survived. Please see the location of Jupiter in Leo over
which Rahu was passing when the incident happened. The
IX house from Jupiter is in Aries. Mars is with Jupiter in
the navamsha chart. Thus Jupiter is related to the IX
house from its natal position. Jupiter owns the IX house
from the ascendant. The Arudha of the IX house from
Jupiter is in Cancer. The Moon and Mars are in
sambandha. This relates Jupiter to the Arudha ofthe LX
house from its natal position. This too corroborates the
helpful nature of Jupiter. Jupiter is inclined to give divine
succour to the individual.
Let us now examine the navamsha. The event
happened in the fifth navamsha. This is Leo. The
constellation is Poorva Phalguni of Venus. Jupiter is placed
in this constellation. The Sun owns the navamsha. Jupiter
relates regressed Rahu to Mars and and VI houses from
the ascendant and Mars. The Sun relates it to Saturn and
VIII house from the karaka Saturn. The VIII house from
the ascendant is in Aquarius. The Sun is in Hasta
constellation of the Moon, and Venus is in Swati
constellation of Rahu. Regressed Rahu in this navamsha
is also related to Rahu and the XII houses from it. Thus
the event is fully indicat,ed by the regression of Rahu
through navamsha.
The Sun and the IX house from the ascendant
represent the father of an individual. Therefore the IX
house from the Sun and its Arudha are the prime houses
for father. We will now examine the effect of progression
on the father ofthe individual. In this case the father of
the individual passed away on February 1, 2006. The event
happened in the major-period of Jupiter. Jupiter is related
to the Sun through Venus. The LX house from the Sun
134 Vedic Progression
and ascendant is in Virgo. Jupiter is placed in the same
sign in the navamsha chart as Mercury in the birth chart.
The Arudha of the IX house from the Sun is in Sagittarius.
Therefore Jupiter is inclined to give results relating to the
father of the individual.
Saturn and Jupiter are in sambandha in the
navamsha chart. Jupiter is placed in the XII house from
Saturn. We have seen that Jupiter is related to the XII
house from the ascendant. The Arudha of the XII house
from Saturn is in Capricorn. Jupiter is related to this sign.
Hence loss of father is indicated in the major-period of
Jupiter. Jupiter is related to the VIII house from the
ascendant through Rahu. The VIII house from Saturn is
Gemini. Jupiter is related to Mercury. Therefore death is
involved in loss.
We will determine the event through progression.
Chart IV-10
Mer Mar Rah
Mon Sat Jup
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 135
San Asc
Rah Mer
Mar Ven
Male, January 19, 1958, 0752 hours, 25N20', 83EO',
0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 9s514'10" Sun Venus 9s2032'54" Moon
Venus Saturn
7s28.7'29" Mercury
Mars 7s2535'51" Mercury Rahu 6sl336'52" Rahu
Mere Ssll aa'58" Ketu Ketu Osl336'52" Venus
Jupiter 6s.13'36"
Rahu Ascdt 10s2257'25"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The father of the individual passed away on February
1, 2006 in the major-period of Jupiter. The progression of
Jupiter is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
09-Aug-00 l Libra
369.7 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
13-Aug-01 ll Scorpio
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
13-Dec-02 m Sagittarius
Contd .... on next page
136 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
13-Apr-04 IV Capricorn
13-Aug-05 v Aquarius-
13-Dec-06 VI Pisces
13-Apr-08 VII Aries
13-Aug-09 VIII
13-Dec-10 IX Gemini
13-Apr-12 X Cancer
13-Aug-13 XI Leo
13-Dec-14 XII Virgo
13-Apr-16 I Libra
117.31 days To be travelled in
the sign at the close
of the major-period
09-Aug-16 END
The event happened when the progressed Jupiter
was in Aquarius in the V house from its natal position.
Related to the Yes. The Sun is in Aquarius in the
Sun, karaka navamsha chart where progressed
Jupiter is placed.
Related to the Yes.The IX house from the ascendant
LX house from and the Sun is in Virgo. Progressed
the ascendant Jupiter is in sambandha with natal
Jupiter. Natal Jupiter is in Sagittarius
in the navamsha chart where natal
Mercury is placed in the birth chart.
Contd.... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 137
Contd ... .from last page
Related to LX Yes.As above.
house from the
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Sagittarius. The
Arudha of the two Jupiters are in sambandha.
LX house from
the karaka
Thus progressed Jupiter is in relationship with the
elements representing the father.
Related to Yes.Occupies a sign of Saturn. Further,
Saturn, karaka natal Sun is in Aquarius in the
for loss navamsha chart. It is in sambandha
with natal Saturn.
Related to the Yes.Progressed Jupiter and natal
XII house from Jupiter are in mutual aspect. Hence
the ascendant progressed Jupiter is related to the XII
house from the ascendant.
Related to the Yes.Natal Jupiter is in the XII house
XII house from from natal Saturn. Progressed Jupiter
the karaka is in sambandha with natal Jupiter.
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Capricorn.The
Arudha of the Sun relates the Arudha to progressed
XII house from Jupiter.
the karaka
This progression therefore shows loss offather. The
way in which the loss would take place can also be seen
through the progression. The progressed planet is related
to Saturn and the VIII houses from the ascendant and
Saturn. This shows death intervening to separate the
father from the individual.
Let us now do the navamsha analysis. The event
happened in the fourth navamsha of Aquarius. This is
138 Vedic Progression
Capricorn. The constellation is Satabhishaka. There is no
planet in this constellation. Rahu owns this. Saturn owns
the navamsha. There is no planet in this navamsha either.
Therefore let us see if Rahu and Saturn together would
cause loss of father. Saturn is in sambandha with Jupiter
in the navamsha chart. A simple analysis would now show
that all the relationships exist.
The above individual was blessed with a daughter.
on August 24, 1998. The major-period of Rahu was current
at that time. Rahu is with Jupiter, the karaka for children
and fulfillment of desire. Rahu is related to Venus, the
owner of Taurus, the V house from the ascendant, through
the Sun. The V house from Jupiter is Aquarius. Rahu
occupies this in the navamsha chart. The Arudha of the V
house from Jupiter is in Taurus. Mars relates Rahu to the
XI house. The XI house from Jupiter is in Leo. Rahu and
the Sun are together in the navamsha chart. Thus Rahu
major-period should see birth of a child. The regression of
Rahu is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position the house
09-Aug-82 I Libra
2 4 ~ 6 4 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
I4-Apr-83 II
547.88 days Full duration in a sign
13-0ct-84 III Leo
I4-Apr-86 IV Cancer
14-0ct-87 v Gemini
14-Apr-89 VI Taurus
14-0ct-90 VII Aries
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 139
Contd ... .from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position the house
13-Apr-92 VIII Pisces
13-0ct-93 IX Aquarius
14-Apr-95 X Capricorn
13-0ct-96 XI Sagittarius
14-Apr-98 XII Scorpio-
Birth of
14-0ct-99 I Libra
299.24 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
Rahu was regressing through Scorpio when the child
was born. We will analyse it through the following table:
Related to Yes. Saturn is in sambandha with
karaka Jupiter Venus and the Sun in the birth chart
and with Jupiter in the navamsha
chart. Saturn is in Scorpio. Rahu would
be regressing over it.
Related to V Yes. As above.
house from
the ascendant
Related to V Yes. As above.
house from
the karaka
Related to Yes. The Arudha is in Taurus. As above.
Arudha of the
V house from
the karaka
140 Vedic Progression
Regressed Rahu should be related to Jupiter, the
Arudha of the XI house from natal Jupiter, and the XI
houses from the ascendant and natal Jupiter for the event
to have happened ..
Related to Yes.It is over natal Saturn. Saturn is
karaka Jupiter in sambandha with the karaka.
Related to XI Yes. It is in Scorpio.
house from
the ascendant
Related to XI Yes. Saturn is in sambandha with the
house from owner of the XI house from the natal
the karaka karaka.
Related to Yes. The Arudha is in Gemini. The
Arudha of the natal Moon is in Sagittarius with
XI house from Mercury and lll Scorpio lll the
the karaka navamsha chart. Regressed Rahu is in
The regression of Rahu in Scorpio therefore points
to birth of a child.
We will now do the navamsha analysis. The birth
occurred in the third navamsha of Scorpio. This is in Virgo.
The constellation is Anuradha of Saturn. There is no planet
in this constellation. There is no planet in this navamsha.
Hence the only planets to be considered are Mercury and
Saturn. Regressed Rahu is related to karaka Jupiter since
Saturn and Jupiter are in sambandha in the navamsha
chart. Saturn is in sambandha with Venus. Therefore
regressed Rahu is related to the V house from the
ascendant. Saturn owns the V house from Jupiter. The
Arudha of the V house from the karaka is in Taurus to
which the regressed planet is related. Hence an event
relating to children should happen while Rahu is
regressing through this navamsha.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 141
Regressed Rahu is related to Saturn in the above
navamsha of Virgo. Saturn occupies the XI house from
the ascendant and it is in sambandha with the owner of
the XI house from karaka Jupiter. Hence Rahu in
regression would be related to the karaka and houses for
gain. There would be birth of a child.
We will take up the chart ofOrhan Pamuk. He is a
Turkish novelist. His work has been translated into more
than forty languages. His works are The White Castle,
Darkness and Light, Mr. Cevdet and His Sons, The Silent
House, Kara Kitap, My Name Is Red, Istanbul -Memories
ofa City, etc. He has been awarded the Nobel Prize for
Literature in September 2006. He is the first Turkish
person to be awarded the Nobel Prize. In 1985 his novel
"The White Castle" brought him to the attention of the
English-speaking world, and he was invited as a visiting
scholar to Columbia University in New York City. Three
years later, he returned to Istanbul. In late summer 2005,
Pamuk was put on trial by the Turkish government,
charged with "insulting Turkishness." After much popular
support the charges were dropped against him. His birth
chart is as follows:
Chart IV-11
Mon Mar Sat
142 Vedic Progression
Ket Sat Ven
Mar Rah
Orhan Pamuk, Male, June 7, 1952, 0500 hours,
Istanbul, Turkey, 41 N01', 28E58', 0200 hours East of
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun ls23'6'23" Moon Venus
lsl8'14'40" Moon
Moon 7s8'23'14" Sa tum Sa tum 5sl5'0'26" Moon
Mars 6s8'1'47" Rahu Rahu 10s0'47'11" Mars
Mere ls20'39'35" Moon Ketu 4s0'47'11" Ketu
Jupiter Osl5'48'8" Venus As edt ls28'49'44"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Both the events in his life, i.e., his trial in summer
of 2005 and award of Nobel Prize took place in Venus
major-period. Venus is with Mercury (writing) and the Sun
(fame). Venus is in Rohini constellation of the Moon
(imagination). Ifyou study JK Rawling's chart, a similar
combination can be seen. The chart is as below:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 143
Chart IV-12
Sat Mer
JKRowling, Female, July 31, 1965, 1400 hours, Yate,
UK, 51 N32', 2W25', 0100 hour West of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 3sl443'20" Saturn Venus 4sl347'12" Venus
Moon 4s274l'8" Sun Saturn 10s2257'47 Jupiter
Mars 5s2425'18" Mars Rahu lsl848'46" Moon
Mere 4s638'9" Ketu Ketu 8sl848'46" Mercury
Jupiter ls2859'30" Mars Ascdt 6sl246'39"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
144 Vedic Progression
In 1998, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was
published in the United States, kicking offHarry-mania.
The major-period at that time was of Rahu in the author's
chart. The last book, Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows,
has come out on July 21, 2007 in the major-period of
Jupiter. In 2007, The Sunday Times Rich List has assessed
her fortune at 545 million (about US$1 billion), making
her the first person to become a billionaire in terms of US-
dollars by writing books. She is both the !36th richest
person and the 13th richest woman in Britain. In 2006,
Forbes named Rowling the second richest female in
entertainment business in the world and ranked her as
48th of the 100 most powerful celebrities of 2007. There is
a combination of the Moon, Mercury and Venus in the chart
and both Rahu and Jupiter are related very closely to this
We revert to Orhan Pamuk's chart. The Moon owns
the III house from the ascendant and Mercury. This is the
house of writing. The Arudha of Cancer is in Pisces. Mars
is in sambandha with Jupiter and with Venus in the birth
chart. The X house from the Sun and ascendant is in
Aquarius. Saturn is in Virgo and therefore related to
Venus. Further, Saturn occupies Taurus in the navamsha
chart where Venus is placed in the birth chart. The Arudha
of Aquarius is in Aries. Venus is a planet for
entertainment. The Moon governs imagination. Therefore
the individual became famous and was felicitated for
writing imaginative pieces of literature for entertainment.
The progression ofVenus is as follows:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 145
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
I Taurus
238.54 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
18-Nov-88 II Gemini
608.76 days Full duration in a sign
III Cancer
v Virgo
VI Libra
20-Mar-97 VII Scorpio
19-Nov-98 VIII Sagittarius
IX Capricorn
X Aquarius
19-Nov-03 XI Pisces
XII Aries-
I Taurus
370.22 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
25-Mar-08 END
The progressing Venus was in the XII house from
its natal position in Aries when the honour was conferred
on the individual.
146 Vedic Progression
Related to Yes.Progressed Venus is in sambandha
karaka Sun with natal Mars. Hence it IS Ill
sambandha with natal Venus. It is thus
related to the Sun.
Related to X Yes. Mars IS Ill sambandha with
house from progressed Venus.Rahu is in Libra in
the ascendant the navamsha chart where Mars is
placed in the birth chart. Rahu is in the
X house from the ascendant and the
Related to X Yes. As above.
house from
the karaka
Related to Yes. The Arudha is in Aries.
Arudha of the
X house from
the karaka
We will now study the navamsha in which the event
has taken place. The event happened in the seventh
navamsha of Aries, which is Libra. The constellation is
Bharani ofVenus. Jupiter is placed in this constellation.
Rahu occupies Libra navamsha. Therefore we should study
Jupiter, Venus and Rahu. Progressed Venus in this
navamsha would be related to the Sun that is the karaka
for honour. It would also be related to the X house from
the ascendant and the Sun. Jupiter is the karaka for gain.
Jupiter owns the XI house of gain from the ascendant.
The XI house from Jupiter is Aquarius where Rahu is
placed. Hence the navamsha clearly shows gain of honour.
The following is the birth chart of a senior politician
who lost his position ofpower in December 2003.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 147
Chart IV-13
Mer R
Mon Rah
Ket Mar
Male, February 28, 1947, 0802 hours, 22N44',
75E50', 0530 hours East ofGeenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10s15'33'10" Rahu Venus 9sl'3'5" Sun
lsll '57'21" Moon Saturn 3s9'53'38" Saturn
Mars I Os3' 16'3" Mars Rahu lsl3'44'45" Moon
Mere lls0'1'21" Jupiter Ketu 7sl3'44'45" Saturn
Jupiter 7s4'7'39" Saturn As edt Hs85'37"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The major-period of Saturn was running in December
2003. Saturn is retrograde. Saturn and Venus are in
148 Vedic Progression
sambandha in the birth chart. Venus is in a constellation
of the Sun. Venus is therefore related to the karaka for
high position. The X house from the ascendant has
Sagittarius. Jupiter and Mercury are in sambandha.
Mercury occupies Cancer in the navamsha chart. Saturn
occupies it in the birth chart. Therefore Saturn is related
to the X house from the ascendant. The X house from the
Sun has Jupiter. Therefore Saturn is related to this house
as well. The Arudha of the X house from the Sun is in
Aquarius. Hence Saturn would be related to matters
pertaining to high status. Saturn is a karaka for loss. It
owns the XII house from the ascendant. It has close
relationship with Mercury as we have seen. Therefore it
is also related to the XII house from its natal position.
The Arudha of this house is in Virgo to which too Saturn
is related. Saturn would cause loss of high position. We
will exainine the regression pf Saturn. The regression of
Saturn is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
09-Sep-96 I Cancer
190.73 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
18-Mar-97 II
547.88 days Full duration in a sign
17-Sep-98 III Taurus
18-Mar-00 IV Aries
17-Sep-OI v Pisces
19-Mar-03 VI Aquarius-
Loss of
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 149
Contd ... .from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
17-Sep-04 VII Capricorn
VIII Sagittarius
17-Sep-07 IX Scorpio
18-Mar-09 X Libra
17-Sep-10 XI Virgo
18-Mar-12 XII Leo
17-Sep-13 I
357.15 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
09-Sep-14 END
The loss of position happened when Saturn had
regressed to Aquarius. The sign has natal Mars and the
Sun located there.
Related to Yes.The Sun is placed in this sign.
karaka Sun
Related to X Yes.Jupiter is related to progressed
house from Saturn through Mars.Further the Sun
the ascendant
and Jupiter are in sambandha in the
navamsha chart.
Related to X Yes.Mars is the owner ofthe X house
house from the from the natal Sun.Also Jupiter
karaka occupies this sign.
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Aquarius. As
Arudha of the above.
X house from
the karaka
150 Vedic Progression
It is obvious from the above that regressing Saturn
would cause matters relating to high position to come to
the fore in Aquarius.
Related to Yes .It is in a sign of the karaka for loss.
karaka Saturn
Related to XII Yes.It occupies the XII house from the
house from the ascendant.
Related to XII Yes .This is Gemini. Jupiter is related
house from to regressed Saturn. Jupiter is in
the karaka sambandha with natal Mercury.
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in VirgoAs above.
Arudha of the
XII house from
the karaka
Therefore regressed Saturn would cause loss of high
Mars has gone to Libra in the navamsha chart. Thus
the regressing Saturn is related to the VIII house from
the ascendant. The VIII house from the natal Saturn is in
Aquarius. Saturn is a karaka for humiliation and defeat
and the VIII houses from the ascendant and Saturn also
show the same thing. The Arudha of the VIII house from
Saturn is a prime house for humiliation. This is in
Sagittarius. Mercury is in sambandha with Jupiter in the
birth chart. Mercury in the navamsha chart is in Cancer
where Saturn is placed in the birth chart. Thus Saturn
here in regression shows humiliation and defeat.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 151
We will now do the navamsha analysis. The event
happened when the regressing Saturn had entered the
fifth navamsha of Aquarius. This is Aquarius itself. Saturn
owns it. The constellation is Satabhishaka that Rahu owns.
The Sun is placed in this constellation. The Sun also
occupies the Aquarius navamsha. We should analyse the
Sun, Saturn and Rahu. The regressed planet in this
navamsha is related to Sun, the karaka for high position.
The Sun is in sambandha with Jupiter in the navamsha
chart. Therefore the regressing planet is related to the X
houses from the ascendant and Sun. Since the regressing
planet is also related to Saturn in this navamsha, we
should examine the XII houses from the ascendant and
natal Saturn. Aquarius is the XII house from the
ascendant. The XII house from natal Saturn is in Gemini.
Mercury is in Cancer navamsha in which sign Saturn is
placed in the birth chart. Therefore the navamsha shows
loss ofhigh position.
Murder of the individual by his son is seen in the
following chart:
Chart IV-14
Sun Mer
152 Vedic Progression
Mer Mar
Rah Mon
Male, December 28, 1945, 1216 hours, 27N43,
85E19, 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 8sl35'13" Ketu Venus 8s438'20" Ketu
Moon 6s427'34" Mars Saturn 2s2932'43" Jupiter
Mars 3s624'13" Saturn Rahu 2s650'42" Rahu
Mere 7s2P1'50" Mercury Ketu 8s650'42" Ketu
Jupiter 6sl
15'26" Mars Ascdt lls2520'58"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The above individual had got married in February
1970, a son was born to him in June 1971, a daughter was
born to him in October 1976, another son was born to him
in November 1978, and the individual was killed in June
2001. All events except the murder happened in the major-
period of Jupiter, which started on February 24, 1965. He
was killed in the major-period of Mercury, which started
on February 24, 2000. Most ofthe events have happened
in the progression of Jupiter. We will first study the
progression of Jupiter:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 153
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
24-Feb-65 I Libra
466.6 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
05-Jun-66 II Scorpio
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
05-0ct-67 III Sagittarius
03-Feb-69 IV Capricorn-
05-0ct-71 VI Pisces
03-Feb-73 VII Aries
05-Jun-74 VIII Taurus
05-0ct-75 IX Gemini-
03-Feb-77 X Cancer
05-Jun-78 X1 Leo-son
05-0ct-79 XII Virgo
03-Feb-81 I Libra
20.41 days To be travelled at
the close ofthe period
in the sign
24-Feb-81 END
The Moon is with Jupiter in the birth chart but it
joins Mercury in the navamsha chart. Therefore Jupiter
is related to the VII houses from the ascendant and Venus.
