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Shamar Crosland Mrs.

Hensel English 3 September 11, 2013

Topic Proposal: GUNS!

Statement of Purpose: The Purpose of conducting this research project is to understand more about guns and why America government does wants to take gun away from the American people. What are the requirements to owning a weapon or to caring it out in public? How much does a weapon cost? What are the punishment and/or fine when you commit a crime with you using the weapon? Is the government going against the second amendment? Background: I used guns in the past before. Use to go to the gun range with my uncle who is an army ranger in the military who knows how to clean a gun, take care of it, and fire when needed. In hunting season me and my dad would get our camouflage and go hunting like were in the military for deer rabbit and anything that is legal for us to hunt. Significance: Its important to learn about guns to show why we American need guns in our country to protect our lives whenever we feel threaten to use them or should the Government send the United States National Guard on us to confiscate our pistols and rifles. Description: I will do my research by using blogs in guns, and go online using media like CNN and FOX News to see their opinion why we need guns in America. I will read two books, one name Gun Fight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America and the other

name More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. I will do interviews with my uncle in military, my cousin who is in a gang (cant tell you or I have to kill you), and a police officer. Methodology: I will first start reading books first then go on my media blogs to see what their bias opinion, and then Ill do interviews. Problems: 1. How many guns are there? 2. How do guns get into the hands of people who use them to commit crimes? 3. Who should be excluded from owning a gun? 4. Do magazine limits actually work? 5. Why do people own guns? 6. Is there a relationship between levels of gun ownership and levels of crime? 7. What percentage of the entire universe of gun owners commits gun crimes? 8. How are gun crimes and gun ownership spatially distributed? 9. How do guns move from producer to consumer?

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