Assessment Rubric

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Stories of our History Assessment Rubric

Assessment criteria Towards the level Possible points 1-2 Shows little or no understanding of creating a plan as a means of organising thoughts for presentation creation. Shows limited ability to create a presentation based around a story of their own Elder. At the level Possible points 3-4 Understands the importance of creating a plan as a means of organising thoughts for presentation creation. Understands the presentation creation process as they recreate a story of their own Elder.

Beyond the level Possible points 5-6 Highly developed understanding of creating a plan as a means of organising thoughts for presentation creation. Demonstrates a deep understanding the presentation creation process, developing a highly engaging re-creation of their Elders story. Student is able to present their oral presentation extremely confidently, interacting with the audience (visiting family and friends). Student managed time extremely well, working autonomously and staying on task, leaving him/her highly prepared for their presentation. Demonstrates highly developed skills when using multiple methods of digital technology. Thoroughly understands how technologies relate to research and the display of information. Student confidently and coherently presents their ideas and opinions which are of high standard during class discussions. Points Awarded

Ability to create a plan regarding Elders story to organise thoughts and assist in presentation creation. Creation of Elders story presentation.

Ability to orally present their story to the class and visiting family and friends.

Time Management and Preparedness.

Ability to utilise digital resources.

Participates in class discussions.

Student shows little confidence when presenting orally in the presence of an audience (classmates and visiting family and friends). Student struggled to stay on task and manage time appropriately, often requiring supervision, leaving him/her unprepared for their presentation. Shows limited understanding of digital resources such as laptop computers, the web and presentation assisting websites, and the role they play in research and display methods. Student lacks confidence in putting forward ideas and opinions and is unable to provide quality contributions.

Student is able to present orally in the presence of an audience (classmates and visiting family and friends). Student was able to stay on task and manage time without constant supervision and leaving him/her prepared for their presentation. Understands ways in which digital technology can be utilised to research and display information.

Student adequately presents their ideas and opinions in class discussions.

Ability to engage in the personal appraisal process.

Student shows little ability in appraising their own performance, showing limited ability in identifying strengths and weaknesses.

Student is able to adequately appraise their own performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses.

Student demonstrates a high level of during and postproduction analysis, Identifies intricate strengths and weakness in great detail. Actual score:


Possible Score: 42 Points

Overall Grading:
Overall Score Overall Score Overall Score 1 18 19 32 33 - 42 Towards the required level At the required level Beyond the required level

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