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Look at the sentences and put a tick if the sentence is right and correct it if its wrong

1. My sister play volleyball every Monday 2. My parents have lunch together at work 3. Jenny finish school at 4 o clock 4. Mike plays the piano very well . ! gets up very early fro" Monday to #riday $. My aunt hates going to the doctor %. &hey usually watches &' at night (. )o"eti"es "y father have a bath in the "orning *. +e never study #rench 1,. My brother "akes delicious cakes 11. -er cat always sleep on the sofa 12. &heir cousin often drinks orange .uice 13. )he study every day 14. ! buy a new pair of shoes every "onth 1 . -is sister eat cookies every afternoon 1$. &hey usually calls their uncle on )unday 1%. )he never has lunch 1(. +e go out on #riday night 1*. /ick loves listening to "usic 2,. 0ur dog have "any toys to play

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