Espaol II - Midterm Review Information

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Espaol II Gua de estudiar: El examen del semestre Content & Format The midterm exam is cumulative and therefore

will include information from chapter 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B. Your exam consists of three different parts including multiple choice, speaking and writing. The multiple choice section will include vocabular and grammar from all chapters that we have studied. !or our speaking portion, ou need to review the vocabular from each chapter and be prepared to talk about someone"s dail routine #reflexive and non$reflexive verbs%. !or the writing portion, ou need to review grammar and vocabular from each chapter and be prepared to answer several short answer &uestions regarding the main themes of each chapter. These themes include what ou do in school, what ou do after school, and what our dail routine is #reflexive verbs%. 'f ou choose to complete the writing section, ou ma view the &uestions ahead of time b downloading them from m website. (You should use our vocabular sheets, grammar handouts, stud guides and our textbook in order to prepare for the exam. Additionall , ou can visit the links on m website for extra practice and review.(

Captulo 1A: Qu haces en escuela )l vocabulario p.1*, 1+ #visuals and words% , -. #complete list% )l presente/ 0egular 1A0, $)0, $'0 verbs and irregular verbs like estar, ser, tener ir, ver, hacer #and other 23 verbs%, , gustar p. +, 14, -5 6tem$changing verbs in the present tense p.27 o oue #dormir, poder, costar, almor8ar, volver, devolver% o eie #empe8ar, comen8ar, preferir, &uerer, pensar, entender% o e' #pedir, servir, repetir% o uue #onl 9ugar% Affirmative and :egative ;ords p.51 (You are using these verbs and vocabular to describe what ou do in school(

Captulo 1!: Qu haces despus de las clases )l vocabulario p.-< , -7 #visuals and words% , <* #complete list% =as comparaciones los superlativos p. 45 6aber , >onocer p. 4< )l presente (You are using the verbs from the chapter and the vocabular in order to describe what ou do after school(

Captulo "A: C#mo te preparas )l vocabulario p.7- , 74 #visuals and words% , +<#complete list% =os verbos reflexivos regulares p.*. =os pronombres reflexivos/ me, te, se, nos, os, se p.*. =os verbos reflexivos irregulares p. *. o despertarse #eie% o vestirse #ei% o acostarse #oue% 6er v. )star p.*< #las con9ugaciones los usos% =os ad9etivos posesivos p. ** (You are using the verbs from the chapter and the vocabular in order to describe our dail routine(

Captulo "!: Qu ropa compraste )l vocabulario p.1.2 , 1.5 #visuals and words% , 12- #complete list%

$lease ma%e sure that &ou prepare in ad'ance and start to stud& a little (it each da&) I *ill (e a'aila(le a+ter school a +e* da&s i+ &ou need help) Additionall&, the -ational .onor /ociet& has tutorin0 a+ter school on 1ednesda&s)

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