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Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

Gulf Shores Association Inc.

18650 Gulf Boulevard
Indian Shores, FL 33785


March 2, 2009


The meeting was called to order by property manager, Carol Shier at 7:00 P.M.

A quorum was established with 80 owners represented by proxy or in person.

Proof of notice was presented and accepted.

Motion made by Alice Dasenbrock, seconded by Billie Philips to approve the minutes of the last
annual meeting. Motion unanimously approved.

Carol Shier led a discussion with the members regarding the upcoming paint project. This project will
include necessary repairs to the front column, a number of windowsill replacements and other repairs
identified by the structural engineer. The repair and paint project will also include any necessary
repairs to the walkway surface, including power scrubbing and re-sealing. The consensus of the
membership was that a color change to the building is desired, with two or three colors used, to
modernize the look of the building. Methods of obtaining the required membership vote for a material
alteration were discussed, with the majority deciding that a vote to change the color would first be
obtained, at a duly called membership meeting. If the color change is approved, a second vote, which
will be a mail out “ballot” will determine the actual color. The mail out choices will be approved by a
majority in attendance at the Special Meeting of the Membership to vote on the material alteration.

The volunteers who counted the ballots were thanked, and the election results were announced. The
new Board of Directors are Barbara Cantero, Alice Dasenbrock, Yolanda Duran, Robert Fox and Ray

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted

Carol Shier, LCAM

Resource Property Management

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