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Name of Drug Brand name: magnesium sulfate Dosage/Route/ Frequency 2.

5g through IV 5g through IM at each buttocks q6o Classification Anticonvulsant Mechanism of Actions Cofactor of many enzyme systems involved in neurochemical transmission and muscu lar excitability; prevents or controls seizures by blocking neuromuscular transm ission; attracts and retains water in the intestinal lumen and distends bowel to promote mass movement and relieve constipation y Indications IV or IM: preeclampsia or eclampsia To correct or prevent hypomagnese mia in pat ients or parenteral nutrition y Contraindications Contraindicated with allergy to magnesium products; heart block, myocardial dama ge; fecal impaction, intestinal and biliary tract obstruction, Do not give durin g 2 hours preceding delivery because of risk of magnesium toxicity to the neonat e y Adverse Effects / Side Effects SLE: syndrome joint-swelling, fever) reaction, anemia, agranulocytosis, hepatiti s, glomerulonephriti s, acute renal failure. Nursing Responsibility Assess possibility for interactions w/ other drugs or herbal products the patien t may be taking especially anything that may impact blood pressure before start treatment. y Monitor patients closely during and following infusions. Observe or thostatic precautions. y y

Name of Drug Generic name: hydralazine Brand name: Apresoline Dosage: 5mg Frequency: prn Rout e of administration: Iv-infusion Classification Antihypertensive Mechanism of Actions Direct acting peripheral vasodilator w/c relaxes smooth muscles, reduces blood p ressure w/ reflex increase in heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output. Indications Essential hypertension, severe essential hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia a nd heart failure. Contraindications Hypersensitivity idiopathic system lupus erythematosus and related disease. Seve re tachycardia and heart failure w/ a high cardiac output. y y y y Adverse Effects / Side Effects CNS: weakness, dizziness, fainting CV: palpitations GI: excessive bowel activity Metabolic: Magnesium intoxication; hypocalcemia with tetany y Nursing Responsibility SLE: syndrome joint-swelling, fever) reaction, anemia, agranulocytosis, hepatiti s, glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure.

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