Since there is an exchange of signs between Jupiter and
Venus, Jupiter is related to the karaka for marriage. The
154 Vedic Progression
Arudha of the VII house from Venus is in Aries. Jupiter is
in a constellation ofMars, and Mars and the Moon are in
sambandha. Hence marriage related matters would arise
in the major-period of Jupiter. Jupiter is the karaka for
gain and acquisition and it is related to the XI houses from
the ascendant and itself. Therefore marriage would be
performed in its major-period.
The event happened in the progression of Jupite_r
when it had reached Capricorn.
Related to Yes.The dispositor of progressed
karaka Venus Jupiter is with Ketu in the navamsha
chart. Ketu is with Venus in the birth
chart. Progressed Jupiter is related to
Venus through Ketu.
Related to VII Yes.Mercury is in Capricorn in the
house from the navamsha chart.
Related to VII Yes.As above.
house from
the karaka
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Aries. Further
Arudha of the ' Mercury is in Capricorn in the
VII house from navamsha chart. The Moon is in Scorpio
the karaka in the navamsha chart where Mercury
is placed in the birth chart. The Moon
and natal Mars are in sambandha.
Progressed Jupiter is therefore inclined to cause
matters relating to marriage to come to the fore. Jupiter
is in the XI house from the ascendant. The XI house from
natal Jupiter is in Leo. Rahu relates progressed Jupiter
to the natal Sun. Hence this progression ofJupiter would
cause marnage.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 155
Jupiter is the karaka for children. It is related to
the V houses from the ascendant and karaka. The Arudha
of the V house from the karaka is in Libra. Therefore
Jupiter would cause matters relating to children to come
to fore. Since, as we have seen above, Jupiter is also
inclined to cause gain, it would make birth of children to
take place.
A son is born when Jupiter is in progression in
Aquarius. It is in sambandha with the natal Jupiter and
natal Saturn here.
Related to Yes.Progressed Jupiter is in
karaka Jupiter sambandha with natal Jupiter.
Related to V Yes.It is clear from the above that
house from the progressed Jupiter is related to the V
ascendant house through the Moon.
Related to V Yes. Aquarius is the V house from the
house from the karaka.
Related to Yes. Progressed Jupiter is related to
Arudha of the Libra through the natal Jupiter.
V house from
the karaka
Hence progressed Jupiter in Aquarius would make
matters relating to children to appear prominently. Let
us see ifJupiter shows gain here.
Related to YesAs seen above.
karaka Jupiter
Related to XI
Yes.It is in sambandha with natal
house from the
Contd .... on next page
156 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Related to XI Yes.Through Ketu since it is in
house from the sambandha with natal Saturn.
Related to Yes.Since it is in sambandha with natal
Arudha of the Jupiter.
XI house from
the karaka
Hence progressed Jupiter shows birth of a child in
this sign.
A daughter was born to him when the progressed
Jupiter had reached Gemini.
Related to Yes.Progressed Jupiter is in
karaka Jupiter sambandha with natal Jupiter.
Related to V Yes .Progressed Jupiter is related to the
house from the house through the Moon.
Related to V Yes.The owner of the V house from
house from the natal Jupiter is in Gemini.
Related to Yes. The Arudha is in Libra. Progressed
Arudha of the Jupiter is related to natal Jupiter in the
V house from sign.
the karaka
The above analysis shows that while Jupiter is
progressing through Gemini it would bring matters
relating to children to the fore. It must also be inclined to
. .
give gams.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 157
Related to Yes. As above.
karaka Jupiter
Related to XI Yes.The owner of the XI house from the
house from the ascendant is in Gemini.
Related to XI Yes.Progressed Jupiter is related to the
house from the Sun through Ketu.
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Aries. Progressed
Arudha of the Jupiter is in sambandha with natal
XI house from Jupiter. The latter is with the Moon.
the karaka This relates the progressed Jupiter to
We will now study the progression ofMercury. It is
as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
24-Feb-00 I Scorpio I
154.71 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
27-Jul-00 II Sagittarius
517.45 days Full duration in a sign
27-Dec-01 III Capricorn
27-0ct-04 v Pisces
28-Mar-06 VI Aries
27-Aug-07 VII Taurus
26-Jan-09 VIII Gemini
Contd .... on next page
Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
27-Jun-10 IX Cancer
27-Nov-11 X Leo
27-Apr-13 XI Virgo
27-Sep-14 XII Libra
26-Feb-16 I Scorpio
362.74 days To be travelled at
the close ofthe period
in the sign
23-Feb-17 END
Death takes place when longevity is exhausted and
the body dissolves into its constituent elements. Saturn is
the karaka for longevity. The VIII house from the
ascendant too represents longevity. Therefore the VIII
from Saturn and its Arudha are primary houses for
longevity. Exhaustion is represented by Saturn and XII
house from the ascendant. Therefore the primary houses
for exhaustion are the XII house from Saturn and its
Arudha. The dissolution of the body is shown by the
relationship between the I and XII houses.
Related to Yes.Progressed Mercury is in
karaka Saturn sambandha with natal Saturn.
Related to VIII Yes.Progressed Mercury is with the
house from the owner of the VIII house from the
ascendant ascendant.
Related to VIII Yes.The VIII house from natal Saturn
house from is in Capricorn. Hence progressed
the karaka Mercury is related to Saturn.
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 159
Contd .... from last page
Related to
Arudha ofthe
Yes. The Arudha is in Scorpio.
Progressed Mercury is over natal
VIII house from Venus. There is an exchange between
the karaka natal Jupiter and Venus. Natal Moon
is with natal Jupiter and in the
navamsha it is in Scorpio.
Let us see ifprogressed Mercury in Sagittarius also
points to exhaustion oflongevity.
Related to Yes.Natal Rahu relates Saturn to
karaka Saturn progressed Mercury.
Related to XII Yes. Progressed Mercury is in
house from the sambandha with natal Saturn.
Related to XII Yes. Progressed Mercury is over the
house from the owner ofthe XII house from natal
karaka Saturn.
Related to Yes. The Arudha is in Cancer. The natal
Arudha ofthe Sun relates progressed Mercury to this
XII house from sign.
the karaka
This shows that progressed Mercury in Sagittarius
indicates depletion and end oflongevity.
Death also brings about loss and disintegration of
the physical body. Therefore Mercury should be related to
the elements representing physical body, i.e., the Sun, the
I house from the ascendant and the I house from the Sun,
and Mercury should also be related to the elements
representing disintegration, i.e., Saturn, the XII house
from the ascendant and the XII house from Saturn.
160 Vedic Progression
Saturn and Mercury are in sambandha in the
navamsha chart. Therefore each can be taken for the other
since each would behave like the other. Saturn is with
Rahu in the birth chart and Rahu is in Sagittarius in the
navamsha chart. Thus through Rahu Mercury is related
to Venus and the Sun. Mercury is thus related to the Sun
and the I house from it. The ascendant is in Pisces. Jupiter
and Venus are in sambandha. Therefore Mercury will be
taken to be related to the ascendant too. Thus all the three
elements representing the physical body are related to
Mercury. Let us also take the Arudha of the I house from
the Sun. This is in Leo. Hence Mercury is related to the
Arudha as well. Mercury would give results relating to
the physical body.
The XII house from the ascendant is in Aquarius
and the XII house from Saturn is in Taurus. Mercury is
related to both. Mercury is also related to Saturn. The
Arudha of the XII house from Saturn is in Cancer. The
dispositor ofMercury is in this sign. Mercury is therefore
related to all the elements that represent dissolution.
This individual is likely to pass away in the major-
period of Mercury.
It should be noted that progressed Mercury in
Sagittarius is related to natal Mars. It is related to the VI
house from the ascendant and from natal Mars. It is also
in sambandha with natal Saturn. The latter owns the VIII
house from itself. Progressed Mercury is also related to
the VIII house from the ascendant. The Arudhas of the VI
and VIII houses from natal Mars and Saturn respectively
are also related to progressed Mercury. Hence death would
be due to severe injuries. Since the two V houses, the
Arudha of the V house from Jupiter and Jupiter are also
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 161
related to progressed Mercury, death would be closely
related to a child of the native. The fact is that the
individual was done to death by his own son.
We will now study Sourav Ganguly's chart. The birth
details are taken from Mr. KN Rao's statement on
astrology on December 25, 2005. This player had reached
great heights as a member ofthe Indian cricket team but
his performance took a nosedive later and he lost his place
in the team. It was despaired that the country would lose
a player of much talent but he came back from the threat
of oblivion and performed remarkably well recently. Some
indicators ofhis performance are as follows: He played at
Sedgars Park, Potchefstroom, South Africa on December
7, 8 and 9, 2006 and scored 83. He played the first test at
New Wanderers Stadium, Johannesburg on 15,16,17,18
December 2006 and scored 51 not out and 25. He played a
two day match at New Wanderers Stadium, Johannesburg
and scored 41 not out. He scored a duck in the second test.
In the third test at Newlands, Cape Town he scored 66
and 46.
Chart IV-15
Mon Sun
Vedic Progression
Sun Mon
Saurav Ganguly, July 8, 1972, 0830 hours, Calcutta,
22N32', 88E22', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 2s2234'1" Jupiter Venus ls24 o 45'53" Mars
Moon lsl612'50" Moon Saturn ls21"14'4" Moon
Mars 3s12'30'25" Saturn Rahu 9s233'6" Sun
Mere 3sl845'41" Mercury Ketu 3s233'6" Jupiter
Jupiter 8s8'18'16" Ketu Ascdt 4s834'42"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The major-period of Jupiter started on November 9,
2002 and will last till November 9, 2018. Jupiter is a
karaka for good fortune and success. It is related to the IX
houses from itself and the ascendant. The Arudha of the
LX house from itself is in Aries. It is the LX house from the
ascendant. Hence the major-period of Jupiter is capable
of giving good results. The sub-period current in the major-
period is that of Saturn. It is related to the IX house from
Jupiter through Venus. There is an exchange of
constellations between Ketu and Jupiter. Saturn and Ketu
are together in the navamsha chart. Therefore the sub-
period of Saturn could prove good for the individual.
We will now study the progression ofJupiter:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 163
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
09-Nov-02 I Sagittarius
134.74 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
23-Mar-03 II Scorpio
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
22-Jul-04 III Libra
21-Nov-05 IV Virgo-
23-Mar-07 v Leo
22-Jul-08 VI Cancer
21-Nov-09 VII Gemini
23-Mar-11 VIII Taurus
22-Jul-12 IX Aries
21-Nov-13 X Pisces
23-Mar-15 XI Aquarius
22-Jul-16 XII Capricorn
21-Nov-17 I Sagittarius
352.27 days To be travelled at
the close of the
period in the sign
09-Nov-18 END
Jupiter is in sambandha with the owner of the LX
house from its natal position. Jupiter is also in sambandha
with Mercury in the navamsha chart. Jupiter is in Virgo
since November 21, 2005. Here it gets related to the IX
houses from the ascendant and its natal position. It also
gets related to its natal position. Therefore Jupiter will
cause fortunate events for him while in this house. It will
Vedic Progression
move to Leo thereafter. Here it would be related to the
natal Jupiter but it is not related to the LX house from the
ascendant. We therefore cannot draw the same inference
for the progressed position of Jupiter for Leo. The good
period therefore appears to be drawing to a close for him.
The following is the birth chart of Mr. JL Nehru, our
first prime minister. He was arrested on August 9, 1942
during the Quit India Movement in response to Mahatma
Gandhi's call for immediate independence oflndia.
JL Nehru, November 14, 1889, 2304 hours,
Allahabad, India, 25N27', 81 E51', 052724 hours, East of
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 165
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 7s0!5'53" Jupiter
Venus 6s72!'18" Rahu
Moon 3str53'10" Mercury Saturn 4sl047'39" Ketu
Mars 5s958'48" Sun Rahu 2sll
26'40" Rahu
Mere 6sl78'19" Rahu Ketu 8s 11 26'40" Ketu
Jupiter 8sl510'26" Venus Ascdt 3s2310'34"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
He was arrested in the major-period of the Moon that
had started on April 27, 1938. The major-period of the
Moon must show an indication for the arrest of the
individual. The natal Moon is in Cancer where Saturn is
placed in the navamsha chart. Saturn and Rahu are in
sambandha in that chart. Therefore the Moon is related
to Rahu. The Xll house from the ascendant is in Gemini.
The Moon is in Aslesha constellation of Mercury. The XII
house from Rahu is in Taurus. Venus and Moon are
together in the navamsha chart. The Arudha of Taurus is
in Pisces. The Moon is in the same navamsha in which
Jupiter is placed in the birth chart. Thus the inclination
of the Moon to incarcerate the individual is clear. The
progression of the Moon is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
27-Apr-38 I Cancer
122.91 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
27-Aug-38 II Leo
304.38 days Full duration in a sign
28-Jun-39 m Virgo
27-Apr-40 IV Libra
Contd .... on next page
166 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
v Scorpio
27-Dec-41 VI Sagittarius
27-0ct-42 VII Capricorn
28-Aug-43 VIII Aquarius
27-Jun-44 IX Pisces
27-Apr-45 X Aries
26-Feb-46 XI Taurus
27-Dec-46 XII Gemini
28-0ct-47 I Cancer
181.47 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
26-Apr-48 END
We will examine the progression and examine if
progression shows the t.;me jt actually bappeneil:
Related to Yes. The progressed Moon is over natal
karaka Rahu Jupiter. Jupiter is in Leo in navamsha
chart.Saturn is in this sign in birth
chart. Saturn and Rahu are Ill
sambandha in the navamsha chart.
Related to XII Yes.Venus is in Sagittarius in the
house from the navamsha chart. It is with Mercury in
ascendant the birth chart.
Related to XII Yes .Progressed Moon is related to
house from the Venus as above.
Contd.... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 167
Contd ... .from last page
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Pisces. Hence
Arudha ofthe progressed Moon is related to it.
XII house from
the karaka
We will take up the chart of Clifford Robert Olson.
Despite having been raised in a reportedly stable home
he soon showed signs of delinquency. He skipped school
frequently, and was first arrested for theft at the age of
13. He was known as a bully and a show-off, and was
rumoured to torture and kill animals. ln adulthood, he
was convicted dozens of times for crimes ranging from
fraud, armed robbery to firearms offences, and he spent a
great deal of time in prison. He escaped on several
occasions from the prison. He was convicted for long-term
imprisonment for murder of eleven teenagers in 1980-81.
He was arrested on August 12, 1981. This happened in
the major-period of Jupiter that had started on September
28, 1968.
Chart IV-17
Mar Ket
Jup Sat
Rah Mon
Vedic Progression
Asc Jup
Rah Sun
Clifford Robert .Olson, male, January 1, 1940, 2210
hours, Vancouver, British Columbia, 49Nl6', 123W07',
0800 hours West of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 8sl740'43" Venus Venus 9sl649'55" Moon
Moon 5sl820'35" Moon Sa tum Osl
25'09" Ketu
Mars lls54 7'39" Sa tum Rahu 6s3'10'52" Mars
Mere 8s058'10" Ketu Ketu Os3'10'52" Ketu
Jupiter lls816'57" Sa tum Ascdt 4s2235'25"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Jupiter is with Mars in the birth chart. Rahu is in
Chitra constellation of Mars. Hence Rahu is related to
Jupiter. Jupiter is in Virgo in the navamsha chart where
natal Moon is placed in the birth chart. Jupiter is therefore
related to the XII house from the ascendant. The XII house
from Rahu is in Virgo. The Arudha of Virgo is in
Sagittarius. Jupiter is thus related to all the four elements
for incarceration. The progression ofJupiter is ~ follows:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 169
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
28-Sep-68 I Pisces
352.55 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
15-Sep-69 II Aries
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
Ill Taurus
16-May-72 N Gemini
15-Sep-73 v Cancer
15-Jan-75 Vl Leo
16-May-76 VII Virgo
15-Sep-77 VIII Libra
15-Jan-79 IX Scorpio
16-May-80 X Sagittarius
15-Sep-81 XI
15-Jan-83 Xll Aquarius
16-May-84 l Pisces
134.46 days To be travelled at the
close ofthe period in
the sign
28-Sep-84 END
Let us examine the progression of Jupiter through
170 Vedic Progression
Related to Yes.Rahu is in constellation of Mars.
karaka Rahu The latter is with Jupiter in the birth
chart. Mercury is placed in Sagittarius
in the birth chart and with Saturn in
the navamsha chart. Saturn is in
sambandha with Venus in the birth
chart. This is the dispositor ofRahu.
Related to XII Yes .Jupiter is in the same sign in the
house from the navamsha chart where the Moon is in
ascendant the birth chart.
Related to XII Yes.Jupiter is in Virgo in the navamsha
house from chart.
the karaka
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Sagittarius.
Arudha of the
XII house from
the karaka
Henry Charrier was a member of the Paris
underworld. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in
French Guiana at the age of 25 for the murder of a pimp,
Roland le Petit, that he had not committed. He was
nicknamed "Papillon" or butterfly because he managed to
escape several times from his places of detention until he
made a final escape to freedom in Venezuela. In 1933,
Charriere successfully escaped from a hospital on the
mainland with two companions, Clousiot and Maturette.
He sailed along the coast via Trinidad and u r a ~ a o
to Riohacha in Colombia. He received help along the way
from inhabitants of an island of lepers, a British family
and others. Poor weather did not allow them to leave the
Colombian coast and they were all recaptured and
imprisoned. Charriere however again managed to escape
with the aid of a fellow prisoner to the region of Guajira.
Here he spent several months living in a native village of
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 171
pearl divers. A young native woman and her sister fell in
love with him and later both became his wives and the
mothers ofhis children. He spent several blissful months
there with them, but he eventually left and headed
westward. He was captured and imprisoned at Santa
Marta, and later transferred to Barranquilla where he was
unexpectedly reunited with Clousiot and Maturette.
In spite of numerous escape attempts, Charriere was
unable to free himself from these prisons and was
extradited back to French Guiana in 1934 along with his
two comrades. Charriere spent two years in solitary
confinement for the escape. This confinement was
nicknamed the "Devourer of Men" by the island convicts
on the island of Saint-Joseph. His friends Clousiot and
Maturette received the same fate. Upon release Charriere
was transferred to the island of Royale, from where another
escape attempt was foiled by an informer. Charriere was
condemned to eight years in solitary confinement, a
sentence nearly impossible to survive, for the escape
attempt and the murder of the informer. He was freed
after only nineteen months, after valiantly attempting to
save a drowning little girl, Lissette, in shark infested
Charriere now feigned madness in an attempt to
escape from the island's mental hospital, which wasn't
nearly as heavily guarded. A person considered mad is
viewed as someone not in control of his actions, thereby
making it impossible to punish him for escaping.
