R7410104 Environmental Engineering - II

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Code: R7410104

(Civil Engineering)

B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations December/January 2013/14

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) Describe the effects of air pollution on humans. (b) Write short notes on: (i) Acid rains. (ii) Ozone layer depletion. Describe the control of particulates using Bag houses and Scrubbers. Explain the different methods of defluoridation of water in detail. (a) Differentiate neutralization and equalization of industrial wastes. (b) Explain the process of removal of phosphates from industrial wastes.

Max. Marks: 80

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(a) Explain the basic principles of solid waste management. (b) Describe in detail various techniques adopted for the segregation of different components of municipal solid wastes. Explain and differentiate the Indore and Bangalore methods of composting. (a) How a waste material is classified as hazardous waste? Explain. (b) Explain any two specific methods used for the disposal of hazardous wastes. (a) Describe the effects of noise pollution and explain how they can be controlled. (b) Explain the salient features of air pollution (prevention) act.

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