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Lesson plan Subject: Moral Studies

Unit: "alue lass: #ear $ !igma Date: 1%th !ept 01

Session/conte!t: "alues of !elf &nhancement "e# S$ills: Team workers' &ffective participants' (eflective learner "e# %ords: )elief in *od' Trusts' !elf-esteem

Lesson &bjectives+ To understand the benefits of values to themselves and the communit,. To generate an idea of practicing these good values in ever,da, lives. To understand the imports of having a good self-values. Lesson &utcomes: !tudents will be exposed to their responsibilit, towards themselves. !tudents will produce an information sheet in exercise book with images of self- values


Activities Starter

10 mins

A starter game related to the topics.

Resources/Differentiation -powerpoint

30 mins

0 mins


actvity Main

A PPT will be shown to students to explain each sub topics containing definitions and examples from local and abroad situations. !tudents will be encouraged to discuss their works and compare to each other.

-video clips -worksheets

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