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Oracle Applications Receivables Interview Questions

1. What are the different Invoice matching types? 2. Explain the different steps in implementing Autolockbox? . What is the dbnumber of a particular cusotmer !"A? #. !ell me about !"A? $. What are the different !ransaction types in A%? &. 'ame some (lexfields in A%. ). What is the link bet*een +, and A%? -. What kind of transactions can be created using AutoInvoice? .. What are the underlying tables and validations re/uired during AutoInvoice Interface? 10. Explain the steps involved in !ransfer to 12 from A% and A3. 11. Where can you find the "ustomer payment terms? 44 h56customer6profiles

Order Management Interview Questions

1. What are the 7ase !ables and Interface !ables for +rder ,anagement? 2. What is +rder Import and What are the 8etup9s involved in +rder Import? . What are different +rder !ypes? #. Explain the +rder "ycle? $. Explain the +rder to "ash (lo*? &. What are the 3rocess "onstraints? ). What are validation templates? -. What are different types of holds? .. What is :ocument 8e/uence? 10. What are :efaulting %ules? 11. When an order cannot be cancelled? 12. When an order cannot be deleted? 1 . What is order type? 1#. What are primary and secondary price lists? 1$. What is pick slip? !ypes? 1&. What is packing slip? 1). What are picking rules? 1-. Where do you find the order status column? 1.. When the order import program is run it validates and the errors occurred can be seen in? 20. What is a 3ick 8lip %eport?

21. 'ame some tables in shipping;order;move order;inventory? 22. <o* is move order generated? 2 . What is the difference bet*een purchase order =3+> and sales order? 2#. What is +'! stands for? 2$. What are the re/uired fields *hen entering an order in the +rder Entry 8creen? 2&. When you run the Auto Invoice? *here does it get the order details from ? 2). What is drop ship in +,? 2-. What does 7ack ordered mean in +,? 2.. What is Advanced 8hipping 'otice?

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