Unfortunately, this escape attempt proved futile with
Charriere being almost dashed to bits against cliff rocks
and his companion drowning. After some time Charriere
requested to be transferred to Devil's Island. Authorities
were more than happy to oblige, for it was considered
virtually impossible to escape from Devil's Island. But it
172 Vedic Progression
was there that he finally succeeded. Having spent time
studying the ocean, Charriere discovered that the waves
came in a particular succession and that every seventh
wave appeared much larger and more powerful than the
others, and that it might be enough to push him into the
sea far out to not be pulled back in. After several
experiments with weighted down sacks of coconuts, he
finally decided to ride this wave. He named the seventh
wave that would carry him out to freedom Lissette, after
the little girl whose life he had tried to save and that had
reduced his sentence of eight years in solitary confinement
to nineteen months. Charriere convinced a fellow convict,
Sylvain, to accompany him. He and Sylvain, drifting on
bags of coconuts, spent four days and three nights in the
sea, surviving on coconut pulp. Sylvain didn't survive but
h a r r i ~ r e managed to reach the shoreline. There Charriere
came in contact with a Chinese Cuic Cuic. Charriere joined
Cuic Cuic and together they escaped by boat to
Georgetown. Even though he couldhave lived there as a
free man, he and five others later continued by sea to
Venezuela, where they were captured and imprisoned in
ElDorado Prison. Charriere was finally freed on 18 October
1945. He chose to live in Venezuela for the rest of his life.
He had published his autobiography entitled
Papillon. It is available in English. The book is a saga of
an individual who had immense urge to freedom and who
made stupendous efforts to regain his liberty after a long
bout ofincarceration. He was convicted and sentenced to
hard labour for life on 26 October 1932. He was transported
to French Guiana. His birth chart is as follows:
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 173
Chart IV-18
Henry Charrier, tnale, November 16, 1906, 0900
hours, St. Etienne de Lugdares, France, 44N39', 3E57',
0010 hour East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 7s0'32'39" Jupiter Venus 7 s21' 16'58" Mercury
Moon 7s0'40'48" Jupiter Saturn lOs 15' 45' 46 Rahu
Mars 5s18'10'36" Moon Rahu 3s 12' 48'59" Saturn
Mere 7s21 '56'42" Mercury Ketu 9s12'48'59" Moon
Jupiter 2s18'0'56" Rahu Ascdt 7s24'53'41"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Vedic Progression
He was imprisoned in the major-period ofMercury.
Let us see if Mercury is inclined to cause imprisonment.
It is related to Rahu through the Moon. It is with the owner
of the XII house from the ascendant. It owns the XII house
from Rahu. The Arudha ofthe XII house from Rahu is in
Aries. Mars and Mercury have exchanged signs. Therefore
Mercury is likely to cause severe restrictions on the
freedom of the individual. This major-period had started
on January 21, 1929. He was imprisoned on October 26,.
1932 when Mercury in progression had reached the IV
house from its natal position. The progression ofMercury
is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
21-Jan-29 I Scorpio
138.94 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
08-Jun-29 II Sagittarius
517.45 days Full duration in a sign
08-Nov-30 III Capricorn
08-Sep-33 v Pisces
07-Feb-35 VI Aries
09-Jul-36 VII Taurus
08-Dec-37 VIII Gemini
IO-May-39 IX Cancer
08-0ct-40 X Leo
XI Virgo
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Vimshottari Major-period Planet? 175
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
09-Aug-43 XII Libra
07-Jan-45 I Scorpio
378.51 days To be travelled at
the close of the period
in the sign
21-Jan-46 END
We will examine the progression of Mercury in
Related to Yes.Rahu and Saturn have exchanged
karaka Rahu constellations.
Related to XII Yes.Venus is in a sign ofSaturn in the
house from the navamsha chart.
Related to XII Yes.Jupiter is in sambandha with
house from progressed Mercury. Jupiter is in the
the karaka
XII house from natal Rahu.
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Aries. Mars is in
Arudha of the Gemini in the navamsha chart where
XII house from Jupiter is placed in the birth chart.As
the karaka we have seen Jupiter is in sambandha
with progressed Mercury.
He was transported to French Guiana. This means
that the progressed Mercury in Aquarius should be related
to Rahu and the IX houses from the ascendant and Rahu.
It should also be related to the Arudha of the IX house
from Rahu. We have seen that it is related to Rahu. The
natal Rahu is in the IX house from the ascendant. The LX
house from natal Rahu is in Pisces. Since progressed
7 76 Vedic Progression
Mercury was in sambandha with natal Jupiter in Aquarius
this condition is also satisfied. The Arudha is in Gemini
where natal Jupiter is placed. Hence progressed Mercury
in Aquarius would take the individual abroad too.
Therefore the individual was sent abroad under
Chapter Five
Vimshottari Period and
Progression of Major-period
There is close interaction between progression and
Vimshottari period. Progression makes the task of the
astrologer who is looking for the right combination of
major, sub and inter-periods very easy. We will study some
more charts to understand the progression/regression of
major-period planet and its relationship with the
Vimshottari time frame. The major-period planet coming
into contact in progression with the karaka for an event
becomes inclined to cause events relating to that aspect of
life to materialise.
A son was born to the individual whose chart is given
below after much delay on February 4, 2005. The event
happened in the major-period of Venus. The birth chart is
as follows:
Chart V-1
Vedic Progression
Male, February 23, 1966, 0651 hours, 23Nl6',
77E36', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10sl035'49" Rahu Venus 9s552'30 Sun
Moon lls92'37" Saturn Saturn 10s2433'0" Jupiter
Mars 10s2519'28" Jupiter Rahu ls549'59" Sun
Mere 10s24l2'12" Jupiter Ketu 7s549'59" Saturn
Jupiter ls2758'10" Mars Ascdt 10sl043'15"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The major-period of Venus that had started on
January 3, 2001 was running at that time. Venus is in
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 179
sambandha with Jupiter. It occupies the same sign in the
navamsha chart as Mercury in the birth chart. It owns
the Arudha of the V house from Jupiter. Venus is definitely
going to cause matters relating to children to come to fore.
Jupiter is the karaka for wish fulfilment. Venus is related
to the XI houses from the ascendant and karaka since it is
in sambandha with Jupiter. The Arudha of the XI house
from the karaka is in Cancer. Venus is related to the house.
Therefore the major-period of Venus is going to cause birth
of children to the individual.
Venus is in sambandha with Saturn in the navamsha
chart and in the birth chart it is in a sign of Saturn in the
XII house from the ascendant. Therefore it is difficult to
presume that Venus would give its results at the start of
its major-period. It is unlikely to give results while it is in
Capricorn and Aquarius. In Pisces it would be free of direct
influence of Saturn. The event is likely in this sign, as it
would be related to Jupiter here. We should examine this
further. Venus is exalted in Pisces.
The progression ofVenus is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
03-Jan-0 I I Capricorn
489.55 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of the
07-May-02 II Aquarius
608.76 days Full duration in a sign
06-Jan-04 III Pisces-Son
06-Sep-05 IV Aries
07-May-07 v Taurus
Contd .... on next page
180 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
05-Jan-09 VI Gemini
VII Cancer
07-May-12 VIII Leo
05-Jan-14 IX Virgo
06-Sep-15 X Libra
07-May-17 XI Scorpio
06-Jan-19 XII Sagittarius
05-Sep-20 I Capricorn
119.21 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
03-Jan-21 END
Let us examine the progression ofVenus in Pisces.
Related to Yes .It forms an exchange of signs with
karaka Jupiter Jupiter.
Related to V Yes. Mercury is in the same sign in the
house from navamsha chart as Jupiter in birth
the ascendant chart.
Related to V Yes. As above.
house from
the karaka
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Cancer. Venus in
Arudha of the Pisces is over the natal Moon.
V house from
the karaka
Progressed Venus is in sambandha with Jupiter.
Sagittarius is the XI house from the ascendant and Pisces
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 181
is the XI house from natal Jupiter. The Arudha of the XI
house from Jupiter is in Cancer. The natal Moon is placed
in Pisces. Therefore progressed Venus in Pisces would
cause birth of a child to the individual. The sub-period of
Venus in its own major-period would not produce results
due to the influence of Saturn on Venus. The sub-period
of Sun would be current when the planet reaches Pisces.
The Sun is in sambandha with Rahu. The latter is with
Jupiter in Taurus in the birth chart. Rahu is exalted here.
This is the V house from natal Venus. The Sun is with
Mercury. The V house from natal Jupiter is in Virgo.
Therefore the Sun is related to all the concerned elements.
We can easily see that the Sun is also related to the XI
houses from the major-period planet and Jupiter. A birth
is likely in this sub-period.
The individual whose chart is given below was
involved in a serious helicopter accident. He suffered major
head injuries and was hospitalised for a long period of time.
Chart V-2
Mar Rah Jup
182 Vedic Progression
Male, May 14, 1966, 1535 hours, 26N55', 80E59',
0530 hours East of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun Os2946'25" Sun Venus llsl653'33 Mercury
Moon 10s21 3'54" Jupiter Saturn lls338'12" Saturn
Mars Os2611'20" Venus Rahu lsl
57'25" Sun
Mere Osl523'32" Venus Ketu 7s1"57'25" Jupiter
Jupiter 2s820'22" Rahu As edt 5sl92'50"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The accident took place in the major-period of Saturn.
Saturn is related to Mars and the VI house from Mars
through Mercury. Scorpio is the Arudha of the VI house
from Mars. Saturn is clearly related to Scorpio too. Saturn
is the karaka for grave danger. The VIII from it is Libra.
Venus is with Saturn. We have seen that Saturn is related
to the VIII house from the ascendant. In the navamsha
chart, Saturn is in Leo. This is the Arudha of the VIII
house from Saturn. The incident appears to be extremely
dangerous. Saturn has a very close aspect on Rahu and
the dispositor ofRahu is with Saturn. Saturn is related to
the XII house from the ascendant and Rahu. It owns the
Arudha of the XII house from Rahu. Therefore the accident
is going to keep the individual in confinement for a while.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
We will study the progression of Saturn. It is as
Entry Begin Sign in
01-Feb-81 I Pisces
508.21 days
Days to be travelled
in the sign
24-Jun-82 II Aries
578.32 days Full duration in a sign
23-Jan-84 III Taurus
23-Aug-85 IV Gemini
25-Mar-87 v Cancer
23-0ct-88 VI Leo
24-May-90 VII Virgo
24-Dec-91 VIII Libra
24-Jul-93 IX Scorpio-
22-Feb-95 X Sagittarius
23-Sep-96 XI Capricorn
24-Apr-98 XII Aquarius
23-Nov-99 I Pisces
70.11 days To be travelled in
the sign
The air accident took place when the sub-period of
Rahu in the major-period of Saturn was going on. Rahu is
in a sign ofVenus and it is in Krittika constellation of the
Sun. Saturn has a close aspect on Rahu. Therefore Rahu
is related to all the concerned houses and karakas.
The following person was killed by a robber on
November 7, 2004. It happened in the major-period of
184 Vedic Progression
Chart V-3
Ven Sun/
Male, February 5, 1983, 0300, 22Nl7' l14E09',
0800 hours East of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 9s21'46'41" Moon Venus 10s13'56'3" Rahu
Moon 6s21 '38'34" Jupiter Saturn 6s10'46'6" Rahu
Mars 10s20'40'37" Jupiter Rahu 2s9'49'25" Rahu
Mere 8s26'29'57" Venus Ketu 8s9'49'25" Ketu
Jupiter 7s13'29'20" Saturn Ascdt 7s'
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
When we examine Saturn we notice that it is related
to the VIII house from the ascendant through the owner
of the constellation in which it is placed. The owner is
Rahu, which is placed in the VIII house from the
ascendant. Rahu is in sambandha with Mercury in the
birth chart chart. The XII house from Saturn is Virgo.
Hence Rahu relates Saturn to Virgo too. Venus and Saturn
have exchanged signs in the chart. Saturn is therefore
related to the VIII house from itself. Hence end of longevity
is indicated in the major-period of Saturn.
Mars and Saturn are related through the Moon.
Saturn is therefore related to the VI house from the
ascendant. It is also related to the VI house from Mars.
Saturn is related to the ascendant and the first house from
the natal Sun. Therefore the end oflongevity is likely to
be through violence. Since Sa turn also relates the
ascendant with the XII house from it, and the I house from
the Sun to the XII house from itself, there is going to be
the end and dissolution ofthe physical body. Evidently,
the individual would die due to an act of violence. The
progression of Saturn is as follows:
Entry Begin Sign in
14-Feb-97 I Libra
370.74 days To be travelled in
the sign
19-Feb-98 II Scorpio
578.32 days Full period in a sign
21-Sep-99 III Sagittarius
IV Capricorn
20-Nov-02 v Aquarius
Contd .... on next page
186 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin Sign in
VII Aries
21-Aug-07 VIII Taurus
21-Mar-09 IX Gemini
21-0ct-10 X Cancer
XI Leo
XII Virgo
l Libra
207.58 days To be travelled in
the sign
14-Feb-16 END
The individual was murdered when Saturn had
reached Pisces. Jupiter is in sambandha with Mars in the
navamsha chart. Jupiter gets into sambandha with
progressed Saturn when it reaches Pisces. Progressed
Saturn is therefore related to the VI house from the
ascendant. Through the Moon progressed Saturn gets into
contact with natal Saturn. The natal Moon owns the VI
house from natal Mars. Therefore progressed Saturn is
related to this house. The progressed position of Saturn is
therefore indicative of an injury as it is also related to the
natal Sun and the ascendant. Progressed Saturn is also
related to other concerned houses.
The murder of this individual happened in the sub-
period of Venus in the major-period of Saturn. Venus is
associated with Mars. It is related to the VI house from
Mars and its Arudha. Since Mars is in sambandha with
Jupiter in the navamsha chart, Venus is also related to
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
the VI house from Saturn. Venus is the owner ofthe VIII
house from Saturn.
Mars is in sambandha with Mercury in the
navamsha chart. Venus is therefore related to the VIII
and XII houses from Saturn. The individual is likely to
succumb to a murderous assault in this sub-period.
The following individual got a promotion in service
on July 6, 2006 in the major-period ofJupiter. He is well
off and working abroad. He has invested heavily in
immovable property in India in the sub-period ofMars in
the major-period of Jupiter.
Chart V-4
Mer Sun Ket
Vedic Progression
Male, April17, 1954, 1815 hours, 28N26', 77E19',
0530 hours East of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun Os337'27" Ketu Venus
Moon 10s529'24" Mars Saturn 2s622'52"
Mars 2s449'27" Mars Rahu 7 s2729'55" Mercury
Mere llsl622'49" Saturn Ketu
Jupiter 10sl516'2" Rahu As edt 5s2727'42"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Jupiter is the major-period planet. He got a
promotion when the major-period of Jupiter was going on.
It is in sambandha with Saturn. Since Saturn is the karaka
for profession Jupiter is likely to give results relating to
his profession. It is related to the X houses from the
ascendant and Saturn. The Arudha for profession is in
Capricorn. Since Jupiter is in sambandha with Saturn, it
is related to this house. It is clear that the individual would
experience results relating to his profession too in the
major-period of Jupiter.
Would the individual gain an advancement/success
in his profession? This is ruled by Jupiter and the XI houses
from the ascendant and Jupiter. The owner of the XI house
from the ascendant is with Jupiter. The XI house from
Jupiter is Sagittarius. So the answer to our question is
We will examine progression ofJupiter.
Entry Begin
'Sign in
28-Nov-92 I Aqaurius
239.17 days To be travelled in
the natal sign
25-Jul-93 II Pisces
Contd .... on next page
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 189
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin Sign in
487.01 days Full period to be
travelled in a sign
24-Nov-94 III Aries
25-Mar-96 IV Taurus
25-Jul-97 v Gemini
24-Nov-98 VI Cancer
25-Mar-00 VII Leo
25-Jul-01 VIII Virgo
24-Nov-02 IX Libra
25-Mar-04 X Scorpio
25-Jul-05 XI Sagittarius
24-Nov-06 XII Capricorn
25-Mar-08 I Aquarius
247.84 days Balance period to be
travelled in the sign
28-Nov-08 END
There is no planet in Sagittarius. The dispositor of
the progressed planet is Jupiter. Therefore whatever
analysis has been done for natal Jupiter would apply to
progressed Jupiter in Sagittarius.
The event happened in the sub-period of Rahu in
the major-period of Jupiter. Rahu is placed in the X house
from Jupiter. In the navamsha chart it occupies the X sign
from the natal sign of Saturn. Its dispositor is with natal
Saturn. Therefore Rahu would give results relating to the
profession of the individual in its sub-period in Jupiter
190 Vedic Progression
Rahu is in a navamsha sign of Jupiter. It is thus
related to Jupiter and the XI house from it. It is inclined
to cause success and advancement.
We had mentioned that the individual had acquired
immovable property in the sub-period of Mars in the major-
period of Jupiter. Let us, in passing, examine this fact too.
The IV house from Jupiter is in Taurus. Its owner is
associated with Jupiter. The latter is in sambandha with
Saturn with which Mars is associated. Hence Mars is
related to the TV house from Jupiter. It is in a sign of
Mercury. It is associated with Mercury in the navamsha
chart. Hence it is also related to the IV house from itself.
The sub-period of Mars would bring matters relating to
property to the fore. Mars is related to Jupiter. It is
therefore related to the XI house from the karaka and
major-period planet. Mars would therefore cause gain of
We will now discuss the birth chart, given below, of
a person who was arrested in the major-period of Saturn
and sub-period of Mercury on June 30, 2005 in a foreign
Chart V-5
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
Mer Rah
Male,August25, 1981,1913 hours, 28oN40', 77E26',
0530 hours east of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 4s839'25" Ketu Venus 5sl4.43'51" Moon
Moon 2sl743'13" Rahu Saturn 5sl420'25" Moon
Mars 3st36'3" Jupiter Rahu
Mere 4s22 49'11" Venus Ketu
Jupiter 5sl649'33" Moon Ascdt 10sl753'35"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Rahu occupies Virgo in the navamsha chart where
Saturn is placed in the birth chart. Saturn is in Hasta
constellation of the Moon. Since the Moon is placed in the
XII house from Rahu, Saturn develops a relationship with
this house. Saturn owns the XII house from the ascendant.
The Arudha of the XII house from Rahu is in Libra. Saturn
is associated with Venus in the birth chart. So it is clear
that Saturn would cause restrictions on the freedom of
the individual. Let us now take up its progression. It is as
Vedic Progression
Entry Begin Sign in
22-Sep-00 I Virgo
301.88 days Balance period to be
travelled in the sign
20-Jul-0 1 II Libra
578.32 days Full period in a sign
19-Feb-03 III Scorpio
20-Apr-06 v Capricorn
20-Nov-07 VI Aquarius
20-Jun-09 VII Pisces
19-Jan-11 VIII Aries
20-Aug-12 IX Taurus
21-Mar-14 X Gemini
20-0ct-15 XI Cancer
21-May-17 XII Leo
20-Dec-18 I Virgo
276.44 days Balance period to be
travelled in the sign
22-Sep-19 END
Progressed Saturn in Sagittarius is in sambandha
with natal Saturn. It then works in the same manner as
the natal Saturn.
The event happened in the sub-period of Mercury.
The XII house from Saturn harbours Mercury in the birth
chart. It owns the XII house from Rahu. Rahu is placed in
its sign in the navamsha chart. Mercury is in Poorva
Phalguni constellation of Venus, which owns the Arudha
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 193
of the XII house from Rahu. Therefore the sub-period of
Mercury shows his arrest.
We will now consider a chart of a person who keeping
very good health suddenly fell ill and remained so for more
than one year. The disease is even today undiagnosed and
untreatable. The treatment has been prolonged but the
disease has remained intractable. The doctors are baffled
and they cannot predict the time that would be taken for
recovery. The birth chart is as follows:
Chart V-6
Jup Mon Mer
Asc Jup
Mar Ket
Male, October 12, 1972, 2240 hours, 37857',
145oE09', 1000 hours East of Greenwich.
