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Serum ajoy P component, the serum form of Amyloid P component Seminal acid phosphatase, an enzyme produced by the prostate Superabsorbent polymer, a polymer able to absorb tens or hundreds of times its own weight in water Shrimp Alkaline phosphatase, a common alkaline phosphatase from a species of arctic shrimp Strong anthropic principle, the idea proposing that the universe must produce life Self-avoiding polygon, a mathematical object of geometry


Senior Authorised Person, A professional Electrical Engineering role that exists in law in the United Kingdom to protect staff and public Atari SAP music format, format used for storing music on 8-bit Atari computers and consoles SAP AG, a German software company o SAP ERP, the main product of SAP AG, previously known as SAP R/3 SAP2000, a Structural Analysis Program Second audio program, an auxiliary audio channel for broadcast and cable television, part of NTSC standard Service Access Point, an identifying label for network endpoints in OSI networking Service Advertising Protocol, an IPX network protocol for services Session Announcement Protocol, a computer protocol for broadcasting multicast session information SIM Access Profile, a connectivity profile defined by the Bluetooth specification Standard Assessment Procedure, a method system for measuring the energy rating of residential dwellings used in the United Kingdom Space allocation problem, in architecture or space planning is determining the position and size of several elements within the space Subnetwork Access Protocol

Law and government

Structural Adjustment Program, of the International Monetary Fund Special access program, Pentagon terminology for secret government programs Stabilisation and Association Process, of the European Union for the western Balkans states Seabirds Advisory Panel, a committee set up to advise the British Birds Rarities Committee on seabird records SAP scale, a UK legal term Sentencing Advisory Panel, a UK legal body South African Police, the national law enforcement organisation of South Africa between 19

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