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A visually recognizable and distinctive mark used to represent a company.

Now that you know your company inside and out, it’s time to start designing

3" wordmark
the first piece of visual your identity: the logo. Remember, a logo can be a sym-
bol, wordmark, or both, so be sure to explore a variety of combinations in the
first round of rough thumbnails. Sketches will be narrowed down to five dif-
ferent ideas which will be developed digitally. From that, one final logo design
will be refined and finalized.

DUE: Wednesday, September 16
Forty (40) logo thumbnails (hand sketches) ------15"------
Turn in at the beginning of class; individual crits during class

DUE: Monday, September 21
Five (5) digital logo roughs–small group crits 1"

DUE: Wednesday, September 30

One (1) final color logo, One (1) final grayscale logo–large group crit
Mounted on separate 15 x 20 black mat board, 3" and 1" height scale

* Despite your best intentions, it is expected that your logo will need revisions and tweaks throughout the semester. As you design your
identity toolkit and develop a supporting campaign, you will invariably need to make adjustments to your logo. Be prepared to continue
revising this piece, rather than consider it final on September 30. The success of your campaign (and final grade) will depend upon the
continued development of your logo.

EVALUATION FOR: ____________________________________________________________________ ___ / 30

Technique Craftsmanship, neatness, exactitude, finesse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Layout Composition, legibility, readability, spatial relationships,

use of design principles and elements (type, image, color)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Concept Appropriateness, quality and originality of ideas and creativity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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