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Name: Gabby LaTorre and Ashley Beals Action Plan Proposal What specific issue will you address?

Bullying and the bystander effect

Class: A2

Date: 1/8/14

GOALto find out why people become bystanders in a bullying situation.

What actions will you take to reach this goal? ACTION STEP 1- Set up questions for survey

How will you measure the impact of this action step? You cant ACTION STEP 2- survey people

How will you measure the impact of this action step? Measure the responses that we get from the survey ACTION STEP 3- Set up PowerPoint

How will you measure the impact of this action step? With the outcome of the PowerPoint set up ACTION STEP 4- Present PowerPoint about bully bystander

How will you measure the impact of this action step? Presenting the PowerPoint

What resources will you utilize to accomplish your goal?

I will use survey monkey to get my survey out there, and Facebook to post the survey so that people can do it. I will use Microsoft to make my PowerPoint and present it.

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