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From Lotus case:

once it is admitted that the effects of the offence were produced on the Turkish vessel, it becomes impossible to hold that there is a rule of international law which prohibits Turkey from prosecuting Lieutenant Demons because of the fact that the author of the offence was on board the French ship ! "udgement #o $ %page &'( http:))www ic*+ci* org)pci*)serie,-)-,./)'/,Lotus,-rret pdf

what occurs on board a vessel on the high seas must be regarded as if it occurred on the territory of the 0tate whose flag the ship flies 1f, therefore, a guilty act committed on the high seas produces its effects on a vessel flying another flag or in foreign territory, the same principles must be applied as if the territories of two different 0tates were concerned, and the conclusion must therefore be drawn that there is no rule of international law prohibiting the 0tate to which the ship on which the effects of the2offence have taken place belongs, from regarding the offence as having been committed in its territory and prosecuting, accordingly, the delin3uent

"udgement #o $ %page &4( http:))www ic*+ci* org)pci*)serie,-)-,./)'/,Lotus,-rret pdf

The conclusion at which the 5ourt has therefore arrived is that there is no rule of international law in regard to collision cases to the effect that criminal proceedings are e6clusively within the *urisdiction of the 0tate whose flag is flown ! "udgement #o $ %page '/( http:))www ic*+ci* org)pci*)serie,-)-,./)'/,Lotus,-rret pdf

Of the 127 individuals whose bodies were recovered from the site of the Rosehill, according to forensic examinations that both parties to this case accept as reliable, 117 had died on board the ship. The other 10 (all of whom were malean! were found drowned and floating in the water a short distance from the vessel. ("larification #o. $!

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