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iZone Top News: 2012-2013

Winter 2013 Gates Next Generation Education Week: Short-Cycle Efficacy Trials Key to Personalize !earnin" #ece$%er 2&' 2013 iZone Academy The Wall Street ournal: (i"h School )ith No )alls Ta*es Shape #ece$%er 10' 2013 !"# $ode%or& Ex'ansion E'och Times: +1 ,illion -n.est$ent in Co$p/ter Science E /cation in City #ece$%er 10' 2013 The Ne( )ork Times: Teachers Tell 0s (ow to 1i2 Science an ,ath #ece$%er 3' 2013 N)$ *+E: Chancellor )alcott 4nno/nces +1 ,illion E2pansion of Teacher Trainin" an Co$p/ter Science Classes -n P/%lic Schools #ece$%er 3' 2013 ,all 2013 School o- +ne . *ata /elease ,or0es: Teach To 5ne Earns Pro$isin" ,ar*s -n ,ath !earnin" No.e$%er 21' 2013 Gotham Schools: 1o/r years in' -6S6 227 hits its stri e with hi"h-tech $ath pro"ra$ No.e$%er 13' 2013 E'och Times: New Personalize ,ath Pro"ra$ for Schools Shows Pro$ise 8Press 9elease: No.e$%er 13' 2013 N)1: #5E;s E2peri$ental Classroo$s Show Pro$isin" 9es/lts No.e$%er 17' 2013

Gotham Schools: St/ ents in hi"h-tech $ath pro"ra$ saw %i" "ains' report says No.e$%er 17' 2013 EdSur&e: <Teach to 5ne'= or Teach to So$e> No.e$%er 17' 2013 *i&ital "earnin& No(: New St/ y Shows ?ains for St/ ents 0sin" Teach to 5ne ,ath Pro"ra$ No.e$%er 17' 2013 School $hoice *esi&n $hallen&e Education Week: )ith New Technolo"y' N6@6C6 )ay for 5pen #ata #ece$%er 3' 2013 !road(ay World: Noo le Arin"s N@C (i"h School Search Process 5nline 8Press 9elease: No.e$%er 1&' 2013 1ando *aily: 4pps loo* to re /ce the pain felt when N@C st/ ents apply to hi"h school No.e$%er 13' 2013 Education Week: N6@6C6 T/rns to 5pen #ata to (elp )ith (i"h School Choice No.e$%er 13' 2013 *NA #n-o: Si2 4pps !a/nch to ?/i e 1a$ilies Thro/"h (i"h School 4 $issions Process No.e$%er 13' 2013 2echin&er /e'ort: The School Choice #esi"n Charette: 4 new path for inno.ation in p/%lic schools No.e$%er 12' 2013 EdSur&e: -nno.ate N@C St/ ents Bote for Aest School Choice 4pp No.e$%er 12' 2013 N)$ *+E: New @or* City #epart$ent of E /cation 0n.eils 4pps fro$ the School Choice #esi"n Challen"e No.e$%er 12' 2013 Gettin& Smart: iZone=s School Choice #esi"n Challen"e #e$os Toni"ht No.e$%er 12' 2013

Essential Allies $hallen&e Education Week: N6@6C6 School Syste$ -ss/es Parent-School Partnership Challen"e 5cto%er 1C' 2013 Summer 2013 !lended "earnin& #nstitute All 3oices: Classroo$ 1or 5ne Please Septe$%er 17' 2013 Education Week: N@C iZone !a/nches Alen e !earnin" -nstit/te D -nno.ation Challen"es E/ne 2&' 2013 S'oti-y 4usic 2ackathon ,or0es: Aac* To @o/r ;Tech-Centric; School 4/"/st 23' 2013 1o'So': Spotify=s (ac*athon contest $er"es $/sic an e /cation in N@C E/ly 10' 2013 ,ast $om'any: Spotify an New @or* City Schools ?et To"ether to (ac* on ,/sic E /cation E/ly 3' 2013 2y'e0ot%com: Spotify FN@C ,/sic E /cation (ac*athon 9espon s To 9eal -ss/es E/ly 3' 2013 EdSur&e: ,/sic ,eets E /cation in ,/sic E (ac*athon E/ly 1' 2013 Sound $T/": Spotify ,/sic Tech (ac* will 1oc/s on" 9eal Challen"es 1acin" N@C P/%lic Schools E/ne 2C' 2013 EdSur&e: Spotify an N@C #epart$ent of E /cation Colla%orate on ,/sic (ac*athon E/ne &' 2013 S'rin& 2013

Ga' A'' $hallen&e EdSur&e: -nno.ate N@C Schools 4i$s to Connect E /cators D Entreprene/rs 5cto%er 1G' 2013 The Ne( )ork Times: Closin" the Proficiency ?ap in New @or* Schools 4/"/st 1H' 2013 EdSur&e: ?ap 4pps Pa.e )ay 1or E tech Ecosyste$ ,ay 30' 2013 EdSur&e: N@C #5E 4nno/nces ?ap 4pp )inners' 5/tlines Ne2t Steps ,ay 27' 2013 N)$%&o5: Chancellor )alcott 4nno/nces )inners of the ?ap 4pp Challen"e 8Press 9elease: ,ay 27' 2013 EdSur&e: N@C#5E iZone -ss/es 1irst E tech Challen"e Ean/ary G' 2013 2012 i"earnN)$ Gotham Schools: St/ ents who $isse class after San y now ha.e online option No.e$%er 20' 2012 Gotham Schools: 9eflectin" 5n 4 @ear 5f Alen e !earnin" E/ne 17' 2012 Exchan&e 4a&a6ine: #esire2!earn an the New @or* City #epart$ent of E /cation 9eco"nize with Platin/$ !earnin" -$pact 4war E/ne 1&' 2012 Gotham Schools: )ire 5ly$p/s st/ ents race towar own pace ,ay 21' 2012 iZone 370 EdSur&e: N@C;s iZone3H0 "ets personal E/ne 12' 2012 iplo$a at their

..GENE/A".. Go5ernin&: (ow So$e Cities 4re Creatin" Per$anent Pipelines of -nno.ation E/ly 3' 2013 1ando *aily: E /cation start/ps: The %otto$-/p approach oesn=t wor* here Ean/ary 2&' 2013 EdSur&e: )hat -t Ta*es 1or Start/ps to )or* with New @or* City;s Schools No.e$%er G' 2012 2ar5ard: A/il in" a C/lt/re of 9D# in ?o.ern$ent ,arch 12' 2012

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