16 Proverbs

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Iv, (p.864) as (p. 865) | “THE PROVERBS. 4 7% provers ot Solon the wn of Da-) LE. tha Provera: Haba Or Pe aia orks EETUR, Tag mrovern, ak as Ors rot acto tton latina intracion; | Wiad agape ne Min et To, perceive the Ywords of “an ee ee te) aerate 8 *To rebtive the tinstruction of wisdom, | Nos lection ‘of umnn wisom, but SF Divine rales Jastice, and judgment, and equity : mn oaven for enet : Putian eagmentandematy? | RUILE Sa wan To the young man knowledge and dis- x th 12 in Bee 13 a Rev. 8 19, cretion. in Jas. 4. 6, | 1 Pet. 5. 5, swith near and wit merece) Ht age Ante vandentaningsbaanin | ett unto wise counsel: And also allusions, as in Rom. 12. 16, &e. 6*Tolunderstand a proverb, and *the inter-| te Sieucteve Seb distnguiance che ain divisions ‘pean cf ean fy ch cme asp The “words of the wise, and their dark | fis mar f the who wal the monmens th sayings. “hy” Solomon. Some proverbs are for a ruler, others 7 ne feat of “the LORD is °the beginning |at¥yusenat Samy ener \ ot uowledge: Se ne er Re cea 30 9); 0 die But re eee, swindom and tastruc [coe aaa Mogens (Sh 152. oo SETI eet seat ata get a een aa syamyan, ot gain, watiat ice Saeeaie a So eee et et Erne et ata a Fee Te eee a sama bing “Be” hon Bot, Sent ton A 0 eng is ae pnt hg whale a rein fe Teed pi SENT te i aad ae le sha Sb Raagenhoh yi Fe aes antago atta ithe a Rohe ete deta ee Ne Ee eet NT ee eg eee ee ee ene eee en aetna re 2 ort Fara ean ot ean 1. ib Basan sean Hin Onecrenerca am "Ener intel as renter Saramago Seamer, gat ty fame Pam rnaerenndeanding ome, “ae lie; oder icant ony ind ance ay ed ede aig Modus radete’ hl “oreenes goat wench ard theses th reed a Insight, rendored wisdom.” (12. ¢; 23. 0); eloowhere rondered “understanding ” (&#; 18.13; 16.29), and Siprudénee” (18. 19,” For" sound wisdom”, soe note on 2.7. “instruction =-edmenition or discipline. Sometimes rendered “chastening”™. wotda- sayings. Heb. rat. Seo Ap. 15, No.V. URdOF: standing. “Heb, binaa, See note on,‘ wisdom, 2." 3 wiadom, Hel what Seo note on v2 (No. 8), iMbove. 4 #ubtilty —pradonce. Same root ag Gen. 8.3, Cp. Mate 10. fe. 1 Sam, 28.2. Not the same word as Gen, 27, 35,” ‘simple ~artles, gnileless, unsuspecting, Cp. v.24 52; 7.7; 8.6; 9. 4 18; 14.16, Teyu9. 26; 21,11; 92.9; 21s. B will hear.” Illustrations: Eunuch (Acts 8.27, 30): Sorgius Paulus (Aste 18.7); the Boreans Acts 17, 21,13); Apollos (Acts 18, 21-29, @ the interpretation = sire, of the point of what ig suid. Occurs only here and Heb. 2 19. 18 (A, p. 864). THE WORDS OF THE WISE”, FOR SOLOMON (FOR A PRINCE AND A KING). " SBOOND PERSON(" MY SON”, “THY, “THEE®,'“ THOU”, “THINE") THE “MOTHER”, (Repeated Alteration) AN ae Wiadom' Cll [Bi [2-22 ‘The Foreign Woman. AP |B. 1d a7, Wisdom's Gall BF | 5. 1-43, Tho Foreign Woman, Call | AP [8 12, Window's Cal {BS |. a9 te, The Foolish Woman, words. Hob. dabar, Ap.78.x. 7 fear=revoronce, This expression occurs fourteen times in Proverbs (Loza0 2 o5 S19; 8. to; 10, 975 14, 26,473 1B. ey a9; 18,63 1029) 22.4; 98.12) Seo Ap. the Heb. Jehovah. Ap. & TL. the beginning, Andonly the “beginning; not theeud. Tt i not om tat. "True wisom into jntty Godan fondamn oneal, Seo nato on JoR 3B ty and cp PLIIL i, fools. Heb. Weil, In this book three Heb, words are rendered * fol ‘careless habit of mind and ody, Occurs r sepa ts, t65 143, 9: 15.95 10.325 9734; 20,3; 2475 21. 