Devon Murphy

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Devon Murphy

613-483-9001 • • 115 Lamond St. • Fergus, ON, Canada • N1M 1Z9

Ed uca tional Ex peri ence

Queen’s University, BA (Honours) English and Drama, Kingston, ON, Canada 2005 to Spring 2009
Centre Wellington District High School, High School Diploma 2001 to 2005
Distinctions: Ontario Scholar, Philosophy Award, Tindale Scholarship, President of Student Council

Paid Em ploy ment

Summer 2009 Theatre Kingston Summer Drama Camp Kingston, ON
Ca mp Ins tr ucto r
In charge of 30 children for 8 hours a day; develop and build upon skills of drama; responsible for daily lesson
2008- May 2009 The AMS Pub Services (TAPS) Queens University, Kingston, ON
Hum an Reso urce s M an ager
On 8 person management team with oversight of 120 person staff team for Alfie’s Nightclub and Queen’s Pub
Contributed to the management of 1.5M TAPS budget; direct oversight of pay roll and training budget
Responsible for administering bi-yearly staff evaluations of peer employees and administration of discipline
2007- 2008 The AMS Pub Services (TAPS) Queens University, Kingston, ON
Bar tende r
Knowledgeable of drink and food menu, Smart Serve Certified , awarded Bartender of the Month
Balanced full course load and busy work schedule, developed effective communication skills with large group of
peer staff members and peer managers, member of volunteer staff marketing team
Summer 2007 Outland Reforestation, Inc Northern ON
Tre e Pl ante r
Long hours under physically and emotionally arduous circumstances, demonstrated responsibility and
Paid per tree planted, demonstrated personal accountability and positive work ethic
Summer 2006 Fairview Lounge Belwood, ON
Wait re ss, Pr ep ar ation and Dis hwa she r
2005-2006 The Greenroom, AMS Kingston, ON
Se rvice St aff, Cas hier
2000-2004 Guelph Synchronized Swim Club Guelph, ON
Sync hroniz ed S wim Coach
Ext ra -Cu rricul ar Activi ties

Chair, Project Outreach for Secondary School Education (POSSE) 2005-2009

Publicity Executive, Sexual Health Resource Centre (SHRC) 2007-2008
Gael (Frosh Week Leader), Queen’s Arts and Science Department 2007

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