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PRONOUNS Choose the correct answer. 1 Ravi and I are boy scouts. __________ have meeting every Monday.

A 2 We B They C Our

a!ina and Raveena are "riends. ________ go to a #rivate schoo! in $eta!ing %aya. A We B Our C They


Be care"u! o" that rose #!ant. There are thorns on ___________. A them B it C they


My "riends and __________ (i!! be going cam#ing ne)t (ee*. A her B his C she + I

The man __________ !ives ne)t door is a "ireman. A (hom B (ho C (hose

The tea is very hot. Be care"u! not to burn ___________. A yourse!" B myse!" C itse!" + herse!"

Come here/ !et me ta*e a !oo* at that cut on __________ "inger. A its B their C your + yours

The (oman __________ handbag (as snatched/ made a re#ort at the #o!ice station. A (hom B (hose C (ho + that

The !itt!e gir! __________ I (aved at is my niece.

(hom B




My sister (or*s in a "actory ________ ma*es ovens. A (hose B (ho C (hom + that


Mr A3!an has t(o chi!dren. 4e !oves ___________ very much. A them B you C his + those


I am the o(ner o" the house. It is ___________. A his B theirs C hers + mine


__________ #air o" shoes do you #re"er? A Who B Whom C Which


Ra5a !i*es cats. ________ has "ive cats in is house. A 4is B 4e C 4imse!" + Its


This is a s6uirre!. __________ has a !ong tai!. A Its B It C Itse!"


Ram!i and I visited the museum. ___________ sa( many interesting things. A We B They C 4e + 7ou


The e!ectricians are here. Te!! _________ (hat to do. A (e B them C he + their


I cannot "ind your boo*/ iti. Where did _________ #ut it ? A yours B yourse!" C you


I met 8ie( Mei at the !ibrary yesterday. I s#o*e to _________ "or a "e( minutes. A him B her C he + his


The hammer is on the cu#board. $!ease bring _____________ to me. A them B those C them + it


The #u#i!s en5oyed ____________ at the birthday #arty. A them B itse!" C themse!ves


The *itten "inished a!! the "ood by _____________. A itse!" B its C herse!" + himse!"


Those ru!ers are ___________. 7ou must get their #ermission to borro( them. A ours B theirs C yours + hers


___________ gave her a !i"t home !ast night. A Me B 4is C I + Mine


Can you #!ease give those boo*s to ___________ ? A her B herse!" C she + it

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