320; 20.0. ‘stupid, which comesor it, showing itself in impicty.” Ovcurs forty-nine times in Proverbs, viz wv. 2,32; 8.38; ‘5b; HOl3, sn, 45, 12.29; 18.16) 10, 20; TL 3, 16, 24,28; 18.7, My BO 17.26, 1% 16, By 26,28) 1B. G25 10. 1,19, 13,30; Bh 407 Bs to, i 12728 26 29. 1,207 and eighteen times in Beelbsinstes. (8) nada yecurs only three timet in Proverba: vie. 17. 7,180.22; not ‘Heclesinstes. deep lespised, &e. Tilustrations Cain (Gen. 4. 6's); Hophui and Phinchas (1 Sam. 2 135); Nabal (¢ Samm, 35, 0); Rebtoboam (1 Kings 12.1); Atheninns (Acts i. 38.3); jews and Grocks (1 Cot. L 14,2341 AD (cont) «p. 866) 8 °My son, °hear the *instruction of °thy ‘iather, And forsake not the law of *thy mother : 9 For they shail be an “ornament of grace unto thy head, And chains about thy ° neck. 10! My son, if” sinners entice thee, “Consent thou not. U1 Ifthey say, «Come with us, Let us lay wait for °blood, Tet us lurk privily for *the innocent °with- out cause: 12 Letus swallow them upaliveas “the grave; ‘And whole, as those’ that go down into the “pit: 18 We shail find all precious substance, ‘We shall fill our houses with spoil | 14 Cast in thy lot among us Let us all have one purse: 15 My son, walk not thou in the way with Refrain thy foot from their * path: 1g For’ thelr feet run to evil, | nema haste co med blood 17 Surely *in vain the net is spread In the sight of any bird, 18 And tie Tay wait for their own blood s ‘They lurk privily for their own ‘lives, 190 are the wa} of every one thet fs of gain, Which taketh away the ‘life of the! “owners thereof, | 20 ° Wisdom crieth ° without; | ‘She uttereth er voice in the “streets: | 1 She crieth in the chief place of con-| ‘course, In the openings of the gate Inthecityshe uttereth her "words, saying, 22 “How long, ye ‘simple ones, will ye “love ‘simplicity 2 And the scorners delight in their scoring, ‘And ‘fools bate knowledge? 23 °Turn you at my reproof: “Behold, I will pour out my “spirit unto you, ‘will make known my words unto pei” 24 Because Ihave called, and ye refused; | Thavestretched out my hand, and no man NGgurieas 25 Bal Jer fave set at nought all my And" would hone of my reproot! 26° also will laugh at your calamity. Iwill mock when your "fear cometh 27 When your fear cometh as ° desolation, d_yout ° destruction cometh as a whirl- wind; ‘When distress and anguish cometh upon ‘you. 28° Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; ‘They shall seek me early, but they shall | ‘hot find me: 20 “For that they hated knowledge, | ‘And did not choose the feat’ of *the LORD: struction =calamity. a8 Then, &c. Ser Uiette Beale 818, Hos.5& 29 8. PROVERBS. 1. 29. 18 My son. ‘See the Structure(p. 84) for the portions soaddrossod (1. -e--0. 16; 10. 20-3¢; 27, 1—29, 27,80. 81. 