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Midi room: A sound proof room is where we produce our music and other things.


Monitor; is the screen that shows your work

Speakers: The speakers are always in pair one is place in the left side of the monitor and the other on the right. The reason of this is to give a clear balance of the sound in the midi room. USB CABLE: is used to connect the Mac mini and the midi keyboard together. Mac mini; is a logic software we use to produce music with.

External hard drive: is a memory card what we use to save our work on. Midi keyboard: is the musical equipment we use to produce our music. midi stands for musical instrument digital interface.

Microphone: There is two types of microphone condense microphone and dynamic microphone. Condense is used for vocal recording and dynamic is used for instruments. X L LEA!: is plugged in the midi keyboard ( ! volts" or the

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