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Lesson Plan Subject/Grade: SBI3U Period: 1 Topic: Evolution

EXPECTATIONS: 1.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 (p.52-53) TEACHING LEARNING RESOURCES: powerpoint, computer, iPads, textbook, LESSON SEQUENCE: Introductory Activity: Students will observe a video on evolution and write 3 things they learned, 2 things they found interesting, and 1 question they still have Evolution: Developmental Strategies: 1. Evolution powerpoint presentation introducing adaptations, mutations, and selective advantage 2. Adaptations video/song: 3. Students will be assigned a living thing and identify its adaptations via research on iPads Culminating Activity: Students will present their findings on the board and the class will copy these examples into their notes

REFLECTION & SELF-EVALUATION: - Students thoroughly enjoy being hands on and doing research in pairs or small groups - They work quietly and dont need to be frequently cued - Allot more time at the beginning of class to ensure the projector and laptop are hooked up - Submit attendance sheet at the beginning of class

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