Vedic Progression
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Mars Venus 4sl447'32" Venus
Moon 7s2239'3" Mercury Saturn ls271'39" Mars
Mars 5sl359'35" Moon Rahu 8s2752'26" Sun
Mere 6sl112'2" Rahu Ketu
2s2752'26" Jupiter
Jupiter 8s826'53" Ketu Ascdt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
He fell ill on February 16, 2006 and continues to be
unwell for the last one year. The medical prognosis is that
he may remain unwell for another year. It has been more
than one year ofillness. It happened in the major-period
ofVenus. Illness is signified by Saturn and the elements
for it are Saturn and the VI houses from the ascendant
and Saturn. The Arudha of the VI house from Saturn is in
Gemini with Ketu placed in the sign. A planet related to
these elements is potentially dangerous as it would be able
to cause illness in case it is also related to the elements of
physical body, i.e., the Sun and the first houses from the
ascendant and the Sun.
Saturn is in a sign of Venus. Mars is in sambandha
with Venus in the navamsha chart. Mars is in the same
sign in the navamsha chart in which Saturn is placed in
the birth chart. Thus there is a relationship between
Saturn and Venus. The VI house from the ascendant and
Saturn is the same. It is in a sign ofVenus. There is an
exchange of signs between Mercury and Saturn in the
navamsha chart. Since Saturn is related to Venus, the
latter is related to the Arudha as well. Therefore Venus is
dangerous as it has the potential to cause disease.
Venus is in sign ofthe Sun and the latter is with it
in the navamsha chart. The Sun relates Venus with the I
house from it. Venus owns the ascendant in the birth chart.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 195
Thus Venus represents the physical body and it is expected
to cause disease in it in its major-period. We will now study
the progression of Venus to see as to when it would do so.
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
24-Feb-89 I Leo
308.6 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
29-Dec-89 II Virgo
608.76 days Full duration in a sign
30-Aug-91 III Libra
29-Dec-94 v Sagittarius
29-Aug-96 VI Capricorn
30-Apr-98 VII Aquarius
30-Dec-99 VIII Pisces
29-Aug-01 IX Aries
X Taurus
XI Gemini
XII Cancer
29-Apr-08 I Leo
300.16 days To be travelled at the
close ofthe period in
the sign
24-Feb-09 END
The individual fell ill when Venus reached Gemini.
196 Vedic Progression
Related to Yes.We have seen that Mercury and
karaka Saturn Saturn are related.
Related to VI Yes.Mercury is in the VI house from the
house from ascendant.
the ascendant
Related to VI Yes.Same as above.
house from
the karaka
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Gemini where
Arudha of the progressed Venus has reached.
VI house from
the karaka
The natal Sun is in a sign ofMercury and Saturn is
placed in the ascendant. Hence progressed Venus gets
related to the I house from the Sun and the ascendant.
Hence Venus would make the individual unwell.
The individual became unwell in the sub-period of
Mercury in the major-period of Venus. The VI house from
Venus is in Capricorn. Mercury is placed in this sign in
the navamsha chart. Mercury is in the VI house from
Saturn. Mercury owns the Arudha of the VI house from
Saturn. Saturn and Mercury are related due to the
exchange that has taken place in the navamsha chart. This
sub-period would make the individual unwell.
We will examine the following chart. This individual
is moderately educated and indifferently employed. He had
his marriage arise out of a long standing love affair. The
wife is very good looking. She belongs to a good family.
The marriage is inter-caste but not inter-religion or
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
Chart V-7
Asc Ven
Mer Sun
Male, October 30, 1979, 0915 hours, 28N39',
77E13', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 6s12.33'0" Rahu Venus 6s29 46'53" Jupiter
.Mars Saturn
4s29.31'51" Sun
Mars 3s2617'33" Mercury Rahu 4sl36'33" Ketu
Mere 7s617'32" Saturn Ketu 10sl36'33" Rahu
Jupiter 4sll
51'42" Ketu As edt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
198 Vedic Progression
The individual got married on February 13, 2005.
The major-period of Jupiter was running at that time. This
major-period started on June 7, 1999. The dispositor of
Jupiter is with Venus. Hence Jupiter is related to Venus.
The VII house from the ascendant is in Taurus. Obviously
Jupiter is related to it due to its relationship with Venus.
The VII house from Venus is in Aries. Jupiter occupies
Cancer in the navamsha chart where Mars is placed in
the birth chart. The Arudha of the VII house from Venus
is in Cancer. Jupiter is related to this house.
Jupiter is a planet that causes gains and fulfilment
of ambitions. The XI houses from the ascendant and
Jupiter are houses of Mercury. Mercury is in the same
sign in the navamsha chart as Jupiter in the birth chart.
This shows that Jupiter would bring about the marriage
of the individual.
We will now study the progression ofJupiter. It is
as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
07-Jun-99 I
294.45 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
27-Mar-00 II Virgo
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
27-Jul-01 m Libra
27-Mar-04 v Sagittarius
27-Jul-05 VI Capricorn
Contd .... on next page
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
Contd ... .from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
26-Nov-06 VII Aquarius
27-Mar-08 VIII Pisces
27-Jul-09 IX Aries
26-Nov-10 X Taurus
27-Mar-12 XI Gemini
27-Jul-13 XII Cancer
26-Nov-14 I Leo
192.56 days To be travelled at
the close ofthe period
in the sign
07-Jun-IS END
The individual got married when Jupiter came to
Sagittarius. We will examine this progression.
Related to Yes.Progressed and natal Jupiter are
karaka Venus in sambandha. The latter is related to
natal Venus.
Related to VII Yes. As above.
house from the
Related to VII Yes. Natal Jupiter is in the same sign
house from the in the navamsha chart as Mars in the
karaka birth chart.
Related to Yes. The Arudha is in Cancer. As above.
Arudha ofthe
VII house from
the karaka
Jupiter in Sagittarius is therefore capable of bringing
matters relating to marriage of the individual to the fore.
Vedic Progression
Let us now see if this progression would cause the 'gain' of
a wife.
Related to Yes.
karaka Jupiter
Related to XI Yes.Progressed Jupiter is in
house from the sambandha with natal Jupiter.
ascendant Mercury is in the same sign in the
navamsha chart as Jupiter in the birth
Related to XI Yes.As above.
house from
the karaka
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Aries. As above
Arudha of the
XI house from
the karaka
Progressed Jupiter in Sagittarius would cause
marriage of the individual.
The marriage took place in the sub-period of Mercury
in the major-period of Jupiter. Mercury is in Leo in the
navamsha chart where Saturn is placed in the birth chart.
Mercury is therefore related to Aquarius, the VII house
from Jupiter. Mars in the birth chart is in sambandha
with the Moon. Mercury is in Scorpio where the Moon has
gone in the navamsha chart. Hence Mercury is related to
the VII house from Venus. As seen above, Mercury in Leo
in the navamsha chart is related to Jupiter and the XI
house from the major-period planet. It owns the XI house
from Jupiter. Therefore marriage would be performed in
this sub-period.
We will now study David Beckham's chart. Sir David
Robert Joseph Beckham, OBE, is a professional footballer
who currently plays clubs. He is also only the ninth player
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 201
in World Cup history to score twice from direct free kicks.
He was captain of the English national team from 15
November 2000 to 2 July 2006. In 1999, Beckham married
Victoria Adams, widely known as "Posh Spice" of the pop
music group Spice Girls, and it attracted a great deal of
media interest. He is synonymous with wealth, beautiful
wife, personal attraction, fame and success.
Chart V-8
Male, May 2, 1975, 0617hours, Leytonstone, London,
51 N29', 0WO', 0100 hour West of Greenwich.
Vedic Progression
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun Oslr40'46" Venus Venus ls2r48'0" Mars
Moon 9s620'33" Sun Saturn 2s2031'41" Jupiter
Mars 10s22l'20" Jupiter Rahu 7s733'56" Saturn
Mere ls218'44" Sun
Ketu lsr33'56" Sun
Jupiter llsl71'9" Mercury Ascdt ls49'12"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The Sun is the karaka for fame and high position.
Its dispositor is in the X house from the ascendant. The X
house from the Sun is in Capricorn. The owner of this house
is in Aries in the navamsha chart where the Sun is placed
in the birth chart. The Moon is in Capricorn in the birth
chart. It occupies a constellation of the Sun. Therefore the
Sun is a highly potent planet for giving fame. The major-
period ofRahu is going on since December 23, 1993. It is
with the Sun in the navamsha chart.
Jupiter is the karaka for wealth. The II house from
it is the house of wealth. The Sun occupies it. The Sun
and Rahu are together in the navamsha chart. Rahu is in
a constellation of Sa turn. It occupies the II house from the
ascendant. Jupiter is in a constellation of Mercury. The
latter is the dispositor of Rahu in the navamsha chart.
Venus and Rahu are together in the navamsha chart.
Venus is with Mercury in the birth chart. Hence Rahu
would show results relating to wealth in its major-period.
Since Rahu is related to both the XI house from the
ascendant (Pisces) and from Jupiter (Capricorn) it would
cause much wealth to accrue.
The specific point for property is in Taurus at
22 1'20", which is the D7 house from Mars. Venus is placed
very close to this point. He would have beautiful houses
and property. The Sun is placed close to the specific point
for younger siblings in the third house from Mars. He may
have dignified and impressive siblings. The specific point
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 203
for wealth being in the II house from Jupiter with the Sun
close to it shows a very impressive bank balance. The
position of the Moon very close to the IX specific point
from Ketu shows a mind or mother inclined to spiritual
Rahu is related to Venus and it occupies the VII
house from Venus and the ascendant. It has caused
marriage of the individual on July 4, 1999 in its major-
We will examine his marriage through regression of
Rahu. It is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
23-Dec-93 I Scorpio
138.17 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
10-May-94 II Libra
547.88 days Full duration in a sign
09-Nov-95 III Virgo
09-May-97 IV Leo
08-Nov-98 v Cancer
09-May-00 VI Gemini
08-Nov-01 VII Taurus
10-May-03 VIII Aries
08-Nov-04 IX Pisces
10-May-06 X Aquarius
09-Nov-07 XI Capricorn
09-May-09 XII Sagittarius
Contd .... on next page
Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
08-Nov-10 I Scorpio
409.71 days To be travelled at the
close ofthe period in
the sign
23-Dec-11 END
We will examine regressed Rahu m Cancer for
marriage of the individual.
Related to Yes. Regressed Rahu in Cancer is in
karaka Venus sambandha with the natal Moon.
Mercury is with Venus. In navamsha
chart it is in the same sign as the natal
Moon in birth chart.
Related to VII Yes. The Moon in navamsha chart is in
house from the the same sign as Mars.
Related to VII Yes.As above.
house from the
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Aquarius. As
Arudha of the above.
VII house from
the karaka
Regressed Rahu would therefore cause matters
relating to marriage to arise while it is travelling through
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
Regressed Rahu receives aspect of natal Jupiter from
the XI house from the ascendant and it is related to the XI
house from natal Jupiter through the natal Moon. The
individual would get married when a ~ u reaches Cancer.
He got married in the sub-period of Saturn in the
major-period of Rahu. The dispositor of Saturn is in the
VII house from Rahu. This also relates Saturn to the
karaka Venus. Saturn is associated with the owner of the
VII house from Venus in the navamsha chart. Saturn is
in Punarvasu constellation of Jupiter. It is thus related to
the karaka of gain and success and to the XI house from
the ascendant. It owns the XI house from Jupiter. Hence
marriage in the sub-period of Saturn is clearly indicated.
The individual ofthe following chart lost his father
on July 7, 2001 in the major-period of Rahu. His father
died on this date. The individual emigrated to a western
country on February 1, 2002 in again the major-period of
Rahu where he is not happy.
Chart V-9
Mon R
Vedic Progression
Sat Ket
Mar Rah Ven
Male, December 26, 1974, 2240 hours, 29N37',
76oE07', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 8s11 2'19" Ketu Venus 8s2314'14" Venus
Moon 1s8"43'22" Sun Saturn 2s22 4 7'25" Jupiter
Mars 7s1740'8" Mercury Rahu 7s1639'41" Saturn
Mere 8s14 59'17" Venus Ketu ls16"39'41" Moon
Jupiter 10s1856'44" Rahu As edt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Let us see if natal Rahu is inclined to cause the death
of his father. Rahu is in Scorpio with Mars. The latter has
gone to Sagittarius in the navamsha chart. The Sun is in
Sagittarius in the birth chart. Rahu is thus related to the
Sun. The LX house from the ascendant is in Aries. Mars is
with Rahu. The LX house from the Sun is in Leo. We have
seen that Rahu is related to the Sun. The Arudha ofthe
LX house from the Sun is in Aries. Thus Rahu would give
results relating to the father ofthe individual.
Mars and Jupiter are in sambandha in the navamsha
chart. Jupiter is with the Moon in the navamsha chart.
This relates Rahu to the Moon that owns the XII house
from the ascendant. Since the Moon is in the XII house
from Saturn, this relates Rahu to the XII house from
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 207
Saturn. Rahu is in a cpnstellation of Saturn. The Arudha
ofthe XII house from Saturn is in Cancer to which Rahu
is related. Rahu is therefore likely to cause separation
from/loss of father.
Since Rahu is related to Saturn and the VIII houses
from the ascendant and Saturn, Rahu would cause
separation from/loss of father through death.
We have seen that Rahu is related to Cancer and
Aries, the two LX houses from the ascendant and karaka.
Rahu is the karaka for journey abroad. The Arudha of the
LX house from Rahu is in Pisces to which Rahu is related.
Therefore Rahu would take the individual abroad.
Rahu is related to the IV houses from the Moon and
ascendant and it is also related to the Moon. The Arudha
of the IV house from the Moon is in Aries to which Rahu is
related. Hence the individual would live abroad. Rahu
therefore shows all the events that happened in its major-
The regression ofRahu is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign
natal position
23-Jul-92 I Scorpio
304.28 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
23-May-93 II Libra
547.88 days Full duration in a sign
22-Nov-94 III Virgo
21-Nov-97 v Cancer
Contd.... on next page
Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
23-May-99 VI Gemini
21-Nov-00 VII Taurus-
killed and
23-May-02 VIII Aries
22-Nov-03 IX Pisces
23-May-05 X Aquarius
22-Nov-06 XI Capricorn
23-May-08 Xll Sagittarius
21-Nov-09 I Scorpio
243.60 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
23-Jul-10 END
Let us anlayse the regression ofRahu in Taurus.
Related to Yes. Venus is with the Sun.
karaka Sun
Related to LX Yes.We have seen that natal Moon is
house from the related to natal Mars. Hence regressed
ascendant Rahu in Taurus is related to Aries.
Related to LX Yes.As above.
house from
the karaka
Contd .... on next page
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 209
Contd .... from last page
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Aries. As above.
Arudha of the
LX house from
the karaka
Rahu in Taurus would therefore cause events
relating to the father ofthe individual to happen.
Related to Yes.The dispositor of regressed Rahu in
karaka Saturn Taurus is with the dispositor of natal
Related to VIII Yes.The Moon is with Jupiter.
house from
the ascendant
Related to VIII Yes.Since regressed Rahu is related to
house from Saturn.
the karaka
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Scorpio. Natal
Arudha ofthe Mars is related to natal Moon.
VIII house from
the karaka
We will now see if regressed Rahu is inclined to cause
loss when it travels through Taurus.
Related to Y esAs above.
karaka Saturn
Related to XII Yes.It is with natal Moon.
house from
the ascendant
Related to XII Yes.It is in the XII house from natal
house from Saturn.
the karaka
Contd .... on next page
Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Cancer.
Arudha of the
XII house from
the karaka
It is clear from the above that Rahu in regression in
Taurus would cause loss of father. Let us see if it would
also take the individual abroad.
Related to Yes.
karaka Rahu
Related to LX Yes.As above.
house from
the ascendant
Related to LX Yes. It is with the Moon.
house from
the karaka
Related to Yes.The Arudha is in Pisces. Regressed
Arudha of the Rahu is related to this house through
LX house from the Moon.
the karaka
Since Rahu in Taurus is related to the Moon, the IV
house from the ascendant and the TV house from the Moon
and its Arudha, it is inclined to make the individual change
his residence to a far away place.
The following individual retired from the Indian
Administrative Service. He met with several major
accidents and suffered severe injuries time and again.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 211
Chart V-10
Asc Ven
Male, August 21, 1941, 1050 hours, 25N27',
77E40', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 4s442'40" Ketu Venus 5s712'3" Sun
Moon 3sl514'24"
Saturn Saturn ls58'1" Sun
Mars lls2847'16" Mercury Rahu 4s2950'35" Sun
Mere 4s657'41"
Ketu Ketu 1 Os2950'35 Jupiter
Jupiter ls2434'3"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
212 Vedic Progression
The ascendant is in Libra. The VI house from the
ascendant is in Pisces with Mars placed in it. There is a
sambandha between Jupiter and Venus in the chart.
Venus is placed in Pisces in the navamsha chart. Hence
the VI house and ascendant are related to each other. The
Sun is placed in the VI house from Mars. The latter is
related to the Sun through Mercury. These indications in
his chart show that the individual would suffer injuries.
The house of profession in the chart is Aquarius,
which is the X house from natal Saturn. The house of high
position is Taurus. This is the X house from the natal Sun.
These two houses are related. Saturn is in Krittika
constellation of the Sun. Therefore the individual would
join a profession with high status.
Let us analyse the accidents that he met with and
injuries that he suffered due to them.
The individual met with two accidents in the major-
period of Venus. The first one happened on March 9, 1970,
the second on September 25, 1975. Venus is with Mars in
the navamsha chart. It is in sambandha with the owner
of the VI house from the ascendant, and it occupies the
sign Pisces that is placed in the VI house in the navamsha
chart. Venus is related to the VI house from Mars through
its dispositor and the owner of the constellation that Venus
occupies. The Arudha of the VI house from Mars is in
Taurus that Venus owns. Venus owns the ascendant and
it is related to the Sun. Thus Venus is likely to cause
injuries to the individual in its major-period. Its
progression is as follows:
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
. 213
Entry Begin Sign in
02-Sep-67 I Virgo
462.64 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
07-Dec-68 II Libra
608.76 days Full duration in a sign
08-Aug-70 III Scorpio
07-Dec-73 v
08-Aug-75 VI Aquarius
08-Apr-77 VII Pisces
08-Dec-78 VIII Aries
07-Aug-80 IX Taurus
08-Apr-82 X Gemini
08-Dec-83 XI Cancer
08-Aug-85 XII Leo
09-Apr-87 I Virgo
146.12 days To be travelled at
the close ofthe period
in the sign
02-Sep-87 END
Venus in Libra would behave like natal Venus since
there are no other planets in the sign in the birth or
navamsha chart. We have seen that Venus is a highly
potent planet for causing accidents.
214 Vedic Progression
The first accident happened in the sub and major-
period of Venus. Venus is under consistent influence of
Mercury. It will give its result early. Venus is related to
Mars and the VI houses from itself and Mars. It therefore
caused the first accident within its own sub-period.
The second accident happened when the sub-period
of Rahu was going on in the major-period of Venus. Rahu
is in sambandha with Jupiter in the navamsha chart. Also,
Jupiter is in the same sign in the navamsha chart as Rahu
in the birth chart. Jupiter and Saturn are associated in
the navamsha chart. Saturn owns the VI house from
Venus. Rahu is also related to Mars as Jupiter is in
Mrigshirsha constellation of Mars. Rahu occupies the VI
house from natal Mars. Rahu is therefore capable of
. . .
causmg mJury.
The second accident happened when Venus had
started travelling in Aquarius. Ketu occupies this sign. It
is in sambandha with Saturn. The latter is with Jupiter
in the birth chart. Further, Ketu is in a constellation of
Jupiter. We have seen that Jupiter is in a constellation of
Mars, it owns the VI house from the ascendant and it is in
sambandha with Venus.
