Exploring Social Issues Flyer

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Through this lesson, students will: Communicate their comprehension of social issues, and their impact locally and in society at large Collaborate with peers to create art that expresses their views about social issues of importance to them Present their knowledge and ideas to their classmates and the teacher addressing these social issues youTHink lessons are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. This lesson is recommended as an introductory lesson, and is appropriate for students in grade 4 to 12.
To register for a lesson or for more information, please contact Lisa Sueki at lessons@youthink.org
65 0 5 W il shire B lvd, Suite 100, Lo s Ang e les, C A 90048 p. 3 23 -7 61 -8311 | f. 323-761- 8990 | w ww.youthi nk.org youTHink is a program of the Zimmer Childrens Museum

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