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Basic Terminology Pressure wave Blast wave Shock wave Compression Rarefaction front and tail Diaphragm Free-field

explosive driven blast waves Shock tube generated blast waves Far-field explosive driven blast waves Explosives Shock front and tail Mach Number Shock velocity Rankine-Hugoniot Eqn Fiso Optical pressure sensor Trigger sensor Digital pulse Counter

Shock Tube Theory Shock tube is an instrument used to replicate and direct the blast waves in order to simulate actual explosions and their effects on the objects. A shock tube consists of rectangular or circular cross section.

A shock tube consists of three parts- Breech Driver section high pressure section - Barrel Driven section low pressure section - Diaphragm rupture membrane A shock wave inside the tube may be generated by small explosion or by the buildup of high pressures which cause the diaphragm to burst.

Concepts of Explosive Safety UN Classification of Hazardous Materials/Goods: Why Classification? For hazard communication to first responders during transportation emergences To recognize incompatible substances & to avoid risk of ignition or damage Hazard classification indicates the initiation effects of various explosives Classes of Hazardous Materials/Goods: Nine Classes of Hazardous materialsClass 1 Explosive 2 Gases 3 Flammable Liquids 4 Solids 5 Oxidizing Substances 6 Toxic & Infectious Substances 7 Radioactive Materials 8 Corrosive Substances 9 Bio-hazard, Miscellaneous dangerous substances

Division of classes Six Hazard divisions of Class 1 (Explosive) HD 1.1 Mass Explosive Hazard Eg. Assembled rocket motor, HE HD 1.2 Projectile Hazard or Fragment Producing Eg. HE Warhead, Missiles HD 1.3 Mass Fire & Thermal Radiation Hazard with minor blast or fragment Eg. Composite Propellant, Flaring Agents HD 1.4 Moderate fire, no blast or fire Eg. Proof Ammunition HD 1.5 Explosive substances very insensitive (with a mass explosive hazard) Eg. Safety Fuzes HD 1.6 Explosive article, extremely insensitive Eg. Thermal batteries

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