We will see in Chapter Seven that Mars, the karaka
for accidents and injuries, was in Pisces through
progression when the first accident happened and it was
in Aquarius at the time ofthe second accident.
This individual got married on February 13, 2005
during the operation of the sub-period of the Sun in the
major-period of Jupiter.
The husband ofthe individual whose chart is given
below died within a year of their marriage on November
5, 2005. The sub-period of the Moon was current in the
major-period of Jupiter when the husband died. The
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 215
individual was pregnant at the time of his death. She was
grieving for several months after his death.
Female, November 8, 1979, 0536 hours, l9Nl2',
72E58', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 6s21 24'29" Jupiter Venus 7sl047'54" Saturn
Moon 2s932'15" Rahu Saturn 5s024'5" Sun
Mars 4s047'27" Ketu Rahu 4sl26'27" Ketu
Mere 7sl23'44"
Saturn Ketu lOs 126'27" Rahu
Jupiter 4sl38'22" Ketu Ascdt 6s535'24"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
216 Vedic Progression
Mars owns the VII house from the This
house is also the Arudha of the VII house from karaka
Jupiter. Mars is associated with Jupiter. Jupiter occupies
Magha constellation ofKetu. Ketu is in Aquarius, which
is the VII house from karaka Jupiter. Jupiter will therefore
cause matters relating to marriage to come to the fore.
Jupiter occupies the XI house from the ascendant. It is in
sambandha with the Moon in the navamsha chart. The
Moon occupies the XI house from Jupiter, karaka for gain/
acquisition and success. Since Jupiter is related to the II
house of family through Mars, this shows that the
individual would get married in the major-period of
We have seen that Jupiter shows gain and
acquisition. The owner of the constellation that Jupiter
occupies is placed in the V house from the ascendant.
Jupiter owns the V house from itself. It is a karaka for
children. Therefore pregnancy and birth of a child is also
likely in the major-period of Jupiter.
Jupiter is placed in the XII house ofloss from Saturn.
Mars is in sambandha with Mercury and Venus. Saturn
is also in sambandha with Mercury. This relates Jupiter
to Saturn and to the XII house from the ascendant. Jupiter
thus indicates loss ofhusband too.
The VIII house from the ascendant shows grief.
Saturn is the karaka for it. The VIII house from the
ascendant is Taurus. Jupiter is related to Venus. The VIII
house from Saturn is in Aries. Mars is with Jupiter. Since
grief is a mental state, Jupiter should also therefore be
related to the mind. Jupiter and the Moon are in
sambandha in the navamsha chart. Since Jupiter is related
to Saturn, it is related to the TV house from the ascendant.
The IV house from the Moon is in Virgo to which Jupiter
is related. Hence Jupiter will cause grief as well.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 217
The progression of Jupiter is as follows:
Entry Begin
Sign in
23-Dec-93 I Leo
273.71 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
22-Sep-94 II Virgo
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
22-Jan-96 III Libra
23-May-97 IV Scorpio
22-Sep-98 v Sagittarius
22-Jan-00 VI Capricorn
23-May-01 VII Aquarius
22-Sep-02 VIII Pisces
22-Jan-04 IX Aries
23-May-05 X Taurus
-Death of
22-Sep-06 XI Gemini
22-Jan-08 XII Cancer
23-May-09 I Leo
213.30 days To be travelled at
the close of the
period in the sign
The event happened on November 5, 2005. Jupiter
was in the X house from its natal position. It was in Taurus.
This is the VIII house from the ascendant. The VTII house
from Saturn is in Aries. Progressed Jupiter gets in
218 Vedic Progression
sambandha with natal Venus here. The latter is in
sambandha with natal Mars. Therefore progressed Jupiter
is related to Mars as well. Venus is associated with
Mercury. The latter is in sambandha with. natal Saturn.
This relates progressed Jupiter to Saturn. This
relationship of progressed Jupiter with Saturn, the VIII
house from the ascendant and the VTII house from natal
Saturn shows that an event relating to death is possible
while this progression is continuing.
The VII house from natal Jupiter is in Aquarius. We
have seen that progressed Jupiter is related to natal
Saturn. The VII house from the ascendant is in Aries.
Progressed Jupiter is related to this sign. Progressed
Jupiter is related to natal Jupiter through Mars. Thus an
event relating to marriage during this progression is
The Moon and the IV houses from the Moon and
ascendant are related to progressed Jupiter since Mercury
is associated with natal Venus. Therefore progressed
Jupiter shows grief too.
Since progressed Jupiter is related to natal Saturn
in the XII house from the ascendant and the XII house
from natal Saturn through Mars this progression also
points to a loss. Thus the progression shows loss of husband
through death causing much grief.
Her husband died while the sub-period ofthe Moon
was gomg on.
In the following chart let us examine the effect of
progression when the major-period planet Jupiter came
to the TV house from its natal position. This is Aries. It
remained here from February 9, 2005 to June 1 I, 2006.
Detailed progression is given in the table below.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
Chart V-12
Male, April 16, 1973, 1408 hours, l8N57', 72E49',
0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun Os2'43'54" Ketu Venus Os4'25'36" Ketu
Moon 5s 18'38'33" Moon Saturn 1s23'26'48" Mars
Mars 9s21'3'23" Moon Rahu 8s17'17'58" Venus
Mere lls5'51'30" Saturn Ketu 2s 17' 17'58" Rahu
Jupiter 9s15'39'30" Moon Ascdt 3s26'1'41"
Own eriC means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Vedic Progression
Jupiter contacted the natal Sun and Venus in Aries.
Since natal Mars is in sambandha with these two planets,
progressed Jupiter is also related to natal Mars. Progressed
Jupiter is also obviously related to natal Jupiter and
Saturn. From Aries it is also in sambandha with natal
Entry Begin Sign in
22-0ct-01 I Capricorn
232.82 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
11-Jun-02 II Aquarius
487.01 days Full duration in a sign
11-0ct-03 III Pisces
met with
an accident,
11-Jun-06 v Taurus
11-0ct-07 VI Gemini
09-Feb-09 VII Cancer
11-Jun-10 VIII Leo
11-0ct-11 IX Virgo
09-Feb-13 X Libra
11-Jun-14 XI Scorpio
11-0ct-15 XII Sagittarius
Contd .... on next page
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 221
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin Sign in
09-Feb-17 I Capricorn
254.19 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
22-0ct-17 END
Relationships with natal Sun can mean two persons:
the individual himself and his father. We know that the
Sun represents the physical body of the individual and
his father. We will confine ourselves to the effect of
relationship that progressed Jupiter develops with the
natal Sun.
Let us first examine the effect that this progression
could have on the physical body of the individual. Mars
occupies Cancer in the navamsha chart. This is the
ascendant in the birth chart. Therefore the progressed
Jupiter is related to the I houses from the ascendant and
the natal Sun. Since progressed Jupiter is related to the
natal Sun, this progression points to an event relating to
the physical body of the individual. We notice that the
Sun is in close sambandha with Mars. This points to an
injury to the individual and his father. Let us examine it
Both the Sun and Venus are inAswini constellation
ofKetu. Natal Ketu is in Gemini in the navamsha chart.
This is the VI house from Mars in the birth chart. We
have seen that progressed Jupiter is in sambandha with
natal Rahu. Rahu is placed in the VI house from the
ascendant. Therefore progressed Jupiter is related to Mars
and the VI houses from the ascendant and Mars. This
means injury to the individual and his father.
222 Vedic Progression
Since natal Mars is in Sravan constellation of the
Moon, it is related to the IV house from Venus. The IV
house from the ascendant is in Libra. Progressed Jupiter
is related to natal Venus and the IV houses from the
ascendant and Venus. This means that vehicle would be
involved in injury.
Jupiter is the owner of the IX house from the
ascendant and it is in Sravan constellation of the Moon. It
is thus related to the IX house from its natal position.
Natal Jupiter is highly beneficial to the individual. The
natal Sun and Venus are close to each other but in the
navamsha chart whereas Venus is with Jupiter the Sun
has no such benefit. The injury caused by vehicle would
therefore not be fatal.
The progressed Jupiter indicates the father of the
individual as well since it is over the natal Sun in Aries, it
is related to the LX house from the natal Sun and through
Venus it is related to the LX house from the ascendant. As
in the previous case this progression indicates injury. It
would therefore indicate injury to the father too, but since
there is no redeeming influence of natal Jupiter, the father
would have more severe consequences ofthe injury.
We have seen that progressed Jupiter is related to
the XII house from the ascendant. It is in the XII house
from natal Saturn. It is related to natal Saturn as the
dispositor of Saturn is with it in Aries. The Arudha of the
XII house from natal Saturn is in Virgo where Rahu is
placed in the navamsha chart. Hence there is going to be
separation from or loss of the father. The relationship pf
progressed Jupiter with the VTil house from the ascendant
and from natal Saturn is very obvious. The Arudha of the
VTil house from Saturn is in Aquarius too. Therefore the
father is likely to die in this period through an injury.
Please see that the natal Moon is in Virgo. Natal Rahu in
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 223
Sagittarius (IV house from the natal Moon) and the
relationship of the progressed Jupiter in Aries with Mars
(that is in Sravan) shows that the mental self of the father
is involved in this incident. The individual met with an
accident on October 24, 2005 in which he was severely
injured. His father committed suicide on December 4, 2005.
We will take up the following chart now.
Chart V-13
Sun Mer
Male, December 18, 1981, 0710 hours, 27Nl3',
77E29', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
224 Vedic Progression
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 8s2'26'45" Ketu Venus 9s1P48'23" Moon
Moon 5s0'26'15" Sun Saturn 5s26'58'28" Mars
5s7'21'41" Sun Rahu 2s29'11'16" Jupiter
Ketu Ketu
8s29'11'16" Sun
Jupiter 6s10'16'2" Rahu As edt 8s2'55'30"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
A major event happened in the life of the individual
when Rahu in its regression entered Taurus. Rahu is here
related to Venus and Mercury (because Mercury is in this
sign in the navamsha chart). Mars and Mercury are in
sambandha in the birth chart. Therefore regressed Rahu
is also related to Mars. Events relating to these three
karakas can take place while Rahu is regressing through
Entry Begin from Sign
natal position
08-Apr-03 I Gemini
533.05 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
22-Sep-04 II Taurus
547.88 days Full duration in a sign
23-Mar-06 III Aries
22-Sep-07 IV Pisces
v Aquarius
22-Sep-10 VI Capricorn
23-Mar-12 VII Sagittarius
22-Sep-13 VIII Scorpio
24-Mar-15 IX Libra
Contd .... on next page
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 225
Contd ... .from last page
Entry Begin from Sign
natal position
22-Sep-16 X Virgo
23-Mar-18 XI Leo
22-Sep-19 XII Cancer
23-Mar-21 I Gemini
14.83 days To be travelled at the
close of the period in
the sign
07-Apr-21 END
Taurus is in the VI house from the ascendant. The
relationship of regressed Rahu with Mars and VI house
creates a strong suspicion in the mind that perhaps the
individual met with an accident during this regression.
The VI house from Mars is in Aquarius. Saturn is
associated with Mars and occupies a sign of Mercury.
Therefore regressed Rahu is related to the karaka for
accident/injury and the two VI houses. The Arudha of the
VI house from the karaka is in Aries. The relationship of
regressed Rahu with this house is obvious.
A physical harm can only come about in case
regressed Rahu is related to the Sun and the two first
houses from the ascendant and the Sun. Mercury is
associated with the natal Sun. This relates regressed Rahu
to all the three elements. The Arudha of the first house
from the natal Sun is in Leo.
Venus is the dispositor of regressed Rahu. The TV
house from the ascendant is in Pisces. Jupiter is in
Capricorn in the navamsha chart where natal Venus is
placed. The IV house from natal Venus is in Aries and is
clearly related to regressed Rahu.
Vedic Progression
Thus the individual met with a vehicular accident
when Rahu was regressing through Taurus.
Let us see ifRahu is inclined to cause such an event
in its major-period. Natal Rahu is in Gemini and in
sambandha with Mercury. Mercury is in Taurus in the
navamsha chart. This relates Rahu to the VI house. As
we have seen Mercury and Mars are in sambandha. This
relates Rahu to the karaka for injury. The VI house from
karaka is Aquarius. Mars and Saturn are together. The
Arudha for the VI house from karaka is in Aries. Therefore
natal Rahu shows injury.
The person of Chart V-14 had a son born on February
5, 1983. The chart of the son is given above at Chart V-3.
She lost this son on November 7, 2004 when he was killed
by a robber. We will examine the progression to determine
both these events.
Chart V-14
Rah Sat
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
Jup Ven Ktt
Female, August 8, 1955, 2000 hours, l8N57',
72oE49', 0530 hours East of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 3s221'27" Mercury Venus 3s1531'15" Saturn
Moon lls1955'59" Mercury Saturn 6s21 35'33" Jupiter
3s24 o 46'33" Mercury Rahu 8sl
50'31" Ketu
Mere 3s2510' Mercury Ketu 2s1 50'31" Mars
Jupiter 3s1847'55" Mercury Ascdt 10s725'38"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The son was born in the major-period of Venus.
Venus and Jupiter are associated in the VI house from
the ascendant. Venus is also associated with the owner of
the V from the ascendant. The V house from Jupiter is in
Scorpio where Venus is placed in the navamsha chart. The
Arudha of the V house from Jupiter is in Pisces. Thus
Venus would give results relating to children of the
individuaL Since Venus is also related to the XI houses
from the ascendant and Jupiter, it would give the
individual children.
228 Vedic Progression
This son was born when Venus had entered
Sagittarius. Jupiter is placed in this sign in the navamsha
chart. Rahu is in this sign in Moola constellation ofKetu.
The latter is placed in the V house from the ascendant.
Jupiter and Mars are associated in Cancer in the birth
chart relating progressed Venus to the V house from the
karaka. The Arudha of the V house from the karaka is in
Pisces where the Moon is placed. Moon occupies
Sagittarius in the navamsha chart. Thus the progression
of Venus through Sagittarius would cause matters relating
to children ofthe individual to appear. Sagittarius is the
XI house from the ascendant. The XI house from natal
Jupiter is in Taurus. Progressed Venus is related to natal
Venus through Jupiter. Thus the individual would gain a
child during the progression of Venus through Sagittarius.
The son was killed when the Moon had reached
Taurus in progression. The natal Moon is in sambandha
with natal Jupiter. Through Jupiter it is related to the
owner of the V house from the ascendant, the owner of the
V house from the karaka and it occupies the Arudha of
the V house from natal Jupiter. The Moon therefore
represents the children ofthe individual very powerfully.
The natal Moon is related to Mars through its dispositor.
It is placed in Sagittarius in the navamsha chart. This is
the VI house from natal Mars in the birth chart. This points
to involvement of violence. The natal Moon is also related
to the elements of loss and death in the chart. Hence it
points to death of child through violence in its major-period.
Taurus is the Arudha of the XII house from the
karaka ofloss. Since natal Saturn and natal Venus are in
sambandha, the Moon in Taurus would be related to
karaka Saturn and the XII house from the ascendant. It
is also related to Mercury through Venus. Therefore, the
Moon in progression in Taurus is inclined to cause loss.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet
Since Taurus is the VIII house from natal Saturn, this is
a house of death. Virgo is the VIII house from the
ascendant. Hence progressed Moon is related to both the
houses of death. We have seen that it is related to karaka
Saturn. Hence loss through death is clearly established.
Since the dispositor of progressed Moon is in the VI house
from the ascendant in association with Mars, the event
seems to involve violence. The VI house from natal Mars
is in Sagittarius. Jupiter is with natal Venus. The Arudha
of the VI house from natal Mars is in Aquarius where natal
Mars has gone in the navamsha chart. Thus, loss through
death caused by violence is established. Since progressed
Moon is related to natal Jupiter, and the V houses from
the ascendant and Jupiter, the loss seems to be ofa child.
The Arudha ofthe V house from the karaka is in Pisces,
that Jupiter owns. This fact too is confirmed.
The following is the chart of a male who lost his wife
and daughter in a car accident in 2002. This chart clearly
shows the huge utility of the progression analysis even
though we cannot use the navamsha analysis, as we do
not have the exact date of the event.
Chart V-15
Vedic Progression
Mer Ven Jup
Male, March 31, 1960,0725 hours, 28N39', 77E13',
0530 hours East of Greenwich
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun llsl73'53" Mercury Venus 10s25l0'36 Jupiter
Moon ls049'22" Sun Saturn 8s24 30'50" Venus
Mars 10s50'46" Mars Rahu 5sl
16'23" Sun
Mere 10s2048'8" Jupiter Ketu llsl
16'23" Jupiter
Jupiter 8s941'16" Ketu As edt Osl028'15"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The event had happened in the major-period of
Jupiter. It is at about 10 in Sagittarius. Since Jupiter
moves 1 o in 16 days approximately, it would reach
Capricorn in 320 days. Therefore Jupiter will take 11
months approximately to move out of Sagittarius. Since
the major-period has started on May 18, 1999, Jupiter
would reach Capricorn in April 2000. lt would reach
Aquarius in August 2001. lt would leave this sign in
December 2002. We know through exact calculations that
it would leave Aquarius on December 11, 2002.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 231
Jupiter would be in contact with natal Mars in
Aquarius. Natal Venus is placed in Taurus in the
navamsha chart. The natal Moon is in this sign in the
birth chart. Venus is with progressed Jupiter in Aquarius.
The VI house from natal Mars is in Cancer. Therefore
progressed Jupiter would relate to Cancer from Aquarius.
The VI house from the ascendant is in Virgo the owner of
which is with progressed Jupiter in Aquarius. Progressed
Jupiter shows an accident.
Progressed Jupiter is related to the natal Jupiter
since it would be in sambandha with natal Saturn. Natal
Jupiter is associated with natal Saturn. Natal Jupiter is
the karaka for children. The V house from the ascendant
is in Leo. The natal Sun is in Sagittarius in the navamsha
chart. It relates to progressed Jupiter here. The V house
from natal Jupiter is in Aries. Natal Mars is associated
with progressed Jupiter. Therefore Jupiter in progression
in Aquarius would involve children in an event that it is
going to materialise.
Progressed Jupiter is with Venus, the karaka for
wife. The VII house from the ascendant is in Libra. The
VII house from natal Venus is in Leo. We have seen that
it is related to progressed Jupiter. Hence the event involves
the wife ofthe individual also.
Since natal Venus is the karaka for a vehicle, we
should examine this aspect also. The IV house from the
ascendant is in Cancer. We know that Jupiter in
progression in Aquarius is related to Cancer. The IV house
from natal Venus is in Taurus. Progressed Jupiter is
clearly related to it. The event involves a vehicle.
232 Vedic Progression
Since natal Saturn is related to progressed Jupiter
in this sign, we should see if Jupiter in progression is
related to the VTII house from the ascendant and karaka
Saturn. Mars owns the VIII house from the ascendant,
which is also the XII house from natal Saturn. It is with
progressed Jupiter here. The VIII house from natal Saturn
is in Cancer. Progressed Jupiter is related to this house.
Hence grave danger and longevity are involved in this
The XII house from the ascendant is in Pisces. We
know that progressed Jupiter is related to the natal
Jupiter. This shows end of longevity for the wife and a
The above analysis shows that a vehicular accident
is indicated when Jupiter reaches Aquarius. The wife and
a child ofthe individual would be involved. Both ofthem
would be killed in it. Let us now see the sub-period.
The sub-period of Saturn starts in July 200 l and
ends in January 2004. Hence the event happened in the
sub-period of Saturn. The VIII house from Saturn and
Jupiter is in Cancer. Saturn is in sambandha with the
natal Moon in the navamsha chart. The XII house from
Jupiter and Saturn is in Scorpio. Saturn is in sambandha
with Mars. Therefore the sub-period ofSaturn shows loss
oflongevity. The questions are of whom and how?
