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Bruce Gray

Property Management Contractor Services


63 Russell Ridge Rd. Searsport, Maine 04974 octoberfest52. a!"

This is a contract between my company and the following property owner : Mr. Douglas S. Thornton 465 W. erret Street !lmhurst" #$ 6%&'6 6(%)5%&)&46* The contract in,ol,es repairs and ser,ices at the owner-s home address : &&4 Middle Street Stoc.ton Springs" Maine %4/*& The repairs and a progress report are as follows: #tems needing attention : &)yard and porch trip ha0ards and debris. ')roof has missing shingles" moss build)up" curled and lifting" une,en and wa,y ()windows in need of paint 4)soffits1facia1ea,es in need of paint 5)garage door needs paint

2rogress report 34anuary 5" '%&46 : !nitire front of house 3including windows6 facing Middle Street has been cleaned up" painted and repaired. 7epairs to the roof are scheduled to be completed by 8pril &" '%&(. 2lease feel free to come inspect the property at any time to ,erify repairs.

Signed by 9ontractor" :ruce ;ray Date

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