24 Cosmic Principles

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24 Tattvas

(Cosmic Principles)

Brahman/Paramahiva (The Formless Source)

Puruha / hiva (Pure Being / Consciousness Divine Masculine)

1) Prakti / hakti (Pure Nature / Will Divine Feminine)

2) Mahad (Universal Intelligence) & Buddhi (Individual Intellect) 3) Ahakra (the Ego or I-maker) Trigua (Three Cosmic qualities) Rajas (Quality of kinesis / movement)

Sattva (Quality of equilibrium, clarity, and potential)

Tamas (Quality of inertia, dullness, darkness)

From the interaction of Sattva and Rajas: 4) Manas (Individual, instinctive mind) From the interaction of Tamas and Rajas: Jnendriyas (5 Facuties of senses) 5) hrotra (Hearing) 6) Tvak (Touching) 7) Cakhu (Seeing) 8) Rasana (Tasting) 9) Ghra (Smelling) Organic Karmendriyas (5 Faculties of action) 10) Vak (Speaking) 11) Pi (Grasping) 12) Pada (Walking) 13) Pyu (Procreation) 14) Upastha (Elimination)
Each tanmtra is the quality of the adjecent mah bhta in the following table.

Tanmtras (5 Objects of sense) 15) abda (Sound) 16) Spara (Feel) 17) Rpa (Form) 18) Rasa (Taste) 19) Gandha (Smell)

Mah bhtas (5 Great Elements) 20) ka (Ether / space) 21) Vyu (Air) 22) Agni (Fire) 23) pas (Water) 24) Pthiv (Earth)


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