Saturn is with Jupiter. This is the karaka for
children. The V house from Jupiter is in Aries to which
Saturn is related. Hence involvement of children is
indicated. Saturn is in sambandha with Venus. The VTI
house from Venus is in Leo. Jupiter is with Saturn and it
is in Moola constellation ofKetu, which is with the Sun in
Pisces. The VTI house from Jupiter is in Gemini. Saturn is
in sambandha with Mercury. Therefore the involvement
of wife is also clear.
Vimshottari Period and Progression of Major-period Planet 233
The IV house from Jupiter is Pisces. Saturn is related
to it. The IV house from Venus is in Taurus where Moon
is placed. Saturn is related intimately to both the Moon
and Venus. Therefore the event involves a vehicle.
Since Saturn is in sambandha with Mars we must
examine its implications too. The VI house from Mars is
related to Saturn. The VI house from Jupiter is in Taurus,
which is related to Saturn. This shows an accident.
The Vimshottari period time frame clearly
underscores the conclusions drawn through progression.
Chapter Six
How to Interpret the
Progression of a Ruler of the
Band ofYears?
We have analysed the procedure for examination of
the progression of a major-period planet in aVimshottari
period time frame in previous chapters in some detail with
real life charts. This progression generally defines long
spans of time ranging up to 20 months in which an event
is likely to happen. We can reduce the time span through
the navamsha analysis of progression. In this the analysis
of the ruler of a band of years is also useful. This analysis
does not depend on the position of natal Moon and the
Vimshottari time frame. It thus affords us an independent
method of timing.
We have already studied the definition ofthe ruler
of a band of years in Chapter Two. We have also studied
this concept and its genesis in my earlier book entitled
"How to Time an Event." A ruler does not operate for more
than six years at a time. Therefore a ruler in progression
will not remain in a house for more than six months. A
planet that is the ruler of a band of years will therefore
determine through its progression a span of time that
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 235
would not exceed six months. It can help in reducing the
span of time in which the event is to happen to a very
reasonable length.
We have seen in the previous chapter that a
progressing Vimshottari major-period planet causes an
event to take place when:
1. It is related to the karaka for the event;
2. It is related to the concerned house from the
3. It is related to the concerned house from the karaka;
4. It is related to the Arudha of the relevant house from
the karaka.
The same rules apply to the progression of the ruler
of the band of years. The ruler shall cause an event to
happen when during its progression it satisfies the above
four rules.
Suppose we have determined the bigger span of time
through the progression of the major-period planet. We
will then determine the planet that is the ruler of the band
of years during that period. We will examine if the ruler is
inclined to cause the event to happen. In case it is not so
inclined, its progression at that time will not yield the
desired result. It is possible that there is more than one
such ruler. We will then apply this principle to each ruler.
Whichever ruler shows the inclination to cause the event
to happen will be studied further. The progression of this
ruler should cause the event to materialise. Let us study
these principles through birth charts.
Chart VI-I
Vedic Progression
Female, March 8, 1970, 0457 hours, l7N23',
78E29', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10s23'32'17" Jupiter Venus lls3'45'23" Saturn
Moon 10s26'50'56" Jupiter Saturn Os12'1'51" Ketu
Mars Os7'12'49" Ketu Rahu 10sl8'23'52 Rahu
Mere 10s10'9'6" Rahu Ketu 4s18'23'52" Venus
Jupiter 6s12'7'28" Rahu Ascdt 9s24 '39'52"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 237
A son was born to her on February 24, 1991. She
was in her 21st year. Jupiter rules the 16th to 21st years of
life. It is the karaka for children. It is also the karaka for
gain and fulfilment of desire.
Jupiter is retrograde in the birth chart. We should
therefore study the regression of Jupiter as the ruler of
the band of years. This regression starts with the 16th year
and ends with 21"tyear. The band of years starts on March
8, 1985 when the individual completes 15 years of age and
ends on March 8, 1991 when she is 21 years of age. It
operates for six years. Therefore Jupiter as the ruler of
the band would remain in each sign except the natal sign
(where it was at the time of birth) for six months. The
regression starts with the start ofthe band, i.e., on March
8, 1985. It will end at the natal position on March 8, 1991.
Since the number of days is comparatively less in
the duration that a ruler spends in a house, we can take
the liberty of using the approximation method with more
ease here. Jupiter is at 12 approximately in Libra. It
covers 1 o in 6 days. Since it is retrograde it would travel
over !2 to reach Virgo. Hence it would be in Libra for 72
days, this means 2.5 months approximately. Jupiter
reaches Libra again after 5.5 years. This means it enters
Libra approximately in late October 1990. Here it satisfies
all the required conditions and causes birth of a child.
We will now create an accurate table. Jupiter is at
127'28" in Libra. This is equal to 12.12 in Libra. Since it
remains in a sign for 182.63 days, it would remain in Libra
at the start of regression for 12.12 * 182.63 days/30 = 73.81
We can determine the regression as follows:
Vedic Progression
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
March 8, 1985
l Libra
73.81 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
ofthe band
May 20, 1985
li Virgo
182.63 days Full duration in a sign
Nov. 19, 1985 lii Leo
May 21, 1986 IV Cancer
Nov. 19, 1986 v Gemini
May 21, 1987 VI Taurus
Nov. 19, 1987
VII Aries
May 20, 1988 VIII Pisces
Nov. 19, 1988 IX Aquarius
May 20, 1989 X Capricorn
Nov. 19, 1989 XI Sagittarius
May 21, 1990 XII Scorpio
Nov. 19, 1990 I Libra-birth
108.82 days To be travelled at the
close of the band
March 8, 1991 END
Jupiter "is over the natal Jupiter. It is therefore in
contact with the karaka. The natal Jupiter is in
sambandha with Saturn in the navamsha chart. Therefore
progression Jupiter is in contact with the owner of the V
house from natal Jupiter. Natal Jupiter is in sambandha
with natal Venus. Therefore progressed Jupiter is related
to the V house form the ascendant. The Arudha of the V
house fromkaraka is in Gemini. Natal Jupiter is associated
with Mercury in the navamsha chart.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 239
Progressed Jupiter is related to Mars through
Saturn. The owner of the XI house from Libra is in a
constellation of Jupiter. The progressed Jupiter is inclined
to cause birth of a child in Libra. It enters Libra on
November 19, 1990 and remains there till March 8, 1991.
Hence the birth would take place between these dates.
We had examined the progression of Saturn in the
previous chapter for this chart and we had reached the
conclusion that the individual would have a child between
December 29, 1989 and July 30, 1991. This is a time span
of nearly 19 months. We have now reduced the time span
to slightly more than four months.
This person went abroad on June 8, 2003 in her 34th
year. Mercury operates as the ruler for 34th and 35th years
of life.
Mercury is with Rahu in the birth chart. It is related
to the IX houses from the ascendant and Rahu and it is
also related to the Arudha of the LX house from Rahu. The
Arudha is in Leo. Mercury is therefore qualified to take
the individual abroad. Mercury starts operating when the
individual completes 33 years of life and enters in her 34th
year and ends when the individual completes her 35th year
and enters into her 36th year. She completes her 33 years
of life on March 8, 2003. The progression of Mercury is as
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
March 8, 2003 I Aquarius
40.28 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the band
Contd .... on next page
240 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
April 17, 2003 II Pisces
60.88 days Full duration in a sign
June I7, 2003 Ill Aries
August 17, 2003 TV Taurus
October 16, 2003 v Gemini
Dec. 16, 2003 VI Cancer
February 15, 2004 VII Leo
April I6, 2004 VIII Virgo
June 16, 2004 IX Libra
August 16, 2004 X Scorpio
October 16, 2004 XI Sagittarius
Dec. 16, 2004 XII Capricorn
February 14, 2005 1 Aquarius
20.6 days To be travelled at the
close of the band
March 7, 2005 END
Mercury has the tendency to cause the event to
happen immediately, but it is in a fixed sign and both in
the birth and navamsha charts it is in signs of Saturn.
Hence immediate results in progression would not be
Mercury in Pisces would give its result in the
beginning of the second quarter. Since the full duration of
Mercury in the sign is about 66 days, a quarter would be
nearly 16 days. The second quarter would begin in the
first week of May, but Rahu delays and its influence is
there on Pisces as Rahu is placed in the sign in the
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 241
navamsha chart. Venus is also in a constellation of Saturn.
Hence the event ought to happen after the middle of the
period. This places the event after the 15
h ofMay.
The progressing Mercury should be related to natal
Rahu and the LX houses from Rahu and the ascendant for
the individual to go abroad during this band ofyears. It
should also be related to the Arudha of the IX house from
the karaka. Rahu is in Pisces in the navamsha chart.
Mercury in progression in Pisces would be over it. Mercury
here would be over Venus in the birth chart that has
sambandha with Jupiter in Libra. Therefore Mercury is
related to the LX house from natal Rahu. Mercury is related
to natal Mercury, the owner of the IX house from the
ascendant through Rahu. Further, Mercury would be
projecting an aspect to its own house from Pisces. The
Arudha is in Leo. Mercury is related to the Sun. She would
therefore go abroad between April 17 and June 17, 2003.
The influence of planets and signs on progressing Mercury
is to make it defer its result to the middle of May; we can
say that the event would happen between May 15 and
June 17.
The inter-period at this time would be of Rahu in
the sub-period ofthe Sun in the major-period ofMercury.
The Sun and Rahu are together in Aquarius. Mercury is
also there. The IX house from the sub-period planet and
from the karaka is Libra where natal Jupiter is placed.
Rahu is in Pisces in the navamsha chart. Hence Rahu is
related to the LX house. The Arudha of the LX house from
the karaka is in Leo. Rahu is with the Sun. Hence this
inter-period would cause a journey abroad.
Through the progression ofVimshottarimajor-period
planet, which incidentally was again Mercury, we had
determined that the individual would go abroad between
February 23,2002 and July 26,2003. This is span of nearly
242 Vedic Progression
17 months. Through the progression of the ruler of the
band of years we have successfully reduced the time span
to one month.
Let us now examine the transits at that time.
Mercury is the major-period planet. It must relate to the
karaka in transit to give this result. Rahu is in Taurus
during this period. Venus joins Mercury on May 12. Venus
is the owner of the IX house from Rahu in the natal chart
and the Sun owns the Arudha. Both these planets are
associated with Mercury in transit. Mercury owns the LX
house from the ascendant. Matters relating to a journey
abroad would start once Venus enters Aries. Mercury
enters Taurus in Krittika constellation and Capricorn
navamsha on June 8. Venus and the Sun are already there.
The natal Sun occupies Taurus in the navamsha chart.
Jupiter occupies Capricorn in the navamsha chart.
Mercury is thus related to the LX house from karaka and
the Arudha of the house. The Sun is already with the
concerned elements and clearly shows the journey. Now
let us look at the Moon in transit. It is in the IX house
from the ascendant. It is related to natal Rahu through
natal Mercury. It is approaching Pisces navamsha. The
Moon shows that the event that is indicated by the major-
period planet in transit is likely to happen within a few
The following individual was badly mauled by a
white tiger when he was presenting a show in USA with
the animal. He escaped with his life and recovered after
many complications and long stay in hospital. The event
happened on October 3, 2003.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 243
Chart VI-2
Mon Sat
Sat Sun
Ven Mon
Mer Rah
Roy Horn, Male, October 3, 1944, 2357 hours,
Nordenham, Germany, 53N29", 8E58, 0100 hour East
of GMT.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 5s17'30'50" Moon Venus 6s13'55'8" Rahu
Moon Os12' 39'7" Ketu Saturn 2s17'21'46" Rahu
Mars 6s0'29'19" Mars Rahu 3sl '15'1" Jupiter
Mere 5s4'52'21" Sun Ketu 9s1'15'1" Sun
Jupiter 4s21 '49'3" Venus As edt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Vedic Progression
The event happened in the 59
h year of the life of the
individual when the Moon was the ruler ofthe band. We
will study the progression of the Moon as the ruler. It
remains in a sign for 30.44 days as the ruler ofthe band.
We can therefore determine the event to within one month.
The individual completed 58 years of his life on
October 3, 2002 and the Moon started operating as the
ruler from that date. It would operate for a year, hence till
October 3, 2003. The event happened on October 3, 2003.
The progressing Moon had come back to its natal position
in Aries on the date of accident. Here it is in sambandha
with natal Mars. The latter is with natal Venus, which is
the owner of the VIII house from natal Mars. Venus in the
navamsha chart has gone to Aquarius, which is the VIII
house from the ascendant in the birth chart. Hence the
progressed Moon clearly shows a grievous injury.
The following chart is that of an lAS officer.
Chart VI-3
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 245
Jup Mon
Male, January 19, 1958, 0752 hours, 25N20',
83EO', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 9s5'14'10" Sun Venus 9s20'32'54" Moon
Moon Ss25'37'47" Venus Saturn 7s28'7'29" Mercury
Mars 7s25'35'51" Mercury Rahu 6s 1336'52" Rahu
Mere Ssll '33'58" Ketu Ketu Os 13'36'52" Venus
Jupiter 6s'13'36" Rahu As edt 10s2257'25"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The father of the individual passed away on February
1, 2006 when the individual was in his 49th ~ e a r Ketu
rules the band of years from the 48th to sot . We will
examine the regression of Ketu:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
January 19, 2005 I Aries
41.44 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
Contd .... on next page
246 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
March 1, 2005 II Pisces
91.3I days Full duration in a sign
May 31,2005 III Aquarius
August 3 I, 2005
Nov. 30, 2005 v Sagittarius
March 1, 2006 VI Scorpio
May 31,2006 VII Libra
August 31, 2006 VIII Virgo
Nov. 30, 2006 IX Leo
March I, 2007 X Cancer
June 1, 2007 XI Gemini
August 31, 2007 XII Taurus
Nov. 30, 2007 I Aries
49.87 days To be travelled in
the sign at the close
of the major-period
January 19, 2008 END
Ketu is in a sign ofthe Sun in the navamsha chart.
It is actually in sambandha with the Sun in that chart.
The owner of the IX house from the ascendant and natal
Sun is Mercury. It is in a constellation of Ketu. Ketu would
therefore cause matters relating to father to arise during
its operation. Ketu is related to Saturn through Mars. Ketu
is in a constellation of Venus. This is the owner of the XII
house from natal Saturn. Ketu is capable of causing loss
of father.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 247
The regressed planet should be related to (i) the Sun,
the IX houses from the ascendant and Sun, and the Arudha
of the IX house from the Sun to give results relating to the
father; (ii) it should be related to Saturn, the XII houses
from the ascendant and Saturn, and the Arudha of the
XII house from Saturn to give results relating to loss. We
will examine if this is true when the regressed planet
reaches Sagittarius.
Sagittarius has natal Moon in a constellation of
Venus. The latter is with the Sun. Therefore Ketu in
regression over the natal Moon would be related to the
natal Sun. Since the natal Mercury is also there in
Sagittarius, regressed Ketu would be related to the IX
house from the ascendant and the Sun. The Arudha ofthe
IX house from the natal Sun is in Sagittarius. It is therefore
clear that regressed Ketu shall cause some event relating
to father of the individual to take place while it is in
Sagittarius is the XII house from the ascendant and
the owner of this sign is in the XII house from natal Saturn.
Interestingly, the natal Jupiter is in sambandha in the
navamsha chart with natal Saturn. Therefore, regressed
Ketu would be deemed to be related to Saturn. The Arudha
ofthe XII house from natal Saturn is in Capricorn. Since
Saturn is related to regressed Ketu, it would be considered
related to this house too.
This regression of Ketu therefore would cause loss
of father.
The above individual had a daughter on August 24,
1998 when he was in his 41st year. The ruler of the band is
The karaka for children is Jupiter. Saturn and
Jupiter are in sambandha in the navamsha chart. The V
Vedic Progression
house from the ascendant and the Arudha ofthe V house
from natal Jupiter are in Taurus. Venus and Saturn are
in sambandha in the birth chart. The V house from Jupiter
is in Aquarius, which is a house of Saturn. Therefore
Saturn in its operative period would cause matters relating
to children to come to the fore.
The karaka for gain is Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter
are related. Saturn is placed in the XI house from the
ascendant and is in sambandha with the owner ofthe XI
house from Jupiter. Saturn therefore shows gain. Hence
Saturn has the inclination to cause birth of a child. Let us
study its progression.
Begin from Sign in
natal position house
January 19, 1993 I Scorpio
11.32 days To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
January 30, 1993 II Sagittarius
182.63 days Full duration in a sign
July 31, 1993 III Capricorn
January 30, 1994 IV Aquarius
August 1, 1994 v Pisces
January 30, 1995 VI Aries
August 1, 1995 VII Taurus
January 31, 1996 VIII Gemini
July 31, 1996 IX Cancer
January 30, 1997 X Leo
July 31, 1997 XI Virgo
January 30, 1998 XII Libra
Contd.... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 249
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
August 1, 1998 I Scorpio
171.31 days To be travelled in
the sign at the close
of the major-period
January 19, 1999 END
Since the relationships that Saturn enters into in
its progression through Scorpio are the same as it had in
the natal position, it is clear that a child would be born
during its progression through Scorpio. The birth of a child
could be expected between August 1, 1998 and January
19, 1999. The progression ofthe major-period planet had
given us a band of time from April 14, 1998 to October 14,
1999. We have successful reduced it to six months through
this technique.
The individual of chart IV-4 got enmeshed in
litigation in late summer of2005. He was in his 54th year.
Chart VI-4
Mon Mar
250 Vedic Progression
Ket Sat Ven
Mar Rah
Orhan Pamuk, Male, June 7, 1952, 0500 hours,
Istanbul, Turkey, 41 N01', 28E58', 0200 hours East of
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun ls236'23" Moon Venus lsl814'40" Moon
Moon 7s823'14" Saturn Saturn 5sl50'26" Moon
Mars 6s8l'47" Rahu Rahu 10s047'11" Mars
Mere ls2039'35" Moon Ketu 4s047'11" Ketu
Jupiter Osl548'8" Venus Ascdt ls28 49' 44"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
At that time Jupiter was operative as the ruler of
the band. Jupiter clearly has the tendency in the chart to
cause disputes and litigation as it is in sambandha with
natal Mars. The latter is placed in the VI house of disputes
from the ascendant. The VI house from natal Mars is Pisces
that Jupiter owns. The Arudha ofPisces is in Taurus.
Jupiter is in a constellation ofVenus. Let us examine its
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 251
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
June 7, 2002 I
86.43 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
September 1, 2002 II Taurus
I82.63 days Full duration in a sign
March 3, 2003 III Gemini
September I, 2003 IV Cancer
March 2, 2004 v Leo
August 3 I, 2004 VI Virgo
March 2, 2005
September I, 2005 VIII Scorpio
March 2, 2006 IX Sagittarius
September 1 , 2006 X Capricorn-
Nobel prize
March 3, 2007 XI Aquarius
September I, 2007 XII Pisces
March 2, 2008 I Aries
96.2 days To be travelled in
the sign at the close
of the major-period
June 6, 2008 END
The progression of Jupiter caused trouble since
Jupiter started travelling over natal Mars and it got into
sambandha with natal Jupiter. It is the owner of the VI
house from Mars. Progressed Jupiter was placed in the VI
house from the ascendant.
Vedic Progression
The individual got the nobel prize in September 2006
when Jupiter came to Capricorn. The Sun and X houses
from the ascendant and the Sun are elements for such
honour. The Arudha of the X house from the Sun is also a
necessary house. Jupiter and Mars are in sambandha.
Mars is in a constellation ofRahu. The latter is in Aquarius
in the X house from the ascendant and the Sun. Jupiter
itself is in a constellation of Venus that is with the Sun in
the ascendant. The Arudha of the X house from the Sun is
in Pisces that Jupiter owns. Therefore the natal Jupiter
shows promise of an honour.
