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Megan Gunderson Prole Im Megan Gunderson, and I am fteen years old. I currently attend Pinckney High School as a Sophomore.

I am a honor roll student at my school with a G.P.A. of 3.6. I am a exible, reliable, and a dependable hard-worker. I am a motivated self-starter. I work hard, and will always follow through on my commitments. Experience Horse Babysitting, for the Hardys: Hamburg Michigan- 2013-Present Scheduled the release of the horses into the pasture. Managed animal feeding times Exercised and worked horses daily Distributed medication to the farm animals Cleaned barn daily Provided lawn and garden maintenance care Petsitting, for various neighbors: Pinckney Michigan- 2010- Present Responsible for walks, feeding, medication, and general play for the animals. Took care of dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, cats, horses and sh Babysitting, for the Andersons: Pinckney Michigan- 2011-2013 Promoted good behavior Took kids to the park Supervised play dates Overlooked homework completion Prepared meals for kids Education Pinckney High School, Pinckney, Michigan Honor Roll Student with G.P.A of 3.6 Skills Procient withe Apple and HP computer software Strong communication skills Works equally well as an individual or with groups Very neat and organized References Karen Yanick: 1(810)-231-3672 Jen Hardy: 1(810)-772-8452

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