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Chapter 10 Trends in the future, challenges and opportunities for businesses

Trends in the future

There are five trends that will continue to affect businesses within the next decades, and they are: 1. globalization; 2. shifts in population demographics; 3. changes in resource availability; 4. increasing growth in service economy; 5. development of information technology.


There are five trends that will continue to affect businesses : globalization; shifts in population demographics; changes in resource availability; increasing growth in service economy; development of information technology. Globalization means changing the operation and communications as the world gets smaller.

As the relation between the needs and resources for businesses is no longer balanced, the appearance and the development of a new type of resource knowledge is a reality. The scientific researchers prediction consists in dramatic changes in climate and disrupting the human societies.

The balance between manufacturing and services is inclined and will continue to be inclined for the services. The challenge and opportunity for the businesses will be to meet the expanding outsourcing trend.

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