The progressed Jupiter caused the event to happen
when it came to Capricorn. It is in sambandha with Saturn
from here. Saturn is the owner ofthe X house from the
ascendant and the Sun. Its dispositor is in the ascendant
with the Sun. Saturn has gone to Taurus in the navamsha
chart where the Sun and Venus are placed in the natal
Chart VI-5
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 253
Mon Rah
Sun Mer
Ket Mar
Male, February 28, 1947, 0802 hours, 22N44',
75E50', 0530 hours East of Geenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10sl533'10" Rahu Venus 9sl
3'5" Sun
Moon lsll
57'21" Moon Saturn 3s953'38" Saturn
Mars 10s316'3" Mars Rahu lsl344'45" Moon
Mere lls0l'21" Jupiter Ketu
7sl344'45" Saturn
Jupiter 7s47'39" Saturn Ascdt lls85'37"
Owncr/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The individual lost his senior political executive
position in December 2003. The individual was running
his 5ih year at that time. The Sun is the ruler of this year
of life. The ruler ship of the Sun starts in the 57th year and
ends in 58th year. The rulership started on February 28,
2003 and ended on February 28,2005. The progression of
the Sun as the ruler ofthe band ofyears is as follows:
Vedic Progression
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
February 28, 2003 I Aquarius
29.32 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
March 29, 2003 II Pisces
60.88 days Full duration in a sign
May 29,2003 III Aries
July 29, 2003 IV Taurus
Sept. 27, 2003 v Gemini
Nov. 27, 2003 VI Cancer-
Loss of
January 27, 2004 VII Leo
March 28, 2004 VTII Virgo
May 28,2004 IX Libra
July 28, 2004 X Scorpio
Sept. 27, 2004 XI Sagittarius
Nov. 27,2004 XII Capricorn
January 27, 2005 I Aquarius
31.56 days To be travelled in
the sign at the close
of the major-period
February 27, 2005 END
The progressed Sun was in Cancer when the high
position was lost. Cancer has natal Saturn. It is in
sambandha with natal Venus. In the navamsha Venus
and Mars are in sambandha.
For the loss of position two sets of elements will have
to operate in the birth chart. The first would be relating
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 255
to the high position. This would mean the Sun, the X house
from the ascendant and the X house from the natal Sun.
We should also consider the Arudha of the X house from
the natal Sun. The progressed Sun in Cancer would be
related to the natal Sun as the dispositor ofthe natal Sun
w'ould be natal Saturn that is associated with the
progressed Sun. The X house from the ascendant is
Sagittarius. The owner of the constellation of natal Jupiter
is Saturn. It is associated with progressed Sun. The X
house from the natal Sun is in Scorpio. We have seen that
both Mars and Jupiter are related to the progressed Sun.
The Arudha of the X house from the natal Sun is in
Aquarius. We have seen that progressed Sun is related to
this house.
The elements for loss are as follows: Saturn, the XII
house from the ascendant and the XII house from Saturn.
We should also consider the Arudha ofthe XII house from
natal Saturn. The progressed Sun is in relationship with
the natal Sun that is in the XII house from the ascendant.
The XII house from Saturn is in Gemini. Natal Mercury is
in Cancer in the navamsha chart. The Arudha ofthe XII
house from natal Sa turn is in Virgo. Natal Sa turn is placed
in this sign in the navamsha chart.
This loss of position entailed humiliation. This has
the following elements: Saturn, the VIII house from the
ascendant and the VIII house from natal Saturn. We
should also consider the Arudha of the VIII house from
natal Saturn. We have seen that the progressed Sun is
related to natal Saturn. The VIII house from the ascendant
is in Libra. Since Venus and Saturn are in sambandha,
this condition is satisfied. The VIII house from Saturn is
in Aquarius. The progressed Sun is obviously related to
it. The Arudha of the VIII house from natal Saturn is in
Sagittarius. We know that progressed Sun is related to
this house.
Vedic Progression
We will now study Saurav Ganguly's chart.
Chart VI-6
Mon Sun
Sun Mon
Saurav Ganguly, July 8, 1972, 0830 hours, Calcutta,
22N32', 88E22', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 2s22'34'1" Jupiter Venus 1s24' 45'53" Mars
Moon 1s16'12'50" Moon Saturn 1s21 '14'4" Moon
Mars 3s 12'30'25" Saturn Rahu 9s2'33'6" Sun
Mere 3s18'45'41" Mercury Ketu 3s2'33'6" Jupiter
Jupiter 8s8'18'16" Ketu As edt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 257
He was in his 35th year when he got his place back
in Indian team and he performed well in South Africa.
This year in life alongwith the 34th year is ruled by
Mercury. The 34th year started on July 8, 2005. The
progression of Mercury is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
July 8, 2005 I Cancer
22.81 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
July 30, 2005 II Leo
60.88 days Full duration in a sign
Sep. 29,2005 III Virgo
Nov. 29, 2005
January 29, 2006 v Scorpio
March 3 I , 2006 VI Sagittarius
May 31, 2006 VII Capricorn
July 31, 2006 VIII Aquarius
Sept. 29, 2006 IX Pisces
Nov. 29,2006 X
Played for
January 29, 2007 XI Taurus
March 3 l , 2007 XII Gemini
May 31,2007 I Cancer
38.07 days To be travelled in the
sign at the close of the
July 8, 2007 END
258 Vedic Progression
When Mercury progressed to Aries it had reached
the IX house of good fortune. It had the Sun placed in the
sign in the navamsha chart. The Sun is the owner ofthe
LX house from natal Jupiter. Mercury and Jupiter are in
sambandha in the navamsha chart. Mars, the owner of
the LX house from ascendant is in association with natal
Mercury. Therefore progressed Mercury in Aries is related
to Jupiter. The Arudha of the LX house from natal Jupiter
is in Aries. This shows that while in Aries Mercury would
draw upon the individual the beneficence of a fortunate
Further, Mars is related to the X house from the
ascendant as its dispositor is in that house. Mars is related
to Saturn too thus. The X house from Saturn is in Aquarius.
The Arudha of the X house from natal Saturn is in Taurus.
Thus the good fortune would relate to the profession of
the individual.
This individual got married on February 13, 2005
during the operation of Venus. The birth chart is as follows:
Chart VI-7
Asc Ven
Mer Sun
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 259
Male, October 30, 1979, 0915 hours, 28N39',
77E13', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 6sl233'0" Rahu Venus 6s2946'53" Jupiter
Moon 10s3.36'44"
Mars Saturn 4s2931'51" Sun
Mars 3s26.17'33" Mercury Rahu
4s13.6'33" Ketu
Mere 7s617'32" Saturn Ketu 10sl36'33" Rahu
Jupiter 4sll
51'42" Ketu Ascdt 7sl638'45"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Venus started on October 30, 2003. It will continue
till October 30, 2006. We will examine its progression.
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
October 20, 2003
0.67 day To be travelled in the
sign at the start of
the major-period
October 20, 2003 II Scorpio
91.31 days Full duration in a sign
January I9, 2004 m Sagittarius
April 20, 2004 IV Capricorn
Contd .... on next page
Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
July 20, 2004 v Aquarius
October 19, 2004 VI Pisces
January 19, 2005 VII Aries-
April 20, 2005 VIII Taurus
July 20, 2005 IX Gemini
October 20, 2005 X Cancer
January 19, 2006 XI Leo
April 20, 2006 XII Virgo
July 21,2006 I Libra
90.64 days
To be travelled in the
sign at the close of
the major-period
October 19, 2006 END
The progressed Venus should be related to the
karaka Venus in its natal position, and it should be related
to the VII houses from the ascendant and natal Venus.
The marriage took place when progressed Venus reached
Aries. It got in sambandha with the natal Venus and the
Sun. Aries is the VII house from the karaka. The owner of
the VII house from the ascendant is in Taurus. Progressed
Venus is clearly related to it. The Arudha of the relevant
house from natal Venus is in Cancer where the dispositor
ofthe progressed Venus is placed.
Since the individual would be acquiring a spouse,
progressed Venus should be related to natal Jupiter and
the XI houses from Jupiter and the ascendant. Jupiter is
in Cancer in the navamsha chart where the dispositor of
progressed Venus is placed. Mars is in a constellation of
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 261
Mercury in the birth chart. Therefore progressed Venus
is related to both the XI house.
We will now look at a birth chart of an individual
who had several accidents in his life and who suffered
major injuries on account ofthese accidents. Incidentally
he has recently retired from the Indian Administrative
Mar Mer
Male, August 21, 1941, 1050 hours, 25N27', 77E40',
0530 hours East ofGreenwich.
Vedic Progression
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Ketu Venus 5s7!2'3" Sun
3sl5!4'24" Saturn Saturn ls58'1" Sun
lls284 7'16" Mercury Rahu 4s2950'35" Sun
Mere 4s657'4l" Ketu Ketu 10s2950'35 Jupiter
Mars Ascdt 6s955'18"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
If we look at the chart we notice that the X house
from Saturn is Aquarius. Its owner is placed in the X house
from the Sun, hinting that the individual could be in a
profession that would have high status and authority. In
the navamsha the Sun has gone to Taurus where Saturn,
the karaka for profession, is in the birth chart, and Jupiter
has gone to Leo where the Sun was located in the birth
chart. This is another indication of a profession having
high status and much authority.
The Sun indicates the physical body. The I houses
from the Sun and the ascendant are also representative
of the physical body. Mars is the karaka for injuries and
accidents. The owner ofthe ascendant and the VIII house
is the same planet. It is Venus. It is in sambandha with
Jupiter. Mars is placed in a sign of Jupiter and the latter
is in a constellation ofMars. The owner ofthe VIII house
from Mars is Venus. It is in sambandha with Jupiter. The
latter is in Leo where the Sun is placed. This relates the
VIII house from Mars to the I house from the Sun. Mars is
in a constellation of Mercury. The latter is with the Sun.
The Arudha of the VIII house from Mars is in Leo. The
Arudha ofthe I house from the Sun is in Taurus. The Sun
is in this sign and Jupiter is in Leo in the navamsha chart.
The above shows tendency in the chart for serious
The individual met with two serious accidents on
March 9,1970 and September 25, 1975. The first incident
How tc Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 263
happened when the individual was in his 29
h year. This
was the year ofMars. It is the karaka for accidents. It is
placed in the VI house from the ascendant. It is in Revati
constellation ofMercury. Mercury is in Leo, which is the
VI house from Mars. The Arudha ofthe VT house from
Mars is in Taurus. The dispositor ofMars is in this sign.
Mars is therefore inclined to cause injury to the individual.
The band of years of Mars had started on August 21,
1968:The progression ofMars is as follows:
Begin Enter Sign
August 21, 1968 I Pisces
7.38 days Balance to be
travelled in the
natal sign
August 28, 1968 II Aries
182.63 days Full period in a sign
February 27, 1969 III Taurus
August 28, 1969 IV Gemini
February 27, 1970 v Cancer-
August 28, 1970 VI Leo
February 27, 1971 VII Virgo
August 29, 1971 VIII Libra
February 27, 1972 IX Scorpio
August 28, 1972 X Sagittarius
February 27, 1973 XI Capricorn
August 28, 1973 XII Aquarius
February 27, 1974 I Pisces
175.25 days Balance to be
August 21, 1974 END
264 Vedic Progression
The progressed Mars is over the natal Moon. The
latter has gone to a sign of Mars in the navamsha chart.
Therefore progressed Mars is related to natal Mars and
the VI house from the ascendant. The natal Moon is in
Pushyami constellation of Saturn. Saturn and Jupiter are
together and Jupiter goes to Leo in the navamsha chart.
It thus relates progressed Mars to the VI house from natal
Mars. The Arudha as we know is in Taurus and hence
progressed Mars is related to the Arudha as well. It would
cause an accident when it is progressing through Cancer.
The second accident happened when the individual
was in his 35
h year. This is the year of Mercury. It is
placed in the VI house from natal Mars. Jupiter joins it in
Leo in the navamsha chart. Thus natal Mercury is related
to natal Mars, the Arudha of the house of accident and
the VI house from the ascendant. Mercury is a qualified
planet for causing accidents. We will study its progression.
Begins House Sign
August 21, 1974 I Leo
46.75 days Balance to be
travelled in the
natal sign
October 6, 1974 II Virgo
60.88 days Full period in a sign
December 6, 1974 III Libra
February 5, 1975 IV Scorpio
April 7, 1975 v Sagittarius
June 7, 1975 VI Capricorn
August7, 1975 VII Aquarius-
October 7, 1975 VIII Pisces
Contd .... on next page
How to Interpret the Progression of a Ruler of the Band of Years? 265
Contd ... .from last page
Begins House Sign
December 6, 1975 IX Aries
February 5, 1976 X Taurus
April 6, 1976 XI Gemini
June 6, 1976
XII Cancer
August 6, 1976 I Leo
14.13 days Balance to be
August 20, 1976 END
The accident occurred in Aquarius. Natal Ketu is
placed here in sambandha with natal Saturn. Saturn itself
is present in this sign in the navamsha chart. Therefore
progressed Mercury is r e l t e ~ to the VT house from the
ascendant and natal Mars through Saturn. Ketu is with
Mercury in the navamsha chart relating progressed
Mercury to the VI house from natal Mars. The Arudha of
the house of accident is related to progressed Mercury
through Saturn. Therefore an accident is clearly indicated
while Mercury is progressing through Aquarius.
Chapter Seven
How to Interpret
the Progression of the
Major-Period Planet in an
Annual Chart?
An annual chart is the chart of the moment when
the Sun in its annual circuit around the zodiac comes to
exactly the same longitude that it had occupied at the time
of birth. The place ofthe chart would be the place of birth.
Let us presume that the Sun is at 10 10' in Capricorn
in the birth chart of an individual. We will draw up the
chart of the moment when the Sun again reaches this
longitude in any year. We will take for the place of the
moment the place of birth. This would be the annual chart
for the individual for that year.
We will take up the longitude of the Moon in this
annual chart and on the principles of calculation of
Vimshottari we make a Vimshottari time frame for the
year. Since this time frame is for the year, we shall allocate
number of days to each planet in proportion to the years it
has in the total of 120 years. Thus the Sun would be given
6*365.2564/120 = 18.26 days; the Moon would be given
10*365.2564/120 = 30.43 days, etc. We will consider the
constellation that the Moon occupies in the annual chart.
The first major-period would be of the planet in the
constellation of which the Moon is placed. The duration of
Interpretation of Prog. of the Major-Period Planet in an Annual Chart? 267
the first major period would be proportionate to the
longitude of the Moon. Then, in Vimshottari order other
major-periods would follow. These are the Mudda major-
periods. We can thus determine the major-period in the
annual chart in which the event could happen and consider
its progression in exactly the same manner as that ofthe
Vimshottari major-period planet. We will consider some
live illustrations.
The individual ofthe following chart got married in
his 26
h year. Through the use of the progression of the
ruler of the band of years (Chart VI-7) we have already
determined that the individual would get married between
January 19, 2005 and April 20, 2005. We will now
determine the Mudda major-period in the annual chart in
which the individual will get married during this span of
four months and through the progression of the Mudda
major-period determine the likely date. The annual chart
is as follows:
Chart VII-1
Annual chart for 26
h year
Ket Mar
Sun Ven
Mer Jup
268 Vedic Progression
Ven Mer
Birth Data: Male, October 30, 1979, 0915 hours,
28N39', 77E13', 0530 hours East of Greenwich. The Sun
at 6s1233'.
Annual Chart Data: Year begins on October 29, 2004,
1904:03 hours, 28N39', 77E13', 0530 hours East of
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 6sl233'0" Rahu Venus 5s643'42" Sun
Moon Os295'38" Sun Saturn 3s319'58" Jupiter
Mars 5s2742'35" Mars Rahu Os813'28" Ketu
Mere 6s2713'46" Jupiter Ketu 6s813'28" Rahu
Jupiter 5sl320'43' Moon Ascdt ls90l'09"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
The Mudda major-period of Rahu was running on
January 19, 2005. It started on January 4, 2005. The
dispositor of Rahu was with Venus. Therefore Rahu is
related to the karaka. The VII house from the ascendant
is in Scorpio. Mars is in sambandha with Rahu. The VII
house from Venus is in Pisces. The dispositor ofRahu is
with Jupiter. The Arudha of the VII house from the karaka
is in Sagittarius. We have seen that Rahu is related to
Interpretation of Prog. of the Major-Period Planet in an Annual Chart? 269
The XI house from the ascendant is in Pisces. Rahu
we have seen is related to Jupiter and therefore Pisces.
The XI house from Jupiter is in Cancer. Rahu is with the
Moon. The Arudha of the XI house from Jupiter is in Libra.
Mercury in Libra is with Rahu in the navamsha chart.
Therefore Rahu is inclined to bring about the marriage of
the individual. Let us examine the regression ofRahu. It
is as follows:
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
4-Jan-2005 I Aries
125 days To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
05-Jan-05 II Pisces
4.56 days Full duration in a sign
09-Jan-05 III Aquarius
v Sagittarius
23-Jan-05 VI Scorpio
28-Jan-05 VII Libra
01-Feb-05 VIII Virgo
06-Feb-05 IX Leo
IO-Feb-05 X Cancer-
15-Feb-05 XI Gemini
19-Feb-05 XII Taurus
24-Feb-05 I Aries
Contd .... on next page
Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin from Sign in
natal position house
3.31 days To be travelled in the
sign at the close of
the major-period
27-Feb-05 END
For marriage in a male chart the regressed planet
should be related to Venus and the VII houses from the
ascendant and Venus. It should also be related to the
Arudha ofthe VII house from Venus.
In this annual chart annual Saturn is in sambandha
with the annual Moon. Annual Mars is in sambandha with
the annual Moon. The event has happened in the less than
two days during which regressed Rahu had remained in
Cancer. Since Mars is in sambandha with the annual
Moon, regressed Rahu is related to annual Venus, Mars
and Jupiter. Hence regressed Rahu is related to the karaka
and the VII houses from the ascendant and karaka. The
Arudha of the VII house from annual Venus is in
Sagittarius. We have seen that regressed Rahu has
relationship with annual Jupiter.
The regressed planet should also be related to the
karaka Jupiter for gain and the XI houses from the
ascendant and Jupiter. We have already seen the
relationship with Jupiter. Cancer is the XI house from
annual Jupiter. The XI house from the ascendant is in
Pisces. Thus the relationships are clear. The Arudha of
the XI house from Jupiter is in Libra. Annual Mercury is
placed here. In the navamsha chart this Mercury is with
Rahu. Hence the relationship is clear.
Interpretation of Prog. of the Major-Period Planet in an Annual Chart? 271
The individual would get married according to the
above between February 10 and February 15, 2005.
We had determined that she would have a child
between November 19, 1990 and March 8, 1991 (Chart
VI-1). We will consider the annual chart for the relevant
year. The chart is as follows:
Chart VII-2
Jup Mon
The year started at 8h03m48s on March 8, 1990 at
l7N23', 78E29', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Vedic Progression
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10s2332'17" Jupiter Venus 9s925'39" Sun
Moon 3sl42'56" Saturn Saturn 8s29l'll" Sun
Mars 9s338'58" Sun Rahu 9s2233'50" Moon
Mere 10sl352'39" Rahu Ketu 3s2233'50" Mercury
Jupiter 2s717'47" Rahu As edt lls21 55'43"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Birth happened in the major-period of Saturn.
Saturn is in sambandha with Jupiter. Hence Saturn is
related to the karaka. Saturn is in sambandha with
Mercury and the Sun. It is also in sambandha with Jupiter.
Jupiter is in sambandha with Mercury. Mercury and Mars
are together in the navamsha chart. Rahu and Mars are
together in the birth chart and Rahu is placed in Cancer
in the navamsha chart. Hence Saturn is related to Cancer.