11. Occurs fifteen times in this member (AD, and ‘oly in the other corresponding members (D, Ds A). ‘bene, “IlsnentionsTeane (Gen, 151) Men (Bib. 11-30); ‘Samuel (1 Sam. I. 34; 2.185, 819-01) ‘Timothy (2 Tim. Acts 16.1, 2 thy fatter. ‘The address s educational, this being the duty of tho father, corresponding with’ A, 81, contrasted with the wordy of the wigo", also addeesed tomy won” (10, 2024, 4 81, 4. 1) ‘thy mother. Op. si, i-» 9 they: Ive instruction and law. ornament © garland, heck. Showing cheerful and willing obedience, in contrast with stiffneckodness (Bx, 8% ¢) and pride (Usa. 8. 16), So0 also Gen. 41. 42. 20 sinners. Heb. chata’.” Ap 4d. i Consent thou not! Iilustentions: Joseph (Gen, 89. 4,10); prophet (1 Kings 13.1, 0); Jehoshaphat (r Kings 3b 4 contrast + Cheon 18.3} 20,907); Jonah (Chow rae, 11 blood. Fig. Mealepse (Ap. ©, “blood” put for bloodshedding, nnd then bloodsledding pat forthe one ‘whose blood vas shed.” See ea, Heb ety 8, Dik "Heb. bor a hole toned oe Gog” Menco a dry pit ar grave Cp Gen. 93 18 path, ome codices, with Arnm., Sept, Sy, and Vag, rend “paths (3h) 16 thoir foot-=they. Put by Fig, Symecdoch2 (ofthe Part), Ap.6,for the persons who ran. Quotedin Rom. 8.1% evil mischiet. “Heb ria’, Ap dd vi 17 in'vain, fe. ‘tavailsnot. ‘Fig: Paremia. Ap. 6. ‘The sight of ‘the not does not deter the binds, ‘Chey (empha) still go on to their eaptare and death. The rext verso requiros this sense. "So men go on i th | evit ways, chong they know it eto their own rain (18) "18 lives-sowla. “Heb. mephesh. Ap. 12. 19 Life= soul. Heb, nephesh. Ap. 13, owners. “Heb. ba'al, tin ts17, The “owners” of a soul are liko the “owners” af wings, and are caught in their own trap with theic eyes open, 20-83 (Note the Extended Atornation in these verses). ‘81 10,21. The Call made, 1b | 22. Expostulation of Wisdor with the simple, (| 2s. Promise to hearers | 24,25. The Call mad | bn-s2, Rxpostulation of Wisdom with refers, | 31. Promise Uo hearers 20 Wisdom. Heb, Seo note on 1. 2, 19 publicity of her call ‘specially mbont the dda fe. Ton. 69.16, 80. role 16.31. ‘The Hllipais of this verb has frequently. to bo supplied, Soo note on Ps, 1086 ‘2 love. ‘The second foutnre, ance fn 2 ‘23 "Tarn, &r. Torn [and listen to) my reproot, Behold. Fig. Auteriamos(Ap.6), to emphasise th con. ditional promiss. spirit, “Heb. seach Ap, 0. Bat by Fig. Metonymy (of Subject) for al spiritual blosings. ‘24 refused: Jo, rofusod [to hear}, ey. 2-93, Be sie I, Wisdom, fear'= whut You fear." Fons pat by Fig. Metonymy ) Ap. 6, for the calamity which produced the (of Case) fea. Noto. tho Introversion in Heb. of feat", " Nanguish”, in vv. 26 27, "The first was fgno- empest Tsrael (Dent. 1, For that=Forasmuch as, 48), S00 nleo Tan 1.15, ‘568 (cont) (p. 866) BI (p. 865) 1.30, 80 They would none of my counsel: wey despised all my reproof, ‘1° Therefore shail they eat of the fruit of their own way, And be filled with their own devices, 82 For the turning away of the ‘simple °sball | slay them, ‘And the prosperity of *fools shall deatroy | Ps ‘them. 88 But whoso hearkeneth unto me °sball ‘dwell safely, And shall be quiet from fear of °evil.” “My son, if thou wilt receive my “words, ‘And *hide my commandments with thee’ 2 So that thou” incline thine ear unto * wis.

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