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Problem Based Learning 1. What is Problem Based Learning 2. Steps in Problem Based Learning a. Explore the issues b.

List "What do we know?" . !e"elop# and write out# the problem statement in $our own words d. List out possible solutions e. List a tions to be taken with a timeline %. List "What do we need to know?"

g. Write up $our solution with its supporting do umentation# and submit it. h. &e"iew $our per%orman e '. (d"antages o% PBL ). !isad"antages o% PBL *. +ow !oes PBL &elate to Best Pra ti es? a. Prin iples o% Learning b. Prin iples o% ,ea hing Experimental Method 1. What is Experimental -ethod? 2. Se"en steps o% the S ienti%i -ethod a. Step 1. -ake obser"ations b. Step 2. .orm a h$pothesis . Step '. -ake a predi tion d. Step ). Per%orm an experiment e. Step *. (nal$/e the results o% the experiment %. Step 0. !raw a on lusion.

g. Step 1. &eport $our results. '. Experiments in the Laborator$ ). (d"antages o% laborator$ experiments *. Limitations o% laborator$ experiments

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