Similarly, Saturn is related to Venus, as they are both in
the same constellation. The Arudha of the V house from
Jupiter is in Capricorn.
Saturn is clearly related to the Xl house from the
ascendant. It is also related to the Xl house from Jupiter
since Saturn and Mars are in sambandha in the navamsha
chart. Hence Saturn would cause birth of a child. We
should study the progression of Saturn. It is as follows:
Entry Begin Sign
13-Jan-1991 I Sagittarius
0.16 day To be travelled in
the sign at the start
of the major-period
Contd .... on next page
Interpretation of Prog. of the Major-Period Planet in an Annual Chart? 273
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin Sign
13-Jan-91 Il Capricorn
4.81 days Full duration in sign
17-Jan-91 Ill Aquarius
22-Jan-91 IV Pisces
27-Jan-91 v Aries
31-Jan-91 VI Taurus
05-Feb-91 VII Gemini
10-Feb-91 VIII Cancer
14-Feb-91 IX Leo
19-Feb-91 X Virgo
24-Feb-91 Xl Libra-
01-Mar-91 XII Scorpio
06-Mar-91 I and END Sagittarius
Progressed Saturn in Libra would be in sambandha
with the natal Saturn and would therefore have all the
qualifications for birth of a child as the natal Saturn. Birth
would take place between February 24 and March 1, 1991.
We will now study Chart IV-3 and study her
marriage through the annual chart progression. She got
married on February 22, 2004. She was in her 28th year
when she got married. Her birth details are: Female,
October 23, 1976, 1930 hours, 24 N43', 75E50', 0530 hours
East of Greenwich.
The annual chart for the 28th year is as follows:
Chart VII-3
Vedic Progression
The year started on October 24, 2003 at 17 hours 36
minutes 25 seconds, 24N43', 75E50', 0530 hours East of
The place taken for the annual chart remains the
place of birth.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Rahu Venus
5s22.22'38" Moon Saturn 2sl9 19'54" Rahu
Mars 10sl047'48" Rahu Rahu Os26.36'12" Venus
Mere 6s68'51" Mars Ketu 6s2636'12" Jupiter
Jupiter 4s17.54'3" Venus As edt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Interpretation of Prog. of the Major-Period Planet in an Annual Chart? 275
The event happened in the major-period of Saturn. It is in
sambandha with the karaka Jupiter in the navamsha
chart. It is related to the VII house from the ascendant
and the Arudha of the VII house from the karaka through
its dispositor. It is the owner of the VII house from the
karaka. It is the owner ofthe XI house from the ascend-
ant. It occupies the XI house from Jupiter. It is therefore
inclined to fulfil the wish of the individual and give her
success and gain. She gains a husband in the major-pe-
riod of Saturn. Saturn will therefore ensure marriage of
the individual in its major-period. We will examine its
progression. We notice that marriage took place while
Saturn was progressing in Gemini. We have already ex-
amined this position and found that Saturn is fully quali-
fied to cause the marriage ofthe individual.
Chapter Eight
Progression of the Karakas
We will now study the progression of various karakas
in a chart and their impact on the life of an individual.
This method involves some mathematics and needs
calculations. Further, this cannot be taken as an
independent method since each karaka has a repetitive
motion. lt repeats its presence in each sign after a certain
number ofyears. lt would thus be indicating a repetition
of the same event, which is not possible. It is more of
academic interest and can be u.sed as a confirmatory tool.
Duration of Progression of Karakas
Days Per Per Months
taken to sign sign per
make a full (days) (approx) sign
circuit of (days) (approx)
the zodiac
Sun 365.26 30.43833 30 1
Moon 27.32 2.276667 2.28 1
Mars 687.05 57.25417 57 2
Mercury 88.03 7.335833 7 0
Jupiter 4335.6 361.3 361 12
Venus 224.63 18.71917 19 0
Saturn 10756.8 896.4
896 30
Rahu/Ketu 6793.5 566.125 566 19
Progression of the Karakas
Difference Between Progression of
Karakas And Their Transit
It would be noticed that the progression ofkarakas
appears to be the same as their transit. They take almost
the same time to cross a sign. There are two points of
A retrograde planet always regresses. It does not ever
progress in the chart. This is not so for transit of a
retrograde planet.
The motion ofthe karakas is uniform and it always
takes the stipulated period for a circuit of the zodiac.
Principles of Progression
The basic principles of progression of karakas are
that each planet:
(i) Would start progressing/regressing immediately
after birth.
(ii) It would move in the direction it was inclined to at
the time of birth. A direct planet would always move
in forward direction, i.e., it would progress
throughout life; a retrograde natal planet would
always regress. Rahu/Ketu would only regress. The
Sun and Moon would always progress.
(iii) Each planet would progress/regress at the same pace
as given above throughout life.
278 Vedic Progression
(iv) Each planet would start progressing/regressing from
its natal position and return to that position again
after the stipulated number of days. In sum, in case
in a chart Rahu is placed in Leo, it would start
regressing from Leo immediately after birth and
return to Leo at its natal position after 6793.5 days.
It would then start afresh. These rounds would
continue throughout life.
(v) The progression/regression of a planet does not
depend on geographical location of the individual
after his birth. In case an individual born at Cochin
goes and settles down at Tokyo later in life, we will
not redraw his chart. We will continue to use the
birth chart drawn up for Cochin at the date and time
of birth.
How to Calculate the Progression
Each planet would take a proportionate length of
time to move out of its natal sign. Suppose Rahu is at 10
in Libra. When it starts regressing, it would travel over
these 10 to get to Virgo. Since it takes approximately 566
days to travel over a sign of 30, it would take 10*566
days/30 = 566 days/3 = 188.66 days to reach Virgo. It would
then take 566 days in Virgo, and the same number of days
in the other signs till it reaches Libra. To reach its natal
position after the full circuit, Rahu will have to travel over
the balance of 20 in Libra. This would be equal to 566
days*20/30 = 566*2 days/3 = 377.33 = 377, say, days.
We will calculate the progression ofkaraka Saturn
in the following chart.
Progression of the Karakas
Chart VIII-I
Female, March 8, 1970, 0457 hours, l7N23',
78E29', 0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 10s23'32'17" Jupiter Venus lls3'45'23" Saturn
Moon 10s26'50'56" Jupiter Saturn Os12'1'51" Ketu
Mars Os7'12'49" Ketu Rahu 10s18'23'52 Rahu
Mere 10s10'9'6" Rahu Ketu 4sl8'23'52" Venus
Jupiter 6s12'7'28" Rahu Ascdt 9s24'39'52"
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
280 Vedic Progression
Saturn is at 121'51" in Aries. This is equal to
12.031. In terms of days it is equal to 359.48. Saturn has
to travel 17.969 in Aries to reach Taurus. In terms of
days it is equal to 536.9 days. The date of birth is March 8,
1970. We will first determine the dates in an approximate
manner. Saturn takes 30 years to make one circuit. Hence
it will complete the circuit on March 8, 2000. We should
then calculate its positions in various signs according to
the duration of its stay in each sign. If we refer to the
table above we will see that Saturn makes a full circuit in
10756.8 days. The number of days in 30 years is
30*365.2564 = 10957.7. There would be an error of200.9
days in each circuit of Saturn. It is therefore prudent here
to restrict our calculations to the exact figures.
We will add 10756.8 days to the date ofbirth. We
get the date on which the next round of Saturn would start
as August 19, 1999. The progression shall be as follows:
House from natal position
19-Aug-99 I
359.48 days Already travelled at birth
536.9 days To be travelled in the sign
13-Aug-00 II
896.4 days Full duration in a sign
26-Jan-03 III
24-Dec-07 v
7-Jun-IO VI
20-Nov-12 VII
5-May-15 VIII
18-0ct-17 IX
Contd .... on next page
Progression of the Karakas
Contd .... from last page
House from natal position
1-Apr-20 X
14-Sep-22 XI
27-Feb-25 XII
12-Aug-27 I
30-Jan-29 ENDS
We will notice that ifwe add 30 years to each date
after birth, we get approximate dates for the next round
of progression. If we add 60 years we will get the third
round of progression, etc. We will get exact dates if we
add the exact number of days in a round as given in the
table above.
We can calculate the progression of any ofthe other
karakas that we have listed above. Let us work out the
regression ofRahu in the above chart so that the method
of calculation could be further stressed upon.
3-Dec-93 I
347.18 days To be travelled in the sign
15-Nov-94 II
566.13 days Full duration in a sign
3-Jun-96 III
21-Dec-97 IV
IO-Jul-99 v
26-Jan-01 VI
16-Aug-02 VII
4-Mar-04 VIII
Contd .... on next page
282 Vedic Progression
Contd .... from last page
21-Sep-05 IX
10-Apr-07 X
27-0ct-08 XI
16-May-10 XII
3-Dec-11 I
9-Jul-12 ENDS
How to Judge the Progression
We will now give principles for analysis of
progression. The analysis is virtually on the same lines as
has been given for the analysis of progression of the
Vimshottari major-period planet.
(a) Event specific karaka should be considered. We
should take up the progression ofthe karaka that is
related to the event. Suppose we are considering
birth of a child. We consider the progression of
karaka Jupiter.
(b) The progressed karaka should be related to the
relevant natal karaka, and the concerned houses
from the ascendant and natal karaka and the Arudha
of the house from the natal karaka. Thus, in case
the question relates to birth of a child, the
progressing karaka Jupiter should be related to the
natal karaka Jupiter, and the V houses from natal
Jupiter and ascendant. It should also be related to
the Arudha of the V house from natal Jupiter.
Further, the progressing karaka Jupiter should also
be related to the XI houses from the ascendant and
natal Jupiter, and the Arudha ofthe XI house from
natal Jupiter.
Progression of the Karakas 283
(c) The progressions ofthe Sun and Moon are used for
two purposes. Firstly, these planets would also show
the events that they govern, i.e., for which they are
the karakas. If an event is going to happen relating
to the father ofthe individual, we would be able to
locate it through the progression ofthe karaka Sun.
Secondly the Sun indicates the month in which an
event relating to another karaka would happen.
Suppose we are looking for the marriage of a female
individual. We should use the progression of Jupiter
in her chart to fix the time of the event. Jupiter would
determine a span of time of about a year for the event.
We can then use the progression of the Sun to fix
the month for it. Whenever the Sun in its progression
reaches a place where it is related to the natal
Jupiter, the VII houses from the ascendant and natal
Jupiter and the Arudha ofthe VII house from natal
Jupiter, it would materialise an event relating to the
marriage of the individual. When the Sun is also
related to the XI houses from the ascendant and natal
Jupiter and the Arudha ofthe XI house from natal
Jupiter, it would cause either marriage of the
individual, or if she is already married, reunion with
her husband. We can use the progression of the Moon
in the same way and for the purpose of determination
of the day on which the event would happen. The
principles for analysis for the progression of the Sun
and Moon are the same.
We will illustrate these principles through live
charts. The purpose of our analysis of charts is two fold:
firstly, to show the validity of the principles stated above,
and second, to show the use ofthe karaka progression in
confirmation of conclusions drawn through other methods.
The progression of karakas has certain limitations
since each karaka would only indicate events for which it
284 Vedic Progression
is the karaka. When we consider the progression ofJ upiter,
it would generally only show events that relate either to
children, happiness, wealth, marriage (in a female chart),
religion, good fortune, elder siblings or gain. The
progression ofRahu would basically show a possibility of
going abroad, being defrauded, being confined, etc. The
progression of Ketu is useful as it would tell us the period
during which the spiritual urge of the individual would be
sharpened and he may have unique extra-sensory
We will study the progression of the karakas in detail
for clarifying the concepts and their practical use. We will.
take Chart VIII-1 above and analyse it through the
principles enunciated above.
A son was born to her on February 24, 1991. The
major-period was of Saturn. The likely period of birth of
the child was when Saturn was in Sagittarius. This was
between December 29, 1989 and July 30, 1991. Jupiter is
the karaka concerned. It is retrograde. It would therefore
always regress. Its regression during this period is as
Begin Sign !
19-Jan-82 I Libra
146.02 days To be travelled in
the sign
I4-Jun-82 II Virgo
361.30 days Full period in a sign
10-Jun-83 m Leo
2-Jun-85 v Gemini
29-May-86 VI Taurus
Contd .... on next page
Progression of the Karakas 285
Contd .... from last page
Entry Begin Sign
26-May-87 VII
21-May-88 VIII Pisces
17-May-89 IX Aquarius
14-May-90 X Capricorn-
Birth of
a son
10-May-91 Xl Sagittarius
5-May-92 XII Scorpio
1-May-93 I Libra
3-Dec-93 ENDS
A question may be asked as to how we have fixed
the date January 19, 1982 as the start ofthe progression.
We know that each karaka starts progressing as soon as
the individual is born. Therefore Jupiter had started
progressing from March 8, 1970. This is the date on which
the individual was born. From the table given above we
know that Jupiter takes 4335.6 days to make a full circuit
ofthe zodiac. Therefore after 4335.6 days Jupiter would
revert to its natal position in Libra. If we add 4335.6 days
to March 8, 1970 we will get the date on which Jupiter
would start its progression again from its natal position.
This would happen on January 19, 1982. If we add 4335.6
days again to this date we get December 3, 1993. Since
the event is likely to happen between these two dates, we
will not proceed further. We may find this calculation
somewhat tedious. If we take that Jupiter roughly takes
12 years to reach its natal position. Since the regression
started on March 8, 1970, it would be at the place ofbirth
on March 8, 1982, March 1994, etc. Since a year has
365.2564 days, therefore 12 years would have 4383.08
days. This is more by about 48 days. Hence the dates are
286 Vedic Progression
Adding such big numbers to a date may appear
daunting to an average reader. He would be right. Such
additions are easily possible through a spreadsheet.
Otherwise we can take the approximate number of months
that Jupiter takes to complete a circle. This is 144 months
or 12 years. This would however always be fraught with
the danger of a mistake.
From the table of progression of karaka Jupiter
prepared above we can see that progressed Jupiter was in
Capricorn at the time of birth. Jupiter is related to the
natal Jupiter here as natal Jupiter is in Capricorn in the
navamsha chart. The V house from the ascendant is also
therefore related to progressed Jupiter since the natal
Jupiter and natal Venus are in sambandha. Natal Saturn
is in sambandha with progressed Jupiter here. Therefore
progressed Jupiter in Capricorn is related to the V house
from the karaka Jupiter. Natal Mercury is in Capricorn
in the navamsha chart. Therefore progressed Jupiter is
related to the Arudha ofthe V house from natal Jupiter.
Natal Saturn is with natal Mars. Therefore progressed
Jupiter is related to the XI house from the ascendant and
to the owner of the XI house from natal Jupiter. This is
the Sun. It is with Mercury in Aquarius and Mercury is
related to Jupiter. The progression of Jupiter through
Capricorn promises birth of a child. The progression of
karaka Jupiter has thus helped us determine the span of
time in which birth would take place. This span according
to the above table is between May 14, 1990 and May 10,
Let us examine the progression ofthe Sun to see as
to what it indicates at that time. The progression ofthe
Sun is as follows:
Progression of the Karakas 287
Entry Begin Sign
8-Mar-90 I Aquarius
23.54 days Already travelled
31-Mar-90 II Pisces
30.44 days Full period in a sign
01-May-90 III Aries
v Gemini
31-Jul-90 VI Cancer
30-Aug-90 VII Leo
30-0ct-90 IX Libra
30-Nov-90 X Scorpio
30-Dec-90 XI Sagittarius
30-Jan-91 XII Capricorn-
01-Mar-91 I Aquarius
08-Mar-91 ENDS
The Sun in Capricorn would be closely related to
natal Jupiter as the latter is in this sign in the navamsha
chart. On analysis similar to the one that we carried out
for Jupiter we can understand that the Sun would cause
birth of a child in this house. We can make a similar
analysis for the progression of the Moon and see that the
Moon too confirms the birth. The analysis of the Moon
however involves much calculation.
Vedic Progression
Chart VIII-2
Mer Mar Rah
Mon Sat
Male, January 19, 1958, 0752 hours, 25oN20', 83EO',
0530 hours East of Greenwich.
Planet Longitude Owner/C Planet Longitude Owner/C
Sun 9s514'10" Sun Venus
9s20.32'54" Moon
8s25.37'47" Venus Saturn
7s28.7'29" Mercury
7s25.35'51" Mercury Rahu 6sl336'52" Rahu
Mere Ssll
33'58" Ketu Ketu Osl336'52" Venus
Rahu Ascdt
Owner/C means owner of the constellation in which the planet is placed.
Progression of the Karakas 289
The father of the individual passed away on February
I, 2006. We will study the movement of Saturn to see
whether its progression indicates loss of father. The
progression is as follows:
Entry Begin Sign
23-Mar-03 I Scorpio
840.37 days Already passed
-Death of
896.4 days Full duration in a sign
24-Dec-07 III
20-Nov-12 v Pisces
VI Aries
18-0ct-17 VII Taurus
1-Apr-20 VIII Gemini
15-Sep-22 IX Cancer
27-Feb-25 X Leo
12-Aug-27 XI Virgo
25-Jan-30 XII Libra
I Scorpio
3-Sep-32 ENDS
Saturn would be in the XII house from the ascendant
when it progresses through Sagittarius. Since the natal
Moon is in Scorpio in the navamsha chart, it would relate
progressed Saturn to natal Saturn. The XII house from
natal Saturn is in Libra. Natal Jupiter is placed in this
sign. Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius in the navamsha
chart. Therefore progressed Saturn is related to Libra. The
Arudha of the XII house from natal Saturn is in Capricorn.
290 Vedic Progression
Hence progressed Saturn is related to this house too.
Saturn in Sagittarius therefore shows an inclination to
cause loss and separation.
Natal Venus is with natal Sun in the birth chart.
Venus is with Mercury in the navamsha chart. Mercury
occupies Sagittarius where progressed Saturn is placed.
Therefore progressed Saturn would be related to natal Sun.
The IX house from the ascendant and natal Sun is in Virgo.
Mercury is the owner of the sign. We have seen that
progressed Saturn is related to it in Sagittarius. The death
therefore took place when Saturn had moved to
Saturn during its motion shows loss offather.
Analysis of navamsha, 91, 103
Arun Samhita, 3
Bhrigu Samhita, i, v, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 18,94
Birth Chart
Clifford Robert Olson, 167, 168
David Beckham, 200
Donny Osmond, 108, 110, 111
Henry Charrier, 170, 173
lAS officer, 244
JK Rowling, 142, 143
JL Nehru, 164
Orhan Pamuk, 141, 142, 144, 250
Roy Horn, 129, 243
Saurav Ganguly, 162, 256
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, 25, 32, 33, 41, 60
Christian Astrology, 8
Claudius Ptolemaeus, 11
Primary, 10, 11
Secondary, 8
292 Vedic Progression
F. Jacob, 7
Great Fire ofLondon, 8
Helena Blavatsky, 10
Hora Sara, 26
J. M. Ashmand, 11
Ketu, 32, 48, 51
Lal Kitab, 46, 47
Marco Severino, 108
Marcus Manilius, 7
Nadi Grantha, i, v, 2, 6, 7, 9, 18,94
Pandit Roop Chand Joshi, 47
Parashar, 32, 33
Placidus de Titus, 11
Prishthhodaya, 33
Prishthhodaya signs, 33
Randy Foye, 108
Relationship, 49
Sensitive point, 46, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59
Sepharial, 9
Shankar Balkrishna Dikshit, 46
Shirshodaya, 33
Shivnath Jharkhandi, 46
Tetrabiblos, 11
Ubhayodaya sign, 33
Vaitheeswaran Temple, 2, 3
Vargottama, 54
Vatteluttu, 2
William Lilly, 7, 8, 12

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